
Thanks for staying. |TaeKook completed|


Now the boys were cuddling on the floor of Jin’s apartment living room. Well more like Taehyung was clinging onto Jungkook’s body for his dear life because they were watching a horror movie that Yoongi had suddenly decided to bring for them to watch together. The six of them had decided to hang out at Jin and Namjoon’s apartment for the weekend, even planning on sleeping over, so they could all get to know each other and just hang out since it has been a while what with everyone’s busy schedule in the beginning of the semester. Well at least it was important for Jungkook to get to know Jin and Namjoon since he hadn’t actually met them yet. “What the !” Taehyung cursed out loud because of the sudden jump scare that appeared on the large tv screen as he hid his face behind Jungkook’s body. This action made Jungkook laugh at his boyfriend which resulted in him getting hit on the chest. As the movie continued, none of the boys noticed Jin’s or Taehyung’s phones vibrating repeatedly.

Once the movie ended, the boys got up from their positions and stretched their bodies. Loud grunting noises echoed throughout the entire apartment and that caused the boys to get into a fit of laughter. “I’m gonna get something to drink.” Taehyung announced to the others after a while. “I need a drink too.” Jimin said, following the blond to the kitchen. Taehyung had taken his phone with him as he poured a glass of cold water for both Jimin and himself. “Huh… I have 24 missed calls from my parents…” the younger of the two mumbled, unlocking his phone to call them back. Just as he was about to press the call button, his mother rang and he immediately slid the answer option. “Mom? What’s wrong? Why’d you guys call so many times?” The worried tone could be heard in Taehyung’s voice and Jimin was watching him as he spoke to his mother.

“I-it’s your grandmother, T-taehyung.”

As soon as he heard his grandmother being mentioned, he just froze as he thought of the worse possible scenarios.

“We’re at the hospital right now. She- she collapsed earlier while we were having dinner. Taehyung. You have to come now. And bring Jin. Please, baby. I don’t think she’s going to make it this time.”

And that broke him. Tears started running down his cheeks and he couldn’t get himself to utter a single word to his mother. His grandmother has been having these episodes for a while now. More often lately than she did when it first started 3 years after her husband died. Jimin saw this and immediately took the phone from him. “Hello? Mrs. Kim? It’s me, Jimin.”

“Oh Jimin! Please just bring Taehyung and Jin to the hospital. Right now! Before… Just come quickly!”

“A-alright, Mrs. Kim.” Jimin stuttered before ending the call. He turned to his best friend who was now a crying mess. “Guys! We gotta go to the hospital right now!” He pulled Taehyung with him to the door as he called out to the rest. “Why? What’s wrong? Is Tae okay?” Jungkook panicked thinking that Taehyung was hurt, making his way towards his trembling boyfriend. “No. I don’t know what’s wrong but we need to go. Now. Jin hyung you have to come with as well.” Jimin said sternly, opening the door. All of them got in Jin’s car and Jin drove as quickly as he could to the hospital. Everyone kept trying to ask Taehyung what had happened but he just couldn’t speak. He didn’t know how to at the moment. He didn’t want it to be true. He loves his grandmother very much. Taehyung doesn’t want to lose her.

When they reached the hospital, they were greeted by Taehyung’s father. “Boys! Come on quickly.” He told them as he guided them towards the room which held Taehyung and Jin’s grandmother. “Oh Taehyung… Jin…” Taehyung’s mother said softly towards the boys who were approaching her as she stood outside the room, her voice cracking and it was clear that she had been crying for a while. The two boys went over to her and hugged her tightly as they feared that she was going to shatter. Slowly, all of them entered the room and all eyes were on the pale and nearly motionless old lady lying on the bed. “Mom… Taehyung and Jin are here…” Taehyung’s father told her softly, gesturing at the two boys to come forward. Jin moved quickly towards his grandmother’s side, “You’ll be okay… you will be… you- you’ll be fine and we’ll a-all go home and spend time together like we a-always do…” Jin’s voice finally gave in as it cracked over every word he spoke. His grandmother smiled weakly at him and reached her hand up slightly to wipe off the tears that were running down his cheeks. “Oh Jin… My dear… I think it’s already my time to go…” A single tear had slid down as she spoke. “I’ve been alive for so long and I’ve already seen so many beautiful things… And I was also given the chance to see my two beloved grandsons happy with their partners…”

Her eyes wandered off to Taehyung who was looking at her from his spot at the end of the bed on the opposite side of where Jin was. “Come here, Taehyung…” Taehyung did as he was told and finally broke down next to her. His face buried into her shoulder as he cried. “Sshh…” She held both boys as closely to her as her weak arms could. Everyone else in the room were crying as well as they watched the heartbreaking scene in front of them. “Now. I want you boys to listen to me.” She finally said, making the two boys look at her through their blurry visions. “I’m gonna go soon… And I want you boys to promise me that you will always live your life to the fullest. Ignore all the negativity people send your way. Always be happy with what you do. And…” The older lady looked up towards the direction of her grandchildren’s friends. “Don’t do anything stupid to lose these people here. I know they love you very much. Jungkook. Namjoon.  Please… take care of them for me… and always remember to love them…” Both Namjoon and Jungkook could only nod as their voices had failed them at this point. 

Offering them a weak smile, she looks back at the two boys in her arms. “I’m so happy for you two… You are the most precious things in my life. The day your parents brought you back from the hospital, I knew… I knew that my life was always going to be a happy one. Thanks to you, Jin… I was able to share my own mother’s recipes and you would make them just like she did…” Jin was bawling his eyes out even more as she said this. Looking at the other boy, she said, “Taehyung… oh my sweet little boy… you were always making me laugh… It was always a lot of mischief with you, young man but… I would never forget how hard you would cry when you thought that the monsters were gonna come after you or when you would try to bake and the only thing you did successfully was mess up the kitchen.” Their grandmother laughed a little before coughing, worrying everyone around her. “Be careful, grandma..” Jin mumbled as he her hair. “I’m sorry to have to leave you all so soon… I wish I could stay to watch you two get married… But I guess I’ll just have to watch you from above… At least then I’ll be able to share the moment with your grandfather…”

Jungkook had met Taehyung’s grandmother a little before he met his parents. He was overwhelmed by how welcoming and loving she was. She was always caring for everyone and everything around her. She even made Jungkook promise to not leave Taehyung’s side because as she said it was, “Fate. You two are meant to be together. I just know it!” He still remembers her hearty laugh after she told him this. It hurt Jungkook to see this unfold in front of him. He knew his pain wasn’t as terrible as how Taehyung was feeling. “I’m so sorry…” Taehyung’s grandmother’s voice grew faint, her eyes closing slowly as she said her last words, “I love you all…” It was almost inaudible but surprisingly everyone caught it. Then they heard it. The sound of a long beep sound from the machine signifying that she had already left. No one moved. They just cried harder and Taehyung and Jin kept clinging on her body… 


So here's the update for today. I'm sorry it's a little late but I was so tired from yesterday's event. But I did this for you lovelies! I cried while writing this horrible chapter and I feel so bad for making them go through this. It was worse when I had to proofread it :'c anyway, I'll update again tomorrow hopefully before my class. Anyway, I hope you like it! xoxo

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Chapter 12: Wow..... It's soooo cute..... Thank you for writing this!
Chapter 11: Ohhh this was absolutely sweet!! I loved it
wuxianovels #3
Chapter 5: I just want to thank you for updating so often. This story is so good and tae &kook r so cute together
Ahhhh *the feels* >~<
thank u for ur cover it,s great
very good i like it please continue......
and please make cover for ff