
Thanks for staying. |TaeKook completed|


The vibration that came from the phone in his hand was what had woken him. He didn’t even realize that he had fallen asleep. Sighing shortly, he got up and patted his pants of any dirt before picking up the piece of paper with his drawing and walking out from behind the audience stand. As he stretched his arms and legs, he noticed that it was still pretty bright out so it means he hadn’t slept for long. Turning his head to the direction of the football field, his eyes caught sight of a blond boy sitting on the audience stand. His head was uncomfortably hanging between his legs. ‘That’s gonna hurt him when he wakes up.’ Jungkook thought to himself, debating on whether or not he should wake the boy up before his head hits the ground. Groaning internally, he slowly made his way towards the sleeping boy and gently poked his shoulder,  “Um… hey, you’re gonna hurt your back if you continue sleeping like that…” Jungkook spoke softly.

 Suddenly the sleeping boy tilted his head back but his eyes were still shut tight and his mouth opened slightly. Jungkook noticed that he had his earphones in and mentally slapped himself. ‘How in the world was he supposed to hear me with those in? Nice going, Jungkook. You had one job…’ he continued to mentally nag at himself but was suddenly surprised when a soft moan was emitted from the sleeping boy in front of him. “Well that was…” Jungkook stopped mid-sentence when he actually looked at the boy. His lips were thicker than Jungkook’s were. His skin looked so soft, Jungkook almost wanted to reach over and touch him already but he just shook his head, getting himself back to reality. “I still gotta wake him up though…” he said once again before pulling out one side of the earphone from the boy’s ear then shaking him lightly, “Hey. Wake up.” With just a few more tries, the blond boy finally opens his eyes to see who it was that had woken him. Surprised to see a boy so close to him, he stood up quickly hitting the boy’s face in the process with his hard head…

And that was what led both of them to the nurse’s office. After they both left the room, Jungkook had rolled tissues stuck up his nostrils and Taehyung felt bad that he had caused that to happen to the guy. All he did was try to wake Taehyung up and this was his reward. Taehyung sighed almost depressingly which caught the attention of the brunette. “Hey. It’s fine. I was too close. Kinda got myself into this mess.” Jungkook reassured him, chuckling slightly before sending a sincere smile to the other’s direction. “Yeah but I’m still sorry… Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” Taehyung asked, rubbing his nape awkwardly letting a just as equally as awkward chuckle escape his lips. “Hmm… maybe you can buy me ice cream? Yeah. That’ll be great!” Jungkook said after a while, flashing his adorable gummy smile. Taehyung could feel the blood rush up his cheeks as he cleared his throat, “O-okay… Wanna go now?” Jungkook couldn’t help but giggle at the other’s stutter. “Not now. Maybe this weekend? My roommate might be worried to see that I’m not back yet. I kinda promised him I would help him out with something.” Taehyung seemed to be thinking for a while before replying, “Sure! This weekend sounds great! It’s a date!” This took Jungkook by surprised because; 1. the boy was speaking very loudly and 2. a d-date? “A d-date?” Jungkook questioned. Now it was his turn to blush and Taehyung couldn’t help but grin.

“Yeah. You’re cute. If it’s alright with you?” “I guess…y-yeah…” Jungkook cursed at himself internally for stuttering so much. “Aight then. Oh by the way, I’m Taehyung. Kim Taehyung.” Taehyung stuck his hand out for Jungkook to shake. “I’m Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. I’m a freshmen here.” “Really?! So that makes me your hyung then. I’m a sophomore.” Taehyung flashed a cheeky grin to which Jungkook responded with a chuckle. “Well then, hyung, I think I should get going now. It’s getting kind of late.” “I’ll walk you.”

Before they knew it, both boys had reached their own destinations. The rolled tissues that were in Jungkook’s nostrils was long abandoned since he noticed that he wasn’t bleeding anymore. “Wait, you stay in this building?” Taehyung asked the younger. “Yeah. My roommate is Yoongi hyung. I don’t know if- ” “Yoongi hyung! I know him. He’s my best friend’s boyfriend!” Taehyung cuts in. Jungkook couldn’t help but to chuckle at how excited the older boy was. “Alright, hyung. I should get going. But you go in first, I gotta make sure you’re safely inside or else you might go elsewhere and break someone else’s nose.” Jungkook joked, lightly punching the older guy’s arm. The only reaction he got was a frown and Jungkook didn’t like it at all. “I was just kidding, hyung. But seriously though, go in first. I need to make sure you’re safe.” Jungkook immediately said.

 This made Taehyung’s cheeks go red and Jungkook couldn’t help but like the affect he had on the older. “Okay… Don’t forget our date this weekend yeah?” Taehyung spoke quickly before kissing Jungkook lightly on the cheek and running into his dormitory building. Jungkook was left speechless before his cheeks started to heat up when he had realized what had happened. ‘Ah Jeon Jungkook. Stop blushing!’ He walked into his own building once he made sure that Taehyung was inside. When he entered his shared room, he immediately threw his body onto his bed and sighed out loud. At that time, Yoongi had just came out from their shared bathroom and tilted his head as he watched the younger’s facial expression change from a happy one to a confused one. “What’s bothering you, bud?” He finally asked. As soon as he did, Jungkook settled on his side with his arm propped under his head to support it as he looked at the older.

By the time, Jungkook had told everything about how his day was to Yoongi, he felt somewhat better. It wasn’t a bad day. Well at least the morning wasn’t and the time he was with Taehyung for sure wasn’t bad. It was what happened in between. Jungkook isn’t quiet and distant intentionally or…maybe he is. It’s just that he has trouble making friends and he preferred it better when he made friends with people he thought was worth being friends with. Most of the people in his class were snobs and spoiled kids. During classes, they would rather have the lessons be fed to them with all the notes and information by the lecturer instead of having to learn for themselves. When they tried to make friends with him, he just ignored them. A few girls even tried to flirt with him because they thought he was ‘cute’ and ‘hot’.

Again, Jungkook just ignored them. They didn’t like how he treated them and decided to just ignore him in return and even made a pact to act mean towards him. He even heard one girl say, “What’s the point of having a handsome face like that when he isn’t even worth it?” , was all he could muster as he continued to doodle random cartoons on his notebook. Unfortunately for him, he was going to be in the same class with them until the end of his time in university which but hey! At least now he knows Taehyung. The thought of Taehyung made him grin. Of course, he didn’t forget to bring him up when he was reporting himself to Yoongi. “Well well well someone already has a crush aye?” Yoongi smirked at Jungkook. “N-no I don’t. It’s not a c-crush.” Jungkook stuttered which he mentally slapped himself for. “Right… right… keep telling yourself that, bud.” Yoongi ruffled the younger’s hair causing the boy to pout. Obviously he was never gonna get through to Yoongi about not having a crush on Taehyung. He couldn’t already be crushing on him…right? It hasn’t even been an entire day since they’ve met.

 ‘Hmm…Taehyung…’ Jungkook thought, letting his mind go back to the memory of the said boy’s face. His cute nose, his eyes, his soft skin, his lips and the habit he had of his lips constantly. Jungkook chuckled at the thought, wondering if it was a nervous habit or just something he had grown to do way too often. ‘This weekend…’ Then it hit Jungkook. He didn’t ask for Taehyung’s number. ‘Damn Jungkook. What is wrong with you today?’ he shook his head disapprovingly at himself before getting an idea. “Hey, Yoongi hyung? Do you by any chance have Taehyung’s number?” 





UPDATE ALERT! hehe.. I hope you like this chapter. Spent then night thinking about the whole thing. They finally meet, yeay! See ya next time xoxo

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Chapter 12: Wow..... It's soooo cute..... Thank you for writing this!
Chapter 11: Ohhh this was absolutely sweet!! I loved it
wuxianovels #3
Chapter 5: I just want to thank you for updating so often. This story is so good and tae &kook r so cute together
Ahhhh *the feels* >~<
thank u for ur cover it,s great
very good i like it please continue......
and please make cover for ff