Chapter 03

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R a s p B e r r y 03 ބ

When regrets comes a little bit too late

Looking at my girl who’s a bit pissed off made me cringed on my seat as I eye down my friend who’s eyes were about to shut, his head hanging low and was mumbling something about how stupid he is.

I saw her pouted at me as if telling me that she’s getting bored by what’s going on. I shook my head at her and she, knowing exactly what I meant pursed her lips further to a pout making me giggled by her cute action.


“Ahh Yunmi ah…. where are you?… why did you….have to go with him!?? Mimi ah! Please come back… please…” I patted Yunho as he kept on mumbling about Yunmi.

“Ya! You really are stupid!” My girlfriend slap Yunho’s shoulder. I know she really hated him for making Yunmi miserable for the last couple of years. I have to agree with her as well. But to further aggravate him wouldn’t help either.

My friend did somehow tortured Yunmi so much that it caused her to even ran away with another friend of mine. Who’s ironically, was in love with her secretly as well for the longest time.

Everyone knew what their relationship was. Yunho and Yunmi were more than friends but never lovers. Yet to those who are close to Yunmi, all knew that she treated, cared and loved him more than what Yunho gave her.

He was just blind, too damn blind that even his own feelings were tossed aside…. or maybe he’s just too stubborn to even entertain it.

I felt a tagged on my shirt and as I averted my gaze from my drunk best friend to my gorgeous girlfriend who did nothing the whole night but to pout and cursed Yunho.

I gently took her hand and caressed it. Giving her the please-understand-look. Misunderstanding was never a problem to us. Our problem were always solved even before it get worse. Or maybe I am just lucky to have her as my girl.

I took her hand kissed it gently making her smile at me shyly. She pouted at me knowing that she doesn’t have any other choice but to just stay and accompany me. Not unless she’s leaving me alone there in the club, which I highly doubt would happen.

It has been almost two since Yunmi left with Yoochun but the pain of regrets never left Yunho even for a single minute.

I can’t remember how many times my friend get drank, wailed, cried, almost taking up his own life for her. He never did once stop looking, even went to Paris to look for her. But he always comes back empty handed.

I could see the severeness of the effect on him not being with Yunmi. It’s as if he has lost his will to live… it looks like he has lost his soul… and maybe he felt like he lost his heart.

But I know Yunho knew that there’s no one else to blame but him. He has Yunmi with him for years yet he didn’t take care of her. Instead he have caused her so much pain… those pain that I guess was more painful because it was caused by the only person she love.

As I held on to Dara as we both looked at my drunk friend I hugged her from the back and kissed her cheek.

“Baby I love you, please don’t leave me like what Yunmi did”I whispered into her ears pulling her closer to tighten the hug. I could hear her giggle as she turned around to face me. Wrapping her slim arms around my neck

“Why would I leave you when I love you so… not unless you want me too?” She said smirking as she gave me a peck on my lips. I like how Dara loves me. She’s gentle and kind. She could be angry at times but when she’s not…? she’s the sweetest girl ever.

I can’t help but imagine myself getting married to her…

I Kim Jaejoong, will make sure that she, My dara will be the love I will love for the rest of my life.


I took a headache pill as I grabbed my hair to ease the pain brought by my hangover. It was almost noon when I woke up, i think I did really get drunk last night too much that I could not even remember going home or how did I get home.

Heaving a deep sigh I groggily went out of my room and went to my kitchen, went directly into the fridge and got myself the milk, drinking at once into its open lid. Yes, I did not even wash my face and mouth yet. Who cares? I’m alone anyway. Whatever I am doing doesn’t concern anyone anymore.

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msdeathstalker #1
Chapter 10: kyah what a story..... sobs
mizzpink18 #3
Wow. That was beautiful. I was hesitant to read it at first since it wasn't Jaedy-centered. But then, I was glad I did. Thank you for this! You're a great writer! ^^
4th chap--waah!!an instant proposal!!! ah..that's so sweet! take that yunho..oh..oh...
3rd chap--guys are sometimes jerk. friends with benefits huh/lol..i thought yunmi is innocent, so that's what dara talking about!
2nd chap- so jaedy is already together here? and poor yunmi, that's !
1st chap--yunmi is allover your fic. is she some made up character?keke.and sweet dara!
why tehre's so many wonderful fics now when my time is up??my sister wants to kick me'm subscribing!!!