Episode 7

The WindowShopper

Episode 7




Onew was reading his book by the counter. There weren’t so many customers that afternoon so Onew was allowed to visit his father downstairs. Suddenly, his father called to him from the front door.


“Onew! Please come here! I have someone you need to meet!”


“I’ll be right there, dad!”


Onew placed his book down and approached his father. His father was speaking to a young man. He was obviously handsome but he looked a bit arrogant. Still, Onew didn’t hesitate to greet him.


“Hello, I’m Lee Jin Ki but you can call me ‘Onew’.”

The young man nodded to him.


“I’m Kim Jae Joong, pleased to meet you.”


They shook hands. Onew felt his soft hands and realized that this wasn’t an ordinary kid. He looked like he came from a rich and powerful family. Jae Joong simply smiled at him. His father looked over to Onew.


“Jae Joong will be your Hyung. I was asked by his father, an old friend, that I let him work here so he can gain job experience. Isn’t that right, Jae?”


Jae Joong bowed to Mr. Lee.


“Of course, Mr. Lee. The Kim Family would like to give its sincerest gratitude to you and your store.


Onew’s father laughed.


“Come on! Anything for your father! We were old buddies!”


Onew’s father embraced Jae Joong as they laughed. Jae Joong smiled and looked back to Onew. Onew smiled back.


“We’ll be the best of brothers, Onew. You’ll see…”



Onew sat quietly as Jessica served some hot tea. Taemin was already asleep in his room.




Onew looked up to Jessica.


“I’m not sure what to believe…I mean…I know he changed but he would never go so far to do that…”


Jessica sat across from Onew and sipped her tea. Onew stared at her.


“What I really don’t understand is…how did you get there?”


“Onew…I’m still figuring out that part…everything is still a blur…all I remember is him and saving you…”


“But how? That fire was crazy…you would have died…I should have died…”


Jessica looked down to her tea and saw her little reflection. Onew could tell she was as confused. Onew placed his hand over her hand.


“You need rest, Jessica. It’s been a long day for the both of us. Let me take you home. I’ll let Taemin know we’re leaving.”


Jessica nodded and smiled.

“Onew…I’m sorry…”


“You don’t have to be…we’ll figure out…”


Onew got up and went over to Taemin’s bedroom. Jessica watched as he shook him and woke him up. The two friends laughed and Onew told him that they were leaving. Taemin smiled and got up to say goodbye to Jessica.


“Noona…are you sure you don’t want to stay?”


“Taemin…thank you but I must leave…I have some important things to do at home…thanks so much for the tea…”


She went over and hugged Taemin.


“Ok Noona, take care. Onew, please take care of Noona.”


Onew smiled.


“I will.”


Onew and Jessica said goodbye and closed the door behind them. They went downstairs and started walking down the sidewalk to the bus stop. It was already late so the buses were beginning to be less frequent. Onew and Jessica sat down on the bench and waited for the next bus. Jessica began to shiver. Onew removed his sweater and wrapped it around Jessica. Jessica was surprised and looked up to Onew.




“Don’t worry, I’m fine.”


Jessica felt guilty. She knew she didn’t give the whole truth to Onew. Yet, she doesn’t know for sure what really happened that night. She doesn’t even know what her true identity is. Suddenly, she remembered about Yoona’s story and how she planned to help her out. Maybe if she helped her out, she could find more answers. Jessica quickly turned to Onew.


“Onew, do you anyone named Siwon?”




“I was told there was a guy named Siwon who lived here who worked at the gas station.”


Onew started to think.


“He lives downtown…works at the gas station…Siwon…gosh…I’m not sure…”


“He has a wife named Goo Hara?”


“Wait, Goo Hara?”




“I remembered a customer awhile back who bought pink shoes for her daughter…her name was Goo Hara!”




“Might be a far shot…a real far shot…”


“We could try!”


“Well from what I remember, she worked at a daycare not too far from here. I can bring you there.”


“Sure! Is tomorrow ok?”


“I get off work around 6pm so afterwards, I can help you.”


“Onew…if we do this…we might be able to solve your problem too…”


“Wait, how?”


“I need to find Goo Hara because I’m helping a friend…her name is Yoona…she’s real famous and-“




Jessica was surprised.


“You’re friends with…YOONA! She’s like my favorite actress!”


Jessica laughed.


“Anyways…she could probably help us with Jae Joong…”


“Yeah…maybe…hmmm…I think they dated…”


“They did?”


Onew shrugged and Jessica laughed. Suddenly, a light engulfed them. It was the last bus of the night. The couple got up and entered the bus. It was empty. They sat towards the middle. Jessica placed her head on Onew’s shoulder.


“My stop is at Soshi Avenue, ok?”


Onew nodded and Jessica quickly fell asleep. Onew looked out the window.


“I wonder what’s going to happen if I see Hyung…”


Jessica was slowly climbing the steps to the entrance of her apartment complex. She turned and looked at Onew smiling at her. She walked back down and kissed him on the cheek.


“I had a good time today, Onew.”


Onew placed his hand on his cheek.


“I did…too…”


“It was interesting…I guess we found out a lot of things…”


“I guess we did, Jessica…”


She placed her hand on his face.


“I’m sorry…we barely knew each other and now…”


Onew held her hand.


“We’ll figure it out…you get some rest now…”


Jessica smiled and hurried back up the steps. She turned and waved goodbye.


“Goodnight Jessica…”


Onew turned and made his way back home.


“Ok…now…how do I get home?”




 Key came on to the sales floor yawning.


“Another long day…”


An old woman was sitting at the chair waiting for Key.


“Key! I’ve been waiting for you! Has my ‘special order’ arrived?”


“Actually…it has!”


Key hurried to the back and returned with glittery, silver shoe box. He slowly opened it to take a peek and the shining light illuminated the entire shoes area.


“This is it! Here you go, Mrs. Min!”


“Oh, thank you so much for ordering this! It’s been so hard to find these ‘special’ shoes!”


“I bet! You have a nice day!”


The old woman waved good bye and hurried to the cashier. Key sat down and checked his IPhone if anyone messaged him.


“Gosh…nothing…hmmm…who’s working today?”


Key walked to back to check the schedule. He was shocked.


“Just me and Onew! Come on…”




Key turned around and saw Jonghyun peeking behind the shoe rack.


“Jonghyun…what the heck?”


Key walked over to him and Jonghyun motioned him to be quiet.


“Key…I needed to ask you a question…”


“Why are you whispering?”


“Just shut up! I need to know…are you busy later?”


“Why? Gonna buy me dinner?”


“No…well…whatever…I just need you and Heechul to come over to the Manor after work, ok?”


“Well…fine…what for?”


“Just come over!”


Key giggled.


“It’s about Yuri, isn’t it?”


“Well…kind of…just come over!”


“Fine…fine…we’ll be there…”




Jonghyun crawled down the aisle and returned to his area. Key was confused.


“Gosh, what happened to THEM?”


Onew emerged out of the stock room with several boxes in his hands. He dropped them over by the Men’s Shoes area.


“Hi there, Key.”


“Well…look who decided to show up to work today…”


“Yeah, I did. I can see you’ve been working hard. Are you ever off?”


Key blushed.


“I am! Well…sometimes…only on the weekends though!”


“You worked Sunday though.”


“I felt like coming in so I can get…Friday…yeah…Friday off!”


Onew was confused.


“Ok then…well I got start building some new displays…you got the customers, right?”


“Yeah! Of course! You just go build those silly pyramids or whatever!”


Onew giggled.


“I’ll be nearby if you need help.”


“Do I look like I need help?”


Onew smiled and went off to his area. Key pouted and sat down.


“Gosh Hyung, where are you?”


Yuri peeked over the rack.




Key looked up and smiled.


“Oh my god, it’s only morning and I feel like I’m going to die! Please, darling, save me!”


“Key…did Jonghyun speak to you?”


Key embraced her.


“Well yeah…why?”


“Nothing…just wanted to check…”

“You kids…what happened?”


“Nothing! Nothing…”


“Nothing? Really?”


Yuri shook her head.


“Key…I’m going to see Minho tonight.”


“Wait…why? Doesn’t he have a girlfriend already?”


“It’s kind of complicated…”


“Girl…he’s not right for you…you’ve been hurting yourself too much…”


“I know…I just…I just need to speak with Minho…rumors say he’s leaving the Palace…”


“What?! Why? He just got here!”


“Key…lower you voice…please…”


Onew turned and saw the two talking. Yuri glared at Onew. Onew was frightened and returned to his stacking.


“Sorry girl…”


“Just…if Jonghyun asks…tell him…tell him…”


“Tell him what, honey?”


“Tell him that he still might have a chance…”


Key was shocked.


“You sure…”


“I’m sure, Key…”


“Ok, then…I’ll tell him…”


“Thanks, Key. I love you so much…”


“I love you too, darling.”


They both embraced and Yuri hurried back to the cosmetics. Key shrugged.


“What am I...Mr. Love Connection?”

Key giggled, sat down and placed his feet back up on the chair.



It was lunch time and Onew sat down in the lunch room. He opened his brown bag and pulled out an egg salad sandwich, fruit roll-ups, and an apple juice box. Onew was excited and started to eat. Suddenly, Key sat across from him.


“What are YOU eating?”


Onew was in the middle of chewing.




“You’re disgusting…”


Onew grinned and continued to eat.


“I’m only eating with you because Hyung isn’t here, ok?”


Onew nodded.


“What are you, still in elementary school?”


Onew swallowed his food and saw Key’s bento box.


“Gosh, that’s expensive…”






“It’s sushi…”


“I like sushi.”


“You can’t have any.”


“I didn’t ask.”


“You implied.”


“No, I didn’t.”


Key glared at Onew. Onew smiled back and continued to eat his sandwich.


“We saw you yesterday…”


Onew nearly choked on his sandwich. He slowly swallowed and grabbed his juice to push the food down.






“Hyung and I saw YOU and WINDOWSHOPPER out by the fountains.”


“Oh yeah…really?”


“Why? Isn’t she weird?”


“She’s…different…but…once you meet her…she’s actually pretty cool.”


“Cool? What is she? Your BUD?”


“What I meant is that she’s pretty nice…and…cute…”


Onew smiled.


“Geez…you’re SO chessy! You know that?”


Onew giggled.


“Key…I know you care about me…you’re just hiding it…”




Onew finished his last piece and started on his fruit snack.


“It’s ok though…I forgive you.”


Onew winked and ate the whole fruit snack. He got up and left Key sitting there with his jaw dropped.


“Onew…you…I hate you…”


Key tried to get angry but couldn’t help but feel amused by Onew’s witty approach. Key placed the sushi in his mouth and smiled.


Jessica was leaving class. She felt lost in the lecture about natural beauty and how society creates a standard of beauty that everyone should follow but, every individual eventually discovers their own definition of beauty.


“Beauty is only in the eye of beholder…interesting…”


Sunny ran up to her from behind.


“Jessica! It’s great to see you in class! Wasn’t it interesting?”


“Yeah, it was. It’s weird how we are surrounded by the media and its indirectly showing us what beauty should be like through those magazine covers and music videos. Actually, it’s up to us to find it out.”


“Yeah…beauty…kind of complicated…”




“So, do you want to study later?”


“I can’t, Sunny, I’m meeting up with a friend.”


“Oh…I see.”


“We can study tomorrow if you’d like.”


“Actually…I’ve meaning to ask you something…”


“Sure…what is it?”


The two girls sat down on the outside bench.


“Jessica, I’ve been getting these…weird dreams…”


“Weird dreams?”


“I don’t know…its all dark…and these girsl are wearing dark cloaks…like what those medieval cults wear…it scares me…”


“Sunny, how long have you been dreaming like this?”


“It’s been recent actually…”




“Well, right after I failed my exam…”


“Hmm…maybe it could be stress…”




“Tomorrow, we’ll study together, ok? We’ll talk some more too. I gotta get going now, it’s very important.”


“Ok Jessica, I’ll see you soon.”


“Ok, bye now!”

Jessica hurried off. Sunny placed her books down and started to rub her forehead.”




A voice rang out inside her mind.


“Sunny…remember…your mission…”


Sunny was frightened and grabbed her books. She ran back inside the building.


Onew was staring at the clock. It finally reached 6pm.


“Yes! Key, got to go now!”


“Wait…your shift is finished already?”


“Aren’t you supposed to be finished?”


“Well…I don’t know…”


“Anyways, I need to get going now. I need to meet my friend downtown.”




“Don’t worry! Luna should be here to close up the Shoes’ Department, right?”


“Yeah, that’s right.”


“Key, are you alright? If you want me to stay longer, I could.”


“No, its fine. I’ll leave when Luna arrives.”


“Great, I’ll see you then!”


Onew ed his collar and hurried to the back to check out. Key sat down and organized the last of the shoes.


“He does work hard…I should be nicer to him.”


Onew arrived at the employees’ lounge. He was approaching the time clock when suddenly, he bumped into Luna.


“Oh gosh I’m sorry…wait…Luna! Hey, how are you?”


Luna looked up to Onew and smiled.


“It’s ok, Oppa. Oh yeah, I’m fine, thank you.”


Onew removed his name tag and logged out.


“That’s great, Luna. Gosh, I haven’t seen you…since…that party…”


“I know but I’ve been ok.”


Onew stared at her. She looked like she hadn’t slept for days.


“Luna…have you been sleeping well?”


Luna logged in.


“Not really, but I swear, I’m ok.”


“Well then, you take care of things here ok? I’ll see you tomorrow.”


“I will, Oppa.”


Onew smiled and exited out the back door. Luna looked to the mirror and saw her deep eye bags. She pressed on them.


“I’ll make it…”


She smiled and walked out to the sales floor.


Jessica was in the café reading over her past lectures. The idea of beauty intrigued her. She always felt that the only way to reach beauty was to buy tons of make-up and jewelry. She looked at her reflection on the window. She brushed her hair back and pointed her lips.


“He told me I wasn’t like a lifeless doll…he told me I was human…if he only knew…”


Jessica grew worried.


“What if he found out I was a walking mannequin…what would he think? Mannequins are instruments used to display beauty…would he think I’m beautiful? Truly…beautiful?”


She frowned and stared out the window. It was already growing dark and Onew hadn’t arrived yet. Suddenly, she received a text. It was from Yoona.


“Jessica, its Yoona, Taeyeon is beginning to suspect things…please hurry.”


Jessica texted back.


“I found Hara. You will meet her tonight.”


Yoona instantly text back.


“Jessica…thank you…thank you so much.”

Jessica replied.


“We will solve this problem together.”


Jessica shut her phone and closed her eyes.


“I know we’ll find a way…find a way to remain alive…in this world…”


Suddenly, there was a knocking on the window, which startled Jessica. She looked up and saw Onew waving at her. He quickly entered the café and sat across from Jessica.


“Jessica, sorry I’m late.”


“It’s fine, Onew. You ready?”


“Yeah, the daycare is right down the street. It should be open still, let’s go!”


The two got up and quickly exited the café. They walked down the crowded sidewalk and approached the cute little daycare.


“This is it…Kara’s Daycare!”


“Ok, let’s go.”


They entered the daycare. Jessica was surprised by all the colors and toys.


“This is my first time in a daycare.”


“This is where parents leave their kids when they have work.”


“I see…”


Jessica looked all around as if she were a child. Onew watched as Jessica smiled and touched the walls.


“Onew, it’s so colorful.”


“It is.”


Suddenly, the office door opened and a cute-looking girl stepped out.


“Hello, may I help you? Are you here to pick up your child?”


Onew and Jessica both looked at each other and blushed. Onew replied.


“Oh no! Actually, we’re here to speak with someone…”


“I see, who?”


Jessica stepped up.


“Are you…Goo Hara?”


“Yes…I am. Why do you ask?”


“There’s someone I need to you to meet…”


The door opened and Goo Hara was holding her daughter in her arms.


“Gosh! I’m so sorry about the mess! I haven’t been able to tidy up the apartment ever since my last employee quit the daycare. It’s been hard to balance everything! Please, sit down!”


Onew and Jessica slowly sat down on the small couch. Onew looked around. The apartment was definitely cramped. There was dirty clothing spewing out the laundry room and there were stains all over the carpet. Toys were scattered all over the living room and the kitchen reeked of old rice. Goo Hara looked like she hadn’t been home for weeks. Jessica texted on her phone.


“Do you two want anything to drink?”


“Ms. Hara, it’s fine. Jessica?”


Jessica looked up.


“Hara, I’m fine. I’m sorry to intrude in such short notice…”


“No! It’s fine…when I found out you were friends with Yoona…I couldn’t resist! Yoona, how is she?”


“Yoona? She’s…good…”


“Oh, I feel so embarrassed to see her right now. Looking like this, she’ll get mad at me…”


“How about your husband?”


“Oh, Siwon, oh…we…never were married…he…left me…but, that was ages ago! I’m a fighter!”


Hara frowned and returned to the kitchen to gather some food. Jessica felt sad. She never expected that it would turn like this for Goo Hara. Jessica hoped that the reunion between Yoona and Goo Hara would turn out well. Onew whispered to Jesssica.


“Jessica, what exactly is going on?”


“Yoona will be here soon. They’re old friends.”


“I see…”


Suddenly, there was knocking at the door. Onew got up to answer. He was shocked.




Yoona removed her white fur hood and looked inside Hara’s cramped apartment. Yoona was trying her best to fight her tears. She stepped inside and saw Jessica sitting. Jessica got up and embraced Yoona.


“My Hara…what happened?”


Hara screamed from the kitchen.


“Who wants some bread?!”


Hara walked out the kitchen holding a basket of bread and saw Yoona standing before her. She dropped the basket.






The two old friends teared up and embraced each other tightly. They cried into each other’s arms. Hara’s baby daughter walked up and hugged her mother from behind. Jessica wiped her tears. Onew couldn’t help but feel warm inside.


They all gathered at the table. They were all laughing and giggling. Yoona had her arm around Hara.


“Hara, it’s been ages…”


“Yoona, you know you’re still my friend, right?”


Jessica smiled and looked back to Onew. Onew smiled back.


“Hara, I’ve been meaning to tell you something…it was something I should have told you years ago…I just didn’t have the…courage…”


Hara smiled and listened closely.


“I was jealous…I was jealous you fell in love…I was worried our friendship was disappearing…I…I”


Hara patted Yoona’s hand.


“Yoona…I never left you…you are and will always be my friend…”


Yoona broke out in tears.


“Hara…I can’t…I don’t serve your friendship or love…”


“Wait? Why? You have been my oldest friend…I love you like my sister…you were my only friend when things got bad…”


Yoona continued to cry. Jessica started to cry with her.


“Hara…please forgive me…please…please…”


“Yoona…tell me…what happened?”


“It was me…I ruined Siwon’s career…I made your life into ‘this’…”


Hara frowned and hugged Yoona. Hara could tell that Yoona has been harboring this guilt for a long time. Yoona cried harder into Hara’s chest.


“Shhh…my sister…time has come and gone…Siwon left me already…he failed as an actor, as a father, and as a man…”


Yoona looked up and wiped her tears.


“Wait…what happened?”


“I knew you did that to Siwon but I forgave you already. For Siwon, he grew desperate, turned to drugs, and ended up in jail. I haven’t seen him since. I used to love him but now…”


Hara turned and looked to her sleeping daughter.


“My love is for my child. Life is hard but, I’m strong.”


Yoona looked down.


“If I only…”


“Yoona, don’t beat yourself up, ok? You’re only human; it’s ok that we make mistakes. You acted the way you did because you loved our friendship and was frightened that it would disappear. I understand you…”


Yoona embraced Hara.


“Thank you…thank you my…friend…”


Onew smiled and felt the warmth return to what seemed like a failed friendship. Onew admired Hara and her strength to forgive. Onew tapped Jessica’s leg. He whispered to her.


“We should leave now…”




“Ok then, Jessica and I will get going now so-“


Hara stood up.


“Please, stay longer and have some bread.”


“Ms. Hara, its fine.”


Yoona stood up.


“Hara, I must get going now…I have some work to do but I promise to return and help you…”


“Wait, Yoona…”


“My acting career is failing anyways and I hate it. It’s all so artificial. I want a more ‘human’ job.”


Hara smiled.


“Yoona…thank you…”


Yoona, Jessica, and Onew stepped into the hallway. Hara was at the door.


“All of you better return ok? I’ll make some cake next time.”


Yoona smiled.


“Like high school?!”


“Of course!”


The best friends hugged. Onew and Jessica smiled. The group waved goodbye and exited down the stairs. Hara stood by the doorway and wiped her tears.


“Thank you for returning, Yoona…”


The three arrived outside and stood by the sidewalk. It was chilly. Onew shivered in the wind as Jessica had her sweater on. Yoona contacted her driver.


“Ms. Yoona?” asked Onew.




“Are you really going to work at the daycare?”


“I want to. Truthfully, this acting career is exhausting. I want to have a break and try something more refreshing.”


“I see…oh yes…how do you know, Jessica?”


The girls looked at each other and giggled.


“We’re old friends, Onew, old friends.”

Onew nodded and shivered more. The limo arrived.


“You guys need a lift?”




The limo stopped outside Onew’s place.


“Ok, thanks for the ride, Ms. Yoona.”


“Please…just Yoona.”


“Oh yeah…sorry…”


Jessica giggled.


“Oh yeah…goodnight Jessica…”


“Goodnight Onew…”


Onew shut the door and the limo drove off. Jessica watched as Onew hurried into apartment. Yoona turned to Onew.


“You’ve been a great help, Jessica.”


“Now, I need to ask you a favor…”


“I guess you found your mission already.”


“I did. I need to help my friend, Onew.”


“How can I help?”


“Do you know Kim Jae Joong?”


“The President of Tiffany’s Palace?”




“I met him before. Very wealthy and powerful man.”


“And a criminal…”


“Really? How?”


“He was the one who tried to kill Onew.”


“I see…so…you here to assist Onew and bring justice to Jae Joong.”

“I guess that’s how you put it…”


“I see…”


“I need for you to use your celebrity status…could you find a way to get Jae Joong on the news…”


“I’ll think of something…”


“Yoona…thank you…”


They arrived in front of Jessica’s apartment. They both stepped out into the cold.


“Jessica…I want you to succeed…I want you to be free…”


“I do too…”


Suddenly, a light struck Yoona.




The driver stepped out and shielded his eyes from the light. Jessica was able to see through the light. Yoona was floating in mid-air. Suddenly, puppet strings appeared all around Yoona’s body. One by one, the strings were cut off. After the last one, Yoona fell to the ground and she regained consciousness.


“Yoona, are you okay?”




“Jessica…I’m free…”


The driver ran to Yoona.


“Ma’am…are you okay?”


“I’m fine, I’m fine…”


Yoona got up and hugged Jessica. She began to cry.


“Jessica! I’m free! I’m free!”


“You’re free!”


Yoona pushed back and wiped her tears.


“Jessica…I will help you…get with Onew and we’ll set things straight…”


“Yes, I will see you soon.


“Please hurry. Taeyeon will know what happened tonight and I bet you’ll be seeing her soon. Please be careful.”


“I’ll watch out.”


Yoona stepped back into her limo.


“Contact me soon.”


She shut the door and the limo drove off. Jessica smiled but grew worried.


“How are we going to approach this?”


Jessica was about to walk up the steps when she paused to look at those strings. She kneeled to the ground and picked up the strings.


“Like…puppets…who is Taeyeon?”


Jonghyun threw the PS3 controller to the floor.


“GOD! I’m never playing Street Fighter with you again!”


Key remained seated with a smirk on his face.


“Listen, little boy, I’m not ONLY an expert in shoes…”


Heechul laughed from the bar.


“You two kids need to stop playing and join me here at the bar.”


Jonghyun and Key got up from the couch and joined Heechul. The bartender served them margaritas. Key sipped his drink and smiled at Jonghyun.


“Gosh, your Manor is amazing…even when there’s no one here…there’s still an open bar and an awesome game room! How do you live?”


Jonghyun frowned.


“It’s kind of lonely actually…”


Heechul and Key laughed in disbelief. Heechul replied.


“That’s hard to believe though. Everything you want is sitting right here!”


“Not everything, Hyung…”


Key rolled his eyes.


“Ok, what DID you really want us here for?”


Jonghyun sat on the stool and stared at his drink.


“You two often speak with Kwon Yuri, yes?”


Heechul smiled and knew where the conversation was leading to. He was instantly interested. Key sat beside Heechul.


“Yes, we do,” replied Heechul.


“Does she…ever speak of me?”


Heechul and Key shook their heads. Key replied.


“She’s…also lonely…but I guess you know that she’s been speaking with that new stock boy, Minho.”


Jonghyun looked up.


“Yeah…they’re pretty close I have to say…” replied Heechul.


“Are they…dating?”


The two boys shrugged their shoulders.


“Were you and Yuri an item before?” asked Heechul.


“Well…we were close friends but…I never really asked her out…I just recently found out she liked me before but now…I don’t know…”


“What happened?”


“I found a girlfriend and our friendship went sour…”


“Who was this girlfriend?” asked Key.


“Her name was…ummm…Jojo…”


The two boys were surprised.


“What? Why are you two looking at me like that?”


“Yuri has been trying to get with Minho but…he’s been seeing someone…her name is Jojo…” said Key.


“What?! That’s crazy….Jojo…she left me…she said had to go back to America…what is she doing back here?”


“Do you still have feelings for her?”

“I did but I got tired of chasing her…”


“Oh, really?”


The two boys just loved to hear gossip.


“Key, do you know where Yuri is right now?”




“Please tell me! I need to see her…she might be making a mistake with Minho…”




“Jojo loves to drive guys wild…luckily I left early because if I didn’t…I would have gone crazy…”


Heechul giggled.


“This ‘Jojo’ girl is quite a character…”


“She is, Hyung…she is…oh no! I have to find Yuri!”


Jonghyun jumped off the stool and ran out the room. Key and Heechul were left at the bar. Heechul motioned to the bartender.


“Another margarita, please.”


Minho was waiting desperately at the airport. He kept looking at his watch then back at the flight schedule screen.


“Oh no…I hope I’m not too late…”


Suddenly, Yuri came out from behind and grabbed his sleeve.


“Minho…please…don’t leave me…”


“Yuri-noona! What are you doing here?!”


“You said you were going to the airport…I don’t want you to leave!”


Minho pulled his arm away from Yuri.


“You don’t get it, Yuri. I’m here to see my TRUE love, understand?”


“What? You have to be kidding me…”


“I’m not. Jojo is the only one for me…what happened between us at the party was a…mistake…”


“We made love!”


The whole airport went silent and the crowd began to watch the two argue. Minho pulled Yuri to the side.


“Noona…are you nuts? I don’t love you!”


Yuri began to tear up.


“You…how dare you…you made a fool out of me!”


“I only saw you as a friend…”


Yuri began to clench her chest. Suddenly, her phone began to ring. It was Jonghyun.




“Noona…I’m sorry…I need to go…”


Minho disappeared into the crowd and entered the airport. Yuri answered her phone.




“Yuri! It’s me! Where are you?”


“I’m at the airport…”


“Why? Nevermind…I’ll be there…just wait!”


“I need to see him, Jonghyun…he’s driving me crazy…”


“Yuri…please don’t…he’s already gone…he’ll never go to you!”


Yuri hung up the phone and entered the airport. She looked around trying to catch a glimpse of Minho. Suddenly, she saw him sprinting through the airport.


“Minho! Wait!”


Yuri chased him down. She shoved her way through the crowd and arrived at the security gate. Minho was hugging a girl and crying.


“So many nights… I wonder why…What can I do to make it right…Everything will be alright…So Jojo just tell me why…”

The young girl looked up at Minho and touched his tearful face. The crowd was in awe. Even, Yuri was at awe. Jojo was an amazing sight. Her long, heavenly black hair fell beyond her shoulders. Her skin was fair and soft-looking. Her body was petite and curvy. Her face was beyond words to explain. She was as beautiful as a goddess. She lightly eased away from Minho and wiped her tears.

“Minho…what we had…it was beautiful but…I have to leave…I’m sorry…”

Minho hugged her again but she resisted him.

“Minho…don’t make this harder than it is…”

“Jojo…I can’t sleep…I can’t eat…I can’t even breathe without thinking about you…please…don’t leave me…”

“Minho…I need to go…please-“


Yuri and the whole crowd turned and saw Jonghyun walk through the crowd. He was wearing a sharp black suit.

“Minho…she’s a liar!”

Minho went over to Jonghyun and grabbed his collar.

“What did you say? YA! WHAT DID YOU SAY?!”

Jonghyun smirked.

“Listen brother…I know Jojo too…she played me too…”

Jojo was surprised.

“Kim Jonghyun? Minho…let him go now!”

Minho dropped Jonghyun to the floor. Jonghyun wiped his spit from mouth and saw Yuri looking at him. He winked at her.

“Jojo…funny to see you here!”

Minho was confused.

“Jonghyun…you know…my Jojo?”

“Your Jojo? She was mine once…a long time ago…”

Jojo tried to cover her face from shame. Jonghyun continued to talk. The whole crowd listened in.

“This girl broke my heart…she left me standing here at this VERY terminal…she said she HAD to leave…but now…she repeating herself again…breaking another man’s heart!”

The whole crowd began to boo. Yuri was interested in what Jonghyun was doing. She smiled at him. Minho replied.

“That was in the past, you idiot…Jojo is a new woman…you wouldn’t know that!”

“She said she’s going to Chicago right? To attend dance school right? Right?!”

Minho was surprised at the accuracy of Jonghyun’s words.

“Yeah…you’re right…”

Jojo spoke up.

“I left you because…because…you… were…in love with someone else, Kim Jonghyun…”

Jonghyun stopped smiling.


“I knew I couldn’t love you because…I knew your heart belonged to someone else…Kwon Yuri…”

Minho was shocked and saw Yuri standing in the crowd. Jonghyun replied.

“I did…and it still does!”

Jonghyun looked over to Yuri. Yuri was embarrassed.

“But, I don’t want you break another man’s heart! Minho, my brother, leave while you still can!”

Minho frowned.

“I can’t…I love her…”

Jojo looked to Minho and began to cry.

“I’m sorry I put you through so much, Minho…”

She ran to Minho’s arms and began to cry into his chest.

“Choi Minho…I love you…I love you so much…”

The whole crowd was confused but clapped anyways. Jonghyun shrugged.

“Well…I guess…we’re ok then…”

Minho took Jojo’s hand and left the airport with her. Jojo looked over to Jonghyun.

“Jonghyun…thanks for letting me realize who really loves me…”

She looked up to Minho. Minho smiled at Jonghyun.


“You’re welcome…I guess…”

The applause rang out as Minho and Jojo left hand and hand. Jonghyun sat down on the bench stunned. The airport went back to its normal setting. Yuri slowly sat beside him and sighed.

“Well…that was something, huh?”

Yuri looked to Jonghyun and smiled.

“You know…what did you back there…was…really…stupid…”

Jonghyun laughed.

“But…Jonghyun…I guess I realized something…”


“I need to grow up…”

“Me too…”

“Jonghyun, thank you…”

“For what?”

“For never forgetting me…”


“I need to go now…I need to think things over…”

“Wait…do you need a ride?”

“I have a ride, silly.”

“Oh…so…ummm…are…we…cool now?”

“I guess…but…I’m NOT going to leaping in your arms anytime soon…too corny…”

Jonghyun and Yuri got up and exited the airport together. Yuri smiled at him as they went through the automatic doors.

“Jonghyun…that Jojo girl…what was the BIG DEAL about her?”

“Her cooking…her cooking was…GOOD…but don’t worry…it’s over now.”

Yuri laughed and slapped Jonghyun by the shoulder.

“You loser…ok…I need to go now…”

She winked at Jonghyun and hurried off to the parking lot. Jonghyun watched as she ran up the stairs and disappeared into the elevator. He smiled to himself.

“I guess…second chances do exist…”

Jonghyun leaped into the air in joy, then landed on his ankle.

“OUCHHHH! OUCH! Oh crap…what the heck?!”


Onew slowly walked up the steps while yawning.

“Another long day tomorrow…wow…what a day…I wonder what the REAL deal was with those girls tonight…none of my business though but…I really need to see Jae Joong…if he really is my Hyung…he’ll tell me the truth…” thought Onew.

Onew arrived at the door and inserted his key. The door was unlocked.


He turned the knob and peeked inside. The entire apartment was pitch dark.


He began to reach for the light switch but couldn’t find it since it was all dark. Suddenly, a voice called out.

“Onew, shut the door.”

Onew quickly shut the door and hid himself in the kitchen.

“Wait, I know that voice…Tiffany? Ms. Tiffany?”

He looked over the counter and saw the balcony door was open. He got up and slowly walked to the balcony. There he found Tiffany standing by the railing with a glass of champagne in her hand. She was wearing a glamorous white gown and a beautiful fur coat. She looked like she was heading to the Academy Awards.

“Tiffany? What are you doing here? And, why are you dressed like that?”

“I look beautiful…yes?”

“Yeah…you do but…don’t you think it’s too much?”

“Nothing is too much if you want to look beautiful, right?”

“Hmm…whatever ever you say…but…what do you want? Why are you here?”

Tiffany sipped her champagne and looked to Onew. Onew was stunned by her beauty.

“I can tell you find me beautiful…”

Onew blushed.

“Onew…I’m here to tell you the truth…the truth behind my kind…the truth behind you’re Jessica…”

“The truth?”

“I see you helped Yoona find her freedom…through the love and forgiveness of her best friend…Taeyeon’s strings have been snipped off…I applaude you and Jessica…us dolls don’t really help each other so this act is a rarity in its kind…”

“Tiffany…you are confusing me…freedom…dolls…Taeyeon?”

“I’ve been watching you…at work…at home…with Jessica…”

Onew was scared.

“Still, you are as lost as a little boy in a snowy forest…do you really think Jessica is just a cute, college girl who’s helping out a guilty, washed up actress? All seems strange right? Well, everything is going to get weirder for you if…you keep seeing Jessica…”

“You’re here to stop me from seeing Jessica? Why? She hasn’t done anything wrong.”

“Oh…so naïve…Jessica and you are at the middle of something that could virtually ruin many lives…I guess Jessica told you the truth about your shoe shop…”

Onew was shocked.

“How…how did you know that?”

“Onew…I have certain powers…powers that you wouldn’t be able to understand but…let’s get to the point…Jessica is planning to help you confront Jae Joong…she is trying to serve her mission but…if you guys go through with this…that will ruin my chances…my chances for freedom…”

“Wait, how?”

“I’m an important figure in my world and when I was sent here…I was placed on a huge mission…a mission that has taken me decades…I was sent here to become rich and famous but…it’s not easy and…Jae Joong might be my only way…”

“You think if I bring out the truth about the fire…it will ruin his business…therefore ruining your chance to be wealthy…”

Tiffany went over to Onew and began to fidget with his collar.

“Onew…I know you’re reasonable man…and…I know you don’t want to be…hurt…so…”

“Tiffany…are you threatening me? What if I refuse?”

Suddenly, a girl in a dark cloak approached Onew from behind.


Onew was struck on the head and quickly knocked unconscious. Tiffany frowned.

“Onew…I hate how I have to turn to violence…”

Tiffany sipped her champagne as the girl unmasked herself. It was Seohyun.

“Did I do well, Unnie?”

“Honey, you were splendid…”

Oh no! Onew! What will happen to him? What’s Tiffany’s plan? Will Jessica find her freedom and tell the truth to Onew? Will Jonghyun and Yuri end up together? Will Key and Heechul stop drinking? Stay tuned for more!

End of Episode 7

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Chapter 10: okay you catch my attention..this is a good and sweet story. this story very touched. .. the writer can manage onsica for best plot. give applause for the writer...
2amshinee501CS #2
Chapter 10: please make a keysica story too :)
Wow a great story *clappping hands *
wow *applause*<br />
gotta read your other fics
... wow. this was... REALLY good... :O time to go on to all your other stories! :)
Just finished reading this story all over again! You never fail to amaze me Kuya Dom! The best fanfic I've ever read! :)
143onsica #7
really love it!!!
There are so many momentous lines in this fic! XD truly well written ^^<br />
keys character never failed to make me smile!
pluckfire #9
It's a little different then before but still love it.<br />
i love it... ^_^