Episode 3

The WindowShopper

Episode 3


The evening finally rolled along and it was closing time for the store. Onew sat back on the chair and let off a deep sigh.


“Wow…what a long day…”


Luna sat right next to Onew.


“You can say that again…”


Luna’s phone began to vibrate in her pocket. She looked at the caller ID and frowned. She turned to Onew, smiled, and got up to answer it. Onew watched as Luna walked back to the stock room.


“You’re off now. You should go to the back so you can check out, “said Heechul.


“Oh ok, thanks, Heechul.”


“Remember what I told you about that ‘girl,’ ok?”


Onew smiled and nodded.




Onew waved and vanished into the back. Key approached Heechul.


“What do you think?” asked Key.


“Who? The newbies?”




“They should be fine but…Onew…he’s real interesting…”


“Tell me about it…I have NEVER met anyone who worked so diligently…”

“I guess he’ll be a great asset here…”


“I still don’t like him.”


Heechul giggled.


“Let’s go now, Key. It’s getting late.”


The lights slowly dimmed down and Tiffany’s Palace was closed for business. The guard locked the doors and began his late night security shift. The employees lined up and punched out for the day. Onew saw Luna was still on her phone so he went ahead, punched out, and headed home. He stepped out into the cool night and put his hands in his pockets.


“Wow…it’s chilly…”


It was already early fall in Seoul yet, the cold temperature had already arrived. Onew hated himself for forgetting his coat once again. As he approached the sidewalk, a black Suzuki motorcycle suddenly screeched and stopped in front of him.




The cyclist removed his helmet. He was a muscular, young man with dark blonde hair. Luna passed by Onew.


“That’s my boyfriend. I’ll see you tomorrow then, Onew.”


“Oh…oh yeah! I’ll see you tomorrow! Drive safely!”


Luna smiled and hopped behind her boyfriend. Her boyfriend whispered to her.


“Who’s that loser?”


“He’s just my co-worker.”


“And that’s ALL he’ll ever be, alright?”


“Yes, Nickhun, I know. I hate it when you get jealous…he’s just being nice…”


“Whatever. Let’s go.”


They placed their helmets on and zoomed off. Luna hugged tightly behind Nickhun yet turned to see Onew waving her off.


“He’s cute…” thought Luna.


Onew put his hand down and made a deep sigh. Jonghyun lightly punched his shoulder.


“Did she break your heart?” asked Jonghyun.

“Who? Luna? No, no,no! She’s just my co-worker.”


“Whatever you say…”


“No! Really!”


Jonghyun smiled.


“Well then, Onew, I can’t let my suit go to waste so, I’m going out to the club. Want to join?”


Onew examined Jonghyun and saw that he was wearing a real expensive black suit with a navy blue shirt and a white tie. It all seemed real expensive to Onew.


“No thanks, Jonghyun, I’m just going to go home and rest. I need to be here early tomorrow anyways.”


“Tiffany got you working long shifts? Poor boy…well then goodnight!”


A limousine filled with beautiful girls pulled up and Jonghyun hopped in.


“Are you sure, Onew?”


Onew’s jaw dropped. Onew shook his head to wake himself up.


“I’m fine, Jonghyun! Just enjoy yourself!”


“Fine then! Have a good one!”


Jonghyun shut the door and the limo sped off to the busy club scene of downtown Seoul. Onew sighed once again and started to make his way home. As he walked, he looked across the street and saw a bunch of teenagers dancing. They were dancing to SHINee’s song “Replay.” Onew liked that song and decided to check out what was happening. He waited for the light to turn white then he crossed the street. When he arrived, he saw a huge crowd of kids cheering. He pushed himself inside to see who was performing. He was amazed to see his buddy, Taemin, was the main attraction. Taemin was dancing alongside Sulli and another group of kids.






Taemin wrapped up the finishing parts of “Replay” then joined Onew in the crowd. The crowd erupted in cheer once the song finished.


“I’m happy you made it, Hyung!”


“I didn’t know you danced out here!”


“I don’t! Sulli showed me!”


Sulli joined the loud crowd.


“Hi Onew-Oppa! How was work?”


“Well I got the job and I met your buddy, Luna!”


“Awesome! Isn’t she cute?!”


Onew smiled and nodded.


“Hyung! Let’s go somewhere quieter!”


Taemin and Sulli bowed to the crowd then vacated the area. Onew followed along as they found a quieter part of the park to chat in. The three sat on a bench.


“So, Onew-Oppa, what’s Tiffany’s Palace like?”


“Not too sure, Sulli. It’s beautiful yet strange in the same time. I think there’s some magic in that place.”


“Really, Hyung?”


“Yeah. I’m not sure, but I don’t mind it. A job is a job and I really needed one. How about you two kids? How was work?”


Sulli’s phone began to vibrate. She saw the caller ID and frowned.


“Sorry, Oppa, it’s my Dad. I need to meet him outside the park. I’ll see you guys tomorrow!”


Taemin and Onew bowed to Sulli as she hurried to the entrance of the park. Onew turned to Taemin.


“Does Sulli like work?”


“She LOVES it, Hyung!”


“I see. Have you been guiding her?”


“I sure have. We needed the extra help so she got the job quicker than expected.”


“That’s good. Well then, I’ll take you to the bus stop so you can get home too-“


“Actually, Hyung, I was hoping…”




“Could I hang out with you for the next few weeks?”




“My parents are leaving for vacation and I don’t want to be stuck with my older brother so…yeah…please let me stay with you!”


“I have only one bedroom.”


“That’s fine, I’ll stay at the living room.”


“You sure?”


“I’m sure!”


“Fine…let’s get going then…”




Onew opened the door and Taemin threw his huge duffel bag on the couch. Taemin collapsed on the couch and yawned.


“Man, I’m tired!”


Onew smiled and went into the kitchen to fetch a glass of water.


“Taemin! Want some water?”




Taemin took his shoes off and placed them by the door. He placed his feet up on his bag.


“Hyung…you place is…empty…”


Onew came out and handed some water to Taemin.


“Yeah…I know…but I’ll get some furniture and maybe a TV very soon. I just don’t really have the money and-“


Onew turned and noticed Taemin was sound asleep. Onew smiled and placed a blanket over him. Onew entered his room and prepared for bed.


“I have another long day tomorrow…” thought Onew.


Onew got into his blankets and quickly fell asleep.





The shop was busy as always and Taemin loved to visit. Since his best friend, Onew, had to leave to America for school, he promised he would help his father. Taemin arrived right after class to help Onew’s father. Taemin was the temporary cashier for the time being.


“Papa Lee!”


Onew’s father turned while speaking to a customer and waved to Taemin. Taemin waved back and moved behind the register. He cracked his knuckles and started the help the paying the customers. Taemin was simply amazed on how hard Papa Lee worked. Regardless of his old age, he still maintained the shop at top shape. The customers ranged from working class to wealthy families. Papa Lee never discriminated anyone. Taemin admired Onew and his father. Taemin wished he had a close family like them. Suddenly, there was a scream from the back. A young school girl came to Taemin panicking.


“Oppa! It’s Papa Lee! He passed out!”


Taemin was shocked and leaped over the counter. He pushed through the crowd and found Mr. Lee lying on the floor. He was gripping his chest.


“Papa Lee! Please, someone call the ambulance!”


Moments later, the ambulance arrived and picked up Mr. Lee. Mr. Lee suffered a major heart attack. The whole neighborhood was gathered on the street. The people were all trying to take a peek inside the ambulance. Young people and old people were all tearing up. Mr. Lee was a public figure for the neighborhood and an icon for all ages. His friendliness and loyalty was unrivaled. Taemin sat on the curb, crying, while texting to Onew.


“Hyung…please come home…”



Jessica pulled her shoes off and placed them by the entrance of the door. She sighed and walked into her bedroom. The walls were bare and empty. There were no photos or furniture in her home. She sat on her bed and slowly fell back. She stared up at the empty ceiling and let off another slow sigh. She rolled over and saw her closet was still open. She got up to close the door. Before she closed the door, she decided to turn the light bulb and examine her clothes.


“Let’s see…”


She snapped on the light and saw her two outfits. The first outfit was a dark brown blouse and tight dark blue jeans. The other outfit was a simple, blue dress. She had very few outfits yet she was able to make them last for awhile. She shut off the light and got undressed into her underwear. She threw her favorite hoodie aside and crawled into bed. She yawned and made a little giggle.


“Oh…it’s chilly…”


She closed her eyes and went into a deep sleep.





It was dark and Jessica had a painful headache. Her vision was blurry and she didn’t seem to recognize the area. She slowly walked out of the alley and went to a nearby street lamp. She gripped the lamp to gain her balance.


“Where am I?”


Suddenly out of the darkness, a black SUV made a screeching halt by a building. Jessica tried to remember the sign on the building.


“Lee’s Shoes?”


The doors flew open and several men dressed in black popped out. They were holding gas tanks. They started to pour gas around the outside of the building. Suddenly, Jessica’s vision went black. It returned and there was dark figure standing beside the SUV. He wore dark shades. He lit a match and threw it onto the gas.


“Oh no…”


The building went instantly on fire. The men all jumped in and the dark figure made a smirk. The SUV sped off into the darkness.


“Lee’s Shoes?”



Jessica sprang up from the bed. She was soaked in cold sweat.


“I don’t understand…why do I have that same dream every night?”


She slowly crawled out of bed and went onto the balcony. She stood outside, in the chilly night, and stared at the starry sky. She felt like she was lost.


“I don’t understand…why am I here? How did I get here?”


She embraced herself as the cold air rubbed against her smooth skin.


“Lee’s Shoes? Where is that? Why was I there?”


Jessica’s questions started to give her a headache. She returned inside and shut the balcony door behind her. She sat down on her bed and decided to return to sleep and save the confusion for another day. She covered herself with her blanket and closed her eyes.



The Next Morning


Jessica entered the subway train. It was Sunday morning but strangely the train was crowded as if it were a working day. Jessica decided she would visit the Palace once again, maybe, she could see Onew again. She felt attracted to him. Yet, she also felt like they met before. She guessed it was just another one of her eerie feelings again. She giggled at that thought. She slowly looked up and saw a woman staring at her from across the train cab. She had dark brown hair, a round face, and pretty eyes. The woman began to approach her. Jessica panicked.


“Not again…”


Jessica began to push through the crowd. The speaker made an announcement.


“Next stop…Downtown Plaza…”


“Yes! We’re here!”


Jessica turned and the woman was next to her.


“We need to talk,” said the woman.


“About what?”


“It’s very important. It’s about your life.”


“Wait…my life? Who are you?”


“You don’t remember me? I’m Hyoyeon, your old friend.”




“Your memory has really taken a beating. Mine did too when I was released but never mind that, I need to warn you about something.”


“A warning?”


“It’s Yoona.”




“The slim woman who’s chasing you. You must be careful. She is hunting you down.”


The doors finally opened and Jessica  quickly backed outside. Hyoyeon was surprised.


“Jessica! Wait!”


The doors closed and Hyoyeon ran to the window to see Jessica. Jessica ran up the steps and disappeared in to the crowd. Hyoyeon sighed and sat down.


“That foolish girl…this was so IMPORTANT…I’ll find her again…”

A little girl with a balloon sat next to Hyoyeon. She looked up to Hyoyeon.


“You look like a member of ‘Girls’ Generation’,” said the little girl.


Hyoyeon looked down and smiled.


“Those girls are WAY too cute for me, honey,”


The little girl shrugged and returned to her mother.


“Do I really look like a member of that girl group?” thought Hyoyeon.



Onew arrived at the plaza yet he decided to enter from the back. This way he could avoid the grumpy security guard on the front door. He left rather early, before Taemin woke up. He wanted to get an early start and get acquainted with his job. He left a separate key for Taemin so he could lock up when he left for work.


“Gosh, I really hope he locks the doors…” thought Onew.


Onew arrived at the back of the plaza and saw the other employees waiting to check in. Onew saw Luna, in her big sunglasses, waiting by the door. She was on her cell phone.


“Good morning, Luna!”


Luna was startled and put her cell phone away.


“Onew-oppa! Hi!”


“How are you this morning?”


“Pretty tired, actually.”


“Why? No sleep?”


“Actually, my boyfriend and I had a big fight…”


“Fight? What happened?”


Before Luna could answer, a sky blue Porsche Carrera made a screeching stop at the parking lot. Everyone turned and looked to see who it was. A guy in the back of the crowd whispered.


“Oh sweet…it’s Yuri…”


Yuri slowly came out of her car holding her latte. She wore a beige dress with a black blazer over and dark brown Gucci sunglasses. Her hair was beautifully let down. She passed through the crowd with an air of arrogance. She passed in between Onew and Luna. She stopped and examined Luna.


“Hi there…” said Yuri.


Luna made a big smile.


“Yuri-unnie! I’ve always wanted to-“


“Could I see your shades?”


“Oh…well sure…”


Luna handed them over to Yuri. Yuri brought her shades down to take a closer look at Luna’s.


“You see this mark here, Luna?”


“Oh…yes I do, Unnie. What does that mean?”


“It’s fake.”


Luna’s face went pale. Yuri handed the sunglasses back to Luna. Onew looked at Luna’s shocked face and responded back to Yuri.


“I don’t think that matters, Ms. Yuri.”


“Excuse me…who are you?”


“I’m Lee Jin Ki and I work for the Palace as well. Regardless if it’s fake or not, it still serves its purpose, right?”


Yuri smiled at Onew.


“I’m sorry, the last time I checked…I didn’t care.”


Onew was shocked. Yuri put her shades back on and made an announcement.


“Anyone working for Tiffany’s Palace, please, come along with me!”


Yuri scanned her card and the door opened up. All the employees followed Yuri inside. Onew remained outside to comfort Luna.


“Don’t listen to her, Luna, alright?”


“Oppa…you don’t understand…fashion…it’s a war…”


Luna threw her sunglasses into the garbage can and went inside. Onew stared at the garbage can.


“A war?”


Suddenly, a limo pulled up and Jonghyun slowly crawled out. He was dressed in a red letterman jacket, skinny jeans, and Nike high top sneakers. He looked like he hadn’t slept for days.




“Yo…Onew…I had a LONG night…”


“Yeah…you look like it. Is it ok for you to dress up like that?”


“Yeah…Tiffany is cool anyways…as long as you make the sales and well…I’m the best salesman in the Men’s fashion area anyways…”


“Oh I see…I think we should head inside now.


“Yeah dude…definitely…wait…I need to throw up…”


Jonghyun hurried behind Yuri’s car and threw up all over her left-rear tire. Onew couldn’t help but smile.


“Take that, Yuri…” thought Onew.


Jonghyun slowly got up then was shocked at what he did.


“Oh crap…this is Yuri-noona’s car…I’m dead…”


Onew and Jonghyun laughed.



Jessica pulled the heavy door open and entered Tiffany’s Palace. She was nervous, as always, because she knew that at any moment an employee would embarrass her. She entered through the Men’s Fashion section. As she walked through the marble path, she heard someone clear their throat.


“AHEM…” sounded Jonghyun.


Jessica halted and turned to Jonghyun. He was smiling.


“Hi there, I see you’re here again. May I help you?”


“I’m here to see someone, actually.”


“Is it me?”


Jonghyun hopped over the counter and held Jessica’s hand. Jessica smiled and pulled her hand away.


“I’m looking for Onew…is he here today?”


Jonghyun frowned.


“He’s at the Shoes Area…”

“Oh, thanks!”


Jessica bowed to Jonghyun and continued on her way. Jonghyun watched as Jessica walked off. He snapped his finger.


“I never knew Onew was a ladies’ man…” thought Jonghyun.


He returned to his counter, sat back, and pouted.



Key was fixing his bangs in the mirror when he recognized Jessica was approaching him. He quickly turned around and growled at Jessica.


“What are YOU doing here?”


Jessica bowed to Key. Key was stunned.


“I’m here to see Onew.”


“Onew? Why?”


“I wanted his advice.”


“Advice on what?”


Onew saw Jessica speaking to Key from across the room and was surprised.


“She actually came…”


Luna heard Onew’s whisper and turned to see who he was looking at.


“Who’s that, Onew?”


“A special customer. I’ll be right back!”


Onew went around Luna and headed towards Jessica. Luna lifted her eyebrow.


“Who’s that?”


Onew went in between Key and Jessica.


“Hello Jessica!”


Jessica smiled warmly towards Onew.


“Hi there, I wanted to see if you could help me with something.”


Onew smiled.

“Yes…she actually came back!” thought Onew.


“Of course, Jessica, right this way!”


Key pouted.


“You’re actually going to help her?”


Onew smiled and passed beside Key. Jessica bowed to Key and carefully followed behind Onew.


Key pouted as Heechul giggled from behind the shoe rack.



Yuri went behind the plaza to take her lunch break. She hated the employees’ break room because it was too crowded and it smelled real bad. She took a seat on the bench overlooking the pretty fountain. She sipped on her strawberry smoothie and began texting her guy friend who happened to be a big time movie producer. Yuri’s been sticking “close” to him, hoping she would be able to catch her lucky break in the entertainment business. She has been working for Tiffany’s Palace for the past three years and her side modeling job wasn’t going anywhere.


“Leeteuk-Oppa…any news on my interview for the part?” texted Yuri.


She sat back and continued to sip on her smoothie. She saw an old couple walk by, holding hands, and Yuri smiled towards them. They smiled back at her and continued to walk past the fountain. She brushed her hair back and checked if she received a response. There was no response from Leeteuk.


“Geez Oppa…you’re useless…” whispered Yuri.


She closed her phone and looked up. She noticed a tall man leaning against a tree near her. She narrowed her eyes to see if he was familiar. It was Minho on his phone.


“Oh my…its him…”


Yuri took her mirror out and checked if she looked alright. She cleared and got up from the bench. She casually walked by Minho to see what he was up to. Minho was reading a text on his phone. Minho looked up and saw Yuri.




He closed his phone and wiped his tears.


“Noona? Anyways…were you just…crying?”


“Oh…no…it was nothing…”


“What are you doing here behind the plaza?”


“Oh, I’m on break right now. I think I should get going-“


“Wait! Umm…Minho, would you like to join me?”


“Sorry, Noona, I need to get back now. I’ve been out too long…”


Minho suddenly turned and slammed against the tree. The tree shook from the collision of Minho.




“Oh my god! Are you ok?”


Minho rubbed his forehead.


“I’m fine, Noona. I got to go now.”


Minho returned inside, leaving Yuri standing alone. She frowned.


“He ACTUALLY ditched me…whatever…I’m sure he likes me. What kind of man wouldn’t?”


Yuri looked down and saw Minho’s cellphone.


“Oh no…he must have dropped it! Wait…”


Yuri examined the cellphone.


“Well…it wouldn’t hurt to see what he was crying about…”


She clicked the phone on and saw that it was still on the text message. The message read:


“Minho…I’m sorry…I’m leaving you now…please don’t make harder than it is…love….Jojo…”


Yuri shut the phone.


“Who’s Jojo?”



Onew and Jessica carefully walked through the women’s shoes.  Onew was examining each shoe as Jessica closely followed behind Onew. Onew stopped and turned and Jessica ran into him. They realized how close they were and quickly backed off. Onew was scratching his head.


“Sorry about that, Jessica…ummmm….was there something particular you were searching for?”


Onew was beginning to stutter at his words. Jessica looked from side and side and started to think. Onew was melting from her cuteness.


“The way she thinks…it’s so…cute…” thought Onew.


“Actually, there is something, Onew. It’s something that has been drawing me to this store, everyday.”




“Yeah…its strange.”


“That is strange,” thought Onew.


“But, its outside, displayed in the window.”


“Ok then, let’s go outside and take a look.”


“Ok! Thanks…”


“Haha…no problem, Jessica.”


Onew joined Jessica outside to find exactly what she’s been looking for. They went through the side doors and emerged out by the plaza bus stop. Jessica went to the windows and started to retrace her steps. She stopped and pointed. Onew went over to her and his jaw dropped.




“Yeah…I really like those…”


“Wow…well then…I’ll show them to you…”


They returned inside and Onew took Jessica back to the shoe section. Onew went to the far end of the area and called for Jessica. Jessica reached Onew and stopped in her tracks. She was shocked.


“Those shoes you saw outside were just a mere copy…these are the REAL shoes you’re looking for.”


The stilettos were behind a glass case and were worn by a human-like mannequin. The stilettos were made of crystal and seemed to have come out of a fairy tale. The heels gleamed and shined under the light. Onew was curious why Jessica wanted shoes like those. Jessica moved closer to the glass case.


“May I, Onew?”


“You can look at them from outside the glass but we can’t let people try them on. They are called, “The Crystal Millionaire.”


“’The Crystal Millionaire?’”


“Yeah, supposedly cost about a million dollars. Only Ms.Tiffany has access to these.”




“I was amazed something like this would exist. Kind of like ‘Cinderella’ huh?”

Jessica ew and smiled. Onew was surprised by her sudden smile and gave a goofy smile in return. Jessica turn back to the case and decided to see what type of mannequin graced the magnificent pair of shoes. Jessica slowly looked up. The mannequin was dressed up in a gorgeous light blue dress. Her skin had a fair complexion. It was like a real person. Jessica reached her face and suddenly, her head began to ache. Jessica fell to her knees.




Onew dove down to catch her. Onew caught her and she began to moan in pain.


“Somebody help!”


Luna arrived.


“Onew, what happened?!”


“I don’t know! She just fell to her knees and began to cry in pain!”


Key, Heechul, and the rest of employees arrived. Tiffany moved through the crowd.


“Onew! What is this?!” screamed Tiffany.


“Ma’am, I’m not sure! She just fainted!”


“Someone call the ambulance!”


Yuri grabbed the phone from the wall and called for the ambulance. Onew cradled Jessica.


“You’ll be alright, ok? You’ll be alright…”


Jessica looked up at Onew then pointed to the mannequin. Onew looked up at the mannequin then back to Jessica.


“What about it, Jessica?”




Jessica fainted in Onew’s hands.





*Jessica’s Dream*


Jessica fell into a dark passage. She landed on her back.




She slowly got up, rubbing her back, and began to shout.




Suddenly, a spotlight appeared from the distance and someone emerged from the darkness. It was Seohyun. She was wearing a black hood.


“Seohyun? How do I know you?”


“You don’t remember me? We’re sisters.”


Suddenly, all the lights and they were standing on a stage in giant concert hall. In all the seats, mannequins were sitting and staring at them with their lifeless eyes.


“Welcome home…Unnie…”



Yoona entered Tiffany’s Palace. She walked through the men’s fashion area. Suddenly, she heard someone cough. She turned and saw Jonghyun sitting on the counter.


“Hi there, may I…help you?”


Yoona was disgusted and turned to continue walking. Jonghyun hopped off and cut her off.


“Don’t worry, I won’t bite…”


“I don’t need to your help, understand?”


“Come on…not so harsh…you look like you’re looking for someone…”


“Actually…I am…”


“See! I can help you! Who are you looking for?”


“She has blonde hair, she’s slim…she comes here often…”


“Oh! The WindowShopper! Yeah…she just left…she got sick and the ambulance picked her up-“






Yoona dashed off towards the exit and disappeared outside. Jonghyun snapped his finger.


“Not even a number…darn…”


The mystery continues to unfold for Jessica. What is the history between Jessica and Seohyun? How about Onew? Is there any chance for him to be with Jessica? How about MinYul? Stay tuned for more!


End of Episode 3

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Chapter 10: okay you catch my attention..this is a good and sweet story. this story very touched. .. the writer can manage onsica for best plot. give applause for the writer...
2amshinee501CS #2
Chapter 10: please make a keysica story too :)
Wow a great story *clappping hands *
wow *applause*<br />
gotta read your other fics
... wow. this was... REALLY good... :O time to go on to all your other stories! :)
Just finished reading this story all over again! You never fail to amaze me Kuya Dom! The best fanfic I've ever read! :)
143onsica #7
really love it!!!
There are so many momentous lines in this fic! XD truly well written ^^<br />
keys character never failed to make me smile!
pluckfire #9
It's a little different then before but still love it.<br />
i love it... ^_^