7 Bangtan Princes


"Hey, I'm taking Nova!" Mom announced as she burst through my door, scaring me half to death.

"Do you know how to knock?" I yowled with aggravation. "And why are you taking Nova so soon? I've only had her 4 days!" 

"Your father and I are going on a business trip and I want to take Nova." She picked up Nova from my lap and kissed my cheek. "Has that friend called you out?"

"Who?" I raised an eyebrow, pausing my drama. 

"That guy who dropped you off a couple nights ago." 

"Oh, Jung Hoseok." I nodded. "No, he hasn't. He's not that close of a friend, you see." 

"You were dressed all fancy, I doubt it."

"I told you, it was a party." I rolled my eyes and reached up to pat Nova. "We part again, my lovely." 

"Boo-hoo." Mom teased, taking her leave just as quickly as she had come. 

I stuck out my bottom lip and threw my blanket off of me, getting up for the first time all day and heading to the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of water. I've been watching dramas all day instead of sleeping. How am I going to do my shift tonight after not sleeping after my shift last night? 

I finished off my water and went back to the living room, collapsing on my couch as my phone went off. I haven't gotten a call from any of the boys in like 2 days, ever since Jungkook and I went bowling. I guess that space ends today. 

I answered it quickly. "Hello?"

"Let's go to the fair. It's in town." 

"Slow down, who are you?" 

"Aw, you forgot me already. It's Taehyung." 

"Oh, Kim Taehyung. I didn't forget, I just didn't check the ID." I shifted, tucking my feet underneath me. "When do you want to go?" 

"Now? I can pick you up in a half hour."

"You sound excited." I laughed a bit.

"I am. I like these things. Plus I'm a bit impatient. The hyungs always say that I have a lot of things I want to do but no patience for it all." 

"Same. I'm impatient as well." I nodded. "Let's go then. Pick me up in a half hour." 

He hung up quickly afterwards. I sighed, turned off the TV, and hurried into the shower. 

I need to look like a human today. A nice human at that. 

Taehyung is really cute, I feel a bit more pressure going out with him alone than I did with Hoseok and Jungkook, though those two were stunning as well. There's just this charm about Taehyung that makes me feel a bit uneasy. 

He's a total player. 

I bet. 


"Hi!" He waved at a little child as she ran into him. 

"I'm sorry." She ducked her head and ran off. 

"You seem to be a people person as well."

"I guess." He shrugged, gazing at the fair rides. "Let's go on that one first!" 

He pointed to a ride that spins you around the entire time. He's going to make me sick. "Sure, let's do." I agreed, hesitantly. "Also, I thought you weren't going to call me for a while? Jungkook said you might not like me much." 

He paused and looked at me with a serious expression for a moment before flashing a smile and a little giggle. "I wasn't. But I wanted to go to the fair and no one else did. It's true, I don't really like you much but I need you nonetheless so I invited you here." 

I nodded. "I like your honesty. I hate sugar-coating." 

"Me too." He started his way to the ride again and I followed quickly behind. He didn't look angry or bored when he told me he didn't like me... He looked sad. I wonder if he wanted to go here with his past relationship like Jungkook hinted at. I must be a sore sight for him if they just broke up. 

We stood in line and I grew a bit more nervous. Will I be able to not get sick on this ride? I'm afraid I'll get sick and embarrass myself... 

"You look nervous. You must not ride these sort of rides often. You're not going to be like Hoseok, are you?" He looked at me with a tad bit of annoyance with the mention of Hoseok. 

"Like Hoseok?"

"He's afraid of rides, especially rollercoasters. He just sits there and screams."

"No, I'm not afraid of them. I just don't ride the spinning ones often." 

He smiled with relief. "Good. You can't take Hoseok anywhere and if you were like that, I was going to be a tad annoyed." 

"I saw." I mumbled to myself. "I can't see Hoseok being scared of a ride though, that's kind of funny." 

"It is, for us. But Hoseok hates it." 

"Of course, it makes sense that he would." I sighed. 

I glanced at Taehyung as he tapped his fingers on the railing impatiently and began biting his lip. I bite my lip because of a nervous tick I have but he bites his lip when he's impatient? 

The ride stopped and people began getting off. I watched as they walked off a bit dizzy. Yikes. The guy running the ride let us in and Taehyung bolted over to a spot and waved me down as I made my way over as well, people filling in around the spot he had picked. 

"Here, you go on the inside." Taehyung got out and helped me sit down and then sat down beside me. Since the ride was at a slant, he was forced very close to me since I was on the inside. "You look pale." 

"I told you, I don't ride the spinning ones much." I bit my lip and glanced at him. He was tightening our shared seatbelt and helped the guy who checked the seatbelts out by letting him have room to pull it a bit. 

"They're not bad." Taehyung laughed a bit. "Don't close your eyes, you'll get sick if you do. And if you still feel sick with your eyes open, scream. You can't get sick if you're screaming. It helps keep it down in a way."

"You seem to be an expert on not getting sick." I joked. 

He shrugged, looking around to try and see when they'd start the ride but he couldn't see. "What's taking so long?"

"He's got to check everyone's seats so no one dies." 

Taehyung slumped a bit and then sat up when the guy announced that the ride was starting.

The ride started off slowly and I already wasn't happy. The seat we sat in started to spin and the floor beneath us began to spin as well. No. This isn't fun. I will do any rollercoaster you could ever want but spinning rides are something I can't do. I hate them.

I looked to Taehyung as the ride gained speed. He was having a blast, his smile so wide I swear I could see all of his teeth in just that smile. That sort of calmed me a bit until my head started to feel funny. I looked for something to grab but there really was nothing to hold onto. Why don't they have that bar in our laps like most rides like this? 

Taehyung looked over at me and laughed. "You liar, look how scared you are!" He mcoked. 

"I'm not scared! I don't want to get sick!" 

"Uh-huh..." He shook his head, not convinced. 

I laughed a bit as his hair went all over the place as we switched directions. "Your hair is a mess." 

"Mine is? You can't see yours?" He countered quickly.

"I bet. I put it in a ponytail to try and control it a bit but oh well." I laughed again, trying to ignore that annoying feeling in my head and the hint of sickness in my stomach. 

I closed my eyes but then remember what Taehyung said and opened them back up. But soon, not soon enough, the ride was over and stopping. 

"We should do that again." Taehyung looked to me. 

"How about later?" I denied it immediately. "If you want me to last all day on these rides, don't make me sick on the first rides." 

He laughed and helped me get out as the ride came to a stop. "Let's go on a ride that doesn't spin then!" 

We walked, both a bit dizzy, a bit away from the ride before stopping and looking around. "When did this fair open? I haven't been to one in a long time because I always miss the days."

"I don't know, I just saw it while riding the bus by it last night." He continued to look around, his mouth hanging open a bit. 

He's got a lot of cute habits. He's for sure a sight to look at as well. I think I've mentioned that before... But he is cute. 

"Stop looking at me like that. Let's go on that one!" He pointed to a huge ride that just went forward up into the air and then backwards and into the air and repeat. It was a ride I was familiar with because it was one of my favorites. No spins and not very long: perfect. 

"Deal." I nodded, following him easily. I winced a bit at my headache from the first ride but I soon forgot about after we were seated on the ride and it began moving. 

I glanced at Taehyung, the best I could from the shoulder harnesses and noticed something that was a bit upsetting. Though he was laughing and throwing his arms around, his face seemed a bit tight and his eyes were clearly showing that he was upset. 

If he wanted to go here with his passed lover then being here with me is such a pain... All he can do is imagine me as his lover and try to have fun. But he's already expressed his distaste in me and he knows I'm not her... How painful it probably was for him.

The ride ended soon and I ended up leaving the ride in a pretty down mood. "That was fun. That's one of my favorites so far." He gazed around again. 

"We've only rode two." I sighed, watching him carefully. He's rushing onto to many rides to try and distract himself from thoughts of her, right? 

"Let's go on that..." I interrupted him.

"Kim Taehyung..." 

"Hm?" He looked shocked and looked back at me. "Did I upset you?" 

"No, that's not it." I shook my head a bit and looked over at a small sweets stand. "Do you want something sweet? I can buy you something." 

He followed my eyes, a smile edging on his lips a bit. "Do you want sweets then?" 

"I asked for you, not me." I mumbled, reaching my hand into my pocket to find my wadded up cash. "I only have enough for one and I want to know if you want one."

He nodded. "I want a sweet."

"Come on." I lead him over to the stand and let him pick something out. He went for a hotteok. I paid for it quickly and gave it to him, seeing his eyes light up a bit as he bit into it. "You like sweets, don't you? You liked ice cream that time too." 

He nodded and went over to a bench and sat down, I followed a bit slower this time. He paused and looked at me. "Don't you want something? I can buy you something..." He reached for his pocket but I shook my head. 

"I don't want any."

He looked a bit confused but continued to eat anyways. "Thanks..." 

"I'm going to ask you something." I watched him with calm eyes. "I'm a replacement for someone today, aren't I?" 

"Yes." He answered quickly. 

"Does this upset you?" 

"Of course it does." He mumbled around his food. 

"Are you sure you want me here with you today? It might just end up hurting you more in the long run." 

"It hurts more being here alone." He turned his back to me as he spoke. "If you don't want to be here anymore then you can go." 

"No, I'll stay with you." I looked away as well and smiled at the families that passed by. "Heartbreak but once you get over it, you'll feel a lot better." 

He faced forward again and I saw a hint of a tear but it was gone before it had fallen. He smiled. "True. This sweet is my favorite, by the way." 

"Is it? It's one of mine as well. But not quite my top favorite." 

"I'm telling you this so that when I call you out again to be a replacement, you can bring me these to cheer me up." He laughed a little, finishing the sweet. 

"Deal. I'll help you heal with sweets." I laughed as well. 

"Let's ride everything in this fair." He announced, jumping to his feet and looking a bit more relaxed than he was all day. 

"Oh dear..." I got up with a smile. "Let's do it." 

And we did. We rode every single ride but one and I only got sick once but it was okay since I had time to get to the bathroom. But Taehyung knew I had gotten sick and made fun of me for the longest time. Now all we had to ride was the ferris wheel. It's already passed 5. I don't want to go to work. 

We got into our own lift and sat a crossed from each other. "I like this ride best." I mumbled. "It's not crazy or frightening." 

"It's okay. I get a bit impatient. I like going up but coming down takes too long." He got onto his knees and looked out the lift. 

"Kim Taehyung, what was she like?" 

"Huh?" He continued to look down. 

"The person I'm replacing. If you talk about the things that hurt, you'll heal faster." 

"She was like you, talks too much." 

I laughed. "I just want to know you better. I know you dislike me but we're stuck for 6 months." 

"That's why we broke up." 


"She knew she couldn't help me with what I needed and I mentioned that I was going to need someone else to help me then. She didn't like the idea and we fought about it a lot. So I decided just to end it there. If she couldn't marry me in the long run then there was no point continuing with her." 

"I agree to a point." I nodded, biting my lip a bit. "I'm sorry she didn't like how things were turning out."

"It's not your fault. And I really shouldn't dislike you but I can't really help but feeling distaste towards you." 

"Dislike me all you want, I don't really know you so it hurts me none." The ride paused at the top for a bit. "Hold on though... Jungkook told me you had a relationship last year but nothing in between. Are you still mourning that lost relationship or is there someone else?" 

"We ended last year but we still fight."

"That doesn't make much sense." 

"No, it doesn't. We can't let each other go but we don't want to be with each other either." He sat back down and glanced at me. "I hate love. It's too complicated." 

The ride began moving again and we went around a few more times before they let us out and we made our way to the front of the fair once again. 

"Hey, Park Hana, do you have anymore money?" 

"What? Do I look rich?" I laughed. "No, I only had enough for the sweet." 

He pouted a bit. "I wanted another before we left."

"You have money." I pointed to his pocket.

"It's not worth my money." He brightened up and skipped ahead of me. 

"Yah, what the hell..." I mumbled to myself and caught up with him. "Thanks for bringing me here, even if I was just a replacement." 

"Yup." He popped his words a bit and smiled. "You work at a nightclub, right? You should let me have free drinks." 

"How do you know this?" I gave him an odd look. "And no, I can't do that. Plus, you might be a bad drunk and I don't want to be in charge of you." 

"Fair enough." He nodded. "Jungkook told me. I asked about you last night because I wanted to make sure you were free today before I made the effort to call." 

"You guys are close, aren't you?" 

"Yeah, you can say that." 

He's not as open about his relationship with Jungkook as Jungkook is with him. Everyone is different, I guess. 

"Do you want to go to karaoke with us, Park Hana?" He paused and looked at me as I stumbled to stop as well. 


"All 7 of us like to go do karaoke sometimes. You could join us and meet the ones you haven't met yet. It's actually a really fun time and no one would protest with you being there." 


"We've been talking about sometime this week, probably Thursday. Wait, is that tomorrow?" 

"No tomorrow is Wednesday." I laughed at his confusion. 

"Whatever, same thing. We've been thinking Thursday." 

Karaoke Thursday and then piano with Yoongi the next day? Sounds busy... But whatever. "Sure, I'll go." 

"Deal." He spun on his heels and continued his way. "Do you want me to drop you off at home or you good?" 

"I'm good." I stopped in my tracks and watched as he continued to walk with his hands in his pockets and his head up high. He held himself with confidence even though he's hurting. I feel bad. 

"See you then." He spoke without even looking back and continued to walk. 

I watched him go until he was out of sight before I pulled out my phone to see multiple texts. Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook... What do they all want? I guess I haven't really been looking at my phone today since I was at the fair for so long with Taehyung.

I opened Hoseok's first.

From: Jung Hoseok

I want to invite you to karaoke with the 7 of us this week. Interested? 

To: Jung Hoseok

I was actually already invited by Kim Taehyung today. But I'm going, yes... :) 

I then moved to Yoongi, feeling a bit of excitement as I saw his name. 

From: Min Yoongi

You free? I'm feeling bored. 

To: Min Yoongi

So you contacted me instead of your other close friends? I'm honored but I'm actually going into work at 7pm so I can't entertain you. Sorry! 

From: Jeon Jungkook 

Taehyung asked about you last night. Did he end up taking you to the fair? I'll be super surprised if he did. I'm sorry if I sound nosy, I'm just curious what is on his mind. He's pretty closed off lately. 

To: Jeon Jungkook

He did take me to the fair, it was actually quite fun. He told me that he dislikes me and he also told me that I was a replacement today. I bought him a treat though and he liked it enough to invite me to karaoke. Your friendship with him is cute. 

From: Kim Namjoon

Would you like to join us for karaoke? By us I mean all 7 of us. It would be cool to have you there. 

To: Kim Namjoon

Kim Taehyung already invited me, Jung Hoseok as well. I'll go though. 

I sighed. I'll need to take off work that night. My phone buzzed a few times to reveal texts from Namjoon and Jungkook. Yoongi must not like the fact that I can't entertain him.

From: Kim Namjoon

Taehyung did? 

To: Kim Namjoon

Yes, Kim Taehyung ... 

From: Kim Namjoon

Interesting. Ok, see you then. 

From: Jeon Jungkook

Cute? I do not see it as cute! ///// Anyways, I was just interested. Bye, Hana.

To: Jeon Jungkook

Even in text I can't stand that.

From: Jeon Jungkook


I shook my head and glanced at the clock. I should probably head home. I need to change my clothes before work. 


"I'm going to start closing up." I called to my boss but she was already out the door. "Not like you were going to, you're already gone." 

I switched off the dim lights and switch on the bright lights, noticing a man still sitting at a table. Didn't everyone leave already? 

"Excuse me, we're closing up now. You're the only one left." I tapped his shoulder and gasped with shock as he turned to look at me with lazy eyes. Kim Taehyung? 

"Oh? You work at this nightclub?" A lazy smile came to his lips and his breath reaked of alcohol. He's totally drunk. 

"Kim Taehyung..." I sighed. "Did you want to drink that badly today? How long ago did you come?" 

He looked around and his mouth fell open, a small chuckle coming out as well. "I don't know. Can I have another drink? I'm out." He pointed to his empty bottle. 

"You don't need another." I walked to the bar and filled a cup with water, going back and placing it in front of him. "Drink this instead. I'm cleaning up and then I'll take you home, okay?" 

He ignored me and downed the water, wrinkling his nose a bit. "Water?" 

I ignored him this time and cleaned the place up quickly. By the time I was done cleaning, he had passed out on the table. I slipped the building keys into my pocket and grabbed his phone that had been placed on the table. 

I saw a lot of new texts from what was probably his ex-lover. I also saw the drunk texts he had sent to her but I refused to read them and went to Jungkook's contact. He probably won't be up at nearly 4am. I guess no bowling for me tonight. 

"Tae?" Jungkook's voice was hoarse. "What is it?" 

"Your friendship goes to these limits as well? Cute!" I and then sighed. "Kim Taehyung seemed to have gotten himself in another fight with his ex-lover. Do you want to come get him or tell me where he lives and I'll drop him off there." 

Jungkook yawned into the phone. "Hana?" I rolled my eyes a little with a smile. "Was he drinking?" 

"Yeah, does he do it often?"

"No, not usually. He must have fought with her to have gotten himself drunk." 

"Okay, well, what would you like me to do? I'm tired, I want to go home and sleep." 

"It'd take me longer to come get him. Just take him to your house and I'll come get him in the morning." 

"My house? Are you crazy?" 

"What? He's your fiancè. It'll only be until like 9 or something."

"Okay, fine. Just get him the second you wake up, I don't want to worry about taking care of a hung over person. I need my sleep." 

"Deal." He sighed and hung up. 

I turned off his cellphone and slipped it into my back pocket. "Yah, Kim Taehyung." I prodded his shoulder. "Let's go." 

He didn't move but instead mumbled to me, "Go where?" 

"Home." I prodded him again. "You can sleep at home." 

He lifted his head and nodded lazily. "Let's go, I'm very tired." He stood up and put out his hand. "Take my hand, I'll make sure you get home safely." 

"Me?" I laughed a little, putting an arm around his waist to keep him balanced. "Let's go, you are the one that needs my help, not me." 

"Yah, yah... Why are you touching me like this? We only just met today!"

"Calm down." I let him go and turned off the lights, opening the door quickly as he followed me out the door. I locked the door and ran up the steps to catch up to him and turn him the other direction. "Wrong way."

"But my house is that way, I think." 

"I can't trust you." I linked my arm with his and pulled out my phone to call for a taxi since the buses weren't running this late. Usually my boss takes me home but today she had to leave quicker than normal. Of course an event would take place for her to do that when I needed her the most. "Hello? Can I get a taxi at _____ ____? The sooner the better. Thanks." 

I hung up and put my phone away again. I glanced at Taehyung who for the most part looked sober until he tried to talk or walk. But he was rather composed for a drunk man. It was impressive. 

"This isn't a good impression, you know. Telling me you hate me and then getting drunk and making me take care of you. It's not a very good impression of you to me." 

"Impression... I don't care." He sighed, hanging his head a bit. "You're just someone I need for 6 months. I won't need you after that, nor will I want you." 

"Yeah, yeah, I got it, I got it." I grumbled. "Don't fall asleep. At least wait until the taxi gets here." 

"Taxi?" He laughed a bit, picking his head back up. 

"Yes. Buses don't run this late, remember?" 

"Of course I do." He sighed again and then went silent, his mouth hanging slightly open as he spaced out. 

"You do that even when you're sober, so I've noticed." I mumbled to myself. "What an oddly cute habit to have." 

The taxi finally arrived around the time the cold started to set in and I quickly helped Taehyung get in the back seat before running around to the otherside and sliding in beside him as well. 

"_____ ____, please." I handed the money to the driver and he set off. "Thank you." 

Taehyung opened his mouth to say something but his head dropped and he was out again. At least he's not a loud drunk. I wonder what they talked about to get him to drink anyways... Jungkook even said he doesn't drink unless prompted. It must have been something bad. 

I pulled out my phone and stared at the black screen, my eyes drooping. What am I even doing? Taehyung isn't my business, why didn't I just force Jungkook out here? Why did I pity Taehyung so much today? I don't even know him...

I clutched my phone a bit and sighed, looking out the window. I wonder what Taehyung needs from me that his lover couldn't give him... I can't think of anything. 

The urge to check through his phone was really strong but by the time I couldn't handle the temptation anymore, we had arrived at home. "Thank you, again." I smiled to the driver and got out, running around to the otherside and basically pulled him out as well. "Yah, wake up. Just a little bit more, hm?" 

He whined a bit but came easily the rest of the way. Getting him up the stairs was a struggle because he kept tripping but eventually I had gotten him into the apartment, switched on the lights, and then got him into my room. I guess I can give him my bed for tonight... I'll just move back to it after Jungkook fetches him. 

I took off his plaid overjacket and he collapsed on his own in the bed, falling asleep almost instantly. I hung his jacket on the bed post. "Okay, fine." I laughed a little, fixing a pillow under his head and then pulling the blankets over him. "Don't drink like this anymore.You obviously can't drink." 

I switched off the lamp and exited the room, shutting the door. I'm exhausted. I fetched a pillow and a small blanket from the closet just a crossed from my bedroom, switched off the rest of the lights, and threw myself down on the couch, too lazy to change. After getting myself settled in, I fell asleep fairly quickly. 

Taehyung is causing all sorts of troubles for me on day one of knowing him. 

But he's cute... So I don't know if I mind too much.


"Where am I?" Taehyung's voice woke me up a bit. 

"Be quiet. Hana is sleeping!" Jungkook shooshed him. 

I shifted a bit, trying to go back to sleep when I realized it was morning and Jungkook was fetching him. 

"Hana? How close are you with her already?" He lowered his voice only a little bit. 

"Not that close but I won a game. Let's go." 

"But I want water, my head and my throat is killing me..." Taehyung whined. 

"You're seriously going to wake her up. She worked all night and then had to take care of you. This isn't even your house!" 

"But my head." 

I opened my eyes and sighed, getting up slowly. Jungkook and Taehyung looked at me with shock and Taehyung lowered his eyes a bit. 

I went into the kitchen and poured him a glass of water, handing it to him when I reached him again. "Here." I yawned a bit. "Drink this and go." 

Taehyung tried not to laugh as he took it carefully. "Your hair is a mess." 

"Well do you expect me to wake up neatly?" I glanced around. "Let me sleep, please." 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Jungkook mumbled in apology as Taehyung drank his water like nothing happened. He seemed to have woken up with no worries of last night. 

"Ah." I went over to the couch and sought out his phone in the cushions. "Here's your phone." 

He took it as well and gave me a wide smile. "I'm sorry for showing you that side of me. I don't drink much." 

"I don't need to know, everyone has their excuses." I walked to my bedroom. "Get home safely." 

Taehyung and Jungkook were making their way out of my apartment by the time I reached the door and entered. At least Jungkook kept his promise.

I crawled into bed and slept a few more hours before Namjoon's call woke me up. 

"Hello?" I sought out my phone that had somehow stayed in my pocket. 

"Were you sleeping? It's like 4pm..." 

"I work overnight." I sat up with a yawn. "What is it?" 

"I wanted to let you know that we'll meet for karaoke at 6pm tomorrow." 

"Okay, where at?" 

"One of us will come get you, don't worry about that." 

"I can just get a bu..."

"Don't worry about it." He repeated. "You can sleep more if you want, that's all I was calling to tell you." 

"I have a question before you go." I rubbed my eyes and woke myself up some more. "Have you spoken to Kim Taehyung today?" 

He chuckled a little. "I have, why?" 

"Did he tell you why he drank so much last night? I'm curious." 

"That's not something for you to know. You hardly know him." 

"Yeah, well, I know that." I sighed. "Never mind. I'll ask him next time he calls me out. I was just curious since I was the one who had to take him in for the night."

"Well, Ms. Curious, go ask him yourself." He joked a little. "See you later." 

I hung up and tossed my phone to the otherside of the bed. I have to work again tonight... I took off tomorrow though, like I said I would. Just one more night. 

Well... Time for a shower then. No more sleeping now. 


I was dressed and ready for karaoke long before the time Namjoon has mentioned. He didn't tell me if it was formal so I just went with casual and nothing over the top. I doubt it would be formal anyways since 7 guys did this on a regular basis. 

A knock brought me out of my thoughts and I slipped on my shoes and opened the door to see Hoseok. "Been a while, hm?" He gave me his usual big grin. "Ready?" 

I nodded. "Seems you're always taking me places." 

"Right?" He laughed a bit and followed me down the steps. "But this time we're taking a bus." 

"See! I could have just taken the bus myself, why did Kim Namjoon make you come all the way out here?" 

"It's called manners." He boggled his head a bit. "Namjoon is old-fashioned sometimes." 

"But why'd he pick you to come get me? I'm not complaining, I'm curious." 

"We played rock-paper-scissors and I lost. But I didn't complain either way, I get along with you well." 

"I get along with you too so I'm glad it was you. You or Jungkook would've been fine." 

We fell into a sort of silence. Hoseok was humming a song the entirety of the time it took to get to the bus stop but I enjoyed it. It was a comfortable way to keep things from getting awkward.

"Did you sort things out with your mother from the time you ran off with me?" I asked as we waited for the bus. 

"Sort of." He shrugged. "We don't sort things out, we just kind of pretend we forgot about it." 

"Well that works too." I glanced at him. His facial features are unique... I think that's what makes him stand out compared to the the others. Just like Taehyung's features. Though, Hoseok is a bit more unique than Taehyung. I can't explain it... Maybe it's the long jaw and the sharp nose? I don't know. 

He noticed I was looking at him but didn't crack a joke about it like usual, but instead he started to hum again. "What are you humming?" I interrupted him again. 

"I heard it on the radio on the way here, I don't know what it's called. It's stuck in my head though, is it annoying?" He grew a bit flustered. 

Cute. "No, I like it." I pulled out my phone. "Do you know there's an app that will detect the song you hear if you hold it to the speakers or sing into it. Humming would probably work too. Do you want to try?" I opened the app and showed him my screen. "Just hum into it and see if something shows up." 

"That's cool..." He looked at with awe and took it from me, humming it again into the microphone. "Oh! Look! It really works!" He got excited when a song title popped up. 

"Let me see your phone." I giggled a bit and took it from him as he tested numerous tunes into the app. I opened the phone and went to the app store, downloading the app quickly. "I downloaded it for you. Which folder do you want me to put it in? Your phone is organized." 

"Music." He commented, still thrilled with the app. 

I did as he said and was astonished with how many music related apps he had. He must really work with music. I'll be able to hear him sing tonight though, hopefully. I want to know his talent. I took the opportunity to check my name in his contacts and smiled when it was just Hana. Jungkook calling me Hana bugs me but for some reason... Hoseok calling me, or even changing my contact, to Hana made me slightly happy. Though it was probably already like that anyways. Maybe I'll change his to just Hoseok. 

I shut off the screen and handed it back. "You can continue to mess around with it on my phone if you'd like." I commented as the bus arrived. "Let's just get on first." 

I went to get on but he sped in front of me and scanned his card twice, sending a wink back to me. Sly... There were no seats left so we had to stand and hang on to the handles. 

Hoseok took the people around us into consideration and stopped messing with the app, handing my phone back. "Now I know what a lot of songs are that I only knew the tune for. Thanks." He smiled widely again. 

I nodded. "It's on your phone too now, don't forget. When you hear a song you don't know and you like, make sure to use the app." 

"Of course." He nodded, slouching a bit to look passed people's heads and out the small windows. "Seoul is busy tonight."

"When is it not? Even when I finish working so early in the morning, people are still out and about." 

"Where do you work?" 

"A nightclub. I'm a waitress." I sighed, embarrassed of my own job. 

He gave an odd look before putting a small smile on his face again. "I think I heard Taehyung talking about your job. He wound up drunk there, didn't he?" 

"Yeah, he did!" I laughed. "It was the funniest thing ever. Not at the time cause I was really tired and bothered but now that I look back on it, it was pretty funny. What are the odds?" 

Hoseok laughed as well. "This is our stop." He pointed to the bus stop as the bus neared a stop. "Ready?" 

I nodded and followed him off the back of the bus and stuck close to his side through the crowded streets. "I haven't been in this part of Seoul for a while." I commented. "It's so much more busy since there is more shops and clubs around here." 

He nodded, focusing on where he was going. "People don't move out of the way for you so be careful." 

"I got it." I mumbled just as someone ran by and nearly knocked me off my feet. "Ouch! Damn." 

Hoseok curled his lips into a mocking smile. "I told you. Just stick close to me and you'll be fine." 

I did as I was told and avoided all the bustling people as we made our way down many streets to find the karaoke bar hidden in a little corner of the street. "This place looks shady." 

"From the outside." He agreed. "The inside is really nice. We rent out a larger room and order food and drinks though, it's enjoyable. You'll like it." 

"I'm not good at singing though." I pouted a bit. "What if they laugh?" 

"We will." 

"Wow, thanks."

"Of course!" He gave another chuckle, holding open the doors for me as we entered. "Follow me."

"Of course..." I copied his phrase. He seems to say 'of course' a lot. I noticed this last time as well. 

We went down a few halls and then entered a dimly lit room on the left. I saw the other 6 sitting on the long couches that hugged the walls and they all looked up as entered. I felt really awkward. 

"Park Hana has arrived!" Hoseok spoke loudly and caused everyone to laugh a bit. 

I recognized all but two. They must be Kim Seokjin and Park Jimin... But who's who? 

"Who haven't you met?" Namjoon stood up and came over to me as Hoseok sat down beside one of the ones I didn't know. 

"Park Jimin and Kim Seokjin..." I spoke a bit nervously. Namjoon's aura is sharp... It makes me a bit uneasy. 

One of them stood up. He was about a few centimeters taller than me but was for sure shorter than all the other guys. He had black hair and a small nose. He was oddly adorable and cute. 

"I'm Park Jimin." He flashed a smile and then bowed a bit. "Nice to meet you Park Hana." 

I bowed as well and had to drag my gaze from him to the other person who remained seated. He looked composed and relaxed. He had brown hair that rested just above his eyebrows and his shoulders were wide. As expected, all 7 of them are drop-dead gorgeous. "You must be Kim Seokjin, yes?" 

He nodded. "Nice to meet you." He spoke a bit informally with me. He must be older. Yoongi spoke that way as well and he was older. I don't remember their ages, I just know Jungkook is the youngest... 

"Now you've met us all." Namjoon flashed a smile, revealing his dimples. "Take a seat, we're picking out our first song still, we wanted to wait for you and Hobi." There's that nickname again. It's such a cute nickname for him. 

I hesitated a bit and found myself sitting on the other side of Hoseok without a second thought. He's more comfortable to be around so far. 

Hoseok glanced at me and gave a reassuring wink as Namjoon started talking again. "Who wants to go first?" 

Taehyung and Jungkook's arms shot up, giving each other a look of disapproval. "Why don't you two just sing a duet?" Seokjin laughed. "You guys do this everytime." 

Taehyung snatched the remote from the table and chose a song at random. "Aw, dude, sweet." Jungkook jumped up. "Duet." 

Taehyung rolled his eyes and got up as well, the both of them grabbing a mic and standing in front of the screen. 

Yoongi moved seats and sat beside me, leaning in to my ear. "We still on for piano tomorrow?" 

"Yes." I glanced at him. "How have you been?" 

"Fine." He moved away and crossed his legs, staring at the two guys as they started to sing surprisingly well to a girl group song. 

Namjoon watched Yoongi until I caught him and he then focused back on the guys. Did I see a hint of hostility? Maybe they had a spat. 

Taehyung and Jungkook finished their song and were trashed on by a few of the other guys. They judge pretty hardcore... 

"How about Park Hana next?" Taehyung cast a glare my way as he spoke. 

"No thanks. I'll go later." 

"Do it!" Jungkook joined in. 

"I want to know if Park Hana can sing too..." Yoongi mumbled. 

I flushed a bit. "Yah, you guys are still strangers to me, why would you make me go?" 

"You housed a drunk guy." Taehyung mumbled, pointing to himself.

"We dropped honorifics." Jungkook added. 

"I teach you piano now." Yoongi joined in too. 

"You went to a party with me!" Hoseok jumped in. 

"Wow..." I huffed. "You guys... Does that make me know you guys better?" 

Everyone cracked up a bit. "Fine, fine. I'll go. But Park Hana goes after me." Park Jimin stood and took a mic from Taehyung. 

Eventually, Jimin's song was cut short as Taehyung and Jungkook lost interest and deliberately trashed his song. The three of them ended up picking songs after songs and singing together as a competition. Yoongi moved over to Namjoon was having a quiet conversation with him. Then Seokjin started arguing with Hoseok on what the best snacks were to order. And then there was me. I sat there and just watched the three singing. 

I wasn't bored or upset that they kind of left me out but I was little confused on the relationships I saw going on here. For example, Namjoon and Yoongi were both serious as they mumbled to each other and didn't look very happy with each other. And then Taehyung and Jungkook were set on making fun of Jimin and beating him in everything he did. I thought they were all close but they seem to target people and that person seemed to be Jimin. 

After a while, Seokjin and Hoseok finally made up their minds and ordered snacks and drinks, leaving the room to go get them. Only then did Jimin stop and turn to share a glance at me for a moment before shutting off the song Taehyung and Jungkook were singing.

"Yah, hyung." Jungkook glared at him. 

"Park Hana wants to sing." Jimin looked at me again with a warm smile. "We kind of left you out, didn't we?" 

"That's okay, I don't want too..." I shook my head nervously. 

Taehyung noticed how flustered I was and gave a smirk, coming over and pulling me over to the microphones. "Sing." 

"Why?" I yanked my arm from his grasp, slightly angry that he'd pull me. 

"Because I don't like you." He gave me a serious look, attracting the attention of everyone in the room including Seokjin and Hoseok who had returned with food. He smiled and sat down beside Yoongi and Namjoon. 

I bit my lip a bit and sighed. "I don't want to sing right now." 

Hoseok put the food down, watching Taehyung with careful eyes, and then sat down. "If you don't want to sing, don't. Don't listen to Taehyung!" He laughed a bit, trying to lighten the mood. 

Jimin clapped his hands together and smiled a bit. "I'll sing with you. Will that make you comfortable? The whole goal of karaoke this week was to get you a bit more comfortable with us after all." 

"Ah, is that so?" 

"Yeah. We were going to cancel karaoke this week but we thought against it since you've joined our group for the time being." Seokjin added, nibbling on the chicken they brought back. 

"Ah... I'll sing then, with you." I took up Jimin's offer. 

"What song?" Jungkook sat down, giving the remote to Jimin as Jimin asked the question. Jimin stood a bit closer and mumbled something so the others couldn't hear. "Taehyung is still upset with the way things turned out. He's saying that to ward himself off from being close to you, don't take it personally." 

"I didn't. He told me about his recent issue." I mumbled in return. "You can pick a song." 

Another smile traced Jimin's lips and he picked a song quickly, handing me a microphone. "No one will make fun of you if you can't sing. We just pick on each other because we know each other well." 

"I didn't say I couldn't sing..." I mumbled, holding the microphone. "But I'm not good either, don't quote me on this." 

He laughed and started the song. I will admit, I was super nervous in the beginning but when Jimin purposefully sang louder when I was insecure, it made me feel a lot better and I ended up matching his volume by the end. Not to mention, it was an upbeat song so the music was loud anyways. But it was really fun and I ended up enjoying it thoroughly. 

"Now that we know Park Hana can sing, we should create a band!" Hoseok joked. 

"Yah, can she sing that well?" Taehyung countered.

"Can you shut up?" Namjoon laughed. 

"Hyung!" Taehyung looked to Namjoon. "Why me?" 

"You've been rude to her, let her have fun." Yoongi sighed. "Look how happy she got over one song, don't bring her down. She can sing well for not having vocal training." 

"Vocal training?" I raised an eyebrow. "Do you guys have vocal trainings?" 

"Hobi did." Yoongi answered easily. "He wants to be an idol afterall." 

"Ah... That makes sense." I nodded, putting the microphone down on the table. 

Jimin held up a hand and I high-fived it easily, smiling along with him. "Was it more comfortable singing with someone?" 

"Yeah, it was, thanks." I took my seat beside Hoseok without thinking about and watched as Jungkook jumped back up. 

"I want to sing with Hana too..." He looked at me. But when I didn't respond he shrugged and grabbed the microphone, challenging Jimin to sing with him. And once again, Taehyung jumped up in the middle of the song and trashed it. It had turned into the same competition it was before except Seokjin joined in as well. 

"Can you sing, then?" I turned to Hoseok as he zoned a bit. 

He glanced at me and shrugged. "I can sing but not as well as some of the other people in here right now. I can rap though." 

"Rap? Oh, I get it. You want to be a rapper idol? You know like how those idol groups have like 5 or 6 people in them, sometimes more and sometimes less, and there is always a few people who sing and a few people who rap. You want to be like the rapping ones, yeah?" 

"Sure." He laughed a bit. "I'm more of a dancer than either though." 

"You should show me sometime. I've always wanted to know how to dance." 

"What if you have two left feet?" 

"I'd never know if I didn't try." I smiled. "Please?" 

He nodded, agreeing easily. "Just let me know when you want to learn." 

Learn? I just wanted to see him dance and maybe try and copy it a bit. But I nodded anyways. "Are they always like that? Fighting over songs and competing?" 

"Yup." He nodded again. "Namjoon, Yoongi, and I usually sit here and eat while they do that stuff. When they give it up for a few moments, that's when we take our chance before they come back." 

"Ah, I see." I sent a glance over at Yoongi and Namjoon only to find Yoongi was already looking this way. He paid no attention to my look of surprise as he casually focused back on Namjoon as they spoke.  

I pulled out my phone. Hyejin texted me? I really hope she doesn't want to hang out right now. 

From: Hyejin

Hey, I know I already apologized to you about this whole contract thing with 7 guys but I'm sorry again. Are you with them right now? I went to your house and you weren't there. Then I assumed you were at work but your boss told me that you took leave today. I wanted to hang out with you...

I rolled my eyes. I knew she was going to say that. 

To: Hyejin

I'm with them right now so I can't. I don't know when I'll be done but you can wait at my house if you still really want to hang out. Oh, and, did mom really go on a business trip? She took Nova from me already because of it. And where'd she go? You're practically her child so I figured she'd tell you. 

I put the phone away and sighed. 

"Do you want chicken?" Jungkook sat down beside me, rubbing his neck a bit. "I give up with those hyungs." 

I smiled. "No, I'm not hungry right now." 

Taehyung turned around and gave me a grumpy look before looking to Jungkook and then back at the screen. "Ah, that Taehyung." Hoseok mumbled. "He's being so rude to you. Why'd you help a guy like that?" 

"He has his reasons." I countered. "I don't mind."

Hoseok shrugged and watched them, zoning out a bit again as he nibbled on a piece of chicken. "He's giving you attention though." Jungkook pointed out. "It may be negative but he's still giving you attention." 

"Negative attention..." I sort of laughed a bit. "I'm honored." 

"That's not what I meant." Jungkook spoke quickly. 

"I'm kidding, it's cool." 

Hoseok stood up and stole the microphone from Jimin. "Yah!" Jimin yowled with shock and tried to take it back but Hoseok didn't give it back. 

Namjoon found it amusing and jumped up to join Hoseok. The two of them trashed the song and then Jungkook came in to fight as well. After a while, all 6 of them were sharing microphones, stealing others, and trying to sing to ruin the scores of the ones they were against. It was humorous. 

It was only after they finished a few songs that I found one of them was missing. I scanned and saw everyone but Taehyung. Where did he go? When did he go? 

I stood up and slipped outside, glancing down the halls to notice how crowded it was getting. Well, I'm not going to find him anyways. I'll get lost if I just wander. I paused mid-turn and decided against it. If I look, I'll find him. He's probably upset... Though I don't know him, I can still cheer him up somehow... Right? 

I started the way we came and glanced around, hoping to find him lingering somewhere but I only saw people I didn't know as they crowded around the halls. Somehow, I ended up back in the lobby and was so irritated with the people wandering around and bumping into me that I stepped outside for a moment, enjoying the cool air on my face. 

I stretched a bit and sighed, turning to go back in just as I saw the outline of Taehyung's figure leaning against the building. So he was out here the whole time? I watched him for a moment, his back against the wall and his head hanging a bit. The darkness with the dim light of the lounge accented his nose perfectly and gave just enough light to see the frown on his face and his wrinkled eyebrows. He looks frustrated. 

I approached him and leaned my shoulder against the building a bit, crossing my arms to my chest. "Why'd you leave?" 

His mouth twitched a bit and he lifted his head with a loud sigh, a smirk now lingering on his lips and replacing the frown I had already seen. "To get fresh air. Were you looking for me?" 

"Yeah, I guess. I didn't expect you to be out here though, I just came out to breath since there was so many people in the lobby and the halls. Drove me a little crazy to be honest." I sighed as well. "I don't think you just came out here to get air. What are you thinking about that's making you so frustrated?" 

He put his hands in his pocket and gazed out at the street with his mouth slightly ajar before shaking his head a bit. "It's none of your concern." 

"Do you want a hotteok?" 

He froze a moment and turned his head to look at me. "What?" 

"You want one, right?" I giggled. "Here, go buy yourself one. I bet you'll find a street cart if you wander around. Plus, you're getting fresh air and it'll clear your mind." I pulled out some change from my pocket. "It should be enough." 

A smile traced his lips and he pushed himself off the wall. "Thanks." He bowed awkwardly and took off down the street like a child. 

I smiled and pushed myself off the wall as well. "Just block her number, that's all you need to do. You can move on then." I spoke to myself with a little shake of my head before entering the building again. 

I struggled to find the room but eventually I found it. But this time, everyone noticed me coming in unlike how they didn't notice me leaving. 

"Where'd you go?" Jungkook asked first. 

"We thought you got annoyed and left." Hoseok kicked the ground a bit as he sat down, none of the boys had microphones and were all sitting. 

"I went out to get fresh air and ran into Kim Taehyung." I bit my lip a bit.

"Oh, Taehyung is gone too." Seokjin looked around with surprise. 

"When did that happen?" Jimin looked a bit startled as well. 

"Is he leaving then?" Namjoon spoke over the startled boys. 

"He'll be back." I shook my head. "I gave him money to buy himself something sweet." 

"Ah, see, even she's found out he'll do anything for sweets." Yoongi smiled a bit

"Especially a hotteok." Jungkook countered. 

"Right." I nodded, taking my place beside Namjoon on the end this time since that was one of the only places left. "Are you guys done singing?" 

"For now." Jimin responded. "Do you want to?" 

I shook my head. "I like to listen." 

Namjoon checked the time on his phone. "It's only 7:30 so we have this room for another half hour." 

"Let's finish our snacks and then sing a bit more before then." Seokjin nodded, already digging into the food. 

Was he the one that liked food? Someone told me that someone really loved food and that I'd get along with them well that way. 

Small conversations broke out among the boys as they ate, I even ate a bit as well. I was a bit surprised when Namjoon turned my way and began speaking to me though and finished my snack rather quickly so I could respond. 

"You've already hung out with most of us, haven't you?" Namjoon spoke a bit quickly but I remembered Jungkook warning me about it so it didn't take me off guard much. 

"Well, yeah, in a way. I completed Hoseok's task on day one and hung out with Yoongi, then Jungkook hung out with me the day after that and then Taehyung a few days after that. Now I'm hear with all of you so, yeah." 

"That's good." He nodded. "This contract is already a burden to all of us, especially you. The least we could do is try and become friends for the time being." 

"But why does the contract say that we must lose all contact? I can see myself getting to be good friends with some, if not all, of you guys. It seems kind of odd that you'd want me to make friends and then cut the friendship off after the contract, doesn't it?" 

"To be honest, that wasn't a thing we were all aware of. What we did was each of us had to write out a contract that was as fair as it could be to you and to us and then we put the ideas into one final one before we handed it off to the officials. Someone, we think it was Taehyung, added that bit to it before it was sent in though." 

"That would make sense." I nodded a bit. "Thanks for being fair to me though. And even though I still don't remember signing this contract, I'm glad I'm not stuck with bad people." 

"We all were and still are a bit uncomfortable but the tasks, most anyways, are fairly simple and fairly easy to complete and it all just worked better if we made sure you were 100% in on it so you didn't ditch us half way through."

"That also makes sense. But most of the tasks are just satisfying your parents, are they not?" 

"I believe that is everyone's first task, yes. Turning you into the perfect daughter-in-law for the parents." He clasped his hands together and thought a moment. "I'm pretty sure all the tasks are related to that idea in particular. What else would we need a fiancèe for if you think about it." He glanced at Yoongi who was joking around with Hoseok on their phones and then leaned in a bit. "Yoongi's tasks are a bit harder. They're set for you to heal him a bit."

"Heal?" I leaned in a bit more as well. 

"He's been down for the past few years and none of us knows why. Some of the tasks he wrote out for his eyes only were about making him happy and putting meaning behind things again. I think you're going to be his healing buddy for a while." 

"You think?" I frowned. "That's kind of upsetting... I mean, he won't tell his closest friends but instead will sign a contract with someone for that person to heal him... What if you guys signed with my friend, Hyejin and not I? Hyejin wouldn't care about healing people or getting to know any of you... That could've went very wrong for him." 

"Ideally." He sat up again and I as well. "But we found you, who is better than Ms. Hyejin, so we need not to worry about it." 

I smiled a bit and looked around at the boys who were paired off in their own conversations. "You guys all seem like honest people so far. I thought I was going to have the most issues with Min Yoongi when I first met him but it turns out that it's going to be Kim Taehyung." 

"He needs to just block that woman." 

"That's what I was thinking too!" I pointed out rather excitedly. "He'll be able to move on if he just loses contacts with her. It's clear that she'd rather rip him apart than leave him alone anytime soon so why not just block her?" 

"Right?" He crossed his legs and pulled out his phone, searching for something in his gallery and then pulling it up when he found it. "This is what she looks like. Do you want to run a favor for me?" He handed me his phone and let me look at the picture a bit longer. She was cute. Short hair, obviously dyed to get that red tint, big eyes, pale skin... She was really pretty. "Hm?" 

"What kind of favor?" I glanced up at him as he watched me steadily. It's like he's trying to read right through me. 

"I worry about Taehyung but I don't know much about the girl." He zoomed out of the picture to reveal that it was a picture of Taehyung and her, not just her. "Could you befriend her and find out what her motives are? I want to know if this is a relationship I can help him reconcile with or if it's a relationship that he needs help ending. He doesn't tell us much about his love life." 

"How would I do that?" I handed him back his phone and he began sending the picture to me before I even agreed. 

"I don't know, you'll have to think about it." 

"Am I a spy?" I laughed nervously. "Can't you do it?" 

"I would but she knows I'm Taehyung's friend. One of Taehyung's tasks is putting on a show with you infront of her so she won't know who you are until he decides to do that task." 

"So this is a time limit thing, huh?" 

"Yup. Try and see what she wants Taehyung for before Taehyung introduces her to you. I'm not asking for you to become best friends with her and have her spill anything and everything. Just get close enough to her where she'll tell you about her love life or something and ask some questions here and there. I want to help Taehyung the best I can." 

"I can try..." I shrugged. How am I even going to find her in this city? What if she doesn't even live in Seoul? 

"Thanks." He touched my shoulder a bit and smiled, his dimples revealed again. He's oddly adorable... 

"Yeah, I guess." I pouted, staring at Yoongi and Hoseok again. "They seem close."

"Yoongi and Hoseok?" Namjoon followed my eyes. 

"Yeah. I don't think Yoongi's even spoken that many words to me yet." 

"They are close. But Hoseok and Jimin are even closer." 


"They just are. They both have bright and funny personalities and they just tend to hang out a bit more. They're both wimps when it comes to scary things but Jimin will eventually overcome it and enjoy it where as Hoseok never really does."

"That's adorable." I leaned back in the couch just as Jimin and Jungkook stood up. 

"We're going to sing. Hana, you want too?" Jungkook smiled over at me. 

Namjoon glanced my way and then back at Jungkook. "You really did drop honorifics. You know he's younger, right?" 

"It wasn't my idea. He beat me at bowling." I huffed. "Sure, I'll sing. Just you two?" 

"Apparently." Jimin nodded as the three of us sought out a microphone and stood infront of the screen, Jungkook picking the song this time. 

"Hey, we should get coffee tomorrow." I leaned into Jimin a bit as I spoke to him. 


"Oh come on, it's a pickup line." I joked. "I want to get to know you next." 

He laughed a bit and grew a little flustered. "Sure, you'll have to call me and remind me though. I tend to forget those types of things." 

"Deal." I nodded just as Jungkook chose a song. "Oh! EXO! I like EXO." 

"Figures." Seokjin mocked a bit. "She's an EXO fan just like Yoongi over here." 

"It's good music." Yoongi countered. 

We sang a few songs and then gave up, motioning for someone else to sing but no one jumped in so we just sat back down. "Taehyung is really not going to come back, is he?" Jungkook asked Seokjin. 

Seokjin gave a little shrug. "I don't know, ask Taehyung."

Jungkook hung his head a bit. The remainder of the time was spent just talking and getting to know each other. Taehyung never did come back but we all silently expected it after a while. 

"Well, let's get going then." Namjoon was the first to stand up. "The quicker we get out of here, the quicker the employees can clean so that new people can have our room." 

We gathered our belongings and followed each other out of the room, gathering outside in the cold. 

"I'll drop her off since I picked her up." Hoseok announced, stepping beside me. 

I nodded. "Sounds like a plan." 

"We'll let you know if we do anything as a group again." Namjoon bowed his head a bit and left quickly, Seokjin and Jungkook following after giving a curt wave. Yoongi and Jimin gave their goodbyes as well before going the other way.

"Let's go." I looked to Hoseok with a smile. 

He nodded and we started our way to the bus stop, the same direction Namjoon, Seokjin, and Jungkook had went. 

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Hoseok asked after a bit of silence. 

"Yeah. You didn't do much singing though." I grumbled. "I can't see your talents when you don't sing."

"I did too!" 

"You were jokingly singing, I knew that wasn't really your singing voice. If it was, I'd wonder why you were trying to be an idol." I joked with him a bit. "You know what, whenever we do group activities, I want you to be the one who picks me up and drops me off. Would you do that for me?"

"Why me?" He laughed a bit like he didn't believe me at first. 

"You're comfortable for me to be around. Maybe it's beause I got to know you first or because of you're a funny person but I feel most comfortable around you. Jungkook is a close second." 

"I can do that for you." He gave another little head boggle. 

"Why do you do that, by the way?"

"Do what?" 

"This." I boggled my head a bit.

He smiled really wide. "That was different. I do that?" 

"Yeah. Is it like a little tick you do when you're happy? That's when it seems to happen." I smiled as well. 

"I never noticed." He looked around. "When does the bus come?" 

"Soon. You don't have to take me all the way home. You can leave after I get on the bus." 

He shook his head. "I'll take you all the way home to make sure you get there okay." 

"Okay." We sat on the bench and waited. "Do you want to see another game?" 

"Game?" Hoseok's eyes drifted back to me quickly.

"Yeah, I showed you that other app earlier, I have another cool one."

"Show me!" 

I got out my phone and searched for the app. "Look, all you do is take care of this thing."

"What is it?"

"I don't know. But you play minigames to get money so you can feed him. He gets bigger and evolves and stuff, it's really fun." I put my phone in his hands. "Play it for a bit." 

He nodded and dropped his hands to his lap as he played, a bright smile lingering on his face. Hoseok is also really easy to entertain... He's kind of like a child, like Taehyung. 

I watched him play the game for a little bit before talking a bit more. "What is your task that will take longer to prepare than to do the actual task?" 

"I'll need you to lie a lot and I'll need you to act a lot." He sighed. "I hate lying the most but it can't be helped." 

"Me too. Am I going to attend something and pretend like I'm rich?" 

"Yes, something like that. I'm setting it up though, you can't just jump into this one or my mother won't believe it." 

"Kim Namjoon told me that most of the tasks you guys have are like that, convincing your parents I mean. And then the following tasks are just convincing them further."

"True." He nodded again, glancing up from the game and looking at me seriously for a moment. "I really don't like using people and lying, please don't think of me of someone who does this often."

"I don't think that out of any of you, well except Kim Taehyung, but he admited it." I gave a reassuring smile. 

He broke into a smile again and gave my phone back as the bus arrive. "Let's get on, I'm cold." 

He scanned his card twice again and we found a seat all the way in the back, sitting just as the bus took off again. "Can I drop honorifics with you, too?" I asked a bit shyly. "Jungkook and I dropped them because he won a bet against me. But I want to drop them with you because I feel comfortable around you." 

He nodded. "Drop them then, I feel comfortable around you too." 

"Were you ever uncomfortable?" I teased. 

"Was I?" He cocked his head a bit and then chuckled. 

"Also, why do the members call you Hobi?" 

"It's just a nickname, there is really no meaning behind it. You can call me Hobi if you'd like." He offered. "I don't mind." 

"Really? I can call you Hobi? It's cute." 

"Well," He touched his ear a moment. "Yeah, you can call me Hobi." 

"Sweet!" I pulled up his contact in my phone and changed 'Jung Hoseok' to 'Hobi'. "Look how cute it is." 

He couldn't help but laugh again. "You still have a favor you could use from me, you know?"

"Isn't picking me up and dropping me off every group event a favor of its self?" 

"No, no." He shook his head. 

"Oh, well, then I'll think of something for you to do for me." 

He smiled to himself and played with his hands in his laps. He looked a bit tired, maybe that was why his energy level was lower than normal. Though if this was tired Hoseok, he's already more energetic than I am in my entire life. 

We arrived at my stop and got off, making our way down the street to my apartment. "So, Hobi, are there any random questions you want to ask me today? You said you'd ask them to get to know me more." 

"Hm..." He thought a minute. "The questions will be a bit longer and kind of like would you rather type things." 

"That's fun, do it." 

"Okay. If you had to lose one of your 5 senses, which one would you lose?" 

"Uhm... Probably my hearing sense." 


"People are always too loud when I try to relax at home." I hit my ears a bit, jokingly. "It'd be nice to have silence for a while." 

"I'd pick taste." 


"So I don't like foods that are bad for me." He laughed. 

"But food is life!" I complained a bit. "Isn't that a bit much?" 

"You're a bit much." He mocked. "Okay next question. What superpower would you rather have, teleportation or flying?" 

"This is too common." I bit my lip. "But it's hard... I think I'd teleport. Walking is just too much." 

"I'd pick teleportation too. I'm afraid of heights." 

"Oh yeah! I heard you were a baby when it came to things like that! Rollercoasters, heights, that stuff." 

"Who told you that?" He grew defensive. "I am not..."

"You said you hate lying but look, you're lying. Your ears turn red when you lie." I motion to my ears and laughed. 

"They're always red!" He complained.

"Oh, maybe that's it too. What would I know?" I continued to laugh. 

"Another person to pick on me..." He shook his head jokingly. "Last question."

"Only three today?"

"Yup. Would you rather be talented but never get any credit for it or have no talent but take all the credit from someone else." 

This sounds like a personal question more than anything. "I'd rather not get any credit." 

"I'm 50/50."

"What?" I was taken aback by his response. "Really?" 

"As much as I'd hate to not have talent and take the credit from someone who does, I also can't stand having talent and never getting any credit." He frowned a bit. 

"Oh, is it because no one gives you credit now?" 

He nodded a bit. "Yeah, mostly." 

"When I see it, I'll give you 100% credit. But for now, I'll take your word and give you 80%." 

"Thanks." He smiled again, clearly happy with my response. "I'll let you go here." 

We paused at the entrance to my complex. I frowned a bit and then turned to him. "Thanks for walking me home." 

He nodded, holding up a handas a way of waving. "See you next time." 

I nodded as well. "Get home safely." 

He flashed another smile before I turned and went inside, going up the stairs a bit slower than normal. I was enjoying talking to him. 

I went into my apartment, kicked off my shoes, and collapsed on the couch. I pulled out my phone to see a text from Hoseok already. 

From: Hobi

Lock your doors. I feel like you're the type to forget 

Giggling a bit, I got up and locked my door like he said. What should I do with Jimin tomorrow? Coffee isn't just enough... What does he like to do? He seems like he'd be sporty like Jungkook but what do I know? I just met him today... 

Well, it's time to take a shower anyways. I got a date with Jimin and a date with Yoongi.

It sounds bad when I put it that way... 

But its true.


Have a Merry Christmas! <3 ~PandaBiscuit~

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Chapter 50: I like Yoongi's part in this. And this final chapter really struck me.
When I was around 11years old, I became friends with someone who was bullied for her weight. At that age, I didn't realize how badly my words could impact someone, and I mistakenly told her that I needed to study instead of talking to her. She got depressed further, and left school soon afterwards, and I wasn't able to get in touch with her until we were around 20... A lot of regret, but I can't turn back time... That was a lesson learned the hard way.
MeowMeowKinny #2
Chapter 51: A morning blessing omg I could cry
Chapter 50: OMG DID HE REALLY...
Kimmykimkim29 #4
Chapter 50: I.... I CAN'T LIVE WITH THIS UNKNOWINGNESS...... you wrote too good.... I am crying.
Chapter 50: Bawling like a big baby!! You did such a tremendous job with this story.
Chapter 49: I have such a bad feeling about everyone and how this ends. I am afraid to read the last chapter.
MeowMeowKinny #8
MeowMeowKinny #9
Chapter 48: I feel a conclusion is near. I'm hoping for a happy ending but who knows. In real life those are hard to find. I need to stop or my angst will overtake me here. Nice job on patching the girls up.