Season 2: Dangerous Girls - Infinite - Discontinued

Dear Readers,

Thank you for reading this story for all this time and leaving me encouraging comments to continue. 

However, I regret to inform you that it has been an awfully long time. I no longer have the same motivation I once did and my writing style has noticeably progressed to the point where I reread my old works with part-nostalgia and part-disgust.

Therefore, though I regret having this be, I will be discontinuing this story until further notice.

Perhaps one day I shall return to this and continue, perhaps re-write it even, but for now, I must sever this connection between you and I - loyal reader and unfaithful author. 

I apologize.


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Update please xD
TheEvilCow #2
Update soon please !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I totally accidentally unsubscribed while trying to click the title -____-
Update soon please! ^___^
Love it! haha<br />
I Cant wait for more updates!
Yay you updated! Thank you so much ^____^
katribbles #6
Haha, I always imaagine myself being on Dangerous Girls with Infinite ever since SNSD made their show. Every night I would think about how it would be like to be paired with Myungsoo or something...<br />
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Your story is really similar to the real show LOL but you just added more members and split the personalities to some girls~ ^^<br />
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Nice story though, update soon~ haha
asdfghjkl; i totally love this! <3<br />
and you write the chapters so loong. me love it :)<br />