Episode 06: Chant, Confessions, & Food

Season 2: Dangerous Girls - Infinite - Discontinued

New Feature for Show!!!: Text like this means subtitles for sound effects, facial expressions, funny phrases, and etc. like in real shows.

[5:10 PM - The Home - Chant Discussion]

"So let's hurry and decide our chant," Sooyeon ordered.

"Maniacs go crazy," Seungyeon lazily called.

"Aish! You guys are too unenthusiastic! How about 'Let's go crazy! Maniacs in the house!' " Miho suggested, elbowing the nearby Yejin. 

"Do whatever. I just wanna sleep," Yejin threw back, shoving away the girl. 

"There's also 'In Maniacs,' " Yoonji suggested.

"Where is that from?" Erang asked, raising an eyebrow.

" 'In' from 'Infinite,' " Yoonji pointed out. 

"That's not that fun," Jungwon pouted. "They're all pretty lame!"

"Yah!" Miho shouted at the youngest.

"No fighting," Sooyeon stated, Miho and Jungwon throwing each other a final glare before dropping the fight.

"Let's try it out," Miho suggested, the seven getting up. 


Try 1:

"Maniacs go crazy," they stated more than shouted, their hands in the center as they stood in a circle.

Try 2: 

"Let's go crazy! Maniacs in the house!" they shouted with slightliy more energy.

Try 3: 

"In Maniacs!" the girls tested, somewhat contemplating their choices.

Try 4: 

"Maniacs with In!" they tried, rearranging and restating.

Try 5: (Again)

"Let's go crazy! Maniacs in the house!" they shouted, letting their call echo.

Try 6: (Again)

"In Maniacs!" they tested, finding something off.

"Fine! Use proper grammar!" Seungyeon growled, annoyed by the insistent stare that Sooyeon had been shooting the group.

Try 7: 

"In with the Maniacs!" they tried.

"Still not quite right," Miho muttered, thinking hard.

"Well, how about we quit with 'In.' We're going to use this chant even after they leave," Yejin pointed out.

"I liked the first one," Yoonji voiced.

Try 8: (Again)

"Maniacs go crazy!" they cheered.

"Hmm? There was something in that one," Erang thought aloud.

"Ah! How about we spell Maniacs?" Jungwon suggested eagerly.

Try 9:

"M-A-N-I-A-C-S go crazy!" they attempted once again.

"New idea! We each say one letter and then continue together," Yoonji half-asked. 

"Sounds nice," Seungyeon smirked.

Try 10: 

"M" Sooyeon.

"A" Miho.

"N" Yejin.

"I" Yooji.

"A" Erang.

"C" Seungyeon.

"S" Jungwon.

"-Go crazy!" they finished together.


"We got it," Jungwon cheered, eager to drop the topic.

"One more time," Miho suggested, cautious.

"Alright," Seungyeon grumbled as Sooyeon wordlessly placed her hand in the center.

"M" Sooyeon.


"A" Miho.


"N" Yejin.


"I" Yooji.


"A" Erang.


"C" Seungyeon.


"S" Jungwon.


"-Go crazy!" they finished together.

Maniacs Go Crazy!

"Game over," Yoonji joked to the camera, making her face blank as the seven girls eagerly left the room.

Game Over.
게임 오버.


Do they listen to you?


"...You tell me."

...If they don't listen, what will you do?

Sooyeon (continued...):

"...Discipline them."

Discipline them...?

How are you going to [discipline them]?

Sooyeon (continued...):

"...What I always do..."



The six girls were gathered in front of the TV, Seungyeon lying lazily on Erang's lap as she and Jungwon were talking about a clothes shop together. Yoonji was lying on Seungyeon's stomach and Yejin and Miho were chatting animatedly about another topic, sitting beside them. The oldest, Sooyeon, was...well, no one really knew where she was.

"When are they coming up?" Yoonji complained, staring at the TV as M!Net Countdown began to show. 

"How should I know? Just shut the f...at up and watch," Seungyeon snapped, restraining herself from cursing.

"Aw!~ I'm so proud of you," Jungwon teased as Seungyeon stuck her tongue out at the girl.

"Infinite vs. Brown-Eyed Girls vs. Hugak?" Miho snorted, reading the three candidates for first place.

"Tch! Infinite all the way!" Yejin snapped, rolling her eyes. The other girls cheered in unison. 

"Oh let's practice 'Sixth Sense' since they're up though," Jungwon suggested, standing. 

"Sure sure," the girls slowly agreed, standing as the song filled the room. The six girls stood and though how they had been able to change the dance into a choreography for six--seven since there was an empty spot most likely for the missing eldest--was unknown, but it was definitely admirable. 

[Song: "Sixth Sense" by Brown-Eyed Girls - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFYAbhb3biI]

Even so, the way they had split the parts showed their preferences. Though Jungwon was all for the high notes and simple dances, Seungyeon was for the crazy rap parts and dances. Miho sang along just about everything and danced well as well as a bit of rap--an all-rounder in other words. Yoonji was more of a dancer, but also did a bit of raps too. Yejin was completely into the dance and sang a bit as well. However, Erang was obviously a singer and rapper though she followed the dance decently enough.

The staff and VJs were completely blown away as the girls took a seat, smiling lazily as the song ended. 

"It's been a while since we've danced that," Seungyeon noted, a smirk painting her face.

"Now that's been a while!" Miho squealed, as another song came up. 

"H*ll yeah!" Seungyeon agreed, the girls immediately to dance to the song.

[Song: "Don't Touch My Girl" by Boyfriend - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7z-0gaUzk0&feature=relmfu]

Seungyeon turned to the camera seriously and gave a smirk, winking.

"No Minwoo is going to be my husband. Hands off girls," she warned, her lips. 

"Hey be careful! Your Namstar might be upset," Miho teased, sticking out her tongue. 

"Then he can be my secret lover," Seungyeon decided immediately with a straight face. All the girls laughed.

"Careful! You never know when Inspirits and Girl--I mean Bestfriends will come to get you," Yejin warned though she had a smile painted on her face.

"Yeah yeah," Seungyeon agreed, ignoring them as they all lay down as before, waiting for their Saems' performances.

[Note: The author did not watch the full episode and thus does not know the real order of the songs. Author also does not own episode or show of M!Net Countdown.]

"Infinite!" Jungwon cheered as the MCs began to introduce the group.

"Shut up!" Seungyeon ordered, throwing a random pillow at the hyper girl. Jungwon complied, screaming into the pillow as Infinite took the stage.

[Song: "Paradise" by Infinite - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey8_IgShPBg]

"Go Infinite!" Yejin eagerly cheered when Dongwoo began to rap.

"Whoo Sungjong!" Miho shouted when his face popped up on the screen.

"Saem!~" Yoonji happily yelled when Sungyeol appeared.

"Ho-Yeah!" Seungyeon joked, nudging Erang when he rapped. She blushed in response, shoving the girl from her playfully.

"Oh!~ There's the leader! If only you-know-who was here...then she would be redder than a cherry after we were done with her," Miho joked, smirking. Seungyeon bumped fists with her.

"Two words. H*ll. Yeah," she agreed with a matching smirk. She paused, her lips as if she'd seen a gourmet meal on an empty stomach when her own Saem came up. "Go~ Saem."

"Saem!~" Jungwon squealed, melting inside. "Go Saem!~"

"Inspirits. What are you going to do with us?" Seungyeon joked, seeing the staff's perplexed and shocked expressions.

"Love us," Yoonji answered, snorting with a smirk. They didn't let their attention stray again.

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1!" the TV counted down.

[111013 M!Net Countdown Episode Winners - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia49nK791Mc&feature=fvwrel]

"Infinite for sure," Seungyeon declared, looking at the other girls, putting one hand out.

"Infinite," Miho and Erang agreed, putting their hands on top of hers. 

"Definitely Infinite!" Jungwon eagerly shouted, adding to the pile.

"Infinite for sure," Yejin and Yoonji bet, adding their hands just as the show announced the winners.

"It's Infinite!" the MC declared, causing the six girls to squeal.

"Maniacs go crazy!" they shouted in unison, unlike their decided chant, raising their hands in the air with excitement. They cheered with the oblivious crowd/staff while watching the show come to an end.


"Yo!" Jungwon eagerly greeted. "Saem!~ You did really well! I'm so jealous of the fans who were actually there! Why couldn't you buy us tickets there?!"

"I'm more for a special showcase just for you," his smooth voice slyly whispered.

"Saem!" Jungwon whined, slightly pink. "If you do that, the fans will come and attack me; although, I've got good back-up so maybe I won't need to fear fans, but you probably have like half of Korea on your side, which means I should worry about all your fans, but at the same time, I don't think that they'd waste their time coming to my house just to complain, but there are crazy fans out there and you never know, but the sound of a private concert sounds really nice too and gosh, I'd completely melt an-"

Talking Talking
쫑알 쫑알

"And the answer is?" Myungsoo asked, cutting in softly.

"Umm...sure," she agreed with red cheeks.

"Look forward to it then!" he encouraged, laughing. "I'll sing you a good song. Any requests?"

"A hot outfit," she joked.

"A hot outfit it is!" he played along, the two laughing together.


"Yobosaeyo?" Seungyeon questioned, calling.

"Oh! Ahnyeong!" a certain Namstar's voice eagerly greeted.

"What'cha doing?" Seungyeon asked.

"We're going to our next schedule," Woohyun answered, his voice slightly distorted through the phone. "Did you watch?"

"Obviously," she snorted in response, rolling her eyes though a smile painted her face. She choked out the next two sentences gruffly, still finding it hard to be less aggressive and more open. "You did good. Congrats."

"Aw!~ Gomawo!" Woohyun thanked, his happiness apparent. "I feel jjang jjang jjang jjang jjang right now!"

[Note: 'Jjang' (짱) means 'cool,' 'the best,' and also refers to a head of a gang/group.]

Jjang Jjang Jjang Jjang Jjang

"You looked hot hot hot hot hot up there too," Seungyeon agreed, unconsciously her lips. 

Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot

"Gomawo my student!" 


Her shout was only met with laughter.


"What'd you think?" Hoya asked, his voice eager through the speaker of the phone.

"It was unbelievable," Erang half-whispered, completely blown away. 

"What she means to say is that your outfit was yummy," Seungyeon cut in, smirking.

"Yah!" Erang complained, pink as she swiped at the girl. Seungyeon took the attack easily, feigning hurt before sticking out her tongue.

"It's true," she stated into the phone before deftly dodging the next swipe. 

"So I wasn't good-looking?" Hoya joked.

"No! You looked amazing!" Erang refuted immediately. "You looked really good!"

"So I was yummy," Hoya teased, laughing.

"Saem!" Erang squeaked, horrified.

Embarrassed Embarrassed
부끄 부끄

"I'm kidding," he stated in between chuckles. "But be honest. If you think I'm good enough to eat, feel free to say so. If you want to spend a day with me, say so too."

"Yes to both then," Erang slowly muttered, blushing.

"Then wonderful date coming up your way!" Hoya congratulated, laughing. 

"Ah...ok," Erang agreed, half unsure if he was serious or joking.


"Did you see? Did you see? Did you see?!" Sungyeol's voice eagerly shouted into the phone.

Did you see? Did you see? Did you see?
봤어? 봤어? 봤어?

"I saw. I saw. I saw," Yoonji answered, copying him jokingly.

I saw. I saw. I saw.
봤어. 봤어.  봤어.

"How was it? How was it? How was it?" he asked, not catching--or ignoring--the teasing.

How was it? How was it? How was it?
어때? 어때? 어때?

"Best. Best. Best," she threw back, laughing.

Best. Best. Best.
최고. 최고. 최고.

"Tell her to pick up her phone!" another male's voice cut into the phone.

"M...Muo?" Yoonji questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Tell her to pick up her phone!" Sungyeol repeated childishly, laughing to himself. "That was Sunggyu-hyung. Guess your leader isn't there at the moment?"

"When is she here?" Yoonji snorted, rolling her eyes. 

"Ay. Don't say that about your leader. She's probably there for you more than you know. Sunggyu-hyung is like that...sometimes," Sungyeol advised. His tone turned mischevious as he shouted louder. "Sunggyu-hyung is bossy most of the time though."

"I heard that!" Sunggyu's voice boomed.

"You were supposed to! Mehrong!" Sungyeol teased. Yoonji laughed, unable to help herself as the duo began fighting.

[Note: Mehrong is the sound effect for sticking out one's tongue.]

"Ah! Help me Yoonji!" Sungyeol begged.

"You're on your own Saem," Yoonji teased.

"Ah! Meanie!" Sungyeol sulked as he continued his argument with his leader. Once again, Yoonji giggled.


"How was it watching us?" Dongwoo asked.

"Jjang!" Yejin eagerly complimented, beaming. "You looked awesome out there."


" 'Looked?' " Dongwoo repeated, chuckling. "How was my performance?"

"Jjang!" she shouted once more.


"Aish! Don't just say that," Dongwoo teased, laughing. "Say something else!"

"...I just can't say anything else," Yejin joked though there was a undertone of seriousness. Dongwoo laughed again.

"Why not?" he questioned.

"I'm...overwhelmed with emotions," Yejin stated dramatically.

" 'Overwhelmed?' " he repeated, chuckling.

"Mhm," she confirmed, blushing. 

"What she means is that she's stunned at your rapping and when you danced the chorus in the front," Miho joked, snickering.

"Mika!" Yejin squeaked.

"Mika? I'm Miho?" Miho snorted, rolling her eyes.


"Is this because your Saem called me Miko in the first episode?!" she questioned suspiciously, raising an eyebrow jokingly.

"Ah mian," Yejin apologized, laughing.

"You shouldn't ," Dongwoo scolded unconvincingly since the duo broke out in more laughter.

"But it's fun!~" Yejin complained, winking at the camera as she broke into another fit of giggles. Dongwoo laughed along as Miho complained about how her name wasn't all that difficult or easy to mix up.


"Yo yo yo little boy-o!" Miho greeted playfully. 

"Ahnyeong!~" Sungjong's voice happily called through the phone. "How have you been Noona?"

"Same old same old. Saw your win just now. You did great," Miho complimented, smiling. "I knew you'd get first!"

"You did? Gomawo!" Sungjong thanked, his happiness apparent. "So how is the practice coming along?"

"How are we doing on the dance?" Miho asked the group.

"We're amazing!" Seungyeon declared, smirking.

"We're amazing!" Miho repeated, using the same exaggerations Seungyeon had.

"Really?" Sungjong questioned, not at all doubting them.

"Of course! It's really crazy!" Jungwon answered, stealing the phone from Miho.

"Yah!" Miho shouted, grabbing her phone back, knocking Jungwon 'lightly' on the head.

"Ow!~" Jungwon complained in the background.

"Noona!~ When do we see you gals again?" Sungjong asked with curiousity.

"When do we see the boys again?" Miho asked the rest of the girls.

"Tomorrow," they answered in unison.

"Whoa! You all think so alike you all answered at once," Sungjong teased, laughing.

"You guys are all so different it's a miracle you're a team," Miho threw back just as playfully. 

"Aish. I'll admit defeat for today," Sungjong joked. 



[11:32 AM - The Home - The Next Day]

Sunggyu Woohyun Seungyeon Yoonji Sungyeol Hoya Erang Jungwon Myungsoo Dongwoo Yejin Miho Sungjong

"Did you gals properly follow the rules?" Myungsoo questioned, looking intently at his charge.

"I did," Jungwon defended.

"Don't lie," Sunggyu warned, glancing at his own student. 

"I don't think anyone's telling the truth yet. Which rules? Come on girls," Woohyun encouraged, patting Seungyeon on the shoulder. "Tell us what you all didn't keep."

"Hands off," Seungyeon mumbled, frowning though she didn't do anything to remove his hand. 

"How was rule 1? No smoking and drinking," Hoya questioned, looking around the room.

"Look no further than the two over there," Yoonji sarcastically commented, gesturing to her right. 

"Yah! I thought we weren't going to sell each other out!" Yejin snapped, glaring at the girl.

"And you have your answer without her name," Seungyeon completed, smirking.

"You two-! Really! I'm going to go crazy!" Yejin complained, frowning. 

"If you look, Jungwon's face is red too," Miho pointed out, nodding her head at the girl. 

"Well, she actually contacted me and told me the truth," Myungsoo stated, raising his hand to speak as if in school. "She said that she broke number 1 before."

"I broke almost every rule," Jungwon admitted, burying her face in her hands. 

"Really?" Myungsoo questioned, surprised and disappointed.

"Maybe we should have a confession time for everyonen then," Sunggyu sighed, sitting alone at the end. There was an empty chair beside him and there was no doubt that a certain book-loving female was missing.

"Let's start at that end, Miho? What'd you break?" Sunggyu asked, the entire group turning their attention to the girl.

"Actually, she was just confessing to me," Sungjong broke in. "She said 'Once.' What'd you do once?"

"Once? She did it more than once!" Seungyeon snorted.

"Did I?" Miho questioned, turning around and looking over the rules. 

"She said it wasn't just once," Dongwoo chimed playfully.

"Ok, from rules 1-4, which ones did you break?" Sungjong asked, looking at the girl with focus. "We're not expecting much because it's just the beginning. We're just looking for a start."

"Yah! Don't say such cool words! I can't even say stuff like that yet," Sungyeol complained, causing the group to laugh.

"Hmm...ah, where's Soul-Umma when you need her," Miho mumbled under her breath, looking over the rules. 

"We can call her. The confession time will go by much quicker then," Yejin pointed out.

"Will she answer?" Sunggyu questioned, raising an eyebrow. "I always send her messages, but she never replies."

"Ah, she dropped her phone the second day," Seungyeon supplied, laughing at Infinite's taken-back expressions.

"You pushed her," Yoonji reminded, chuckling.

"I didn't push her that hard," Seungyeon snorted, rolling her eyes. "And I didn't know she'd drop it from the second-story either."

"Aish, no wonder," Sunggyu muttered, snapping his fingers.

"So, besides destroying another person's property, what other rules did you break?" Dongwoo questioned, moving from the topic while holding back chuckles.

"Get Sis on the phone. I'm too lazy to remember," Seungyeon grumbled, pulling out her phone. "I'll try the clothing store."

"I got the restaurant then," Erang called, putting her phone to her ear. 

"Fishing house," Yoonji mumbled, dialing a number.

"Texting the electronics shop," Yejin decided, texting with lightning speed.

"Calling the market," Miho stated, rolling her eyes as she lazily searched through her contacts list.

"And I'll attempt the gym," Jungwon chirped, smiling as she pressed the call button. 

"Not here," Seungyeon declared a few seconds later, shoving her phone back into her pocket.

"Same," Erang muttered, hanging up.

"I wish," Yoonji snorted, placing her phone on the table.

"Got it," Yejin smirked, putting the phone on speaker.

"You called?" Sooyeon's clear voice questioned.

"List out how many times each of us have broken the rules please," Miho requested, pushing aside her own phone. 

"Jungwon has gone drinking 5 times, smoked 25, disappeared 3, cursed 14, used electronics 19, and fought 6," Sooyeon began, making the boys' mouths drop. "Seungyeon has gone drinking 3 times, smoked 4, disappeared 5, cursed 27, used electronics 8, and fought 31. Erang has drank 6 times, smoked 7, disappeared 2, cursed 1, used electronics 5, and fought 4. Yoonji has drank 6, smoked 5, disappeared 2, cursed 24, used electronics 3, and fought 29. Yejin has gone drinking 28, smoked 2, cursed 6, used electronics 6, and fought 2. Miho has gone drinking 2 times, smoked 3, disappeared 1, cursed 20, used electronics 4, and fought 2. Miho has also attempted death 8 times. Anything else?"


There was a pause of silence.

"How do you remember all that?" Sungyeol gaped. His question went unanswered.

"How many rules have you broken?" Sungjong questioned, curious.

"Disappeared every single day," Sooyeon answered promptly. "From anywhere from before sunrise to early next day."

"How do you know any of this happened then?" Woohyun prodded, just as amazed.

"A feeling," Sooyeon stated shortly. "If there is nothing else, I'll be getting back to work."

The dial tone rang in the room and Yejin hung up.

"Wait, she's working?" Sunggyu realized, turning to the girls.

"Yeah. Isn't it obvious?" Jungwon asked, blinking. "I mean, it's not like she dropped out of school for the h*ll of it. Part of the reason we all volunteered for this show was the pay."

The Pay...$$$

"Where did you say she was again?" Sunggyu questioned, getting up and grabbing his jacket.

"Electronics shop," Yejin promptly answered, popping her gum. She raised a hand. "If you can get her back, I'll acknowledge your persuasion skills."

"Same here," Seungyeon agreed, smirking. "Good luck. You'll need it."

"Be back later," Sunggyu called, leaving with his VJ and Sooyeon's VJ following.

"Was all that correct?" Sungjong asked the camera, mouth open.

"To the dot," the PD answered, just as surprised.

"That girl is crazy," Myungsoo mumbled, mouth gaping.

"Well, since we've confessed...in a way," Hoya began, not quite sure on how to take the recent event. "It's almost lunchtime."

They all cheered, smiling.

"We've prepared you all lunch, but we can't just give it to you gals for free," Dongwoo added, looking around.

"You guys cooked? Will we live?" Yoonji questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Playing Playing
장난 장난

"We're not that bad," Sungyeol threw back, playfully indignant.

"Just making sure," Yoonji whistled, feigning innocence.

"Aish. Don't be like that," Sungyeol complained, sticking his tongue out.

"Lovebirds flirt later. I'm starving. What do we have to do?" Seungyeon questioned, ignoring the embarrassed remarks that were sent her way.

"To decide who gets what, we'll be playing a game. The meal depends on the rank of the person," Myungsoo explained, capturing Jungwon's attention.

"Well, then, what are we waiting for?" Yoonji asked, smiling. "Let's get started."



1st Place: Steak & French Fries & Mashed Potatoes

2nd Place: Bacon-Wrapped Teriyaki Chicken Skewers & Salad & Rice

3rd Place: Spaghetti & Garlic Bread & Broccoli Soup

4th Place: Tacos & Spanish Rice

5th Place: Small Pizza & Hot Dog

6th Place: Sandwich

7th Place: Rice Balls

[11:48 AM - The Home - Game Time]

"Welcome viewers," Hoya greeted, Dongwoo by his side. The two stood slightly in front of the rest of the group, minus two people, in the large music room.

"Today, the YaDong couple will like to present the first ever Dangerous Girls Lunchtime Showdown," Dongwoo announced, smiling.

"Whoo!" Sungyeol cheered loudly while the others clapped, laughing at his eagerness.

"Today's game will be-" Hoya began.

"-Charades" the two shouted at once, holding cards with the show's logo on the back. In front of them, there was a chair facing the left and a music stand behind it, large notebook closed on top of it.

"Since the Saem will have to eat the same thing as the student, both of them will have to work together to act out and guess the object, action, or person. We might even throw in some movies and sayings just to throw people off," Hoya teased, winking.

"Oh, and don't forget animals, songs, and groups too," Dongwoo added, just as playful.

"We'll be going from youngest to oldest, so first up we have Myungsoo and Jungwon!" Hoya announced, letting the two step up. 

"Any thoughts on this game?" Dongwoo questioned, holding up his mic--a water bottle in reality--to the duo.

"We'll win," Myungsoo stated calmly, standing to the left.

Calm Calm
침착 침착

"Oh!~ We've got an arrogant one here," Hoya joked, passing the 'mic' to Jungwon. "What are your thoughts on this?"

"We have great teamwork so we'll win without a doubt!" Jungwon declared, just as confident as she took a seat on the set-up chair.

Confident Confident
자신만만 자신만만

"Oh!~ Not just an arrogant person, but an arrogant team," Dongwoo added though he smiled brightly. "Well, instead of letting their mouths talk, let's let the results! There are 3 passes and you are allowed to switch!"

"Ready, start!" Hoya shouted, moving out of the way.


MyungWon (명원):

Myungsoo blinked. Jungwon looked at him, slightly impatient, but waiting. He lifted his hands, turning them into claws and walked slowly to her.

"Monster! Bear!" she shouted randomly.

Bear - Correct!
곰 - 정답!

He moved into the next one easily, pulling out familiar moves of a dance.

"Be Mine!" Jungwon recognized, pointing.

'Be Mine' - Correct!
'내꺼하자' - 정답!

He stared at the next one for a few seconds, unsure of how to express it. Then, sticking out his tongue in concentration, he bent his knees, keeping his hands in front of him. His eyes followed an invisible object as he swung at it.

"Golf! Raquetball!" Jungwon guessed, slightly confused.

Myungsoo pointed at her, giving her an encouraging expression before repeating the action.

"Tennis!" she yelled, eyes lighting up.

Tennis - Correct!
정구 - 정답!

Myungsoo gave her a thumbs up, smiling before moving onto the next one. He frowned, staring at it for a while. In the background, the other members complained about the difficulty--or lack there of--the problems held.

"Do something!" Jungwon called, frowning.

"Pass!" he called before moving onto the next one.

Finding a needle in a haystack - Pass
건초 더미에서 바늘 찾기 - 패스

"Ay! You should have tried!" Jungwon complained as he began to motion something large and round. He kneeled down, putting his hands out in front of him as if holding something and stood, making sure to stoop low. He grappled with an invisible opponent, his acting almost surprisingly convincing.

"Wrestling? Ssireum?" Jungwon guessed, completely confused. Myungsoo did the rounding motion again.

"Fattie!" she shouted unconvincingly, getting a good laugh out of the viewers. He did the wrestling-like move again.

"That doesn't help!~" Jungwon pouted as the timer went off.

Kang Hodong - Fail!
강호동 - 실패!

"You should have done 1 and 2 while you were at it. I love 1 Night 2 Days," Jungwon complained though she was smiling.

MyungWon - 3 Answers
(명원 - 3 통과)

WooYeon (우연):

"Hope you're good at this pretty boy because I like my food. A lot," Seungyeon warned.

"No problem! Hopefully I'll be good at this too," Woohyun smiled, making the girl double-take.

"Hope?" she repeated, raising an unamused eyebrow.

The clock began to tick and Seungyeon swore under her breath.

"Well?" she questioned when Woohyun didn't do anything. He quickly began dancing, making the others laugh at how ironic the first dance was--that incorrigible dance.

"KARA. Mister," she guessed, unsure of which was the answer.

KARA - Correct!
카라 - 정답!

He fell into the next one just as easily, dancing another dance. 

"SNSD. The boys," she called calmly, her arms crossed as she watched him attempt to dance it...and half-fail.

'The Boys' - Correct!
'더 보이스' - 정답!

Woohyun stared before turning to the PD.

"I really can't do this one," he complained, his face completely taken back. "I thought that this show was for younger audiences too!"

Dismay Dismay
당황 당황

"Do something!" Seungyeon growled, rolling her eyes.

"Pass!" Woohyun quickly stated, waving his hand while he laughed still, taken back.

Dirty Dancing - Pass
더티댄싱 - 패스

"Dude that was on the list?!" Yoonji choked in the background, dying of laughter.

Woohyun moved into the next one just as quickly, making Seungyeon roll her eyes.

"BTD. Before the dawn," she easily named.

'BTD' - Correct!
'BTD' - 정답!

He fell into the next dance just as swiftly.

"Come back again," she smirked, glancing at the camera. "Do better for KPOP fans will you?"

'Come Back Again' - Correct!
'다시 돌아와' - 정답!

Woohyun stared at the next one again.

"Why are you guys doing this to me, really?" he questioned, crouching down with shock. "How do you do this?"

"Aish! Quit taking so long! Switch!" Seungyeon called, quickly standing as he took her seat. 

Gender - Fail!
성별 - 실패!

Seungyeon stared at it. She blinked before moving into a nostalgic dance.

"Ah! Teen Top!" Woohyun shouted, recognizing them.

"The song you babo!" Seungyeon complained, continuing to dance.

"Ah...Uh...Er..." Woohyun thought aloud, unable to put the name together. 

"Hurry up!" Seungyeon complained. "Come on! I'm so cr-cr-crazy. Dadadada. Mad man!" 

"Clap!" he shouted, recognizing it finally.

'Clap' - Correct!
'박수' - 정답!

"Same artist!" Seungyeon hinted, dancing again.

"Umm...Supa Luv!" he yelled, remembering the name quicker this time.

'Supa Luv' - Correct!
'Supa Luv' - 정답!

She stared at it, blinking. Finally, she growled aloud.

"Pass," she hissed, eyes narrowing.

Aegyo - Pass
애교 - 패스

"Why'd you pass that?" Woohyun asked, dumbfounded.

"I don't do that," Seungyeon grumbled, spitting the last word as if it were a curse.

"All you have to do is this!" Woohyun demonstrated. "Or this!"

"Who cares? I passed it," Seungyeon threw back, blushing. "I don't match that!"

"What are you talking about?" Woohyun blinked. "I, for one, think it'd be adorable."

"Don't use that word!" Seungyeon screeched, turning a new shade of red with embarrassment just as time ran out.

WooYeon - 6 Answers 
(우연 - 6 통과)

HoRang (호랑):

"Let's try our best!" Hoya cheered, readying himself to act out the questions. Erang gave him a tentative smile before nodding.

The clock started.

Immediately, Hoya fell into a dance that made Erang's eyes sparkle.

"Nothing's over!" she squealed, eyes glittering as she watched her Saem give a performance. 

'Nothing's Over' - Correct!
'Nothing's Over' - 정답!

Hoya quickly slipped into the next dance. 

"Paradise!" Erang recognized, smiling.

'Paradise' - Correct!
'Paradise' - 정답!

Hoya stared at it for a moment before dragging Dongwoo over. Everyone looked puzzled. Hoya hooked his arm around Dongwoo's, smiling and looking happy.

"Uhh...Shipping?" she guessed, not really wanting to refer to their shipping name.

Shipping - Correct!
Shipping - 정답!

"That was correct?!" Jungwon shouted in the back, surprised. Hoya shoved Dongwoo away, making him stumble, as Hoya quickly acted out the next one, motioning to something large and round before putting both of his hands straight up, moving one around.

"A clock!" Erang shouted while Hoya shook his head. "Watch? Time?"

Time - Correct!
시간 - 정답!

Hoya looked at the next one, staring at it for a bit before laughing.

"What?" Erang questioned, eager to answer more. "What is it?"

"Pass," Hoya laughed, waving his hand.

If diligent, even a beggar can get warm rice. - Pass
거지도 부지런하면 뜨거운 밥을 얻어 먹어요. - 패스

"What was so funny?" Erang wondered aloud. 

"Nothing. My Umma used to say it really funny," Hoya explained, his laughter dying down. Time ran out. 

HoRang - 4 Answers
(호랑 - 4 통과)

SungYoon (성윤):

"Let's win!" Sungyeol cheered. Yoonji smirked, unable to help her obvious amusement at hisi childishness.

The clock started.

Sungyeol put his hands together, making a wriggling motion.

"Snake? Worm," Yoonji guessed, raising an eyebrow.

"Aish! That other thing," Sungyeol called out, making a waving motion with his hands.

"Fish," Yoonji recognized.

Fish - Correct!
물고기 - 정답!

"How is that fish?" Yoonji complained, rolling her eyes. Sungyeol ignored her, instead looking at the next cue card.

Acting Like He Didn't Hear
못 들은 척 못 들은 척

"What is this?" Sungyeol shouted at the PD, confused. He waved his hand. "Pass!"

At the end of hardship is happiness. - Pass
고생 끝에 닉이 있어요. - 패스

"What is this too?" Sungyeol questioned, confused. "Pass!"

Dead Friend - Pass
 - 패스

"Didn't you watch the movie?" Yoonji steamed. "Quit passing! Switch!"

"I didn't!" Sungyeol threw back just as childishly, looking at Yoonji jump over an invisible rope.

"Jump rope," Sungyeol guessed. 

Jump Rope - Correct!
줄 뛰기 - 정답!

"Hey! You're giving her the easy problems!" Sungyeol complained to the PD. 

"Guess!" Yoonji urged, dancing.

"Oh! Oh! Love like oxygen!" Sungyeol remembered, pointing.

"Artist!" Yoonji shouted back.

"SHINee!" Sungyeol quickly shouted.

SHINee - Correct!
샤이니 - 정답!

Yoonji began to dance again.

Sungyeol blinked. 

"Same artist," Yoonji hinted impatiently. 

Time ran out. 

'Amigo' - Fail!
'아미고' - 실패!

Yoonji sighed, calming herself. Before deciding she couldn't hold herself back.

"Who the h*ll doesn't know this song?! It's SHINee's 2nd song or something!" Yoonji ranted. 

SungYoon - 3 Answers
(성윤 - 3 통과)

DongJin (동진):

"Yeah! Let's win this!" Dongwoo cheered. Yejin gave him a tentative smile just as the clock began to run. 

"Pass," Dongwoo called right away.

My Sassy Girl - Pass
옆기적인 그녀 - 패스 

He stared at the next one while Yejin waited patiently. Finally, he snapped his fingers and began to dance.

"ER," Yejin recognized immediately.

ER - Correct!
ER - 정답!

Dongwoo immediately moved to the next one, pulling out dance moves quickly in no particular order.

"Freestyle?" Yejin guessed.

Freestyle - Correct!
프리 스타일 - 정답!

Dongwoo barely glanced at the next one. 

"B2ST! Bad girl!" Yejin shouted rapidly. 

B2ST - Correct!
비스트 - 정답!

He moved onto the next one just as quickly.

"Teen Top! Crazy!" Yejin yelled, more confident. 

Teen Top - Correct!
틴탑 - 정답!

Dongwoo looked at the next cue card, eyes lighting up. 

"The song from before!" he quickly shouted.

"Crazy," she repeated.

'Crazy' - Correct!
'미치겠어' - 정답!

Time ran out right then, leaving a smiling Yejin, cheering Dongwoo, and upset members. 

DongJin - 5 Answers
(동진 - 5 통과)

JongMi (종미):

"Let's do our best Noona!" Sungjong cheered.

Time began.

"Get lost," Sungjong acted immediately. 

"Boys over flowers!" Miho shouted.

"Actor," Sungjong hinted, repeating the phrase.

"Lee Minho," Miho laughed, focused one more when Sungjong began to perform again.

Lee Minho - Correct!
이민호 - 정답!

"That's that's that's-!" Miho recognized, unable to recall it's name. "Ah! It's it's it's-!"

"Their debut!" Sungjong called out. 

"Into the new world!" Miho yelled, accomplished.

'Into the New World' - Correct!
'다시 만나는 세계' - 정답!

"Ah! Now the artist!" Sungjong called, pointing. 

"Girl's Generation!" Miho shouted just as quickly.

Girl's Generation - Correct!
소녀시대 - 정답!

"What's this?" Sungjong questioned, taken back. "Oh!"

He began to dance and Miho couldn't help but laugh.

"It's war," she recognized, still laughing. "How can you make their wave look that girly?!"

'It's War' - Correct!
'전쟁이야' - 정답!

Sungjong ignored her comment, moving on. He began to dance, eyes serious, but moves unmatchable of any dance.

"Freestyle?" Miho guessed, more intent on trying not to blush than to guess the answer. She was surprised at how suddenly girly, childish Sungjong suddenly seemed so...mature. She thought for a moment, tearing her eyes away to organize her thoughts and guess. 

"No way..." she murmured to herself before glancing up again. "y dance?"

y Dance - Correct!
섹시 댄스 - 정답!

Miho gawked while Sungjong gave a bright, sunny smile unlike his previous, serious expression and time promptly ran out.

JongMi - 5 Answers
(종미 - 5 통과)

GyuYeon (규연):

The members looked at each other before the two MCs shrugged to each other.

"Guess that they aren't coming," Dongwoo pointed out, looking to his partner.

"Guess not," Hoya agreed. He smiled, pushing away the pseudo solemness from before. "So..."

"Disqualified!" the two announced at once, the other members cheering. 


GyuYeon - 0 Answers
(규연 - 0 통과)



1st Place: Seungyeon + Woohyun

2nd + 3rd Place: Miho + Sungjong + Yejin + Dongwoo

4th Place: Erang + Hoya

5th + 6th Place: Yoonji + Sungyeol + Jungwon + Myungsoo

Last Place: Sooyeon + Sunggyu [DISQUALIFIED]

[Note: Ties were won through age.]


"Hyung!~" Sungyeol whined. "Give me a piece!~"

All 12 - Sunggyu and Sooyeon still missing - were eating in the dining room, crowded around the table as they talked animatedly in small groups with their mentors about nothing in particular. 

"No way," Woohyun joked, eating his meal enticingly. 

"Meanie butthead!" Sungyeol declared. He turned to Seungyeon. "Can I have a bite please?"

"No. It's my food. Just to warn you. All the girls here are pretty stingy about food," Seungyeon stated simply, taking another bite. When his hand came too close, a fork stabbed the table beside him. 

"My food," she emphasized.

"You almost hurt the hand of an idol!" Sungyeol squeaked, shocked. 

"I am threatening a person who's about to take my food," Seungyeon threw back. 

"Give it up you Choding," Yoonji sighed, taking a bite of her food. "It's not like we got the worst and it's not that bad either."

"But I'm still hungry," Sungyeol whined. 

"Then take Soul-Unnie's food. She won't mind," Yejin suggested. "She probably got food on her way back anyways. Just leave some for Sunggyu-Saem."

Sungyeol eyed the meal--a few rice balls wrapped up on the counter--and sighed.

"I can't do it without permission though," he complained. "I feel guilty! Like a kid in the cookie jar!"

"You're a kid, but it's not a cookie jar. It's a rice ball," Yoonji pointed out. "Who made these anyways?"

"We did," Hoya answered, feeding Erang a piece. Erang blushed, caught on camera, while Hoya rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, silently cursing the bad timing of his answer and his action.

"I know that, but who made what?" Yoonji questioned. 

"Ironically? The person who's eating it," Woohyun laughed. He turned to Seungyeon. "Not bad right?"

Seungyeon raised an eyebrow. 

"Whoever marries you'll be happy," she complimented quickly, turning her face away from the camera as she continued to eat, disguising her blush, not noticing that Woohyun did the same. 



[12:27 PM - Electronics Store]

"Um excuse me," Sunggyu pardoned, walking into the store. The store itself was neither large nor impressive, but it was not out of business and didn't seem like it would anytime soon.

"Does Choi Sooyeon work here?" Sunggyu questioned, walking up to the owner. He was a male, wearing a white collared shirt that stuck out from his black sweater. His hair was messy, as if he didn't care for it, and his eyes were piercing. 

Yang Junhigi
Electronics Shop Owner

"Why do you need to know?" the owner asked, looking the male up and down suspiciously. "If you're here to stalk her, go away."

"Stalk her?" Sunggyu repeated, surprised. "I'm her Saem...on Dangerous Girls? I'm the leader of Infinite."

"Dangerous Girls?" the male stated, raising an eyebrow. His eyes didn't leave Sunggyu, but he leaned back, shouting. "Sooyeon! Someone's here to see you!"

"Excuse m-?" her question cut short as she walked out of a back room, large box of wires and cords in her hands. Her expression stated the same, but her tone changed to exasperation. "I already told the PD I wouldn't be there."

"You couldn't at least take the VJ?" Sunggyu inquired, his tone just as annoyed. "I'm here to help you. I don't think that visiting your house while you aren't there helps."

"I don't need help," Sooyeon snapped, putting the large box on the counter beside the male. "And I have a job. Everyday, I'm always out. I can't do anything about it." 

She crossed her arms, playing with the small, golden earring in her ears. The owner raised an eyebrow. 

"So this is what you've been keeping from us," he snorted, rolling his eyes. "You're on a show called Dangerous Girls or something?"

"I didn't mean t-"

"It's fine," the male cut in, interrupting her excuse. "Did you really think that we were so heartless as to not allow you to record or take a vacation to film?"

"Of course not," Sooyeong denied quickly. "I just...didn't want to."

"If it's about money, the PD could probably pay you enough to cover what you miss," Sunggyu persuaded. 

"I'm calling everyone right now," the owner declared, crossing his arms. "So you enjoy yourself! Go on a date with this leader or whatever! You've helped us enough for the past few years. We're not going to lose trust in you just because of a stupid show."

He turned to the camera. 

"No offense."

"But Jun-!"

"No buts! You're almost out of your teens and all these years we've known you, I don't think we've seen you date anyone!" he pointed out, shaking his head.

"What difference does it make if I'm dating anyone?" she squeaked, blushing. 

"When you fall in love you'll see," the owner chuckled, pushing the two (and the two VJs) out of the store. He smiled and waved. "Have fun! And get a boyfriend!"

He closed the door.

It opened again.

"Oh, and send a copy of the episodes to me," the owner ordered Sunggyu with a pointed look before the door shut again.

Sooyeon looked at Sunggyu.

"Home?" Sunggyu suggested. The female sighed.




Infinite and...

the Dangerous Girls

Infinite's Goal To Find What Is Hidden!

Silence Can Be Louder Than Words!

Infinite & The Dangerous Girls Continue Next!


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Update please xD
TheEvilCow #2
Update soon please !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I totally accidentally unsubscribed while trying to click the title -____-
Update soon please! ^___^
Love it! haha<br />
I Cant wait for more updates!
Yay you updated! Thank you so much ^____^
katribbles #6
Haha, I always imaagine myself being on Dangerous Girls with Infinite ever since SNSD made their show. Every night I would think about how it would be like to be paired with Myungsoo or something...<br />
<br />
Your story is really similar to the real show LOL but you just added more members and split the personalities to some girls~ ^^<br />
<br />
Nice story though, update soon~ haha
asdfghjkl; i totally love this! <3<br />
and you write the chapters so loong. me love it :)<br />