Chapter 11

Next Door Weirdo

"Hey," Jeon Jungkook waved with a nervous smile painted on his face. Jungkook was a basketball player in the high school, popular with the girls and it didn't hurt that he was good looking."Sorry I'm late," Eunbi smiled.

And Jung Eunbi had a double date with him.

"Don't be late next time then," Yuju grumbles as he glares at him.

Did she forget to mention that Yuju and Chaeyeon was the other couple. And that Yuju was a jerk?. Oh well...

Eunha sent a 'stop it' look to Yuju who only pouted."It's fine Jungkook-shi. We're waiting for Yuju's date really," Jungkook smiled with relief and stood beside her.

"She'll be here," Yuju said. Eunbi sigh and asked Jungkook who was suprisingly quiet. Jungkook was known as one of the talkative ones in their grade.

"I heard you shot the winning ball on last week's game Jungkook-shi," Jungkook grinned and nodded.

"Yeah Jimin help me a lot. So I only did the shooting," Jungkook continued talking about basketball which made Eunbi falter slightly as she didn't really like sports. Maybe the only sports she liked were walking or breathing.

"I see...," Eunbi smiles, though she wanted to frown when he continued talking of sports. It can't get worse, she thinks.

"Yuju-oppa!," Chaeyeon waves from the opposite side of the street. Eunbi scowled, things could always get worse."Sorry I'm late, the traffic was crazy," She said as she held Yuju's arm.

"I know right. Crazy traffic huh?," Jungkook agreed.

"Let's go," Eunbi murmurs and grabs her date's hand to their destination. The two couples stop at a cinema, the girls picking the tickets while the boys getting the food.

Jungkook grinned at Yuju with a nervous expression."So you know Eunbi really long right?," Yuju nodded."For how long?," Jungkook asked.

"Since I was seven years old," He answered coolly while paying for the popcorn. Jungkook nodded and followed Yuju patiently.

"Did Eunbi ever talk about me?."


"You about me or ever mentioning me?," Jungkook blushed. Yuju frowned, wanting to snap at the other guy or even smack him.

But Eunbi would kill him so he settled for a harsh glare"No. Not once," Yuju said coldly. 

"A-Ah I see...," Jungkook looked at his feet. 

"Hey boys come on," Eunbi called them. 

The two realised something that day, they realised that double dates weren't for them. Yuju also realised he didn't like when Eunha was with someone else cause it made his heart ache for some reason.

"It's Christmas you two cheer up!," Their friends told them as they walk in the Christmas party. Yuju grumbled a few words under his breath while Eunbi was red all over.

"What happened?," Mina, a classmate, asked casually.

"Nothing!," The two said in unison, causing Mina to raise her brows in suspicion. Sana, thankfully reads the situation and bring Mina away.

In truth their parents had made such a fuss of the two. Sowon had teased the two on their weird friendship and asked if they 'were official yet'. Gaining blushes from the two childhood friends. And it led to an quiet, awkward car ride.

"I'm gonna find Seokmin," Yuju tells her over the loud music and dissapears a minute later.

"Whatever," Eunbi mumbles and walks to the drink bar. Sana was still there with a bored looking Mina."Hey," Sana immediately rushes and latches on Eunbi's arm."What?."

"Sooo..why were you two acting all weird?," The Japanese girl questions."It's our last year as high school students you know," Eunbi shruggs and plays it cool.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Eunbi says as she takes a sip from Sana's drink. The other girl pouts but then brightens up and whispers something in Mina's ear."Why are you acting weird?," The short haired girl retorts.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sana replies slyly. Mina nods and walks into the sea of people."But you know Eunbi-ah, I have something to tell you. But it's noisy in here. So meet me in the balcony alright," Sana winks.

Eunbi opens to say something but Sana is long gone. She blinks back a sudden headache and breaths heavily. What was happening?. She shakes it off and makes her way to the balcony.

"Sana-ya?," Eunbi calls as she spots someone leaning on rail. Tall, broad shoulders and short hair"Yuju?," The boy in question turns to meet her eyes in suprise.

"Eunbi?, isn't Seokmin here? Mina said...oh," The two look everywhere except each other. Eunbi was cursing a certain blond Japanese while Yuju just stood awkwardly.

"I'll go back inside," Eunbi said. Yuju bits his lip then his eye catches something above them. He grabs her arm and turns her to face him."W-What the?."

Yuju leaned in and placed his lips on top hers, kissing her tenderly. Eunbi stands frozen, just when she snaps from Yuju's sudden kiss, he pulls back with a blush. But puts his forehead on hers.

"W-Why?," Yuju smiles a goofy smile and points above them, to a mistletoe."Sana," The two said and giggled.

"Eunbi-ya I-," Someone cuts them off.

"IT'S LOTTERY TIME!!," A speaker yells. Eunbi smiles and grabs his big hand into her little one.

"We'll talk later," She promises. He nods, and grins at her.

 AHHHH!! this whole week was amazing~ Gfriend made my holiday. And the Got7 and GFriend dance was my gooddd. But sorry for the wait.


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Chapter 14: Author-nim.... Where are you TT_TT
Chapter 14: Author-nim,, are you going to continue this story?? I really want to know
Hi authornim, I just wanna say that u have an awesome story line and I hope one day u will finally update this story. Or not? Anyway I hope u have a good day! o(〃^▽^〃)o
Chapter 14: updatee
Chapter 14: update jusaeyo~
Chapter 13: Daebak ! I think this is the first fanfic that yuju be a man here . Quite special because all the sinju fanfics that i had read , sinb be the man
genes_hong #7
Chapter 13: Well Yerin is cute lol
efra_yosef #8
Chapter 9: Umji is like her real self (ie. Rich) hahaha
genes_hong #9
Chapter 10: Eunha is a nurse?
genes_hong #10
Chapter 9: Thank you for the update authornim despite your busy work! Good luck on you last year of highschool

Thank you for making me laugh out loud coz:
Yerin is a guy here but he use strawberry body wash, wow so manly of him LMAO XD
What a cool boy yerin-ah ROTFL