Episode 8

The WindowShopper

Episode 8

It was already late and the Palace was slowly closing up. The remaining employees finished up the last of their tasks and were clocking out. Luna was left in the stock room, sweeping up the last of the dust from the floor. She wiped the sweat from her brow and placed the broom in the corner. She took a peek at the sales floor to check if anyone was still left in the store. Yuri’s assistant was tidying up the cosmetic counter. Luna decided to greet her.

“Hi, Amber…”

Amber turned and smiled.

“Luna! You’re here late…what’s up?”

“I’m just cleaning up the last parts of the Shoes section. Actually, I’ve meaning to ask you something…”


“You’re look…its very…tomboyish…”

“Yeah? Why?”

“How did you end up working for make-up? Isn’t it too girly for you?”

Amber laughed.

“Luna! It’s WAY too girly! But…they hired me because I’m the only who can actually put make-up on the customers…actually…I’m an artist so…this job is EASY…”


“Yeah plus my mom is a model so she taught everything. Still, I can’t stand wearing make-up…kind of hypocritical of me, huh?”

Luna giggled.

“I guess…also…another thing…”

Amber picked her backpack up.


“How do you work with…Kwon Yuri?”

“Yuri-unnie? Honestly, I can’t stand that lady! My goodness…she drives me nuts!”

Luna laughed.

“Seriously, Luna, she prances around here with her fussy attitude and HUGE sunglasses…I mean…COME ON!”

Luna wiped her tears from laughing. Amber could tell Luna needed a good laugh.

“Hey Luna, you take care ok? I need to get going! I have class tomorrow! Goodnight!”

“Oh…yeah! Thanks Amber! For the laughs!”

“Anytime buddy!”

Amber patted her on the back and hurried out the store. Luna sighed and returned to the stock room to pick up the last of the trash.

“Gosh…I hate working nights…”

She dragged the two large bags to the dump and opened the lids. She tossed them one by one and slammed the lid. She grunted.


She opened her phone to check the time.

“11 PM…time to head home…”

Suddenly, she heard voices coming from the dark alley. They were same voices that frightened her several weeks ago. She gathered her courage and walked into the dark alley. The voices sounded like girls talking. She noticed a window and slowly peeked through. The voices were coming from inside. It looked like a creepy warehouse. Luna’s curiosity denied her from leaving.

“What’s going on?”


Onew slowly regained consciousness. His head felt like it was swelling.

“Owww…where am I?”

Onew rubbed his eyes and looked around. There were old crates scattered all over the place. It looked like an old warehouse. Suddenly, he heard giggling coming from within the crates. He was frightened and slowly rose to his feet.


The light above him . Onew looked up.


Suddenly, dark figures began to surround him. They were all chattering away. Onew was confused. Tiffany emerged from the center, holding her champagne glass.

“Onew…it’s nice to have you here…”

“Where am I?!”

Taeyeon took her hood off and smiled at Onew.

“So…this is Onew?”

“Who are you?”

“I’m Taeyeon.”

All the girls bowed to her. Even Tiffany kneeled before her.

“Onew, I’ve been meaning to speak to you…it’s about Jessica…”

“What do you want with her?”

“My question is…what DO you want with her?”

Onew was confused.


Sooyoung giggled.

“Unnie…he doesn’t even love her…she’s wasting her time…”

“Shhh…Taeyeon…let the boy think…”

Onew felt weak. Taeyeon continued to speak.

“Onew…what you see her are all…mannequins…dolls…whatever you think they are…”

She waved her arm and all the lights blazed on. All the crates slowly opened, revealing all the mannequins used for the Palace. One by one, their eyes opened and they walked out. Onew fell down in terror.


Onew scrambled to the door but it was locked. Seohyun came from behind him.

“Oppa…please…don’t struggle…listen to Taeyeon-unnie…”

Onew slowly stopped from gripping the door and relaxed. Taeyeon took him by the hand and brought him to the center of the warehouse. Tiffany sat in the chair, sipping her champagne.

“There’s another world, Onew…a world that coexists with yours…these mannequins live in the shadows…watching…observing human life…wishing that can live side by side with your kind…”

Onew listened attentively.

“I give them that opportunity to live with your kind…I give them the skills…the looks…the dreams that humans like you share like, hope, love, and happiness. Each of these dolls wants nothing more but to be human…just like you.”

“What does this all have to do with Jessica?”

“Jessica isn’t human…she’s one of us…a mannequin…a walking representation of your society…a symbol of beauty…love…glamour…even……”

Onew blushed and Taeyeon giggled.

“What…you never thought about that?”

“What’s your point then? Fine…she’s different…that doesn’t change anything!”

Sooyoung swooned.

“How sweet, Unnie!”

Taeyeon felt annoyed by Sooyoung constant interruptions but continued her speech.

“Jessica…she broke several rules in our world…she was a deviant…and she will do the same in your world if…you don’t stop her…”

“Stop her?”

“Who do you think started that fire at your shoe shop and nearly killed you? Your mentor and old friend, Jae Joong? Come on, kid! Why would you trust some strange girl?”

Onew began to look down and doubt himself.

“Onew…look at me and watch WHO really made that fire…”

Onew looked up and was engulfed by a huge light.



Onew woke up and he was standing in the middle of the street outside the old shoe shop.

“What the…”

Suddenly, a girl in a dark cloak came out from the alley. She unmasked herself. It was Jessica.


Taeyeon came from behind him.

“Watch closely, Onew.”

Jessica placed her hand on the wall and suddenly flames ran up the walls. The building was instantly on fire.


Onew woke up again the warehouse and yelled at Taeyeon.


Taeyeon frowned.

“Onew…I didn’t want to do this but…Tiffany…if you could please…”

Tiffany went up to Onew and placed her hand on his forehead. Her ring turned bright pink. Onew was stunned and fainted.

“Good…we’ll see if he’ll defend Jessica this time…”

Suddenly, there was sound from the outside window. Seohyun turned and saw a girl outside.

“Unnie! Someone’s here!”

All the mannequins panicked and returned to their boxes. Taeyeon look at Onew lying on the floor.

“He’ll bring Jessica here…if he doesn’t…”

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany.

“If he doesn’t…I’m going to grow weaker…”

“Unnie, don’t worry…He’ll bring Jessica in no time…”

“Good…very good…I don’t think I can stand being here in the living world any longer?”

“I promise, Unnie…”

“Good…now…I must leave…my powers are growing weaker…that Yoona…she abandoned me…”

Tiffany bowed as Taeyeon ripped a hole into the wall and vanished through the portal. Suddenly, the door opened. Tiffany hid behind the boxes as Luna dove next to Onew.

“Oppa? Oppa? Are you okay? Oppa?!”

She shook him until he regained his senses.

“Luna…Luna?! How did you get here?”

“I heard voices from inside so I tried to see what was happening then I heard you yelling so, I broke inside.”

“Oh…I see…”

“I swear I heard so many voices…where did everyone go?”

“I’m not sure but my head is killing me…”

Luna helped Onew stand up. He had his arm around her shoulder.

“Luna, thanks but I can walk…”

He took his arm off her and he limped out beside her.

“Oppa…are you sure you ok?”


He rubbed his head.

“My head…its killing me…”

Luna was stunned by Onew’s outburst. It wasn’t him.


Onew walked ahead of Luna and headed down the alley. Luna was confused.

“What happened to him inside that place?”

She turned and looked inside the creepy warehouse, once again. She began to hear whispering. She turned pale and ran away.

“Oppa, wait!”


The following day at the Palace was a real busy day. The Awards Show was the next day so plenty of high-class people and celebrities bombarded the store. Key, Heechul, Onew, and Luna all showed up to work that day. The Shoes Area was cluttered and Key was losing his mind.


Key turned to Heechul to see if he was listening. Heechul was trying to fit a small shoe on an obese woman’s foot. Heechul was struggling.


The shoe popped on. The obese woman was sweating heavily.


Heechul wiped the sweat from his brow.

“Yeah…so…do you like it?”


She embraced Heechul, removed the shoe, and took the shoe box to the cashier. Heechul fell flat on the chair and looked to Key.

“I give you two days…TWO DAYS…those will explode from her gigantic weight!”

Key giggled then turned and saw Luna talking to a customer. He wondered where Onew was.

“That Onew…Hyung, where’s the loser?”

“Hmmm…I think he was in the back…”

“The back room? God…”

Key hurried to the back and saw Onew face down on the table, asleep. Key took a shoe box and chucked it at Onew’s head.



“I’m sorry Prince Charming, DID I WAKE YOU?!”

Onew scratched his head and returned to sleep. Key turned red with anger.


“Then…handle them yourself…”

Key was surprised.

“Are you…talking back to me?”

Onew stood up, walked over to Key, and stared right at his eyes.

“What if I am? Diva boy…”

Key was startled by Onew’s change.

“I…I…can’t believe it…”

Key backed up and re the sales floor. Onew looked over to the clock. He was waiting.

“Jessica…where’s Jessica?”

Key, Heechul, and Luna sat together after enduring a long work day. Key turned and whispered.

“Did you guys think Onew was acting funny today?”

Heechul and Luna both shook their heads in agreement. Luna spoke up.

“Oppa…I saw something strange last night…”

The boys swiftly turned to Luna with interest.

“I had to close the store last night…while throwing the trash…I heard voices over in the alley…it wasn’t the first time I heard them so I decided to see what was happening…I went and saw an old warehouse…”

Heechul raised his eyebrow.

“The one behind the Palace? The one with all the old mannquines?”

“Yeah…well…I heard voices so I peeked in…Onew was speaking to someone…they were arguing…all of sudden they ran away and I found him knocked out on the floor…it was…creepy…”

Suddenly Onew appeared before them. They all quickly stopped talking.

“Guys…I need to meet someone…goodbye…”

Luna stood up.

“Oppa…are you sure you’re ok?”

Onew ignored her and walked out the store. Luna turned to the two boys.

“My Oppa’s…we need to follow him…I have a real bad feeling…”

Key stood up.

“Why should we? He’s been rude the whole day!”

Heechul disagreed.

“Key…we should see what’s going on? If Luna is right…he might hurt someone…he doesn’t look well…”

The three of them gathered their belongings and logged out the store. They were worried Onew might hurt himself or someone else. They were really concerned because they knew Onew doesn’t act like that. They could all feel that their camaridere was beginning to grow among them.


It was dark and the campus had an eerie slience to it. Sunny exited out the chemistry lab hall and was walking across the campus to reach her car. She was still having her migraines so as she walked, she pulled out some aspirin.

“My head…”

She walked across the quad and suddenly felt like someone was following her. The hair behind her neck quickly stood up.

“Oh no…”

She placed her keys in between her fingers, just in case someone tried to grab her, she could scratch them. She hurried through the forested walkway leading to the parking lot. She climbed the steps then stopped. She dropped her books. There was a tall, shadowy woman standing at the top. The dark woman raised her hand and a bright pink light shined from her finger. The light revealed Sooyoung’s smirking face.

“Hi there, Unnie, it’s been awhile…”


Sooyoung brought the light down and covered Sunny. Sunny vanished and all what was left were her school books and her bottle of aspirin.


Yuri sat in her same old seat in her favorite riverside café. She waited for Jonghyun to arrive. She smiled as she held her cell phone. Her last text from Jonghyun read:

“Yuri, I’ll be there. I love that café!”

She stared out the window and saw the familiar lights.

“It just feels so right with him, I guess…but…I can’t be too trustworthy…I have to take it slow…”

Suddenly, the door opened and Minho entered the café. Yuri was surprised.


Minho was at the counter ordering. He turned and saw Yuri seated alone. He smiled at her. Yuri tried to resist but she couldn’t turn away. Minho grabbed his coffee and approached her.

“Noona…how have you been?”

“I’m doing ok. I heard you left the Palace.”

“I did…today was my last day. I’m leaving with Jojo to America.”

Yuri smiled at Minho.

“That’s good…”

“Noona…I never meant to-“

“Minho…its ok…you helped me realize something for the first time…”

“What was that?”

“That I can’t have everything I want…and…somethings that are important are actually right next to me…I just need to look closely…”

Minho smiled at Yuri.

“Noona…I mean…Yuri…I hope you find someone…”

Yuri smiled.

“I do too…Minho…thank you…”

She got up and they embraced each other. Yuri wiped her tears and eased back from Minho. Minho wiped her tears.

“Yuri…you take care ok? Don’t work too hard…”

“You too…”

Minho smiled, turned, and exited the café. Yuri sat back on her chair and tried to hold back her tears. She never met someone as kind and friendly as Minho. She felt guilty for trying to steal him away from someone else. She definitely knew that the most human thing to do was let go and accept reality. She stared out the window, eagerly awaiting Jonghyun’s arrival.

“That loser takes so freaking long…as always…”

From the reflection of the window, she saw a hand appear holding a cup of coffee. The hand had a bright pink ring shining on it. Yuri turned.

“Thank you?”

She looked up and saw a cute face smiling at her. The girl was wearing a black hood.

“You’re welcome, Unnie,” said Seohyun.


The light of ring brightened and covered Yuri’s face. Yuri vanished.

Moments later…

Jonghyun entered the café but didn’t see Yuri. He went up to the counter and didn’t see anyone.

“Where did she go?”


Tiffany sat quietly in her dark office staring out of the window. She smiled to herself.

“It looks like the shoe boy is following all my commands…”

Tiffany closed her eyes and entered into Onew’s thoughts.

“Bring Jessica to Taeyeon…”


Onew stood outside of Jessica’s apartment. He pressed the intercom to contact her.

“Jessica…it’s me…Onew…”

“Onew? Onew what are you doing here? It’s late…”

“Actually…its something important…it’s about Jae Joong…”

“Ok, hold on, let me get my coat.”

Onew waited as Jessica went down the steps to see him. As he waited, he could feel his head throbbing from pain.


He rubbed his temples. Suddenly, he heard a voice. It was Tiffany’s.

“Bring Jessica to Taeyeon…”

Onew suddenly went to a cold trance. Jessica arrived in her sweater and jeans and saw Onew staring at the wall by the intercom. She was suspicious.

“Onew…are you ok? What did you want to tell me?”

She went over to Onew and slowly walked around him to see his face. He looked like he was asleep. He was muttering something under his breath. She took Onew by the shoulder and turned him.


Suddenly, his eyes flew open and a bright pink light shined out and struck Jessica. Jessica vanished.


A light shined above Jessica’s head. Jessica slowly woke up to her senses and tried to move but she was paralyzed. It felt like she was tied up but there was no rope. Suddenly, two more lights . Yuri and Sunny were standing beside her.

“Sunny? Kwon Yuri? What are they doing here?” thought Jessica.

“They’re dolls, just like you,” said Taeyeon.

From the darkness, emerged Taeyeon. This time she was wearing a beautiful dress and her hair was elegantly fixed up. Jessica knew who she was instantly.

“So, you’re Taeyeon, the creator of this whole problem.”

“Yes, I’m Taeyeon, and I was simply doing what I created to do. I was created to be a ruler and, when it comes to be a ruler, you must set rules to maintain control.”

“It looks like you haven’t been successful in that department…”

Taeyeon giggled at Jessica’s comment.

“Oh, Jessica, I’ve missed you…you do know that we are family right?”


Taeyeon went over and grabbed Jessica by the mouth.

“We are sisters and I can prove it…”

Taeyeon went behind Jessica and ripped off her backpocket, exposing her cheek. Jessica shrieked.


“You’re brand…you still have it…”


Taeyeon went in front of Jessica and revealed her brand to Jessica. It was someone’s signature. Jessica read it aloud.

“Gee? Who’s Gee?”

“She created me…she created you…she was our owner…”

“What…I don’t get it…”

“I guess when that wood struck you over the head…you totally lost your memories…”

Taeyeon backed up and all the lights blasted on. They were in the warehouse once again and all the dolls surrounded them. Their lifeless faces and still bodies frightened Jessica.

“So many…dolls…”

“Yes, they’re all sleeping…when they receive their chance to enter the living world…their souls from our world will enter the doll and they will awake. Yet, they’re not ready yet.”

“And you decide that, right?”

“I do…it’s such a troubling position to be in…who goes and who leaves…so difficult…”

Sooyoung, Tiffany, and Seohyun emerged from behind the boxes. They all bowed to Taeyeon. Jessica was disgusted.

“Seohyun?! I thought…why are you bowing down to her?”

“Unnie, she is our ruler…I must obey her….did you forget?”

“Tiffany?! The store manager?!”

Tiffany smiled.

“Yes, we are the same…Jessica…”

Jessica looked closely and saw the shining rings on their fingers.

“Those rings…”

Taeyeon walked over to Jessica, leaving the girls in their bowing positions.

“How do you like them? They are my “Gee” rings…with those…I can personally manipulate them myself…”

“You’ve been controlling those girls and they never even knew? You…monster…”

“There were too many dolls getting smarter…like yourself…and were plotting all sorts of things…but this time…I can control them…too bad Hyoyeon and Yoona weren’t there to receive the same love…”

“Those girls left because they knew what you were up to…now they succeeded and now they are free…”

“I know…a true pity…but…you are here and with you back…we can finally work together to enter the living world and control the humans with these rings…like TRUE SISTERS…”

“Your intention the whole time was to enter the real world and rule over it? Why didn’t just you do it now?”

“I need to you…I am weak alone…but with your powers…we can dominate the whole WORLD!”

Taeyeon laughed hysterically. Jessica was confused.

“How do you know I will follow you then?”

Taeyeon smiled and pulled out a shining pink ring.

“I will command you to follow me…”

“NO! DON’T!”

Suddenly, the door slammed open and Luna, Key, and Heechul fell inside. The three slowly stood up.

“Whoops…” whispered Key.

“Actually…we’re here to save our friend, Onew…so…if guys could direct us there…that would be great…” said Luna.

Sooyoung, Seohyun, and Tiffany stood in front of the three holding their hands out.

“Oh crap…” whispered Heechul.

The light engulfed them.


The three were locked up into a cage.

“Great…now what do we do!” complained Key.

“I don’t know, Oppa…” whispered Luna.

Suddenly, Sooyoung and Seohyun dragged Onew out to the floor. The three began to scream.

“ONEW!!!” they all shouted.

Onew was knocked out.

“God…what a loser…he had to get himself involved with these crazy demon women!” complained Key.

“SHHHH! Watch they’re speaking…let’s listen…” said Heechul.

Luna saw the exposing hole at Jessica’s backpocket

“What the heck?”


Sooyoung kneeled down and looked at Onew’s face.

“Wow, Jessica, he’s a cute one…”

“Leave him alone…”

“So, you were the one who saved him huh? Are you going to save him again?”

“Please! Don’t hurt him!”


Jessica remained silent but stared down Sooyoung.

“Well…for your INFORMATION…he doesn’t love you…if he did…well you wouldn’t be here and Taeyeon would be-“

Taeyeon screamed at Sooyoung.

“YA! Enough talking from you! Sit down and shut up!”

“But Unnie…I’m just trying to protect you…”

Taeyeon shoved Sooyoung aside and went over to Onew.

“You see him, Jessica, if you don’t follow me…I WILL KILL HIM!”

Taeyeon pulled out a knife.

“Taeyeon, please, don’t!”

The three screamed from the cage.


Taeyeon narrowed her eyes on Jessica.

“You love him don’t you?”

Jessica struggled at her words.

“If you love him then why don’t you say it? Wait…you are ashamed? I knew it! Wait…I know why…because you lied to him…YOU’RE A LIAR! You don’t deserve to love this poor fool!”

Taeyeon laughed hysterically. Jessica slowly began to cry.

“Wait…you’re crying now! Wow…you sure have become a human! I guess you were wondering about these other girls…Yuri and Sunny? Yes…let me explain to you their missions and how useless they were to me!”

Taeyeon went over to the stunned Yuri and lifted her face.

“You see this beauty here? She is SO beautiful…so beautiful that I gave the chance to enter the living world to be a famous model and actress! She was going to be famous and marry a young rich man named Taecyeon. BUT…NO…she ended up falling in love with a spoiled brat named Jonghyun and slowly drifted away from my grasp…she lost her memories through her heartbreak and became a lowly cosmetic girl in a hopeless store…she disgusts me!”

Taeyeon glared at Yuri.

“What a waste of beauty…”

Jessica was shocked by Taeyeon’s treatment. Taeyeon continued her sarcastic presentation.

“OH! How about this girl? Sunny! MY SWEET SUNNY!”

Taeyeon grabbed the stunned Sunny by the cheeks and pinched them.

“SHE IS SUCH A CUTIE! You know, she was the smartest one in our world…I believed that she would’ve succeeded in the living world so I sent her on a mission to be the greatest chemist and become a leading engineer in bio weapons! She was going to be the strongest ally I had when I decided to control the world! She would create bombs that would spread illness all over the world! But…NO…she decided to fall in love!”

Taeyeon slapped Sunny.

“She fell in love with her chemistry teacher! But, he WAS MARRIED!!! The poor girl couldn’t focus on her studies and ended up failing all her classes and repeating college all over!!! What a failure!!!”

Jessica was angered by Taeyeon’s words.

“What do expect us to do, Taeyeon? You send us to the living world to become instruments of doom for you? It will never happen…it will never happen because love changes us…love is the first thing we learned and desired when we enter the world…coming from a world of nothingness and corrupt rule…LOVE is the only thing that can save us…NOT VIOLENCE!”

“You and your stupid LOVE speech again…Obedience…I will teach you OBEDIENCE!”

“No one will obey you if you don’t love them…”

A familiar voice came out.

“Taeyeon, she is correct…”

Hyoyeon stepped out from the darkness.

“Love is the only way for our worlds to link together…” said Yoona.

Yoona came behind Hyoyeon. Taeyeon was angered by their presence.

“So…the traitors have returned! Are you here to show off your new powers?”

Hyoyeon spoke up.

“Powers? What powers? We’re here to protect the people we love…Jessica is one of them…”

Jessica was moved by Hyoyeon’s words.

“Taeyeon…you need to give it up…this missions to create destruction will never work…if you teach about love…we all be free! YOU…will be free! Free from the shackles of pain and loss…”


Yoona spoke up.

“Why do you continue to stay in the darkness and control dolls for eternity? Love is the only for you to step out the darkness and live among the human people! Isn’t that the dream for all the mannequins? To live…”

“You will never understand me…I’m doing all this for all of you! Understand? I always loved you all!”

Hyoyeon shook her head.

“YOU NEVER LOVED US! When I met Eunhyuk in the living world…when he saved me…I felt love for the first time…the love I never saw from you!”

Taeyeon was beginning to grow weak from exposure to the outside world. She grabbed Jessica.

“I have to take her now! She’s coming back with me!”

Puppet strings surrounded Jessica. Taeyeon controlled the strings and pulled Jessica closer to the portal. Onew finally regained consciousness and grabbed Jessica’s arm.

“NO! DON’T!” screamed Onew.

Hyoyeon and Yoona grabbed Onew.

“Onew! Don’t! You’ll be in!” yelled Yoona.

“I can’t let her take Jessica!”

Sooyoung, Seohyun, and Tiffany all placed their strings upon Jessica and pulled her closer into the portal.


The three prisoners called for Onew.


Jessica looked to Onew.

“Onew…please…don’t let her take me…”

Onew heard Jessica’s words. He tried his best to pull. Hyoyeon and Yoona joined in the pulling. Suddenly, the warehouse doors crashed open. Jonghyun drove his limo inside.


Heechul whispered to Luna.

“How did he get here?”

Luna shrugged and looked to Key. Key smiled and closed his cell phone.

“You guys can thank me later…”

The girls were distracted by the loud crash and lost their grip on Jessica. Jessica fell into Onew’s arms and he quickly took her behind the box. Jessica looked up to Onew.

“Onew…you saved me…”

“Hey…I couldn’t let you do all the saving right?”

Jessica smiled and kissed Onew. Onew was surprised by the kiss. Jessica let go and looked to Onew.

“Help Hyoyeon and Yoona…please help them!”

“I will…”

Onew returned to the center of the warehouse and found Taeyeon on the ground paralyzed. Sooyoung, Seohyun, and Tiffany were all standing before her. Onew was confused.

“Wait…what the…what happened?!”

Hyoyeon revealed the Gee rings in her hand.

“These rings were created by Taeyeon so she could control our minds…luckily…Yoona and I were able to gain freedom before she could placed them on us…”

Yoona spoke up.

“We removed the rings from these three girls and they returned to their senses…right now we have Taeyeon under control…she’s grown weaker because the dolls are slowly realizing their purpose…they heard our words and now…Taeyeon has lost…”

Suddenly, the warehouse was crowded with people. The dolls were waking up and wondering what was going on. They were shocked to see Taeyeon lying powerless.

“My god…Taeyeon…”

“What happened to her?”

“Are we free?”

“Where are we?”

Tiffany spoke up.

“Everyone, please, we need silence…Taeyeon has something to say…”

All the dolls stopped talking and listened in. Onew was intrigued by this mystery. Jessica and Seohyun returned with Luna, Key, and Heechul. They all looked to Taeyeon who was slowly growing weaker. Jessica spoke up.

“You are growing weaker now because your heart is full of hate…you weren’t created to hate, Unnie, you were created to spread love…”

Taeyeon began to tear up.

“Love left me ages ago…”

Everyone looked down and pitied her. Jessica continued.

“Why? Why did you imprison everyone?”

Taeyeon smirked.

“Of all people and dolls, you should know…”

“Tell us your story so we could understand you…”


*Taeyeon’s Story*

A long time ago, there was a kingdom located in Northern Ancient China. The kingdom was prosperous and peaceful. After years of enduring war, the kingdom was able to enjoy a momentarily period of peace. In this kingdom, lived a powerful and benevolent royal family. They were kind to their people and wise when it came to politics and war. The king and queen had only one daughter. The young princess strongly resembled Yuri.

This princess was very friendly to her family and to her servants. Yet, underneath her adorable smile, she was incredibly lonely. When her mother found out about her loneliness, she hired a toymaker to create dolls for her daughter. The toymaker humbly accepted and made two dolls for her. When the toymaker brought the dolls to her room he left a spell on them. This spell would help end the loneliness for the princess.

The princess was elated to have her two brand new dolls. The two dolls were Taeyeon and Jessica. She carved her nickname on their bottoms.


Finally when night arrived, the young princess could not sleep so she took out her two dolls to play with. Suddenly, the dolls began to move. She dropped them and dove into her bed. The two dolls grew to full size women.

“Wow…where am I?” said Taeyeon.

“I don’t know…it’s kinda crammed in here isn’t it?” said Jessica.

The young princess was surprised by the magical moment. She leaped out and hugged her two Unnie’s.

“Yay! I have sisters!”

Taeyeon and Jessica were startled.

“Aww…she’s cute, Jessica…”

“Not really…”

The young princess was so happy that she wouldn’t be lonely anymore. Every night, she played and chatted with her two new sisters. The three were inseparable. The young princess still had to keep it a secret from her family because she knew they wouldn’t believe her. The three of them grew close until the girl hit her 18thbirthday.

On her 18thbirthday, the princess invited the whole city to a huge festival. The festival consisted of dances, food, magic shows, comedians, and all sorts of entertainment. Yet, during that night, the princess met a young lion tamer. He strongly resembled Minho. They instantly fell in love.

Even after the huge festival, the young man continued to visit the princess. The king was distraught with the whole relationship. Out of his anger, he locked her up in her room. The princess relied on her two sisters to keep her sane.

“Unnie…my lover is waiting for me…please help me…I must see him…” cried the princess.

Jessica, regardless of her mean persona, felt troubled by her situation and decided to help. Taeyeon disagreed and wanted to protect the princess from being hurt.

“If you leave, princess, you will be disowned by your family…it will be too painful for all us…” said Taeyeon.

The princess cried.

“But…Unnie…I love him…”

Jessica embraced her.

“Princess...if that’s what your heart feels…I will help you escape…”

Later that night, Jessica slipped through the guards and took the key from the guards. She unlocked the door and guided the princess down the palace grounds towards the main gate. Jessica unlocked the door and led her outside. Minho was waiting behind the huge tree with his wagon. The two lovers reunited. The princess embraced Jessica.

“Unnie…thank you…thank you so much…I will always love you…”

Jessica hugged the princess tightly and the two lovers disappeared into the night. Taeyeon stared from the window as the lovers disappeared into the darkness. Taeyeon felt her heartbreak instantly. She felt that she was most important figure to the princess and after seeing her disappear, she began to slowly change from being kind-hearted and protective to distant and cold-hearted.

When the princess ran away with her lover, the king grew desperate and spent all his wealth to find her but he never did. He soon grew sick and later died. The queen tried her best to guide the kingdom but failed and later joined her husband in death. Taeyeon and Jessica disappeared from the kingdom before it was destroyed by foreign invaders who arrived shortly after. The two doll sisters traveled all around the world, searching for their lost sister. Taeyeon was angered by Jessica’s decision to help the princess run away and blamed her for everything that happened. Jessica continued to believe that love was stronger and ignored Taeyeon’s anger.

For centuries, they traveled around the world, meeting other lost dolls. These dolls also shared their stories of mistrust and betrayal from their owners. Soon after, Taeyeon and Jessica used the last of their magic to create their own dimension so the dolls could live without enduring the pain of loss from the human world. Taeyeon upheld the idea that the human world was painful and should be forgotten. Jessica fought for the idea that the human world was where free emotions ran and that love is possible. The two sisters clashed many times but they still continued to watch over the doll world. It was all paradise at first but, it soon started to wear down on everyone so Taeyeon decided to let dolls cross over to enjoy the human world for a moment. Dolls started to disappear and Taeyeon felt betrayed once again.

“I’m tired of loving people, Jessica…”

“Taeyeon…please…forgive them…they want to be free…”

“If they don’t love me…love us…we will make them love us…”


Jessica soon found out what Taeyeon was doing and decided to escape the doll world to find a solution in the human world. Jessica went ahead and stole Sooyoung’s portal and landed in Seoul. That’s where the story began.


Taeyeon sat up and wiped her tears. The whole crowd wiped their tears after hearing the whole history. Jessica went to Taeyeon and pulled her up.

“Taeyeon…I still believe in love…I still believe in…you…”

Taeyeon began to cry and embraced Jessica.

“Jessica…please…forgive me…”

“I always did…”

The sisters cried and embraced each other tightly. The whole crowd erupted in applause. Sulli and Taemin came from behind the crowd and joined into the applause. Other employees from the palace also clapped after seeing the two sisters hug. Key whispered into Heechul’s ear.

“Hyung…where did they come from?”

Heechul shrugged.

“Hmm…not sure…I guess when there are happy moments…everyone sort of finds out…”

Key giggled and continued to clap.

Taeyeon eased back from Jessica.

“Jessica…it’s been so long…so long…”

“Since you smiled? I know…but…I’ll make sure you keep smiling…”

All the dolls surrounded the two sisters. One doll asked.

“Unnie…are we free to live among the humans again?”

Taeyeon smiled.

“You were always free…my love…I was the one who just never accept the idea of being left alone…”

“Unnie, you were never alone…”

Everyone laughed in joy and gathered up into a group hug. Jonghyun saw Yuri slowly coming to her senses and quickly approached her.

“Yuri…are you okay?”

Yuri grabbed Jonghyun’s face and kissed him passionately. Jonghyun was shocked.

“Jonghyun…get me a latte please…”

Jonghyun was stunned.


Onew shyly approached Jessica from behind and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned and smiled widely. She jumped into his arms.

“ONEW! Onew…thank you…”

“Jessica! Thank you? For what?”

“For being here…for helping me…for saving me…”


Jessica smiled and looked into Onew’s eyes.

“Wait…Jessica…so you’re like a doll from the ancient times? Does that mean…you’re like…100 years-“

“SHHH…that doesn’t matter right?”

“Haha…I guess…”

“As long as we’re together right?”

Onew blushed and Jessica smiled flirtatiously. Suddenly, Jessica remembered something and backed off Onew.

“Oh no…”

“What is it, Jessica?”

“My mission…”

Taeyeon laughed.

“Come on, Jessica, that doesn’t matter anymore…”

“But…its something I need to do…for a friend…”

Jessica looked to Onew and smiled. Taeyeon understood what was going on and looked to Yoona.

“Yoona…you think you can still help your Unnie?”

Yoona smiled.


Jessica smiled and spoke up.

“Onew, we’re going to find you justice, I promise.”


All 9 girls looked to Onew and smiled. Tiffany spoke up.

“It’s about time I get back at Jae Joong…Onew, we’ll all help you…”

Yoona spoke up.

“Just sit tight and we’ll get your store back.”

Onew was surprised.

“All of you will help me?”

The 9 girls laughed at Onew’s naivety.


Onew, Jessica, Key, Heechul, and Luna were walking down the alley. Key turned to Jessica.

“That was really something back there huh? All those mannequins coming to life…you and your sister’s crazy reunion…that crazy magic fight…it was like a…movie…”

Everyone turned and looked at Key.

“What? I’m just saying…”

Jessica giggled.

“It was real something…but now…we need to find a home for all those dolls and…finally find the love we all want…”

Jessica and Onew smiled at each other. Luna spoke up.

“So, how are we going to help bring Oppa’s shoe store back, Jessica?”

“Yoona has many connections…she’ll contact us when everything is ready.”

Key and Heechul both giggled. Heechul spoke up.

“Do we get to spy?”

They all laughed together as they exited the alley and walked around the Palace.


Jonghyun walked Yuri to her car. Yuri looked exhausted from what happened earlier. Jonghyun stared at Yuri.

“So…I guess…you’re like them, right?”

Yuri looked to Jonghyun.

“I guess I am…I remember some things from that other world but they are all very blurry…what I remember most is…”

She stared at Jonghyun.

“I remembered when we first met…”

Jonghyun smiled and opened the door for Yuri. Yuri slowly sat inside.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you?”

“I’m ok.”

“The same tough girl huh?”

“As always…loser…”

Yuri giggled and slammed the door. She ignited the car and opened her window.

“Goodnight, Jonghyun…I’ll see you tomorrow…”


She drove into the night, leaving Jonghyun in the parking lot. He looked up to the night sky and smiled.

“Wow…what a night…”


Finally, the 9 dolls are reunited and happy together. Everyone is free and love conquers all but, what about Onew’s store? What are the girls planning for Jae Joong? Will there be justice for all? Will Onew and Jessica finally admit their love for each other? Stay tuned!

End of Episode 8

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Chapter 10: okay you catch my attention..this is a good and sweet story. this story very touched. .. the writer can manage onsica for best plot. give applause for the writer...
2amshinee501CS #2
Chapter 10: please make a keysica story too :)
Wow a great story *clappping hands *
wow *applause*<br />
gotta read your other fics
... wow. this was... REALLY good... :O time to go on to all your other stories! :)
Just finished reading this story all over again! You never fail to amaze me Kuya Dom! The best fanfic I've ever read! :)
143onsica #7
really love it!!!
There are so many momentous lines in this fic! XD truly well written ^^<br />
keys character never failed to make me smile!
pluckfire #9
It's a little different then before but still love it.<br />
i love it... ^_^