Episode 5

The WindowShopper

Episode 5


After missing for a day, Onew decided to check on Jessica if she was still at the hospital. He bought flowers at the nearby florist and wore a new collared shirt. Taemin was amazed.


“Hyung, are you really going to take her to tonight’s party?”


“Yes…well…I’ll try…I wonder…is she still here?”


They went through the automatic doors and approached the reception desk.


“Could you direct me to patient care?”


The young nurse pointed down the hall and to the left. Onew and Taemin smiled and followed her directions. Onew was walking briskly.


“Hyung, why didn’t you visit her yesterday? She might be gone already?”


“I know but, I got held up at work. We’ll see if she’s here…gosh…I hope she is…”


They arrived at the patient care area and Onew went ahead and searched for her room.


“Hyung, shouldn’t we ask first?”


“Don’t worry, I remember where she is.”


“Ok then…”


Onew found Room 9 and slowly took a deep breath. He tapped on the door.


“Jessica…its Onew…I’m back to see you.”


Onew slowly opened the door, while concealing the flowers behind him. When he entered, he found an old woman lying on the bed. She quickly sat up.


“My grandson!”


Onew quickly shut the door. Taemin was confused.


“Hyung? What happened?”


“Hmmm…not sure…must be the wrong room…let’s go ask the nurse.”


Onew and Taemin approached the nurse’s station to ask about Jessica’s whereabouts.


“Hello, ma’am, my name is Onew and I’m here to see my friend, Jessica. She was staying at Room 9.”


The nurse looked through the clipboard.


“Jessica…Jessica…that mysterious cute girl right?”




“Oh yeah…she was checked out by her friend. They left last night.”


“Oh…she left already?”


Onew frowned but the nurse gave him a smile of encouragement.


“But…you said you’re name is Onew, yes?”




“She actually left something for you…here you go.”


The nurse handed over a note to Onew.


“You know, that girl was real cute…are you guys dating?”


Taemin giggled in the back.


“No! Just…friends! Yeah…just…friends…”


The nurse giggled along with Taemin.


“Well good luck then, Mr.Onew!”


Onew smiled, bowed, and hurried towards the exit. Taemin gave the nurse a high five and followed behind Onew.


“Hyung! Wait up!”


Taemin caught up to Onew at the outside bench area. Onew was staring at the note with a huge smile. His eyes were twinkling.


“Hyung…you ok? You look like you’re on a commercial advertising fried chicken or something.”


Onew held the note right in front of Taemin’s face so he could read it. It said:


“I’m not sure if you’ll get this but I wanted to thank you for being my side when I was alone. You’re a real friend. Here’s my number, 555-0009. –Jessica”


Taemin looked back to Onew’s reaction. His smile was still there.


“Hyung…you’re scaring me…”


“She even put a heart by her name…Taemin…I don’t know…she’s so…DREAMY…”


“Call her then.”


“I can’t…she just got out of the hospital! What if she’s sleeping or with her friend or…or…or…”




Taemin grabbed Onew by the shoulders and slapped him. Onew snapped out of his love trance.


“Just call her or…text her! Text her, Hyung!”


“Text her…”

“Invite her to the party tonight! Jonghyun wants all the people he can get right? Invite her!”


Onew slowly pulled his phone out. He bit his lower lip.


“Yeah…a simple text should be fine…yeah…”


He added Jessica’s number to his phone’s contact list then began to text her. The text read:


“Hi Jessica! It’s Onew! Got your number! I hope you’re ok! Would like to come to a party tonight?”


Taemin examined the text.


“Alright then, send it!”


Onew clicked send and quickly placed his phone in his pocket. He eagerly awaited her text.


“Well then, I need to go to school now, Hyung. I’ll see you later tonight at home, ok?”


“Ok then, I’ll see you soon!”


Taemin hurried off to the bus and waved off to Onew. Onew waved back.


“I hope she answers me back soon…” thought Onew.



Jessica was sitting in library, going over her past lecture notes. She hasn’t been to class for more than a week. Luckily her classmate, Sunny, was willing to help her study. Sunny returned to the table with a cup of coffee.


“Here Jessica, this should wake you up.”


Jessica looked up to Sunny while wearing her glasses. Sunny giggled at her.


“I love your geeky look, Jessica! It’s cute!”


Jessica smiled but felt confused. She reached for the coffee and took a sip.


“Thanks so much, Sunny.”


“No problem. I need to go now so call me whenever you’re finished ok? You need to come to class tomorrow alright?”


“Yes, I will.”


“Ok then, I’ll see you tomorrow!”


Jessica waved to Sunny as she hurried out of the library. Suddenly, Jessica’s phone began vibrate on the table. The students glared at her. She smiled and grabbed her phone. It was a text from Onew. Jessica smiled warmly.


“He’s inviting me to a party…how nice…hmmm should I go? Well, I’ve never been to a party…I should…”


Jessica hesitated to text back.


“Oh gosh, he might be working right now…hmmm…I’ll text back a little later…I don’t want to bother him…”


Jessica put her phone back in her pocket and continued to read. She was confused why she was still smiling.


“I can’t wait…”



Luna and Nickhun went to the shopping center near the river. Referred to as the, “Marketplace,” it was less classy compared to the Downtown Plaza. Luna decided to shop for clothing at the Marketplace because she simply couldn’t afford to shop at the Plaza or at the Palace. Nickhun pouted on the couch as Luna was deciding what to wear to the party.


“Nickhun…babe…could you help me decide what dress I should wear tonight? Should I wear the beige or the brown?”


Nickhun shrugged and stared out the window.


“Please babe…help me pick…this is going to be a real CLASSY party and I don’t want us to look mediocre…”


“What do you mean US? Isn’t it just a party for your employee friends anyways?”


“No…we can bring anyone we want and well…were boyfriend and girlfriend right? So, you need to come out with me.”


“I don’t really want to go…I don’t like YOUR friends…”




“Oh please…all you ever talk about is that stupid PALACE and how GLAMOUROUS it is…but…here we are shopping at some CHEAP clothes store…Luna…you’re hopeless…”


“Nickhun! Just help me out! We’re going together tonight!”


“Yeah right…I’ll meet you at the food court…”


Nickhun stormed out of the store leaving Luna standing alone by the mirror. Luna looked at the dress she was trying on. The dress was definitely second-rate and the color looked faded.  Luna began to slowly weep. She wiped her tears and remembered Yuri’s face when she looked at her sunglasses.


“These are fake…”


Luna returned into the fitting room and began to weep.


“I hate it…I hate it…I hate it…I’m so ugly…”



It was already late afternoon and Jessica forgot to reply back to Onew. She was exiting out the elevator as she arrived on her floor. She was looking down to her phone, preparing her text for Onew. The text read:


“Hi Onew! Yeah I’ll come with you! I’ll meet you by your-”


Jessica looked up and saw her door was open. It looked like someone broke in. Jessica was scared and stopped texting. She slowly moved the door open and took a peek inside. She slowly slid through and walked towards the living room. The blinds and curtains were all shut and the sunlight could be seen around the window. Jessica heard someone crying in her bedroom. She approached the door and slowly turned the knob. When she opened it, she found a woman sitting on the edge of her bed, crying into her hands. She looked up and was embarrassed. It was Yoona.


“Yoona…what are you doing here?”


Yoona wiped her tears away.


“Jessica…I’m sorry…I never meant to hurt you but…I’m scared…so scared…”




“Taeyeon…she’s coming to get me…”


Jessica sat by the trembling Yoona and lightly placed her arm around her. Yoona placed her head on her shoulder.


“What do you mean?”


Yoona eased aside and Jessica removed her arm.


“I’m living on borrowed time right now…if I don’t take you back to the other world soon…she’ll set the ‘strings’ on me…”


“I see…”


“Please Jessica…I never wanted to hurt you or mean to scare you…I’m doing all this in fear…”


“So you’re going to take me right now?”


Yoona pulled out a weird glowing crystal from her purse. It glowed an eerie bright pink aura.


“I’m sorry Jessica…”




Yoona hesitated.


“Yoona…tell me your mission.”


“My mission?”


“What was your mission?”


“It doesn’t matter anymore…I failed at it a long time ago…there’s no turning back now…”


“If I can help you solve it then I can help protect you from Taeyeon.”


“What do you want in exchange?”


“All I need is time…time to solve my own problem. This way we can BOTH get rid of that ‘Taeyeon’.”


Yoona placed the crystal back into her purse. She cleared .


“I guess I need to tell you my story if you want to know what my mission was…”


“Yes, please…”


“It all happened 7 years ago…”



Onew sat by his bed staring at his cell phone. Taemin was in the other room causing a racket as he dressed for the party.


“HYUNG! Did you see my bowtie?


Onew woke up from his daydream.




Onew pulled out his red bowtie from his cabinet and went to the living room to hand it over to Taemin.


“Hyung…is that what you’re wearing?”


Onew was wearing a simply white long sleeve shirt and dark blue denim jeans.


“Well, I’m not a REAL dresser plus Jonghyun never really gave a dress code…”


“Whatever Hyung…”


Onew examined Taemin as he stood by the mirror. He wore a black dress shirt, white skinny jeans, and a red/white letterman jacket. Taemin turned around to let Onew see his red bow tie.


“What do you think, Hyung?”


Onew smiled.


“You look like you’re going to party.”


“YES I AM! Thanks for letting me come along! Wait…Hyung…you look…sad…”




“Jessica…she never responded did she?”


Onew nodded sadly.


“Well…its fine…maybe she had something important to do…”


Onew frowned. Taemin gave Onew a big pat on the back.


“You’ll be fine, Hyung. You should definitely let loose at the party! Meet new friends and stuff, right?”


“Yeah…I guess…tonight should be fun. Maybe Jessica had something to do…”




Onew’s phone suddenly vibrated. He jumped from the excitement and pulled out his phone. It was a text from Jonghyun. Onew frowned anticipating a message from Jessica. The text read:


“Onew…your ride is outside…you’re welcome! Very welcome!”


Onew was confused. Suddenly, there was a loud honking from outside. Taemin looked out the window and shrieked.


“Hyung! Look!”


Onew went over to the window and was shocked. It was a long white SUV limo.


“Hyung, let’s go, hurry!”


Taemin rushed out the door. Onew slowly gathered his wallet and keys and stopped by the mirror one more time. He brushed his hair back and sighed.


“Alright then, here goes nothing…” thought Onew.


Taemin hopped around the limo chairs as Onew tried to figure out the TV.


“Hyung…it’s freaking HUGE…”


“God…I know…this freaking TV doesn’t even work…hold on a sec…”


Onew started to slap the remote. Suddenly, a voice came out of the intercom.


“Mr. Onew, please don’t slap the remote.”


Onew and Taemin froze. The driver’s window lowered down.


“It would be nice if you kids could just stay still.”


“Oh yeah, sorry about that Mister…”


“No need to call me Mister…my name is Kyuhyun.”


Onew and Taemin bowed and Kyuhyun smiled back and rolled the window back up.


“Gosh Hyung…this Jonghyun…he’s super rich but he only works for the Palace…why?”


“Yeah, I’m not real sure either but from what I heard, he’s a son of strong and powerful business man and the Palace was a place to keep him out of trouble.”




“Yeah, not real sure…”


The intercom buzzed.


“Mr. Onew and Mr. Taemin, we’ve arrived at the Manor.”


Onew and Taemin looked outside and dropped their jaws.


“Hyung…is that a castle?


The two buddies stared out of the window. The Manor was a giant mansion that took up more than four acres of land. The home had giant Greek pillars at the front of the house. The architecture was very European. The limo circled around the giant Hercules fountain and parked behind the line of other limos. The whole scene resembled celebrities arriving at a giant awards show. Onew and Taemin were nervous.


“This is some party, Hyung…”


“Yeah it is…”


Kyuhyun parked the limo and exited out his door. He circled around the limo and opened the door for the two buddies.


“Welcome to Jonghyun’s Manor!”


“He has his own place?”


“Yes he does, Onew. Enjoy your night!”


They got out the limo and saw the crowds of people arriving. They all resembled fashion models and celebrities. Onew could tell some of the people were also Palace employees. Suddenly, a familiar voice screamed for Taemin.




Taemin turned and saw Sulli hurrying towards him. Taemin couldn’t tell it was Sulli at first because she was wearing a light purple dress with a dark jacket over and her long black hair was down. He also realized that she was wearing makeup. She looked different.


“Sulli? What are you doing here?”


“I came along with Luna!”


Onew looked passed Sulli and saw Luna smiling towards him. She was wearing a beige dress with chocolate brown leather jacket over. Her dark blonde hair was put up revealing her slender neck. Onew was surprised by Luna’s fashion. She looked attractive. Luna approached Onew.


“Hi there…Onew…you came alone?”


“Oh…no I’m with my bud, Taemin.”


“You know what I mean…”


Luna giggled at Onew’s innocence.


“Let’s go, guys!” yelled Taemin.


They all followed the crowd of people lining up at the giant front door.


The carpet to the front door was red velvet, as always, and the doors were enormous. There were statues of Greek gods that lined up the walls as they all walked in. There was music and laughter all around. There were spotlights on top of the roves so they would graze the night sky and attract attention to the public. The doors opened and there had to be hundreds of people in the entrance hall. They were all drinking champagne and chattering amongst each other. They all dressed in the latest fashion. From glittery dresses to pin striped suits, it was all there. Onew stuck close with his companions. The rest of the group was in shock and their eyes were amazed at all of the sights.


“Wow…” whispered Luna.


The floor was made of marble and the walls were covered in the most expensive portraits. From Rembrandt to Van Gogh, Jonghyun had all sorts of famous works. At the end of the entrance hall, there was a huge circle of steps that led to next floor. That was where the Ballroom was located. Slowly, Onew’s group began to disperse amongst themselves. Taemin and Sulli entered quickly into the ballroom while Luna wandered off to the outside garden. Onew was left alone in the crowd of party goers.


“Oh great…they left me!” thought Onew.


A waiter walked by holding a tray of fruit punch.  Onew reached over and grabbed a cup. He sipped and was surprised.


“Wow…that’s good!”


“I’m glad you like it!”


The whole crowd cheered as Jonghyun finally made his presence to the party. He was wearing a blue dress shirt with a loose white tie and dark blue skinny jeans. He was also wearing new white Nike Air Force One’s and a shiny silver Rolex watch. Jonghyun never failed to keep his fashion alive. He went over and placed his arm around Onew. He was wearing a portable microphone.




Everyone cheered as Jonghyun pulled Onew to the side. He waved to everyone and sat down with Onew. Onew was confused.


“Jonghyun…are these YOUR parties?”


“Better believe it!”


“But how? This must be all so…expensive…”


“Do not fear, my friend, my family is the strongest family in Korea and my dad plays golf with the worlds’ leaders. Money is NO issue here. I’ve been waiting for you though…”




“You’re a good guy and you deserve a GOOD time! Please…let me take you on a tour!”


“No…it’s fine…really…”


“Hey, you can’t dodge me in my own home! Come, let’s go!”


Jonghyun tugged Onew along and marched up the steps to the second floor.


The limo pulled up and the driver opened the door for Yuri. She slowly stepped out of the limo. She was wearing a y, dark red dress with a white fur coat. Her hair was up in a gorgeous ponytail. She strutted into the entrance hall and was escorted by Kyuhyun to the VIP room.


“Ms. Kwon Yuri, nice to have you back at the Manor.”


“It’s my pleasure. I never deny an old friend’s invitation. Where is Jonghyun anyways?”


“He’s showing his friend, Onew, around the Manor.”


“I see. Very well, take me to the VIP room.”


“Of course, ma’am.”


Kyuhyun pulled out a keycard and accessed a secret door behind the pillars. The door led to an elevator that led to the VIP room.


“Thank you very much, Kyuhyun.”


Kyuhyun bowed and guided Yuri to the elevator. As Yuri entered the elevator, she saw from the corner of her eye a familiar face. It was Minho. She turned and watched him get out of the limo. He was wearing a black dress shirt and dark dress pants. His sleeves were rolled up exposing his toned forearms. Yuri was instantly excited.


“Ms. Yuri?”


“Oh, sorry, let’s go.”


She went into the elevator with Kyuhyun.


“I’m going to find him and I’ll make sure he’s MINE tonight,” thought Yuri.


Jonghyun and Onew walked down the hallway. On each side of the walls, there were replicas of knights standing with their swords beside them. Onew was intimidated.


“Do you have knights all over the house?”


“No way dude, they’re freaking scary…but yeah I wanted to speak in private.”


They entered the balcony where other party goers were relaxing and gazing at the starry night.


“Onew, why exactly did you apply for the Palace? You’re a DIFFERENT kind of person.”


“Different? In what way?”


“You don’t care too much about fashion. You’re not afraid of the wealthy. I admire you, dude.”


Onew laughed.


“Jonghyun…you don’t know how scared I am!”




“No, but really, I was raised by a great father who taught me a lot about people.”




“He showed me that every person is equal. From race to class, every person has the same need and want. He showed me how to respect people, no matter what. That’s why I’m not too intimidated by those snotty people of the Palace.”


“I wish my parents showed me that kind of love…”


Jonghyun turned and looked at the sky.


“What do you mean, Jonghyun?”


“These parties, these clothes, these people…it’s just a way…to escape…”


“From what?”


“From loneliness…”


“Oh come on, Jonghyun…”


Onew looked at Jonghyun and could tell he was serious.


“Onew…have you ever been in love?”


“I don’t know…”


“There’s this girl that works at the Palace…”




“You know the make-up girl, right?”


“Kwon Yuri?!”


Jonghyun grabbed Onew by the mouth to shut him up. Onew was laughing.


“Onew…please! They’ll hear you!”


Jonghyun released Onew.


“Why her? She’s cruel and rude.”


“I know…but…I can’t stop thinking about her…that’s why I got a job at the Palace.”




“We used to be friends in high school. Close friends. But, I never confessed to her. Now, we barely speak like we used to. Just a simple smile and hello, that’s it,”


“Is she here tonight?”


“She always comes to my parties but we never speak to each other…”




“It’s because I broke our friendship over a girl. I ended up leaving the girl when I realized I loved Yuri but Yuri stopped speaking to me.”


“I see…”


Jonghyun wiped his tear from his eye. Onew could tell he was opening his heart and it was painful. Onew patted him on the back.


“What do you need me to do, Jonghyun?”


“I just want you to give her this letter.”


Jonghyun took out a small note from his pocket. Onew smiled and took it and placed it into his pocket.


“I’ll help you.”


Jonghyun smiled and put his arm around Onew.


“Thanks, man. Now, go enjoy yourself! Please don’t let me get you down!”


Onew smiled and hurried back into the Manor. Jonghyun turned and looked down towards the enormous garden. There were couples sitting together under the large tent and dancing to the music performed by Jonghyun’s private band. Jonghyun smiled and looked back at the stars.



The music was booming and the disco lights scattered the dance hall. The atmosphere was heavy with perspiration and ecstasy. The dance floor was covered in humanity, rubbing and grinding against each other. Key and Heechul sat at a booth, sipping on their martinis. Key frowned.


“This party is so lame…”


Heechul couldn’t hear Key from the loud music.




Heechul turned and pulled off his shades.




Key shook his head and left Heechul alone at the table. He entered the dance floor and began to dance along with the crowd. The music was a loud hip-hop vibe. All of sudden he bumped into Taemin.




Taemin glared at Key. Key glared back. The whole crowd started to back off feeling something would develop between the two. Sulli pulled on Taemin’s sleeve.


“Oppa…don’t…you’ll get hurt…”


“I think he wants to battle me…”


Key growled at him.


“Do you want to battle?”


The music slowly faded off and the DJ saw the crowd split down the middle, leaving Taemin and Key on the dance floor.




Key rolled up his sleeves and brushed his hair back. Taemin handed his coat over to Sulli and rolled up his sleeves as well.




“I got this…just wait…”


Heechul approached Key from behind.


“Be nice, ok?”


“I’m never nice, Hyung, remember?”


Heechul giggled and walked off the floor with his martini.


Suddenly the music came on; it was “We Are the Future” by the classic K-pop boy band, H.O.T. Key and Taemin simultaneously moved in the same time. They both knew the complete choreography to the dance. The whole crowd erupted as they dance. Key and Taemin never removed eye contact from each other.


“He’s good…” thought Key.


Taemin thought the same thing too. They moved closer to each other and started to dance together. Sulli was shocked.


“They’re amazing…”


All of sudden, Onew, Minho, and Jonghyun sprung out of the crowd. The crowd was confused. Onew was confused but went along with it.




“I like this song, Taemin! Let’s do this!”


The five of them formed into a group and danced the song together.




The crowd erupted in applause and praise. The five guys bowed then turned to each other and were all confused. Jonghyun laughed and jumped on stage.


“Please everyone continue the dance!”


The crowd came back and continued the dance. Key glared at Taemin.


“Very nice, kid. You still need to level up though…”


“Same with you…”


They smirked at each other. Taemin returned to Sulli and Onew. Taemin was shocked by Onew.


“Hyung?! How did you know that dance?”


“I don’t know…kind of random huh?”


They all laughed. Sulli pulled on Taemin’s sleeve.


“You dance great, Oppa…”




Suddenly, Taemin saw a familiar face. It was Krystal. She was dancing in the middle of the dance floor. Her flowing black hair and beautifully shaped body grooving along the music, Taemin couldn’t resist. He was hypnotized. He passed in between Sulli and Onew and returned to the dance floor. He moved in closer to Krystal. She was dancing and throwing her hair back. Her eyes were shut and she was feeling the music. Taemin was mesmerized.


“Hi Krystal! Remember me?!”


Krystal opened her eyes and saw Taemin dancing near her. She lifted eyebrow.


“You…you were that boy at the food court…”




“I saw you dancing with that group…very nice!”


The music faded and moved to a new song. Krystal moved in closer to Taemin.


“Do you want to go somewhere private so we can talk?”




Krystal pulled Taemin aside and they moved outside the dance hall. Sulli saw Taemin leave the dance hall with Krystal. She frowned and sat beside Onew in the booth.


“Sulli? Why don’t you dance?”


“Taemin just left…”


“Really? Where?”


Key and Heechul joined the two in the booth.


“Whoa! Hey guys!”


“Onew, when did you know how to dance?” asked Key.


Heechul giggled.


“Oh, I just like that song that’s all…”


“I see…”


Sulli slowly got up.


“Onew-Oppa, I’m going to look for Luna.”


“Sulli, wait!”


Sulli hurried and disappeared off into the crowd. Onew felt worried.


*Yoona’s Story*


Yoona was the most celebrated doll in the Doll World. She was looked upon as a loyal, friendly, charming, and dependable girl. She was the pupil of Taeyeon. When it was time to select the next dolls to journey into the living world, no one was surprise that Yoona would be selected. She was handed down her mission and was sent to Seoul. She did not know that her mission would ultimately change her life and her whole personality.


Yoona was a freshman in high school when she arrived at Seoul. Similar to Jessica, she was placed into a comfortable apartment and received a *mysterious allowance*.


*Taeyeon has an account in every bank and all of her dolls are provided financial stability as they venture through the living world to accomplish their missions. It’s her way to remain in control of them, no matter what aspect.


Yoona was slowly guided by Taeyeon on what to do and who she had to meet to reach her goal. Yoona quickly developed friends and was one of the most popular students at her school. Finally, she made contact with the person she needed to finish up her mission. Her name was, Goo Hara.


Goo Hara was a smart and accomplished student. She was studious, hardworking, and resilient. Yoona admired her and they became close friends. They helped each other study, played sports, and shared food. Yet, Hara came from a poor family from the countryside so she was often teased for her cheap clothing and provincial accent. Yoona respected her and always defended her. They were respected duo at their school. After they graduated, they went to the same college together. Yoona took fashion design, as every doll took, and Hara went into drama arts. Hara wanted to be an actress and Yoona supported her ambition. Things soon changed afterwards.


While at college, Hara made friends with a young college student named, Siwon. He was handsome, smart, and kind. He also wanted to be an actor and shared many classes with Hara. Yoona could feel Hara getting closer to Siwon and their friendship started to strain. It was the first time Yoona ever felt jealous about anything. Yoona decided that if Hara was going to find love then she should persevere and reach her goal but Yoona started to doubt her own mission.


Taeyeon wanted Yoona to make her close friend, Hara, become a popular actress in Korea. If she did that, then she would be granted eternal life in the living world. At first, Yoona felt it would be easy to support her but after Hara met Siwon, Hara wasn’t looking forward to becoming an actress. She and Siwon were in love. Yoona decided to take the opportunity and live her life and forget the mission. She soon became the most popular student in college and became a model. Before she graduated, talent agencies from all over the country wanted her to be a part of them. Yoona chose the most respected acting agency so she could model and act. Yoona decided to become an actress, a dream Hara never reached.


While Yoona became a celebrity, Hara dropped out of college and became a working mother. After getting pregnant by Siwon, she had to sacrifice her dreams. She did not regret it though and was still madly in love with Siwon. For Siwon, he was a struggling actor who took any lousy role to be discovered but he was barely making ends meet to support his small family. Hara decided to ask Yoona for help. Yoona agreed to help but things would turn to the worst.


Yoona wanted to get back at Hara for ruining their friendship and making her mission complicated. She secretly planned to create a scandal with Siwon. This way he would be exposed, like he wanted, but he would be forever ruined and therefore, ruining his family. Yoona’s jealousy turned to an obsession to make Hara suffer for her betrayal.


On the set of their movie, Siwon was in his room studying the lines. He was nervous because he never really shot a huge budget movie and he doubted himself heavily. Yoona, along with her assistant equipped with a small video camera, decided to help Siwon. The assistant left a hidden camera in the room as the two actors practiced a love scene. Yoona insisted that Siwon kiss her but he declined. She declared that if he wanted to succeed that he should follow through. Siwon slowly gave in and kissed Yoona passionately. The video leaked all over the internet and the media and Yoona accused Siwon for taking advantage of her. The public chose her side and destroyed Siwon’s small acting career. Yoona succeeded and Hara’s family was destroyed.


Siwon ended up becoming a gas station attendant while Hara was a babysitter. They eventually moved to the rougher side of downtown. Yoona never looked back and became one of the most controversial and popular actress and model all over the country.


Taeyeon soon took notice of what Yoona was doing but decided to let her live in the living world a little bit longer, hoping she would realize what she had done but Yoona continued to build her career.


Jessica handed over a cup of tea to Yoona as she slowly wiped her tears after telling her turbulent past.


“So, Yoona, you were suppose to help your friend but instead you betrayed her?”


“She…betrayed me first…”


“I don’t understand…she was in love…why would you ruin that?”


“I don’t know anymore…I felt like all my time was wasted and that friendship did not matter…”


“I finally understand what Taeyeon wants now…”


“Jessica…you do?”


“After listening to yours and Hyoyeon’s tale, these missions are a test.”


“A test?”


“Taeyeon knows that LOVE is the only way to set us free from her control and the doll world so, she creates these missions to test if we are capable of love.”


“I don’t understand…”


“Your mission was to help Hara become an actress but instead things changed and she slowly fell in love and your friendship went sour. If you decided to follow love, then you would have supported their relationship and your friendship would have been intact. That way, you would have been set free. But, Taeyeon KNEW you would turn jealous and she would have to take you back.


Yoona confusingly stared at Jessica. Jessica smiled.


“See, Yoona, Taeyeon wants to prove that WE are not meant to love humans and these missions are made to prove that…”


Yoona began to nod slowly and sip on her tea.


“Hyoyeon was meant to live a sad life as a mistress but she went against that mission and chose to follow love. That’s why she was set free and Taeyeon cannot control her.


“I see…”


“So, Yoona, if you want to escape Taeyeon and remain here in this world, we need to find Siwon and Hara, tell the truth, and ask for forgiveness.”


“That’s impossible…I can’t…with my stature as a celebrity…it’s difficult…”


“Well then, I’ll set up a meeting with Hara then…”




“Don’t worry, I’ll find a way.”


“What do you want in exchange?”


“I just need time to figure out my own mission.”


“Fine, I’ll get Taeyeon off our backs but, I can only hold her off for so long. She will go after me then she will find you.”


“I’ll find a way.”


Yoona slowly stood up and put her hood back on. Yoona smiled at Jessica.


“Life hasn’t been kind to me. My career is suffering and no one loves me. Hopefully, our little mission will change things.”


Yoona approached the door and Jessica followed along.


“I remember this apartment…I grew up here…”


Yoona wiped her tear.


“Did other dolls travel through here?”




“I see…”


“I must leave now but here’s my number. Tell me when Hara is ready.”


“I will.”


Yoona nodded and left down the stairs. Jessica stood by the door and slowly sighed.


“Now what do I do?”


Jessica shrieked and pulled out her phone.


“Onew…no…I’m so sorry!”


She closed the door and returned to her bedroom. She fell on her bed and started to text Onew back. The text read:


“Onew! I’m so sorry…something came up…it was important…call me or I’ll call you…either way please forgive me. I promise to make it up to you!”


Jessica sent the text and looked up at the ceiling.


“This feeling I get with Onew…is HE the one that will set me free?”


Jessica shook her head and blushed. She buried herself into her blankets and fell asleep.


Yuri was standing by the window looking down towards the dance floor. The VIP room was elegant and Jonghyun’s special invitees were allowed access to this room. It had a one-way mirror so they could look out at the people from below but, they can’t look in. She quietly sipped on her champagne when Jonghyun entered the VIP room. The other guests greeted him but he passed through them and slowly approached Yuri.


“Hey Yuri, thanks for coming, again.”


“How could I miss your parties? They’re a lot of fun.”


Jonghyun took a glass of champagne from the waiter and looked down towards the dance floor.


“How are you doing, Yuri?”


Yuri looked to Jonghyun. She was confused because he barely spoke to her.


“I’m fine…could be better…”


“Same here…”


They both stared out the window.


“How come you never speak to me anymore, Jonghyun?”


“I don’t know…”


Yuri felt the distance between her and Jonghyun. Suddenly, she saw Minho at the bar alone. Yuri was instantly hypnotized.


“Jonghyun…I need to go now.”








“Ok then, thanks for the drink.”


Yuri handed her empty glass to Jonghyun and hurried out of the VIP room.


Minho was sipping on a tall glass of Coke when Yuri popped out in her gorgeous outfit. Minho was in awe.




“Hey there! I saw you dance…it was INCREDIBLE!”


“Yeah! I liked that song!”


Yuri smiled and admired his cuteness.


“Why don’t WE dance?”


“I don’t know…”


“Come on…you need to get over your pain and have some fun!”


“Ok then, if you insist!”


Minho and Yuri went on to the dance floor and started dancing to Latin music. The music was sensual and the couples on the dance floor were dancing intimately close. Yuri let her hair down and wrapped her arms around Minho. He held tightly to her waist as they dance. She could feel his muscular shoulders and arms. She was shivering with excitement. The music ended and the crowd was sweating. They all cheered.


“Minho…let’s go get some air…”


“Yeah…let’s go…”


They left the dance floor and headed towards the balcony.


Onew had his head down on the table as Key and Heechul poked fun at the “loser” dancers.


“Look at the dude’s hair…” whispered Key.


Heechul giggled and pointed at another guy.


“Look at his clothes…”


Key and Heechul giggled. Suddenly, a slim, feminine-looking man being escorted by two tall beautiful women approached the gossiping friends.


“Having fun, you two?” asked the slim man.


Key and Heechul turned and were shocked.


“Jo Kwon?!”


Jo Kwon bowed to them and Key and Heechul hopped up and hugged him. Onew looked up and was puzzled.


“Who’s Jo Kwon?”


Key slapped Onew.




Onew shook his head. Heechul explained.


“Jo Kwon is the owner of ‘The Wonder Castle’ and he created the ‘Wonder Perfume.’ He’s also our old friend!!!”


Heechul hugged Jo Kwon again.


“My old friends…I hope you haven’t been working too hard at the Palace…so you must the ‘new’ shoes’ guy, yes?”


“Ah yes, I am!”


“I see…”


Jo Kwon sat beside Onew and examined him closely. Onew found him odd.


“Hmm…you smell nice…you dress…AVERAGE…but…you seem harmless. I guess Tiffany made a good selection.”


“Actually, I heard President Kim picked Onew,” said Key.


“REALLY?! Kim Jae Joong picked you?!”


“Yeah, he did.”


“Wow…that’s something else…anyways how’s my dear old…rival?”


“Jae-Joong? I guess he’s good…”


“I see…well then, my darlings, I’m leaving now. Ciao…”


Jo Kwon smiled and walked away with his escorts. Key and Heechul were still shocked. Key turned to Onew.


“Jo Kwon used to work for Tiffany’s Palace but he soon invented his own line of perfume and suddenly became a king…I wish I could do that…”


“He started his own business?”


Key and Heechul both nodded.


“I wonder…do I still have a chance to get my shoe store back?” thought Onew.


Suddenly, he remembered Taemin disappearing into the mansion with Jae Joong’s sister.


“Oh yeah, I need to look for my friends!”


Onew got up and dashed through the crowd. Key chugged down his fifth martini.


“Wasn’t Onew cute tonight?” asked Heechul.


“Another martini, please!” yelled Key.


Onew walked through the crowded hallway. He was searching from room to room for Taemin.


“Where is that kid?”


He opened the next door and caught Yuri and Minho kissing.


“Whoa! Sorry…”


Minho shoved Yuri off.


“Noona…I can’t do this…I’m sorry…”


Minho wiped his tears and ran out leaving Yuri. Yuri pulled her strap up and turned to Onew.


“You freaking idiot…”


Onew felt real embarrassed.


“Yuri…I’m sorry…”


“Whatever…just don’t tell anyone…”


Yuri walked past Onew.


“Wait, Yuri, I have something for you…”


Onew pulled out Jonghyun’s letter from his pocket and handed it over to Yuri.


“It’s from Jonghyun?”


Onew nodded.




Yuri slowly returned to the dance hall.


“Wow…I wonder what that letter says…anyways…where’s Taemin?” thought Onew.


Onew walked through the entrance hall and arrived at the Garden area. There was a live band outside playing classical music and the lights were romantically arranged all over the bushes and plants. Luna was sitting by the fountain, staring at her cell phone. Onew slowly approached Luna.


“Luna…what are you doing out here alone? Where’s Sulli?”


Luna slowly looked up at Onew. Onew was moved by her beauty.


“Sulli went home already and I stayed alone. I like Jonghyun’s garden…its…comforting…”


Onew sat beside her.


“Yeah…it really is comfortable here…”


Onew turned and smiled at Luna. She blushed.


“Where’s your boyfriend?”


“He…had something to do…”




Luna could hear the slow love music playing at the background. She wiped her tears.


“Luna…are you crying?”


“Onew…I’m fine…just fine…”


Onew turned and saw the older visitors slow dancing together.


“Why don’t we dance?”


“Huh? With me?”


“Sure! It shouldn’t hurt right?”


Onew pulled Luna to the dance floor and slowly put his arm around her waist. The other dancers were senior citizens and older members of Jonghyun’s family.


“Onew…I’m not too good in slow dancing…”


“It’s fine…just put your arms around my shoulders and we simply moving back in forth or at least that’s what my mom taught me…”


Luna giggled and looked up at Onew’s friendly face.


“Gosh…there’s a lot of old people out here…” whispered Onew.


Luna giggled again.


“I think they’re the older employees and grand-aunts and grand-uncles of Jonghyun’s family…”


“I see…”


An older couple danced closer and whispered to Onew and Luna.


“You kids look beautiful together…”


Onew laughed.


“We’re just friends…”


Luna blushed but resented that comment. Strangely, she was glad Nickhun didn’t come along with her. She felt more relaxed and herself when she was with Onew. He was far kinder and funnier than Nickhun. She could feel the possibility of being in love with Onew.


“Luna, why didn’t you visit the dance hall? That place was CRAZY! Jonghyun’s home is ENORMOUS!”


Luna smiled and stared at Onew’s eyes. The music was soothing and romantic and Luna could feel it burying into her soul. She slowly moved closer to Onew’s face.




She gently placed her lips on his lips. Onew was shocked and pulled back.


“Luna? I can’t…”


Luna let go of Onew and rushed off the dance floor.


“Luna! Wait!”


The dancers all stared at him.




Onew chased after Luna into the garden and entered the gazebo overlooking the beautiful pond. Luna had her back turned to Onew.


“Onew…please…stay away…”


“Luna…I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to-“


“You didn’t do anything wrong…it’s my entire fault…my fault, understand?”


She turned and her eyeliner make-up began to smear her face. Onew slowly approached her and pulled out his handkerchief to wipe her messy makeup. Luna felt embarrassed.


“Onew…why are you nice to me?”


“You‘re my friend…”


Luna pushed his hand aside.


“Onew…I need to be alone…”




“Don’t worry…I just need time to think…”


“Ok…by the way…have you seen Taemin?”


“I last saw him at the patio…”


“Ok, thanks.”


“Sulli likes him, you know?”


“Yeah, I know.”


“I guess us two girls made a big mistake huh?”




“You should go ahead and find him…”


Onew nodded and walked off. Luna simply stared at the calm, small pond.


Onew walked up the patio stairs when he suddenly felt his phone vibrate. He moved to a nearby chair and pulled out his phone. It was a message from Jessica. He suddenly turned excited.


“…I promise to make it up to you…”


Onew smiled to himself.


“I’ll call her soon…” thought Onew.


From the far side of the patio, Onew saw a group of people gathered up in a circle. Onew closed his phone and approached the crowd. He squeezed through and found Taemin and Krystal dance battling each other. The crowd cheered as Krystal finished her part and left Taemin at awe. He was obviously defeated.


“Krystal…you beat me again…”


“Well…that’s how it is…”


Krystal giggled and put her hat on.


“Well, Taemin, I need to go now…got work tomorrow but…”


Krystal took Taemin’s hand and wrote her cell phone number. Taemin froze.


“I’ll see you then…Taemin…”


The crowd slowly divided and Krystal passed through the patio doors. Onew approached Taemin and slowly picked him up.


“We should definitely go home now…it’s getting late…”


“Yeah, I agree, Hyung…”


Onew and Taemin walked down the steps and entered the garden. Luna was still at the gazebo. They went ahead and visited her.


“Do you want us to take you home?”


“It’s ok, Onew, Jonghyun is providing limo service for those who are returning home. Thanks anyways…”


Onew nodded and smiled.


“I’ll see you at work then…”


“Yeah…I’ll see you…”


Onew and Taemin walked off. Taemin felt confused.


“What happened?”


“I’ll tell you when we get home, alright?”





Kyuhyun was leaning against the limo when Onew and Taemin arrived. He smiled at them.


“Leaving already, gentlemen?”


“Yeah, Kyuhyun, we’re tired already…”


Taemin simply nodded and entered the limo.


“You guys look exhausted.”


“Yeah, he’s been dancing all night.”


Jonghyun arrived and embraced Onew from behind.


“Dude, thank you for coming!”


“No problem, Jonghyun. Thanks for inviting.”


“Anytime, anytime…Kyuhyun, please take care of my friends, ok?”


“Yes, Jonghyun.”


“You dudes take care alright?”


Onew bowed and entered the limo. He looked out the window and saw Jonghyun waving to him. Kyuhyun ignited the engine and they were off. Taemin was sound asleep in his seat. Onew looked back and saw Jonghyun continue to wave as they exited through the giant gates. Onew was exhausted but experienced a lot in one night. He felt bad for Luna. He never knew she felt like that for him. He felt guilty but he didn’t look at Luna that way. He stared ahead to the front of the limo and saw Kyuhyun’s head.


“I should probably text Jessica…” thought Onew.


He pulled out his phone and texted her.


“Jessica, are you awake still?”


Suddenly, Jessica started calling Onew. Onew was surprised and answered quickly.




“Hi Onew…”


Onew smiled.


“I’m sorry to wake you…”


“No…its fine…I was just laying here…can’t really sleep…”


Onew bit his hand from his excitement.


“I went to the party tonight…it was crazy and tiring…”


“Really? I’m sorry I couldn’t join you…I had to speak with an old…friend…”


“That’s fine…”


“Since you have my number, I guess you tried to visit me at the hospital huh?”


“Haha…I did…”


“You’re so kind to me…”


“It’s the least I could do…I just don’t understand why you fainted…”


“Me either…”


Onew started to think.


“Onew…are you busy tomorrow?”


“I think I’m…off tomorrow…I AM! I AM OFF!”


Jessica giggled.


“Do you want to have lunch tomorrow? I want to make it up to you…”


Onew’s jaw dropped.




Jessica giggled again.


“You seem to stutter a lot…but I’ll text you tomorrow ok?”


“Yeah sure!”




“Do I really stutter a lot?”


Jessica giggled.


“I’m not sure but when we speak you do…”


Onew laughed.


“I’m sorry…”


“It’s ok…it’s…cute…”


Onew was speechless.


“Ok then, Onew…goodnight…”


“Oh…yeah! Goodnight Jessica…”


“I can’t wait until tomorrow…”


“Me either…”


“Bye now, Onew…”


Jessica hung up. Onew closed his phone and couldn’t help but smile. He wanted to explode from joy but his body was far too tired to do so. He rested his head and stared out the window. He saw the streetlights zoom by as the limo got closer to his apartment.


“Thanks again, Kyuhyun!” yelled Onew.


He shut the door and the limo zoomed down the street. Taemin was yawning as they went up the steps.


“No more parties for you, Taemin.”


“Sorry Hyung but I had to dance…I love to dance…”


“I know…”


“I even spoke with Krystal…it was amazing!”


They entered into the apartment and Taemin fell face first onto the couch.


“You left Sulli, you know that right?”


“We tried to find her but she disappeared.”


“She likes you…”


“But Hyung…”


“You need to apologize first thing tomorrow, understand?”




“Please…she’s too kind…please respect her, ok?”


Taemin nodded.


“Now, get some rest.”


Onew placed the blanket on him.


“Hyung…thanks for being kind to me.”


Onew smiled.


“Now, sleep.”


Taemin turned his head and was quickly asleep. Onew entered his bedroom, threw his shoes to the side and fell into his bed. He was sound asleep.




Onew entered the Palace, as usual, but no one was inside. The lights were all on but no one was around. It was eerie and Onew felt scared. All of sudden a voice entered the intercom. Music began to play.


“Uh huh …listen boy…my first love story…my angels…and my girls…and my sunshine…”


Onew woke up.


“What was that?”


Jessica is getting closer to realizing her true existence. Will she be able to help Yoona in time? What will happen with Luna and her feelings? Is Taemin being selfish? Will Onew and Jessica actually find time together? MINYUL?! Jonghyun’s love for Yuri? What the heck?! Stay tuned for more!


End of Chapter 5

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Chapter 10: okay you catch my attention..this is a good and sweet story. this story very touched. .. the writer can manage onsica for best plot. give applause for the writer...
2amshinee501CS #2
Chapter 10: please make a keysica story too :)
Wow a great story *clappping hands *
wow *applause*<br />
gotta read your other fics
... wow. this was... REALLY good... :O time to go on to all your other stories! :)
Just finished reading this story all over again! You never fail to amaze me Kuya Dom! The best fanfic I've ever read! :)
143onsica #7
really love it!!!
There are so many momentous lines in this fic! XD truly well written ^^<br />
keys character never failed to make me smile!
pluckfire #9
It's a little different then before but still love it.<br />
i love it... ^_^