
Thanks for staying. |TaeKook completed|


Once the sun was fully up in its rightful position in the sky, Taehyung had made a move towards his dorm. Just as he was out of sight, Jungkook turned around and had his eyes linger at the spot where Taehyung was just standing, with a feeling as though someone was just there a few moments ago. Shrugging it off, he got up and hung his camera around his neck, making his way back to his own dormitory building which was situated right next to Taehyung’s. Not that he knew that, of course.

After his one-sided encounter with the unknown boy, he went back to his dorm only to be greeted by his roommate's snoring. Taehyung couldn’t help but chuckle at his best friend. His best friend Jimin. They had gotten into the same university together after high school. Actually they have always been together ever since they were in diapers. They both once thought that they had feelings for each other. That maybe they were those very cliché best friends who were meant to be together forever and get married but when they tried out their ‘more than friends’ relationship, it just didn’t feel right for either of them so they broke it off and continued being the best of friends. Truthfully, Taehyung felt that that had gotten the two boys even closer together than before. Now, Jimin has a boyfriend of his own who was a senior of the same university they were in. He couldn’t be any more happier for his best friend. Grinning at the thought, he went to his best friend’s side and did the one thing only best friends would do. He pulled the pillow that was under Jimin’s head and hit his face with it before Jimin could even begin to take in whatever was going on. Taehyung could only laugh as he ran off to their shared bathroom with Jimin only a few seconds too late to catch him. “That wasn’t funny, Kim Taehyung!” Jimin yelled out as he banged on the bathroom door, glaring at the said boy through the opaque object that was blocking his way to his so called ‘best friend’ even though he wasn’t even sure if Taehyung was right in the direction he was glaring. Taehyung giggled at his own joke before getting himself under the shower, trying to ignore his beloved best friend’s rant from the other side of the door.


Taehyung was caught grinning at his own thoughts by his Music History’s professor who had wanted him to answer a question, only to be replied with a laugh. Even though he had apologized profusely and repeatedly to his professor, his face was still red from embarrassment as he left the class once it was over. Taehyung knew it was his fault but he couldn’t help but remember the incident that had occurred earlier…

Taehyung had peeked out of the bathroom door and saw that Jimin was not in sight. No sound either so he took the chance and walked out into the ‘empty’ room. Boy was that a mistake. When he went over to his cupboard, Jimin jumped out with a pillow in hand, straddling Taehyung as he hit him repeatedly. “This is what you get for waking me up like that, you alien!” Taehyung couldn’t help but laugh as Jimin continued to do as he wished. After a while, Jimin was satisfied with his work when he saw little feathers that had left the pillow was all over Taehyung’s hair and face. Jimin hummed with content and got off Taehyung before getting himself ready for class. Taehyung chuckled as he got as much of the feathers off him and got dressed. This was a normal occurrence between the two boys. One would do something as a prank to the other and the other has the rights to do something as equally as prank-ish. It was an unsaid rule between the two best friends and they intend to keep it that way.

As Taehyung made his way to the cafeteria with a can of coke in one hand and a wrapped tuna sandwich in the other, he was greeted by a swarm of students filling up the place. He wasn’t very surprised though as they had been told that the intake for this year was going to be more than any of the previous years. “Tae! Here!” a voice called out to him and he saw Jimin waving at him from their usual table. Once he had made it to the table, he greeted the black haired boy sitting next to Jimin. “Hey, Yoongi hyung.” The said boy gave him a small smile and nodded as a sign of greeting. “So, Jimin told me what you did this morning, Tae…” Yoongi started. Taehyung chuckled awkwardly, nodding timidly as he thought that Yoongi was going to bite his head off for what he did to Jimin. To Yoongi’s side, Jimin had a wide grin on his face as he felt proud thinking that his boyfriend was going to scold Taehyung but unfortunately the odds were not in his favor. “I should do that too next time.” Yoongi said coolly as he sipped on his can of sprite. This shocked both Jimin and Taehyung before Taehyung broke out into a fit of laughter making nearly everyone in the cafeteria to turn their attention to him. It didn’t bother Taehyung though cause he was just being himself. By now Jimin was pouting and had slapped Yoongi’s arm, “Hyuuuung!” he whined only to be responded with a shrug by the older. “Meanie grandpa…” Jimin mumbled which didn’t really go unnoticed by Yoongi. The older ran his fingers through his boyfriend’s silver locks and simply said, “Sorry, baby… I was just kidding.” Yoongi looked at Taehyung with all seriousness, “Don’t do that to him again. Got it, Tae?” adding a wink at the end as to show the said boy that wasn’t really angry. Taehyung who had been watching the entire scene happen in front of him just giggled and said, “Aye aye captain!” Putting a hand up to his head as a sign of salute. “Yeay! Thanks Yoongi hyung~” Jimin finally got out of his pouting state, hugging the older. Taehyung could only shake his head at his best friend’s childish manner. Not like he wasn’t childish himself…

“So, Jimin told me you got yourself a new roommate?” Taehyung turned to Yoongi. “Yeah, I do.” “Is he cute?” Yoongi knew where Taehyung was going with that. “I guess.” “Would you introduce me to him?” “Hmm… let me think.” Yoongi pretended to think for a while doing an action to make it seem like he really was thinking. “You’re being sarcastic, aren’t you?” Taehyung finally caught on, glaring slightly at the older. “Oh my goodness. How did you know? Are you a mind reader, Kim Taehyung-ssi?” Yoongi asked with his hand on his chest, feigning a shocked expression. “ you, dude.” “Hey! Don’t swear.” Jimin finally interrupted their conversation, hitting Taehyung on the back of his head. Taehyung could only stick his tongue out at the couple as he nursed the spot Jimin had hit. Soon, they separated off to their own classes. Yoongi had decided to walk Jimin to his class before heading off to his own. Taehyung was feeling kind of lazy and went out of the building to the football field, sitting himself down on the first step of the audience stand. Pulling out his phone along with his earphones, he plugged them in and was immediately out of the reality world as he closed his eyes, listening to the beats going through his ears. Little did he know, he wasn’t alone. On the other side of the audience stand, sat a brunette boy who also had his ears plugged in as he sketched a rough figure of the sun rising, similar to the one he had seen earlier in the morning except this one was set at the beach. 




How's you guys like the first chapter? I'm gonna try to update one chapter per day so we'll see how things are tomorrow, aight? xoxo

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Chapter 12: Wow..... It's soooo cute..... Thank you for writing this!
Chapter 11: Ohhh this was absolutely sweet!! I loved it
wuxianovels #3
Chapter 5: I just want to thank you for updating so often. This story is so good and tae &kook r so cute together
Ahhhh *the feels* >~<
thank u for ur cover it,s great
very good i like it please continue......
and please make cover for ff