
Can I Be Your Boyfriend?




"Go away Minwoo..." Hyorin swatted Minwoo's hand away from her face.

"Wake up noona." Minwoo continued to poke Hyorin's cheek. When Hyorin refused to get up, he pouted. "Come on, get up noona. It's Christmas!"

"That's nice. Now let me sleep."

"If you don't get up, I'll crawl into your bed." Minwoo threatened.

"I didn't know you were like that. I thought you were an innocent dongsaeng." Hyorin opened one eye to observe the boy.

Minwoo blushed. "N-never mind. Forget what I said."

Hyorin laughed. "That's what I thought. Aish, I'm awake now because of you."

"Now that you're up, get changed so we can go." Minwoo smiled.

"Yah! Who are you to order your noona around?" Hyorin glared at Minwoo before getting out of bed.

"You love me anyways don't you?" Minwoo grinned.

"Sneaky little boy..." Hyorin mumbled as she shoved him out of the room to change.

Minwoo waited outside as his noona changed inside the room. 'Okay, I can't mess this up. She'll surely say yes right?'

"Okay I'm done. Where are we going?" Hyorin interrupted Minwoo's thoughts.

"I'm just taking noona out for some ice-cream. You like ice-cream the most during the winter right?"

"Yes, but it's so cold this morning!" Hyorin frowned. "I don't want to go anywhere. How did you even get inside my house?"

"I persuaded Aejung-noona to give me the spare key." Minwoo grinned.

Hyorin raised an eyebrow. "Do I even want to know?"

"You don't need to." Minwoo said. "Let's go!"

Minwoo and Hyorin then departed from the house and went to the ice-cream parlor.

"Get anything you want noona." Minwoo smiled.


"Yup, I'm treating!"

"Shouldn't I be since I'm older?" Hyorin pointed out.

"That doesn't matter today. Now pick what you want."

"Okay... So bossy today..." Hyorin mumbled as she ordered the ice-cream she wanted.

The two went to sit at a table after their ice-cream was given to them. "Are you enjoying your ice-cream Hyorin-noona?"

"Yes I am, are you?" Hyorin replied. Minwoo nodded. "Do you want some of mine?"

Minwoo stared at Hyorin. 'She's offering me the ice-cream that she ate from. Oh my gosh, should I try it? It wouldn't be considered an indirect kiss since it's ice-cream right?'

"Minwoo?" Hyorin snapped him out of his thoughts.

"O-okay. Do you want some of mine?"

"Sure." the two swapped ice-cream cones and continued eating. "So why did you decide to treat me to ice-cream today?"

"Can't I take my favorite noona out just because I felt like it?" Minwoo grinned.

"I'm your favorite noona?" Hyorin asked and Minwoo nodded. "I'm going to tell Aejung and Saehyun on you~"

"N-noona!" Minwoo gaped at her.

"I was just kidding." Hyorin laughed.

"Geez noona..." Minwoo mumbled. "Can I tell you something?"

"What is it?"

"I-I really like you noona." Minwoo blushed.

"I like you too." Hyorin smiled back.

"N-no, not like that noona." Minwoo shook his head. "I like you alot."

Hyorin continued smiling. 'Did he just confess?'

"Would you be my girlfriend noona?"

"Of course, you're my favorite dongsaeng." Hyorin smiled.

"I thought I was your favorite dongsaeng!" Youngmin shouted as he grabbed Hyorin's ice-cream and started eating it.

"...Uh, sorry Youngmin." Hyorin stared at him. "Now go to your favorite noona, Aejunggie. She's calling you."

"She is?" Youngmin grinned before running off.

"Aish, this boy. How can he be my favorite dongsaeng if I'm not his favorite noona?" Hyorin sighed. "He just suddenly popped up out of nowhere and took my ice-cream."

"Would he be your favorite dongsaeng if you were his favorite noona?" Minwoo frowned.

"Maybe..." Hyorin glanced at Minwoo at the corner of her eye to see him pouting. "I was just kidding~ Of course not, you're my favorite!"

"Good." Minwoo smiled. "But are you only agreeing to be my girlfriend because I'm your favorite?"

"No, I'm agreeing because I want to." Hyorin smiled. "I like you too Minwoo-ah~"

Minwoo grinned. "Come on noona, let's go tell the others!"

Minwoo then pulled Hyorin away back to Aejung's house where everyone else was.



Minwoo!~ :D

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[Can I Be Your Boyfriend?] Finally made a poster for the story! :D


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i just read this. a little late, am i? well, actually i only read about hyunseong xD me and my biasness towards the food king LOL and i love it! so cute :3
AWWWW, UNNIE. I'M READING AND COMMENTING WAAY AFTER CHRISTMAS, BUT MERRY CHRISTMAS AND THANK YOU <3 lol, must comment on every chapter now...xD (So you'll see a block of text~) [kwangmin] i like that minwoo set aejung and kwangmin up. hehe. and i liked his confession. he got plaayyyyed by aejung unnie. :D kwangmin, you just had to ask~~ xD [hyunseong<3] MWUAHAHA. :D hot chocolate saves the day~ (date?) and baby, you so funny. he got played too! he was fool enough to accidentally reveal that....lol. OH DUDE. I DO LIKE EXACTLY NINE MARSHMALLOWS. O.O I didn't tell you, right? ....you're hella boss....xD [jeongmin] hannie unnie is for sure his prey. ._. saehyun can't take a hint xD but luckily jeongmin is there to make it obvious! saemin~ lol. [youngmin] <-- has such bad timing. ._. and lol, lying to a dongsaeng so that you'll get more sleep. xD he's sneaky. getting an "autograph". ._. smart boy~ [minwoo] "i'll crawl into your bed" she'd like that. :D lol, indirect kiiiiiissss. but where did youngmin even come from? ...ninja. o.O don't worry, you're for sure her favorite xD [donghyun] (last one! if i run out of space right now, i will be sad. ._.) ice cream is the perfect excuse all year 'round! "i like you and not the others!" most straight forward confession of the six~ lol. and she got a huge bear~ ...that he'll never get back~ xD <br />
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Hehe, they were all hella cute~ xD <br />
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Awww~ These are so cute and wonderful~ Thank you Hyorin Unnie~ <3 Merry Christmas! Jeongmin was so cute!
Duude. Wtf?~~ They're soo cutee~~ I love them~~ xD I got three!! :D Thank you unnie!!~~ <33