The WindowShopper

Episode 1


It was 8 in the morning and downtown was slowly beginning to awaken. The sounds of traffic and pedestrians echoed all over the cityscape. Jessica stood firmly, while holding her books, staring at a pair of expensive stilettos through a glass window. She was outside of the most glamorous department store in Seoul, Tiffany’s Palace.


“I don’t get it. Why am I always standing out here every morning?” thought Jessica.


Jessica shrugged and started to make her way through the busy sidewalk to get to the university. The people all around her seemed like zombies. All quietly moving like cattle to their next destination. Jessica felt lonely knowing this yet, went along with the crowd. As she was getting closer to the school gates, an attractive woman stood out of the crowd. She was approaching from the opposite direction but she had strong eye contact with Jessica. Jessica felt worried.


“Who’s that?”


Jessica decided to duck through the crowd and avoid the watchful woman.  She finally made it passed the gates and showed her ID to the security.


“Whew…that was close.”


Jessica turned to see if the woman was still around when suddenly in the crowd; she was staring right at her. Jessica was startled.


“Oh geez!”


Jessica ducked in front an obese male student to escape.  The man looked down.


“Excuse me? Can I help you?”


Jessica looked up and smiled.


“I’m sorry…”


Jessica scratched her head and walked away with a confused on look on her face.


“Geez…who the heck was that? Stalking me and crap…what the heck?!”


The obese student turned to Jessica.


“Hey! I wasn’t even stalking you! You’re not even my type! Getting on your knees in front me…Don’t you have manners?!”


The obese student strolled off as Jessica was left with a shock look on her face. She shook it off and continued her way into class.


The mysterious woman continued to stare down Jessica. The woman placed her hood on and made her way through the crowd when all of sudden, a young male high school student accidently rammed into her.


“Oh man! I’m sorry lady! I…”


She stood up and the boy was shocked.


“Wait…aren’t you…Ms. Yoona? The actress?”


Yoona gave him a cold stare.


“Ummm…I must be mistaken…sorry!”


The boy ran off as Yoona fixed herself up. Yoona hated going into public but it was important that she followed Jessica.


“Jessica…foolish girl…what ARE you doing?” whispered Yoona.



The closet door slowly opened up and Onew reached in to pull the light switch on. The light illuminated the small room, revealing old books, clothing, and numerous knick-knacks. Onew was looking for business documents needed to insure a safe sale. Onew’s shoe store had been losing lots of business due to the big malls that had been springing up all over the city. Onew’s family business couldn’t stand a chance. To make it even worst, the store was almost burnt down several months earlier. The shop and he barely survived that night. Onew felt that selling the shop would be the best choice to make. It was his only choice if he wanted to make some desperate money.


He stood on his tip-toe to reach the shelf filled with papers. Suddenly, he lost his balance and pulled the whole shelf down. The books and papers came crashing down on him.




Onew woke up in a pile of dusty folders and albums. He pushed everything off of him and coughed from all the dust.




After brushing the dust off his shirt, something caught his eye. He bent down and picked up an old family album. He wiped the dust off the cover and took out of the closet. He took a seat on his bed and looked through the album. He smiled and his memories of his father began to return to him.





The school bell rang and the young Onew dashed out of the school to head back home. Onew was always excited to get home because after his homework, he would get to visit his dad at the shoe store. Onew dodged through the group of other students returning home and dashed down the crosswalk. The shoe store was so enjoyable to Onew because he was able to see all kinds of people and what type of shoes they liked. Onew’s father was a great salesman and he had lots of customers.


Onew’s home was right above the shoe store so it was unavoidable to see the business. He pushed the door and open and got caught up in the crowd. Onew’s father was in the back speaking with the customer while their teenage cashier, Jae Joong, was making the transactions.


“Onew!” yelled Jae Joong.




Onew walked up the counter and saw how stressed Jae Joong looked.


“Wow Hyung…you seemed totally swamped.”


“It’s crazy today!  The others got off because they had the flu and I was stuck here!”


“Don’t worry, Hyung, I’ll help!”


Onew threw his backpack to the side and started to help the impatient customers. Onew’s father stepped in between Onew and the customer.


“Onew! What did I say before?”




“Finish your studies first!”




“Now go upstairs!”


Onew pouted and dragged his bag upstairs. He turned to see Jae Joong frowning. Onew liked to help his dad but he was always enforcing the idea of education.


Later that night, Onew’s closed the shop and then called Onew downstairs.


“Onew! Son! I need to speak with you!”


“Yeah Dad!”


Onew hurried down the stairs and saw his father sitting on the couch. Onew’s father had a very depressed look on his face.




“Onew…I need to discuss a few things with you.”




“First, I need to ask…do you love this shop?”


“I love this shop to the bottom of my heart.”




“This is where I was raised. This is where Mom and you met. This is where my memories are.”

“Son, you’re still young. You still have much more to live for.”


“Dad, I want to have this shop one day. I want to keep it alive.”




“I’m serious, Dad, I can’t picture myself without it.”


“You know Jae Joong?”


“The cashier? Yeah! What happened?”


“He quit today.”




“Oh, he’s leaving for college now. He’s a wealthy kid but he wanted to gain job experience so he worked with us. He told me to tell you ‘goodbye’ and ‘thanks’.”


“He was cool too!”


“I know. It was because of him that most female customers came. I guess I’ll need to find a new cashier.”


“I can do it!”


“Onew, no. I need to you finish up high school and move on to college. From there, we’ll see what you can do for the business, alright?”


“Okay Dad.”


Onew smiled at his old pictures. He had so much determination to keep the shop alive but he ended up failing on following his promise to his Dad. He didn’t know if he could face his father if he were still alive. Onew shut the album and put inside his desk. The lawyers were arriving later that day and he would need to officially make the choice to sell the family business.  He knew he would have to move out and find another place downtown. Onew felt sad. He rested his head on his pillow and slowly fell to sleep.



The air was covered in smoke and Onew could barely see.


“Help! Please! Help!”


Onew crawled on the floor and made his way to the door. The door knob wasn’t hot so he opened it. He took a peek down the stairs and saw the shop on fire.


“Oh no!”


Onew crawled back to his room and opened up the window. He yelled outside for help.


“Help! Fire! Help!”


The neighbors came out and called for help. The firemen arrived shortly and narrowly saved Onew and the rest of the shop. Onew wasn’t harmed but he was far more worried about the condition of the shop.


“I’m sorry, Dad.



There was knocking at the door downstairs. Onew sprang up from his sad dream and went down the steps to meet up with the lawyers.


“Mr. Lee, we’re here for the meeting.”


“Yes, please, come in.”


They took a seat and the lawyers gathered the paper together.


“All we need are some signatures and the document detailing the ownership to this establishment.”


“I understand.”


“We exchange your documents with a check, fair?”




After signing everything, the lawyer handed over the check to Onew. Onew stared at the check. He felt like he betrayed his father.


“Nice doing business with you. Our company deeply appreciates it.”


Onew nodded and the lawyers exited out of the shop.


“Remember Mr. Lee, you’ll need to vacate this property by the end of the week.”


Onew nodded and shut the door.


“Now what do I do?”



Onew was packing up his clothes into his suitcase. The rest of his furniture was packed up into a moving truck and he was headed into a small apartment downtown. Onew had a very sad look on his face.


“Am I doing the right thing?”



The knocking came from downstairs. Onew walked down the steps and saw familiar face peeking through the window. Onew suddenly smiled.


“Onew-Hyung!” screamed Taemin.


Taemin hopped on top of Onew and wrapped his legs around him. Onew was laughing.


“Taemin! Come on!”


Taemin hopped off Onew.


“So, what’s up? You’re REALLY closing up?”


“Yeah…the shop was barely making much and well…someone gave a nice offer to buy it off me…”






“We all grew up here! How could you do that?!”


Onew turned and placed his elbow on the wall.


“I know! It was hard…but…I needed the money!”


Taemin put his arm around Onew.


“Hyung…all you needed to do was ask from the neighborhood…”


“I know…but you guys have done so much for my family and our shop…I needed to make a decision on my own…even if it was hard…”


“I see, Hyung. Now where are you going?”


“I’m moving downtown and going to search for a job down there as well.”


“Oh, well since you’re heading downtown, you think I can carpool with you? I have work today.”


“Sure, wait…you work downtown? Since when?”


“SINCE EVER! I work at the new plaza! It’s incredible! You know they’re hiring at that place!”


“Really?! We need to check it out then!”


Onew and Taemin gathered the rest of the things and placed into the truck. Onew looked back the empty shop and frowned. He locked the lock on the door knob and placed the key into an envelope.


“I have to stop by the downtown plaza anyway to drop these keys at the corporate office.”

“Who bought you off, Hyung?”


“The people of Tiffany’s Palace bought this property. They’re looking to expand all around the city.”


“Tiffany’s Palace?! That huge, luxurious department store! I work near there!”


“I see.”


“Yeah! We’ll go together!”


Onew smiled weakly. They hopped into the truck and Onew ignited the engine. The truck rumbled and they moved forward. Onew looked at the rearview mirror and let out a deep sigh.






“What is it?”


“This is my first time in a truck!”


Onew shook his head and laughed.


“Well you better buckle up because this ride is not going to be smooth. This is my first time driving a truck.”


Taemin started to sweat on his forehead.


Jessica stood outside of the giant downtown plaza. She gripped her purse and stared at the huge neon signs all over the mall. Jessica felt her pulse skip.


“Ok…Jessica…let’s actually buy something THIS time…”


She stepped inside Tiffany’s Palace, the most glamorous department store in Downtown Seoul, and got lost in the atmosphere of luxury and wealth.


“Ahh…just like home…”


Onew and Taemin dropped the last boxes into the one bedroom apartment.


“Geez…Hyung…you have TOOOOOO many things!”


“I just brought my bed and clothes…that was barely anything.”


Onew stared at Taemin. Taemin stared back with a funny look.


“What’s with the funny look, Hyung?”


“Are you really going to help find me a job?”



“You know why I like you, Taemin? You’re energy. It’s TOO MUCH!”


Taemin hopped onto the bed and started leaping on it. The bed started to squeak badly.


“Taemin…Taemin…TAEMIN! GET OFF!”


“Let’s go now, Hyung!”


The two buddies stood in front the plaza.


“Isn’t it unbelievable?”


“Taemin…I’ve been to a mall before.”


“Not this one.”


“Come, I need to return the keys to the corporate office.”




They entered the crowded plaza and made their way to the information desk. A cute girl sat behind the desk. Onew hesitated.


“Ummm…yes…hello…I’m…looking  for…the corporate office of Tiffany’s Palace…could you direct me there?”


Onew read her name tag. It said “Sunny.”


“Yeah! Just go past the food court and take a right to the corporate office hallway. You’ll see it then.”


Onew quickly bowed and went on his way to the food court. Taemin smiled and bowed towards Sunny and chased after Onew.


“Hyung?! What’s with you? Slow down!”


Onew slowed down and Taemin slammed right behind him.


“I know you never had a girlfriend but I never knew you acted so…weird in front of them…”


“I knew her from high school and she knew I liked her.”


“So? Talk to her!”


“I can’t…”


“Hyung…I knew you were soft but weak? Come on!”


“Nevermind that, I need to deliver the keys to the office now.”




They hurried through the plaza and finally reached the office. Onew told Taemin to stay put as he brought the keys to the lawyers.


“I’ll be right back ok?”


“Ok Hyung.”


Onew entered the office. The office had a gray-bluish background and Onew could feel the boring atmosphere from the receptionists. They pointed down the hallway and Onew followed the direction.




The lawyer answered the door and smiled at Onew.


“Mr. Lee! You’re here! How can I-“


Onew held the keys out.


“Oh, that was fast. Thanks for your cooperation, Mr. Lee. Mr. Kim will be delighted.”


“Is there a way to get back that property?”


“Sure. If Mr. Kim doesn’t need it anymore and relinquishes the deed back to you, then yeah, you can get it all back. It’s unlikely though. He plans to open up a new shoe store there.”


“I see…”


“So Mr. Lee, if you can excuse me…I have plenty of work to do.”


“Ok then…”


The lawyer smiled and slowly closed the door on Onew. Onew walked back outside the office with his head hung low. Taemin went to comfort him.


“Hyung, don’t worry. We’ll get back the shoe store.”


“We’ll see…”


They both walked out to the mall floor and took a seat on a bench. They both stared at the people walking by, holding all their shopping bags. Taemin looked to his watch.


“I have work in about 10 minutes.”


“Don’t worry about me. You go ahead and go to work.”


All of sudden, a sobbing girl collided into Taemin. She got up and quickly bowed. Taemin got up, rubbing his bottom.


“Wow lady, are you ok?”


“I’m NOT A LADY! I’m a girl!”


Onew and Taemin were shocked by her sudden reply. She wiped her tears and sat next to them on the bench.


“I’m sorry for my outburst.”


“You’re dressed all…business-like…did you get fired or something?”


Onew smacked Taemin in the shoulder for asking such a sudden question.


“No…I…was cut from the interviews for Tiffany’s Palace…”


“OHHHHHH!” The two boys replied back.


“Don’t you need like a PH.D in being rich and glamorous to be get in to Tiffany’s Palace?”


“I don’t know…but my friend, Luna, I know she got the job…she’s a smarty-pants when it comes to fashion…”


“So there’s still an opening for a job in Tiffany’s Palace?”


“I guess so…why?”


“Hyung! Did you hear that?! You have a chance to get a job now!”


“I can’t work there. I don’t anything about fashion.”


“Actually…I was applying for the shoe department…”


“Whoa! See! You know shoes!”


“Shoes huh? I guess it’s worth a shot. Thanks…what’s your name again?”


“My name is Jin Ri but, you can call me ‘Sulli.’”


“Well, I’m Lee Jin Ki but, you can call me ‘Onew.’”


“And I’m his buddy, Taemin. Please to meet you!”


Sulli slowly began to brighten up.


“Good luck to you then, Onew. Whoops! I mean…Oppa.”


Onew smiled and bowed to the two kids.


“Ok then, I’m off!”


Taemin and Sulli waved to Onew.


“He won’t last one minute in that interview.”


“I know but he’s my friend. I’ll bet you two minutes. By the way, do you still need a job? There’s an opening over at the video game store I’m working at. It’s called ‘Taelli’s!’”


“Oh wow! I love that place! Sure! I’ll apply!”


The two kids rushed off to the video game section of the mall.


Jessica roamed endlessly through Tiffany’s Palace. She went through the women’s clothing, jewelry, and hand bags, examining every part possible. Jessica was so at ease when she went shopping. It was a way to ease her mind from her merciless studies at Seoul University. Suddenly, there was someone clearing there throat near her. It was Tiffany, the store manager.


“Excuse me, ma’am. We’ve noticed that you been walking up and down the aisles for the past hour and it seems you haven’t bought anything…may I help you in anyway?”


Jessica blushed and looked behind Tiffany and saw the rest of the staff staring at her. Tiffany was dressed up in an elegant, business blouse and a tight, black pencil skirt. Jessica felt intimidated by her.


“I’m sorry…I’m still looking…if I could just have another minute or two-“


“Excuse me?!” blurted out Key.


Jessica was surprised by the sudden comment and eased back to the wall. Tiffany turned to Key and signaled him to remain quiet.


“Well, ma’am, if you can’t find anything, I’ll need you to leave the store for loitering.”


“I don’t understand…I didn’t do anything wrong…”


Yuri moved past Tiffany and pointed her finger at Jessica.


“You don’t get it do you? You come here…EVERYDAY…and you NEVER buy anything! This isn’t some antique store! It’s Tiffany’s Palace!”


Tiffany pulled Yuri away.


“Please, ma’am, if you could evacuate the premises.”


Tiffany guided her hand to the exit. Jessica face turned red and she slowly began to weep.


“I’m sorry…I just…”


Heechul and Key began to giggle. Yuri walked up again and yelled at Jessica.


“You’re making our store dirty! Leave now!”


Jessica couldn’t handle the insults and ran off to the exit. Jessica felt her heart break. Tiffany turned to Yuri.


“What is wrong with you, Kwon Yuri?”


“I was just trying to help…”


“That is very unprofessional of you. I expect more from my employees, understand? UNDERSTAND?”


All the associates bowed as Tiffany walked down the aisle leading back to her office.



Onew saw the huge double doors leading to Tiffany’s Palace. It was odd because the store had doors to get inside while the other stores in the mall could simply be entered. Onew shrugged and entered through. Once inside, everything luxurious and glamorous hit him at once. The smell of exotic fragrance, the Greek architecture, the sight of elegant clothing, and the many gorgeous women who walked around; Onew was in another world. He walked up to the nearest customer desk to ask a question.


“Excuse me, sir?”


The young man was dressed in a black and silver dress vest over a white long sleeve shirt. He wore expensive black dress pants with pure white Nike SB’s. His hair was brown, short, and his fringe was spiked up. Onew could feel that he was quite stylish. The young man turned around and smirked. His name was Jonghyun.


“Sure, what’s up?”


“I wanted to know where I can apply.”


Jonghyun went over the counter and examine Onew’s fashion. Onew was wearing a simple, long sleeve shirt and regular blue jeans. Jonghyun let out a worrisome sigh.


“Are you sure?”


“I’m sure. Well, not really. I just need a job.”


“What can you do?”


“I know shoes. I literally grew up with shoes!”


“I see…”


“Yeah…so where can I find the application?”


Jonghyun gave Onew a slight smile and motioned him to move in closer so he could whisper something to him. Jonghyun had to quietly advise Onew.


“I suggest you move…just go over to Foot Locker…there’s no shame in that…”


“I know…but I’d like to try anyways.”


“Ok then, if you insist.”


Jonghyun pointed to the far left side of the store.


“The office is over that direction. You’re going to speak with our manager, Tiffany. She is very beautiful but you need to remember, she’s the boss, ok?”


Onew nodded and bowed to Jonghyun.


“Thank you! I hope to work with you soon!”


“I doubt that but, good luck anyways.”


Onew hurried off to the office. Onew felt a sudden surge of excitement go through him. He suddenly had the feeling of confidence that he never had. Maybe his luck was turning for the best. All of sudden he crashed into a girl. It was Jessica.


“OUCHHHHH!” both of them screamed.


Jessica slowly got up as Onew rubbed his sore bottom.


“Man…what the heck? Hey! Watch it! You need to-“


Onew’s suddenly froze when he looked up at who he crashed into. She was so beautiful. She had caramel-colored hair, amazing eyes, and a cute face. Onew felt his heartbeat faster.


“I’m sorry, sir.”


Onew looked closely and found that she was sobbing.


“Oh…I’m sorry for reacting that way…”


“It’s fine…I need to go…”


Jessica hurried off to the exit with her hand over . Onew slowly got up and watched as she vanished through the giant double doors.


“Who was that?”


Onew felt like he knew her from somewhere but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Not only did she look

familiar, she was beautiful. Onew needed to see her again.



What Onew and Jessica didn’t know was that this store was not just a luxurious department store and that something mysterious and magical lied deeply within Tiffany’s Palace. Please stay tuned for more!


Episode 1 End

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Chapter 10: okay you catch my attention..this is a good and sweet story. this story very touched. .. the writer can manage onsica for best plot. give applause for the writer...
2amshinee501CS #2
Chapter 10: please make a keysica story too :)
Wow a great story *clappping hands *
wow *applause*<br />
gotta read your other fics
... wow. this was... REALLY good... :O time to go on to all your other stories! :)
Just finished reading this story all over again! You never fail to amaze me Kuya Dom! The best fanfic I've ever read! :)
143onsica #7
really love it!!!
There are so many momentous lines in this fic! XD truly well written ^^<br />
keys character never failed to make me smile!
pluckfire #9
It's a little different then before but still love it.<br />
i love it... ^_^