Episode 6

The WindowShopper

Episode 6




Onew suddenly woke up and the sunlight was beaming on his face. He wiped the drool from his lower lips and slowly rolled out of bed. He saw himself in the mirror and his hair was in a messy Mohawk. He yawned and slowly opened the door to see if Taemin was still asleep.


“Rise and shine…”


Onew opened the door and found that Taemin was missing. He looked around and found a note on the dining table. The note said:


“Hyung! I know you’re still sleeping and all but I went ahead to work. I actually made some breakfast this morning so enjoy! Later! –Taemin”


Onew peeked over the note and saw the cheese omelet on the table. Onew smiled and sat down for breakfast.


“What a pal…”


He quickly devoured the omelet and placed his dishes in the sink. He decided to procrastinate on the dishes and went on the couch to take nap. Suddenly, his phone began to vibrate. It was a text from Jessica. It read:


“I’ll meet you at the plaza in 10 minutes. See you soon, Onew :D”


Onew sprang up from the couch.




Onew ran into the bathroom and took a quick shower.


“I waited too long for this! I can’t screw this up!”



Jessica sat outside the plaza near the beautiful fountain. It was noontime and the workers were all coming out for lunch. Jessica observed as the people started to walk by, holding their lunch and drinks, and take seats near the cafes. It was a real social sight. Jessica hasn’t felt so excited in her life. She began to fidget with her skinny fingers. Suddenly, Hyoyeon poked her on the shoulder.




“Hyoyeon? What are doing here?”


“I like to visit the plaza from time to time. I like to go people watching too. Are you waiting for someone?”




Jessica smiled.


“I see…who?”


“He’s a…friend…”


“OH…a friend, huh?”


Jessica giggled and nodded.


“Well, I shouldn’t intrude. I should get going now-“


“I met Yoona.”


“Really? How? Where?”


“She broke into my home but, we were able to speak and we set up a deal.”


Hyoyeon was interested and took a seat.


“What did you two make a deal on?”


“We help each other finish our missions…”


“I remembered Yoona was always Taeyeon’s favorite…the poor girl…she must have been tormented…”


“Yoona had a very troubling past and she never finished her mission…”


“Most girls never do…”


Jessica deeply sighed.


“Well, I’ll be in touch, ok? You make sure to enjoy your day today and enjoy life…it’s the one thing we can’t afford to lose…”


Jessica smiled up at Hyoyeon.


“Thank you for being here, Hyoyeon.”


“You’re very welcome. I must go now, I have work!”


Hyoyeon giggled and ran off towards the bus stop. Jessica waved her off as she boarded the bus.


“Hyoyeon…thank you…”


Jessica went back to watching the people around the plaza fountain. Suddenly, her phone began to ring. It was Onew.


“Onew? Where are you?”


“Are you standing by that big tree next to the fountain?”


“Yes…Onew! Where are you?”


Jessica looked around to see if she could find him through the people.


“I’m right over here!”


Jessica turned and saw Onew smiling at her. He was wearing a light blue zip-up hoodie with a gray shirt underneath. He wore straight blue jeans and white sneakers. His hair was nicely combed and he had the biggest smile in the plaza. Jessica giggled at his corniness.




Jessica walked up to Onew and they both smiled at each other. Onew was confused what he should do so he shook Jessica’s hand. Jessica was confused.


“Are you shaking my hand?”




Jessica moved in closer and gave Onew a hug. Jessica could feel Onew’s warmth. She lightly released him and she saw his face. It was like he was asleep.


“Onew? Are you awake?”


Onew shook his dorky expression from his face and looked at Jessica.


“Oh god…I’m sorry! Actually…I had a looooong night last night…”


They sat down together on the bench.


“What happened, Onew? Was it that party you spoke about?”


“Actually…it was weird dream I had…mannequins in the Palace were singing to me…I couldn’t go back to sleep…”


Jessica was shocked.


“I see…”


“Yeah…but hey, I’m ok!”


Jessica smiled at Onew.


“So…Jessica would you like to have lunch?”


“That’s the plan, silly…”


Onew scratched his head.


“How do omelets sound?”


“Omelets? What’s an omelet?”


Onew was confused.


“You never had an omelet?”


“You can eat that?”


Onew took Jessica by the hand.


“Come follow me! I’ll show a good place!”


He pulled Jessica by the hand and they started their all-day date. Jessica looked at Onew’s hand as he tightly gripped hers. She couldn’t help but feel excited.


“This is the first time anyone has held my hand like this…” thought Jessica.



Key and Heechul were enjoying their salads when Heechul noticed Onew and Jessica from the across the plaza fountain.




Key was in the middle of chewing. He swallowed his portion and glared at Heechul.


“Hyung?! I’m trying to eat here…what’s so freaking important that-“


Heechul grabbed Key’s face and directed his vision to Onew and Jessica speaking on the bench.


“You see them, Key?”


“I do…what a bunch of losers…”


“Look how cute they are…”


“Onew and the ‘window-shopper’? Come on…”


Onew pulled Jessica up from the bench and they hurried out of the plaza fountain area. Heechul and Key’s heads turned as they watched the two ran off.


“Where do you think they’re going, Hyung?”


“I don’t know…”


Heechul made a devilish smiled. Key threw his napkin at Heechul’s face.


“Hyung! You’re freaking gross! Onew? He’s way too clueless to do ‘that’! He couldn’t even find his shoelaces!”


“Are you jealous, Key?”


“What? Jealous? Me? Excuse me…I am not jealous!”


“Why are you mad then?”


“I’m not mad! You’re just making me IRRITATED!”


Heechul giggled.


“Hey! Don’t raise your voice to your Hyung, understand? Now, finish your salad!”






Key returned to his meal. Heechul looked out at the plaza again and smiled.


“He totally went against my advice. I guess he REALLY does like her…go get her, Onew…” thought Heechul.


The Omelet House was crowded with people and the line was going out the front door. Onew scratched his head out of frustration.


“Oh no…we’ll be stuck here all day…”


Jessica went up to the window to see what the attraction was all about. Jessica was clueless about omelets and she wanted to see how everything was made. She saw the chef cracking the eggs onto the grill and spreading the yoke to scramble to it. Onew approached from behind.


“That’s how they cook it…they spread the yoke out until its flat…”


Jessica turned to Onew. She smiled at him then paid close attention to the cooking.


“After the egg smoothes out and makes like a huge pancake-like thing…they add vegetables, sauce, meat, or whatever you like.

The chef was adding cheese and small pieces of sliced ham.


“After the ingredients have been added, they wrap the egg over and it forms something like a sandwich, embedding all the food inside the wrap. It is one of my favorite things to eat!”


Jessica was simply at awe of the whole “omelet” process and was so interested in trying it. She turned and looked up to Onew.


“If you don’t mind, I’d like to wait for an omelet.”




How could Onew disagree with a cute face like that? Onew felt like dancing with joy but, he had to relax and stand in line like everyone else.


They went to the back of the line and patiently stood. Jessica looked straight ahead while Onew staggered to find more things to talk about. Suddenly, Jessica turned to Onew.


“Do you prepare your own omelets?”


“I do but, my friend, Taemin, and my mother can make the best ones.”


“Your mother? Do you think she can make us some sometime?”


Onew slowly frowned.


“Oh…I didn’t mean to-“


“Oh no, Jessica, its fine…my mom…passed away a long time ago…”


Jessica frowned and looked down.


“I didn’t know…”


“That’s ok…she…she was real kind to me and took good care of me while she was here…”


“I don’t remember my mother…”


Onew suddenly remembered Jessica’s empty profile from the hospital.


“I remembered from the hospital…where were your guardians and friends?”


“I don’t really have much friends and I was…adopted…”


Onew understandably shook his head.


“I see…I see…”


Jessica didn’t want to lie to him but she didn’t feel it was the right time to tell him her TRUE nature.


“How about your father, Onew?”


“Sadly, he also passed away…it was recent…”


“I’m sorry…”


Moments later…


They finally arrived inside and took their orders. Onew asked for a steak and cheese omelet while Jessica wanted a bacon and cheese omelet. Jessica was mesmerized by the way the chef flipped and tossed the eggs on the grill. Onew was watching it too but he paid more attention to Jessica’s innocent laughter. She truly never experienced an omelet grill and wondered what other things she missed out. He felt close to her and he wanted to get to know her more. He could feel the pain of loss from his parents slowly soothing down when he was close to Jessica. They finally sat down and began to eat. Onew watched as Jessica devoured her omelet.


“Good isn’t it?”


Jessica looked up and had egg all over mouth. Onew laughed.


“Slow down…there’s enough for all us!”


Jessica giggled and swallowed her food.


“It seems were almost alike, Onew…”


“In what way, Jessica?”


“We both are parent-less…”


“Yeah…you can say that…but even though I lost my parents…I gained a lot of knowledge from them and because of their love…I’m still able to stand up on my two feet…”


Jessica admired Onew’s words and smiled warmly towards him.


“How about you, Jessica?”


“I’m still finding out my true existence here but I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough…”


“True existence…that’s pretty deep…”


Jessica giggled.


“Have you ever questioned your existence, Onew? Like, what were you created to do?”


Onew thought deeply. He placed his fork down and narrowed his eyes. He looked serious. Jessica slapped him on the shoulder.


“Hey…you don’t have to be SO serious, silly!”


Onew giggled.


“I just remembered something, that’s all.”





The leaves were falling and the autumn air was cool. The priest already finished his sermon and was wrapping up the funeral.


“May God bless his soul as he passes on…the Name…the Father…and the Holy Spirit…”


The guests responded.




Onew stood with his head hung low as the people paid their condolences and slowly vacated the cemetery. Mrs. Lee, Taemin’s mother, came by to pay her respects.


“Onew…honey…I’m so sorry for your loss…your father was like…family to us all…you know who to turn to if you need help ok? We’re right across the street if you need ANYTHING ok? Taemin is here too, alright?”


Onew slowly nodded and Taemin’s mother gave him a tight embrace and wiped her tears. She went over to her husband and they slowly walked off to their car. Taemin approached Onew.


“Hyung…I’m sorry…”


Taemin began to tear up. Onew placed his arm around his shoulder.


“Hyung…if…I only called the ambulance faster…if I only reacted faster…If I only…”


“Taemin, don’t blame yourself, alright? You did everything you could. I’m blessed that you were there to watch over him when I was gone. I should be the one to blame…for leaving him…alone…”


“But Hyung…”


“I’ll never know if he was proud of me…”


“He was…”


Onew tried his best to hold back his tears. Taemin placed his hand on Onew’s shoulder.


“I need to go now. Please see us soon, alright, Hyung?”


Onew nodded. Taemin released his grasp and followed along his parents. Onew looked up to the cloudy sky and could tell it was going to rain soon. Onew looked over to the grave and saw the crew finish filling up the grave.


“I’m sorry, Dad…I’m sorry I wasn’t there…I’m sorry I wasn’t able to help…but now…what do I do? What do I do now? Please let me know what my purpose is…”


Onew stood alone by his father’s grave as the rain slowly began to pour down.



Jessica and Onew walked side by side by the Han River.


“So, that’s what happened, Onew…”


Onew nodded. He saw a nearby bench and guided Jessica there so they could sit together. It was already mid-afternoon and temperature was cooler than expected.


“It’s getting close to his first year anniversary…”


“If you’d like…we could visit his grave today…”


“Oh no, that would be too depressing…we should just enjoy our time together…”


“Are you sure?”


Onew smiled.


“I’m sure.”


Suddenly, a young female student approached the couple with a bag full of ads.


“Hello! Would you two be interested in coming to the carnival?”


“I like the carnival! Where is it?” said Onew.


“The carnival is actually a couple blocks down the road. It will open at 7pm when the sun sets. There will be rides and cotton candy!”


“Cotton candy?” asked Jessica.


“Yes…wait…you never had cotton candy?” asked the ad girl.


“I’ve heard of cotton but I never heard of it being candy.”


The girl was puzzled. Onew interrupted.


“Don’t worry, we’ll be there!”


The girl nodded and slowly backed off staring at Jessica.


“What a weirdo…” thought the girl.


Onew turned to Jessica.


“I can tell you haven’t been out a lot but…don’t worry…I got your back!”


Jessica giggled.


“So, Jessica, what do you do? I’ve been doing all the talking! I really want to see what you’re all about!”


Jessica blushed.




Onew smiled at her and waited for her to respond.


“Oh my god…what do I say? What? I’m a DOLL? I’m not from here! He’s going to think I’m some weirdo and run away…OMO…OMO…” thought Jessica.


Jessica looked at Onew and simply smiled.


“I know about one thing, Jessica, you like to shop, right?”


“Yeah…you can say that…”


“I was told you liked to visit the Palace often…”


“Yeah…it’s kind of weird…but…I feel close to…that place…like its home…”


“Really? Wow…that place is so plastic…”


“Plastic? Like the mannequins?”


“Well…not literally…I mean the people…”


“People can be plastic?”


“What I mean by plastic is…artificial…fake…you know?”


Jessica looked confused.


“Like…for example…Kwon Yuri…she’s beautiful and looks kind but…she’s very rude and conceited…so she hides her TRUE personality with a fake one…get it?”


“I see…”


“But, you’re not plastic…”


“I’m not?”


“Yeah…you’re kind and easy to speak to…I don’t often find people willing to listen to me…I usually do all the listening…”


“He thinks I’m not plastic…but I’m a doll…should I be happy?” thought Jessica.


Jessica smiled and moved in closer to Onew.


“You really think…I’m NOT artificial?”


Onew could feel her breathing on him and he slowly eased back to hide his blushing face.




“Like…I’m not like a…doll?”


“Yes…you’re more human…”


Jessica hugged Onew. Onew nearly melted.


“I’ve never gotten a compliment like that before!”


Onew looked down to Jessica and smiled up at him.


“You’re welcome…”


Key sat on the chair with his legs up on the other chair. He was playing with his hair.


“OH MY GOD…there’s like no one here! Why did I even come to work today?”


Luna was rearranging the shoes. She was about to put the next shoe on top when suddenly the whole arrangement fell apart and the shoes splattered all over the floor.


“No!!! I have to do it all over again!”


Key looked over to Luna.


“Darling…are you ok? You’ve been looking…sluggish…these past few days…the boyfriend?”


Luna took a seat by Key and placed her head on his shoulder. Key lightly brushed her hair.


“Oppa…it’s a ton of things…my boyfriend…this job…Onew…”


“Onew?! Why him? He’s a total loser!”


“I know…but…”


“But what? Tell me now! Did he hurt you?! I swear if he did…”


“At the party…we danced together…”




“Then we...kissed…well actually…I kissed him…”


“What? Why?”


“He’s just so…kind to me…compared to my boyfriend, who always seems to be annoyed by me…Onew…is nice…”


“Darling…he’s always nice…he even fixed that supermodel’s broken shoe a couple days back remember?”


Luna giggled.


“What did Onew do?”


“He…he had someone else on mind…”


“It’s that WindowShopper…”


“That girl?”


“Hyung and I saw them earlier outside the plaza…holding hands!”


Luna frowned.


“Don’t worry…they won’t last…trust me…they look good at first but…WHAM! They break up!”


Luna giggled then sighed.


“Luna…you should really talk with your boyfriend…fix things up…”


“I know…we barely speak now…”


“Still, find some answers…you need to grow up and become stronger…”


“Oppa…thank you…”


“Anytime, my dear…”


Luna wiped her tear, hugged Key and returned to work. Key sighed and went over Kwon Yuri who was fixing her hair in the mirror.


“Psst…Kwon Yuri…where do you think you’re going?”


“Key…I’m getting off early…I have a date…”


“A date? With who? The stock boy?”


“No…someone else…”


“OH MY GOD! Who?”




“That player? You guys getting back together?”


“We were never together, Key…”


“Oh come on…I can read you like a book!”


“Shh…I need to go now…tell the other girl here to clean things before we close tonight, ok?”




“Thanks so much!”


Yuri hopped over the counter and kissed Key on the cheek.


“You owe me, dear!”


Yuri waved to him and dashed out of the back door. Key sighed and went over Heechul, who was modeling some new shoes.


“Hyung…I’m so bored…”


“Then work.”


“I don’t want to though…”


“What do you think about these shoes?”


“They’re hideous…try the brown ones…”


Key handed them to Heechul.




Heechul tried the brown leather shoes and looked them over in the mirror.


“You look lonely, Key…what’s up?”


“I don’t know…it’s just not exciting today that’s all…”


“Why? Because Onew isn’t here?”


“Why do you always bring him in?”


“You guys should reconcile your differences and become friends. At first, I thought he was dorky but he actually is a great guy and a hard worker.”


“I know…”


“Come on…Key…be a nice boy and play nice with him.”


Key nodded. Suddenly, Tiffany appeared from around the corner. Key ran over to the shelf and started fixing the shoes. She came over to Key.


“Key…if I see you playing around like that again…”


“I’m sorry, Noona…”


“It’s fine…but…I overheard your conversation about Onew…where is he again?”


“I’m not sure…he’s off today so…I don’t know…”


“I see…is he with that ‘window-shopping’ girl?”


Key shrugged.


“Sorry, Noona…I really don’t know…”


Tiffany smiled.


“Ok…get back to work then…”


Key nodded and went back to the shelves. Tiffany bit her lower lip and walked back to her office.


“Onew…what do you think you’re doing?” thought Tiffany.


It was another loud day over at the Taelli’s Videogame store. Resembling an arcade, the store was crowded as usual. Sulli bumped the door open while she held the giant stack of new games. The newest game just released so there were tons of eager customers wanting to get their hands on it. Sulli placed the boxes down, wiped her sweat, and saw Taemin at the register talking to Krystal.


“What is she doing here?” thought Sulli.


Krystal was dressed a white polo shirt and tight blue denim jeans. She had her elbows on the counter and giggled at Taemin’s jokes. They were obviously flirting.


“Excuse me, miss? If you’re not going to buy a game, could you please move?” asked the nerdy teenager.


Krystal slowly turned and stared at the boy.


“Excuse me? Why don’t you go to HER if you want to buy a game, got it? Freaking loser…”


Krystal pointed to Sulli and the crowd slowly shifted to her. Sulli sighed and operated the register. Taemin totally ignored Sulli and continued to flirt with Krystal.


“That’ll be 50 dollars-“


“Oh my god…Taemin your so…bad!”


Sulli turned and saw them giggling. Sulli had trouble concentrating.


“Excuse me, miss? Miss?”


The voices started to drown out and Sulli’s jealously started to cloud her mind. She dropped the games and walked over to Taemin. She slapped him.


“I hate you!”


Taemin rubbed his sore cheek.


“What did I do?”


“You left me!”


“Left you?! How?”


Krystal was intrigued.


“At the party, you idiot!”


The whole store froze and everyone paid attention to the arguing two.


“I didn’t leave you…you left before I could find you!”


“I got all ready for you…bought new clothes…but the whole time…you were with little MISS BRAT!”


Krystal had an annoyed look.


“Excuse me? Brat?”


“Yeah…I know who you are…Kim Jae Joong’s baby sister…the mall rat princess…I got your name…”


“Who are you, then, little miss WHINY?”


“I’m Sulli…and …I QUIT!”


Sulli threw her name tag at Taemin and walked out the store.




Taemin chased after her. Krystal stood by the counter with a shocked look on her face. All the teenage boys were in awe.


“So, you’re Krystal?”


Krystal stuck her hand out at their faces and walked out. The acne-infested teenager whispered.


“If I knew there was so much drama at Taelli’s then I would have applied here…”


The night was already setting and the air was cool. The carnival was full of life with music, food, and entertainment. The lights were loud and bright. The aroma of popcorn smothered the night air. Onew and Jessica walked close together as they examined each tent to see what entertainment it had to offer. Jessica was busy eating her cotton candy.


“So, what do you think about cotton candy?”


Jessica looked up at Onew and had sugar all over her lips. Onew smiled.


“Jessica…you have some…”


Onew motioned to his lips to show she had something on hers. Jessica giggled and her lips.


“I’ve never been to a carnival before…”


Jessica suddenly reached to Onew’s arm and held onto him. Onew froze.


“Thanks for bringing me here…”


“You’re welcome…I guess we were lucky though…I was actually planning to go visit my old home today…”




“If you’re interested, I could show you my old neighborhood.”


“Yeah, I’d love to!”


Onew was excited.


“Ok then…but first…we should ride that Ferris wheel…”


Onew pointed up.


“Wow…its beautiful…I’ve never ridden one of those before…”


“Awesome! Me either…”


Jessica laughed at Onew.


“Come, Jessica, let’s go!”


The couple walked over to the ticket man and paid the fee for the Ferris wheel ride. They walked past metal bars and entered the small wheel cage. The worker closed the door and announced that the wheel will be moving. The wheel activated and they were brought up. Jessica stared out the cage and saw the beautiful view of the city.


“Onew…it’s beautiful…”


 Jessica looked out and saw the city lights glimmering and shining. It reminded her of jewelry and how it gleamed behind the glass counter in the Palace. The view was like treasure to her and see appreciated the beauty of it all. Onew looked out from his window and smiled.


“Thank you…Jessica…”


Jessica turned and looked at Onew.


“Thank you for what, Onew?”


“Thank you for sharing your time with me. It’s been a real tough year for me. Today has been a real…peace of mind for me…”


Onew smiled at Jessica.


“Same for me…today has been…fun…”


They stared at each other deeply. Jessica could feel her heart beat faster. She never felt like that before.


“What am I feeling?” thought Jessica.


Suddenly, the cage arrived to the bottom. It halted and the worker approached the cage.


“Alright folks, ride is over.”


Onew woke up from his dreamy gaze.


“Oh…oh yeah! Jessica, let’s get going now…”


Jessica held on to Onew’s hand and they boarded off the cage. They returned to the crowded fairgrounds.


“Wow…that cotton candy was good…”


“Oh! You were still eating that?”


“Yeah…but I’m full now.”


Jessica laughed.


“Jessica…ummm…could we go to the restrooms?”




“Yeah…I guess it was the hot dog…”


Onew and Jessica walked to the restrooms. Onew quickly entered leaving Jessica to wonder off to the handrails. She stared off and saw two people arguing in the parking lot.


“Wow…they look dramatic…”



Yuri gave Jonghyun an angry stare.


“Why did you invite me here?”


Jonghyun looked frustrated and scratched his head furiously.


“Yuri…I just wanted to see you again…to speak with you again….”


“I don’t understand you anymore…ever since you left with that GIRL…you stopped talking to me…you thought you were all that!”


“I didn’t…I just…”


“You wanted to me to be jealous didn’t you?”




“Well…it worked…”


Jonghyun froze and looked at Yuri.


“I never meant to…”


“I used to like you Jonghyun…I thought I even loved you…but…when you ran away with her…I decided to grow up…I did grow up but it looks like you NEVER did…”


“Yuri…I loved you…it was a mistake…I still…LOVE you…”


“You even brought me back to the carnival…”


Yuri turned and faced the carnival lights. Jonghyun approached from behind.


“Remember our first date…”


Yuri turned and slapped Jonghyun.


“YOU HURT ME…you hurt me bad…Kim Jonghyun…”


Yuri began to weep and she ran off to her car. Jonghyun yelled for her.


“Yuri! Don’t leave!”


Yuri’s car stormed leaving Jonghyun in a heap of dust. Jonghyun coughed.




Onew walked out of the restroom and saw Jessica looking over the rails overlooking the parking lot.


“What is it, Jessica?”


“I saw a couple arguing…it was like drama scene…”


“I see…”


Onew looked over.


“Did they leave already?”


“The girl left already…she drove off…it was a real moving scene…”


Onew giggled.


“You must love those dramas, huh?”


“I actually do! I watched them all the time while in the library studying!”


Jessica and Onew laughed as they boarded on to the bus.


“Ok then…I’ll show you my old neighborhood.”


“Ok, should be fun.”



Luna approached Nickhun’s front door. She swallowed her spit and hesitated to knock.


“Why am I nervous? He’s my boyfriend…right?”


Suddenly, she heard giggling behind the door. Luna became curious.


“What the…”


Luna started banging on the door. Nickhun quickly answered the door. He was half-.


“Luna? What are you doing here? I thought you were at work.”


“I forgot my sweater…could I get it?”


“Wait…hold on…”


Luna shoved Nickhun out the way and saw her best friend, Victoria, standing by the staircase. She was wrapped in a blanket.


“Noona…I should have known…”


“Luna…please don’t get mad…I can explain…”


“I always had this feeling, Noona. You and Nickhun…I should have known…”


Nickhun started to cry.


“Luna…I’m sorry…”


“What I don’t understand is why you, Noona, would hook me up with Nickhun when it was you WHO really wanted him?”


Victoria bit her lower lip in shame.


“You said you wanted to look fancy with a cute boyfriend…so I tried to help…”


“You succeeded but I’m not happy with the results…”


Luna walked out on the couple. She walked down the street and slowly started to weep. She fought back her tears in boarded the bus. She sat in the very end and continued to cry. She looked out the window and saw the traffic.


“What is wrong with me? Why do I hurt myself so much?”


Moments later…


Luna arrived home. The house was quiet and her parents were already asleep. Her twin sister was on the computer when Luna entered their room.


“Luna…are you ok?”


Luna dove face first into her bed.


“Luna…what happened?”




Luna’s sister was confused.


“Was it Nickhun?”


“I said ‘none of your business,’ remember?”


“Luna…we’re sisters…we should be able to talk to each other…”


“Easy for you…you’re the favorite of the family…”


“Luna! What is wrong with you?”


Luna hopped off the bed.


“I’m visiting Sulli.”




Luna walked out the house and crossed the street to Sulli’s home. Luna knocked her door and Sulli answered. Her face was puffy from crying.


“Sulli…you too?”


Sulli slowly nodded and hugged Luna. The two girls teared up.



Onew and Jessica exited the bus and arrived at Onew’s old neighborhood. There were multiple apartments and houses lined up, side by side. There was a small, cute playground to their right and small convenient store to their left. There were plenty of trees so it gave a very cool atmosphere to the area. Jessica could sense that there must have been lots of history in his neighborhood. There were some people outside eating by the food stands. Onew waved to them.


“Come, Jessica, follow me.”


Jessica followed behind him as he made his way to the food stand. It had a large canopy overhead and several tables scattered. The customers laughed in joy when Onew popped in.


“Hi, everyone!”




The older people slowly got up and Onew bowed to them. The younger children came up to Onew and embraced him around his waist. A little girl in pigtails pulled on Onew’s shirt.


“Oppa…where have you been?”


“I’m sorry, Yeon Lee, I’ve been working hard lately. It’s been hard to visit…”


The people looked over Onew’s shoulder and saw Jessica. She grinned at them. The little girl whispered.


“WHO’S that?”


“Oh! This is my friend, Jessica!”


Jessica was startled by Onew’s introduction but gave a humble bow to the people.


“Hello everyone, I’m Jessica, pleased to meet you.”


The older woman examined her.


“Onew…she’s beautiful…and her teeth…so white!”


Onew went in the middle of the women.


“Ok ok ok…please don’t scare her!”


“It’s ok, Onew, I’m fine.”


“Actually, we were here just to see the old store…if…it’s still around…”


The crowd frowned. The little girl looked up to Onew.


“Ever since you left, people have been going there and tearing it down. Now there’s a huge poster of this strange man with his finger pointing.”


“Oh really?”




Onew looked over to Jessica then back to the people.


“Well then, my friend and I are going to look around. Please, enjoy your meals and I’ll visit very soon, ok?”


Onew waved goodbye and exited the food stand. Jessica bowed to them and the people all swooned.


“You’re very popular here, Onew.”


“Yeah, my family used to own a shoe store here…they all visited the store…my father was the nicest man ever…”


Jessica slowly nodded and followed Onew as they walked across the brightly lit park to Onew’s old home. Onew walked slowly as he reminisced his younger days in the park.


“I used to play here a lot…”


Onew pointed at the see-saw.


“I see…”


Jessica walked over and sat on the see-saw. Onew smiled.


“You wanna try it out, Jessica?”




Onew sat on the other side and Jessica was propelled up. Onew and Jessica laughed.


“Geez Onew…you’re heavy!”


“Hey! Come on! I barely eat!”


“Yeah right…”


Onew suddenly got off bringing Jessica straight down. She hit the floor and laughed even harder.


“Onew! Are you trying to break my hips?!”


“Actually, I AM!”


“OMO…you’re crazy!”


The couple both laughed. Onew helped Jessica stand up but she stumbled into his arms. Onew was startled.


“Oh…sorry, Onew…”


She slowly looked up at him. Onew started to breathe deeply.




She stood up and looked up at him.


“Where’s…your…old home?”


Onew woke up from his trance, again.


“Oh! Yeah…right down here…”


Jessica held on to Onew’s arm as they made their way down the street to Onew’s old block. They turned the corner and saw the chain link fences blocking off the building. Onew was upset.


“Jae Joong…”


The building was entirely empty and there were a few broken windows. It was a shadow of its former self. Onew felt terribly hurt. Jessica held his hand.


“Are you ok?”


“I’m fine…just…it looks…awful…”


Jessica looked towards the building. It looked like it everything was under construction so everything was blocked off. It was a lonely sight.


“It was called ‘Lee’s Shoes’…”


“Lee’s Shoes?”




Jessica seemed familiar with that name.


“After it was closed to being burnt down…I had to rebuild it…it was a heavy cost…I eventually ended up selling it…Jessica…Jessica…are you…okay?”


Jessica started to shiver.


“Jessica? What’s wrong?”


Jessica’s vision started to turn blurry.






She looked up at him but he was all blurry. She couldn’t understand his words.






There was large spark of electricity and then a dark portal opened up. Jessica, in her dark cloak fell to the ground. She was in a dark alley.




Taeyeon’s voice echoed into her mind.


“You foolish girl…you REALLY want to be free? You got it! You better finish your mission…if you do then we’ll see if you deserve to live among the humans…”


Jessica was dizzy and her vision was blurry.


“Yes…I’m out of that horrible place…now…where’s Hyoyeon?”


Jessica slowly got up and slapped herself awake.


“Alright! I’m ok now…so…I’m supposed to meet her at Tiffany’s Palace…dang…where’s that?”


Jessica walked out of the alley. She was clueless of her surroundings so she remained cautious. Suddenly, a dark SUV made a screeching halt in front of a building. Several men hopped out, holding large gas tanks.


“What are they doing?”


Jessica hid behind a garbage can. She peeked over at saw the name of the building on front.


“Lee’s Shoes…”


The dark men tossed their gas tanks back into the SUV. A slimmer man came out slowly with a cigarette in his hand. He lit the match, lit his cigarette, and then tossed the match on to the gas. The building instantly lit up. The slim man removed his sunglasses and spat on the building wall.




The slim man returned into the SUV. Jessica slowly got of her hiding spot. She looked to the burning building.


“What was that all about? Well…it’s not my business so I should just-“




Jessica looked up at the building and saw a young man screaming for help from the window. The neighbors began to come out onto the street.


“Oh no! It’s Onew! Someone please help him!”


Jessica hesitated at first.


“Dang it…I’ll save him then…”


Jessica snuck behind the crowd and went through the back alley to find the back door. She found a door and kicked it open. She placed her hood on and stormed the burning building.




The whole first floor was on fire but she endured and found the steps leading to the Onew’s room. Jessica slammed the door open and found Onew on the floor, unconscious.


“Oh geez…”


Jessica slowly picked up Onew and placed his arm around her shoulder. He was still alive. Onew slowly opened his eyes as they went down the steps.




Jessica ignored his question and made it back on the first floor. The heat was intense so Jessica hurried to the back door. They finally reached the door then suddenly a large piece of burning wood came falling down. Jessica shoved Onew out of the door and the wood landed onto Jessica’s head. She was knocked out. Onew rolled out the door and was knocked out as well.


Moments later…


Jessica slowly regained consciousness but her vision was still blurry. She was in a bedroom and the windows were open. A dark woman stood by the window.


“Jessica…my friend…you’ll be ok…everything you need is on your desk…I’ll be around to watch over you…please…take care…”




The woman vanished through the opened windows. Jessica fell back to sleep.




Jessica woke up and saw Onew sitting next to her. He had a wet towel and he was rubbing her forehead.


“Jessica…you’re awake…”


Taemin entered the room.


“Hyung…is she ok? Luckily I was home…if I wasn’t…”


“Thanks Taemin…we’ll be staying here tonight if your family doesn’t mind…”


“My parents are still away so they shouldn’t mind…”


Onew looked back to Jessica.


“Jessica…are you-“


Jessica grabbed Onew by the collar.


“We need to go!”




“Follow me! I need to show you something!”


Jessica hopped out the bed and grabbed her shoes. Onew was startled by Jessica’s sudden switch from cute girl to action girl.


“Taemin, we’ll be back!”


Jessica and Onew stormed out the home and were outside.


“Onew, where’s your shop?”


“It’s right around the corner, why?”


Jessica grabbed his hand and they ran back to the old building. Onew was confused.


“Jessica, are you sure you’re ok?”


“Onew…for the first time in my life…I know what’s going on…”


They halted in front of the building. Jessica looked at the giant poster next to the building and recognized the familiar face. Jessica turned to Onew.


“Onew…do you have that feeling we’ve met before?”


“Well…I’m not sure…I-”


“Onew, we have met.”




“The burning of your store…I was there…”


“Wait, huh?”


“I saw everything and rescued you.”


“The girl in the cloak? Jessica? Oh man…I’m lost…”


Onew slowly sat down on the curb. Jessica stared at him.


“Onew…I know…this is all crazy…”


“How did you get here? Who are you?”


“I’ll tell you soon enough…I’m starting to realize everything…my mission…”


“Your mission? Wait…are you a spy or something?”


Jessica shook her head.


“No…but…I do know something important that might help you get your store back…”


“Really? How?”


Jessica pointed at the poster of Kim Jae Joong.


“I saw that MAN that night…he threw the match…”


Onew slowly got up and stared at the poster of Kim Jae Joong. The poster said, “Coming Soon, the 1stPalace Shoe Shop!




Onew and Jessica finally realized their connection. Kim Jae Joong is the real culprit? How will this benefit Onew and Jessica? How about Taemin’s drama? Will Luna and Sulli finally stand up and fight? Yuri and Jonghyun’s past? What about Minho? Will Key finally stop being bored? The truth is coming out. Please stay tuned for more!


End of Episode 6

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Chapter 10: okay you catch my attention..this is a good and sweet story. this story very touched. .. the writer can manage onsica for best plot. give applause for the writer...
2amshinee501CS #2
Chapter 10: please make a keysica story too :)
Wow a great story *clappping hands *
wow *applause*<br />
gotta read your other fics
... wow. this was... REALLY good... :O time to go on to all your other stories! :)
Just finished reading this story all over again! You never fail to amaze me Kuya Dom! The best fanfic I've ever read! :)
143onsica #7
really love it!!!
There are so many momentous lines in this fic! XD truly well written ^^<br />
keys character never failed to make me smile!
pluckfire #9
It's a little different then before but still love it.<br />
i love it... ^_^