Chapter 04

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ބR a s p B e r r y 04 ބ
When Regrets comes a little bit too late

I was startled when I heard a sudden ringing of my door bell. It was already in the middle of the night and I was already enjoying my dream. I stood up frowning as I grumpily went out of my room and made my way to the door.

‘ya! Wait up i’m coming! Aish!”I grunted as the doorbell didn’t stop from ringing. “Ya!” I hastily opened it really angry but madness instantly died down the minute I saw my girlfriend


“Sandy?” Swinging the door open I was shaken as the light from my living room finally revealed her face smudge with her tears as she was sobbing hard while calling my name…

“Oppa!” Dara ran towards me burying her face into my chest.

“Shhh…. why are you crying what happened” I asked worriedly wrapping my arms around her protectively. Pushing her petite body into me… rubbing her back to calm her down

Dara shook her head. I know she wasn’t ready to tell me yet so just cuddled her to my embrace

Dara was sobbing so hard that it made her breath hitch, making it hard for her to breath properly.

I tried to calm her down as I took her into his bedroom and let her sit on my bed with me kneeling in front of her. I took her hands and gently wrapped it around my own kissing it after.

“baby what happened?” I gently caressed her hot cheeks and wiped her tears dry. “You’re making me worry… tell me” I hushed her gently

Dara looked up and I was taken a back. I never saw her this sorrowful. For all the years that we’re together…. I have never seen her cry like now

I saw her hesitating….


Abruptly Sandy kneed down in front of me and took my free hands again…
“Joongie you need to help me… we need to help yoochun oppa… Yu….Yunmi wants us to take care of him”

“what are you talking about?.. why do we need to take care of him?” I asked back frowning… I have to admit I was getting jealous

“he’s a big guy he can very well take care of himself” I added earning a glare from my girl. “What?”

“If you don’t want to take him in, I will” She stood up wanting to leave only that I pulled her back to me.

I know she’s hiding something, and I know whatever it is… it’s something big

“what’s wrong Dara?” I hastily pulled her back to face.

“Jaejoong….” She started to tear up again as she slowly revealed to me the reason why she’s acting that way.


I felt my body shook as reality slowly sunk in. I felt my girlfriend hugged me as we both silently cried for our friend
We sat beside each other for a while and waited till we both calmed down

“So… what does she want to do now?” I asked looking at Sandy’s bloodshot red eyes

She shook her head and replied “Let go…. she said she’ll let go… it doesn’t matter anymore… Yoochun oppa just needs to be happy… for the last remaining days… he needs to be happy…. he…. has…..” Sandy can’t help but cry again remember the situation that our friend is in to.

“Where is she?” Yoochun growled in pain as he trashed everything in the hospital room

Dara and Jaejoong was just trying to keep him from hurting himself more

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msdeathstalker #1
Chapter 10: kyah what a story..... sobs
mizzpink18 #3
Wow. That was beautiful. I was hesitant to read it at first since it wasn't Jaedy-centered. But then, I was glad I did. Thank you for this! You're a great writer! ^^
4th chap--waah!!an instant proposal!!! ah..that's so sweet! take that yunho..oh..oh...
3rd chap--guys are sometimes jerk. friends with benefits huh/lol..i thought yunmi is innocent, so that's what dara talking about!
2nd chap- so jaedy is already together here? and poor yunmi, that's !
1st chap--yunmi is allover your fic. is she some made up character?keke.and sweet dara!
why tehre's so many wonderful fics now when my time is up??my sister wants to kick me'm subscribing!!!