Chapter 18 (Epilogue)

Celebrital Lovers

PS: Author did not make English Version.

Chapter 18

Epilogue-part 1

“想吃吗?我喂你!” Jiro scooped a spoon of strawberry ice-cream and fed the girl beside him. Then, he placed his arm around her waist and kissed her.

“妹,你可不可以叫我的未来妹夫不要那么恶心?我在吃饭也!” Aaron complained as he pushed a spoonful of chicken rice into his mouth.

“少 来了!鬼鬼在的时候你也一样!有时候还比我更恶心!” Jiro rolled his eyes and challenged Aaron. Aaron simply punched him in the arm and pulled his mobile phone out.

Just then, a group of fans rushed up to him and handed him his latest album.

“可以帮我们签吗?” They requested in between their squeals. Aaron took the pen and smiled politely.

2years have passed since Guigui and Aaron started dating. During this long duration, Aaron had been offered to release his own album due to his powerful vocals. However, he is still part of the active boyband Fahrenheit and has become an extreme drop-dead hunk. Fans would flock to him wherever he went. In fact, Guigui once became really pissed when their date was constantly interrupted by fans that came up to ask for his signature and photograph. She had stood at a corner waiting for him for nearly 5minutes become storming off.

On the other hand, Jiro had finally summoned sufficient courage to confess his love for Minpei 1 year back. To his delight, Minpei also had a good impression of him and readily accepted his request to try dating each other. Well, all went well for them and the couple were even considering if they should get married.

“哥,你和鬼鬼交往的时段也太久了吧?怎么不把她娶回来?” Minpei prompted Aaron who choked on his food upon hearing his sister’s words.

“我 们最近都很忙。” He gave an excuse before gulping down some water to ease his coughing (caused when he choked on his food). Just then, someone whispered in his ear.

“很帅耶~” The voice went as a arm wind round Aaron’s neck, and kissing him on his ear. Without hesitation, Aaron pulled the lady onto his lap and hugged her tightly. He saw some of the fans taking out their cameras to capture this scene but he didn’t care, after all it wasn’t that the world didn’t know that they were together.

Guigui laughed at Aaron and hopped off his lap. After 2 years, Guigui had grown to become more feminine. This change was perhaps because she had become Aaron’s girl and wanted to be more lady-like. She lets down her hair more after and wears dresses every now and then. However, one thing that has never change was that she never wore revealing clothes. Well, you would say that maybe Guigui doesn’t like showing her figure, but the real reason was that Aaron didn’t like her showing her figure to other men.

“我们要一起拍新戏了!” Guigui declared.

“你和我哥?” Minpei asked.

Guigui nodded as Aaron held her hand.

“有床戏吗?我很期待!” Jiro piped in, hoping to tease the duo.

Guigui whacked Jiro’s head and tried to mess his hair up like she always did. Aaron rolled his eyes as he felt himself blush slightly. Then, he fell deep into thoughts. It had been 2years. Shouldn’t he and Guigui take another step into their relationship? Yes, Aaron was thinking about marriage.

- - -

“好,鬼鬼!亚!准备!1,2,3 ACTION!” The director hollered as the cameramen started zooming in.

“那我们该怎么办?” Guigui acted the role of her character as she and Aaron stood at the corridor of a classroom.

“你就不要担心嘛” Aaron replied.


“那我们结婚吧!” Aaron looked into Guigui’s eyes.

“但老师- - ” Silence followed as Guigui furrowed her eyebrows. “你好像讲错台词了!” She whispered harshly before taking a peek at the crew.


The ever clumsy and blur Guigui looked at Aaron blankly and shook her head.

“对 不起!我看我没把剧本背好!” She apologized profusely and went to find her script. Everyone around her stared at her, suppressing a laugh as Aaron smacked his forehead and punched the air in frustration. Why was his girlfriend so blur?!?! Couldn’t she tell that he was trying to propose to her? He sighed and signaled his manager to move on to plan B. His manager nodded and left the filming scene.

“不对啊!阿布!我看是你没把台词背好!” Guigui flipped through the script repeatedly, trying to figure out where Aaron’s lines came from. Aaron sat next to her and sighed.

“是吗?可能我太累了吧!” He took the script from her and pretended to memorize it. Just then, a barking sound was heard as a small puppy ran into the room. Upon seeing the animal, Guigui got excited and ran towards it.

“好可爱!” She squealed and picked it up. Aaron looked up from his script as he signaled his manager to shut the room’s door. Then he got up from his resting position and squatted beside Guigui.

“它是谁的狗?” He asked on purpose as he patted the dog’s head.

“不 知道- -” Guigui said as she fiddled with the dog’s collar, trying to see where it came from. However, she never found the tag. All her eyes met was a silver 3 carat diamond ring. Guigui gasped upon realizing what was happening. On the other hand, Aaron nervously detached the ring and went onto his knees.

“你这个笨鬼, 嫁给我好不好?” He flashed a weak smile that betrayed his real emotions- nervousness.

By now, tears were filling Guigui’s eyes as she bent down and hugged Aaron.


Then, Aaron broke the hug and slid the ring onto Guigui’s finger.

“喜 欢吗?吴太太。” Aaron teased as he moved towards her lips. Before the next second could come, Aaron and Guigui were already engaged in a passionate kiss, their lips locked together.

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