Creaking the door open

The Eyes (Brought Me To You)


Hours had turned into days and days had already turned into a week when Monday finally made its appearance once again. The week had felt so very long to Sunggyu. Time once again proved to be the cruelest torture when it had passed by so excruciatingly slow. The last time Sunggyu had felt so was when he was waiting for the bandage on his eye to come off— who knew the waiting would end up with his heart torn and broken. Only this time, Sunggyu had hoped that the waiting would finally be worth it. Certainly, Sunggyu would never deny himself being one of those typical college students who had hated Mondays so much, but somehow, Sunggyu just had a feeling that— nonot this Monday. Because a small part of him had hoped that a certain brown-haired male would finally pop himself out and appear in their class this time.

The last time Sunggyu had seen the guy was on that day when he had so helplessly fallen asleep in the class and had the most freakish dream he had ever had. He had still remembered Woohyun's worried look as he saw him sweating, breaths ragged and tears tracing down his cheek as he woke up from that dream. He had remembered how Woohyun had gently wiped the traces of tears away from his face, had almost touched the one thing Sunggyu had felt insecure about. He remembered twisting Woohyun's hand away from it, remembered the pained look on his feature as he rubbed the twisted wrist.

But Woohyun hadn't said a word. There was a soft smile on his lips but that was it, before he threw him his usual full-blown grin and flicked Sunggyu's forehead with his fingers— had dismissed the whole thing with a "How could you sleep in the class? I'm the only one who's working hard for the notes here." He had complaint, pouted but Sunggyu hadn't taken those words to heart at all. He kept on staring, observing Woohyun's side profile with the remaining vision he had left. Did he see him? Did he know Sunggyu was there? Why did he look so frightened when he saw him? Question after question begun to claw on his mind, yet they were left unanswered when Woohyun had missed their class the next day. 

And the day after.

And even the day after that.

Only when the weekend had greeted him did he understand that Woohyun just hadn't planned to show himself at all that week. Certainly Sunggyu was pissed—  and curious. It had almost been a week since he had had the dream, almost a week since Woohyun hadn't turned up and yet, Sunggyu still hadn't solved the new mystery that he had caught himself in. That dream was certainly odd— had been the ember to the doubt and confusion that was stirring in his heart, but it wasn't until a certain brown-haired male had stopped showing up right after the dream did it finally dawn on him that the male might have something to do with him, that he might be related to all these questions floating in his head. His disappearance indeed had been the one that ignited— lit that ember to the wild fire of curiosity. Obviously Sunggyu had spent the whole week thinking and only thinking

"What could have the dream meant?"

"Why would he dream of that accident again?"

"Who was that guy in black? What was he trying to tell him?"

"Did Woohyun really see him then?" And more importantly—

"Why would he skip classes right after the dream had appeared?" No, surely it couldn't have been only a coincidence. 

Sunggyu had one too many questions surging in his mind that sometimes, he found his head throbbing painfully every time he had even remotely tried to repeat the questions in his head again. In the end, Sunggyu had only concluded that the dream was a puzzle, a shrouded mystery that had to be solved, a mystery he couldn’t really put a finger on and Nam Woohyun had to be the puzzle pieces to the answers he was looking for. He had to— everything was starting to look suspicious and the suspicions had only led Sunggyu to a Nam Woohyun so far.

Needless to say, that dream had been nagging and repeating in his mind ever since it had appeared, brought confusion and several unanswered questions to claw on Sunggyu’s mind. He hadn’t, couldn’t actually forgot that grim look on Woohyun’s sharp, dishevelled feature when their eyes had connected for a brief second then. Sunggyu had still vividly remembered the fear underlying those tear-glistened eyes; that brief connection between them, as if Woohyun had seen him there. He couldn’t believe it either because that was supposed to be his dream and only his. Woohyun had invaded enough of his life then, there was no way Woohyun could invade his dream as well.

Sunggyu had wanted to believe that it was just the trick of a mind, that it was only a dream, a nightmare to scare a child. But his thumping heart just wouldn’t settle with that superficial reassurance. The churns and nerves flipping in his stomach had had him feel uneasy all the time and he hadn't like that feeling at all. It was certainly suspicious and odd when Sunggyu had thought about it. How could the dream seem to connect to his disappearance? It wasn't actually possible, he had thought but the thought itself had been gnawing on his mind. He couldn't really get rid of that feeling. It wasn't really like Sunggyu to doubt a person when it had probably only been a stupid nightmare-ish dream of his because Sunggyu wasn’t exactly the suspicious type of guy.

He had never been the suspicious type. He had The Eyes after all. Any question that appeared in his mind immediately took form in a picture of moving subjects as they answered them all. He was never suspicious. So when Woohyun had missed their classes for the rest of the week after that day of the dream, leaving Sunggyu all alone and screwed up in class, Sunggyu couldn't help but found suspicions and curiosity creeping on his already occupied mind. Woohyun was a box of mystery and Sunggyu was the curious cat that craved to peek inside.


Though solving the puzzling mystery of the dream was one thing— annoying Sunggyu was another however.

He had been curious certainly, but words weren't exactly needed to show that Kim Sunggyu was annoyed as well— pissed because things had been rough for him in class ever since Nam Woohyun had decided to hide himself somewhere unknown to Sunggyu. He was exasperated because his only source of notes hadn't shown up, his mind was a little too occupied with things that weren't supposed to, and his void eye wasn't exactly helping him when he couldn't even ing see half the board to even focus to the lecture given to them. Yes, Sunggyu was definitely pissed— and hopeless.

He hated himself for being so hopeless; pointless because he hadn't progressed with his studies at all, had felt pathetic because all he could think then was the dream and only Woohyun. He was a lost case. He just couldn’t help that nagging feeling, telling him that something was up, that something wasn't right and that had frustrated him so much because he hadn't known why—not without The Eyes to show him, not without the person in question to answer him.

Sunggyu had swallowed his ego and pride, had tried to ask Sungyeol’s massive crush about Woohyun’s whereabouts but the other hadn’t exactly been cooperative and willing enough to reveal the much-unneeded information. No, Sunggyu did not miss the guy, he had denied the suggestive wiggles of eyebrows on Myungsoo's look. He was just partly curious and partly pissed— mostly pissed, because he wasn’t told of his absence. It wasn’t like they were friends enough to share such things but he was Sunggyu’s note sources, he had to tell himself that and told the other. He could’ve at least left a message or something—maybe forced Myungsoo to relay it to him. Because hey, Sunggyu hadn’t particularly planned to fail their quizzes next few weeks just because someone hadn’t exactly been diligent about their job. He could’ve at least been warned. 

Sunggyu was making it clear to everyone that he was annoyed— pissed. He had to, because there was absolutely no way that Kim Sunggyu would ever admit it. He would bring it to his grave if he needed to—because Sunggyu would never tell a soul about the curiosity that had been shrouding his mind and heart, would never say it out loud that the disappearance of Nam Woohyun had only fuelled his wild curiosity even more. No, not a single soul— except maybe his one and only best friend, Lee Sungyeol but definitely not a Kim Myungsoo nor a Nam Woohyun. Just never—he had vowed.

And he would never admit it as well— even to himself, that it was definitely because of this sort of curiosity gnawing on his mind that had made Sunggyu desperately pleaded for his gift of the 7th sense back. He had needed The Eyes— needed to see, to look into Woohyun’s future, searched for the answers to the questions that had been crawling in his head. But what was he wasting his time for? Sunggyu had scoffed to himself.

The Eyes hadn’t shown any sign of coming back, there weren’t any flashes of rolling pictures in his head, hadn’t foreseen anything at all even after almost two months of recuperating. Sunggyu was overwhelmed. How would he live drowning in a sea of the unknown? He had had one too many questions tormenting him, and ironically, that question had been the one he had wanted the answer the most. He was too frustrated, too into the heat of the moment, too occupied with the impossibility of living through the unknowns that he had failed to recognize something that was just as important.


Something that definitely would have Sunggyu worried, concerned— and anxious about. Something he hadn't expected to happen so soon, to actually smack reality right into his face.

"Sunggyu-ssi!" A small, low-pitched voice had made several heads turned, Sunggyu included as he looked down at the owner of that sweet voice. He plastered a small, polite smile as he raised his eyebrows in question. He definitely could spare a few minutes before his first class for such a cute girl— the thought had crossed his head when he saw the petite female.

"Yes?" He answered back with a slight tilt of his head. She had a tint of rosiness spreading on her cheeks before she had shyly curled her lips into a small plump smile. "Sunggyu-ssi," She started, the blush only deepening when she felt the stare on her, trying her best to ignore the crowd’s curious stares as they halted their way to class only to watch the scene unfolding.

"I, uhh, can I have a bit of your time now?" Sungyeol had been there when that had been said and he had cooed, had whistled oh so loudly that it baffled Sunggyu a little too much. Was this a confession? He had even thought about it, Sungyeol’s naughty look being the reason behind the sudden pop of his baseless thought. And just like that, Sunggyu's world had suddenly looked a tone brighter than his usual dark and gloomy one. He hadn't really known the girl personally, but a confession was a confession and Sunggyu was glad to be at the receiving end of it. It could at least feed a little on his self-confidence that had been slowly but surely crumbling ever since he had suffered his loss. 

Sunggyu’s face had almost brightened a bit too much if only he hadn’t reminded himself to stay calm and respectful. He just suppressed the grin threatening to appear and had nodded a bit too eagerly at the other. Of course he wasn't going to say yes or reject a girl's nice request before he had even heard the other party. Sunggyu might be clueless but he wasn't that heartless.

"Sure thing. Is here fine for you?" He shuffled his feet to face the female properly, blinking down on her as he waited for her to calm down. A nod and a small bite on her bottom lips later, Sunggyu knew she was readying herself for the worst. She had been fumbling with the hem of her one-piece pastel dress, obviously fidgeting when she realized that Sunggyu's attention had completely been on her. The male certainly wouldn't deny that she had looked utterly adorable that way. He might have just said yes— a small thought had popped up out of nowhere.

"Uh, actually... Umm, so I have this guy on my mind since a long time ago..." She began, eyes nervously glancing between Sunggyu's hard stare and the floor's cold one. There were eyes everywhere and suddenly; Sunggyu had felt embarrassed for not bringing this somewhere else, somewhere definitely more private than this sort of spotlight. But it had been a little too late to bring it up when the other had continued.

"I like him. Like, like him a lot." She had said, had left the sentence hanging there, dragging it out longer than necessary. But Sunggyu was okay with that. The fumbling of her fingers and the rosy shade on her cheeks weren't exactly sparing his heart from racing a bit too fast for his own good. He was definitely nervous, but why— he hadn’t understood that himself. He didn’t even hold any feeling for the petite female but he had been nervous. Maybe it was the way her dress had twirled and whirled, maybe it was the biting of the lips; maybe it was the rosy shade dusting on her cheeks— it could be anything but he wouldn't know.

"You see, I've liked this person for a very long time. I thought it was just a small crush, a small crush that would disappear as time goes by but it didn't. I think I just grew to like this person even more now. I want to confess, I want to say my feelings to that person before I would give up." She looked up then, eyes staring into eyes. She looked so breathtaking with those dusted pink cheeks, trembling lips, and yet she had those pair of eyes that had told him that she was determined despite everything, that she was ready to lose everything just for this moment. She was honestly cute, adorable and absolutely cute— which was why it perplexed Sunggyu so very much when the next words had left her plump soft lips.

"So, I was thinking that maybe you would—" He waited. "That you could look into that for me?" Sunggyu was thrown off, had only gulped painfully as he let the words sunk in.  "I'm sorry?" He had spluttered, startled. When the words finally did sink in, Sunggyu had felt like he was punched with a blow so hard that he had to wonder if he could ever patch up the damage done to his bleeding heart.

"I mean, I heard you can sort of— umm, see the future. So I thought about asking you to see if, if he would actually reciprocate my feelings." She had quickly clarified, stumbling with the way she worded her thoughts out. The blush on her cheeks had only grown even harder when Sunggyu had only remained silent—too silent because for Kim Sunggyu, everything was suddenly dull again. Dull and monotonous.

"You—“ Sunggyu broke the silence with a stuttering start. “You mean to use my Eyes to—" He hadn't even finished his words when the small girl had furiously nodded her head.

Suddenly Sunggyu had found his face growing too warm and flushed at that moment, he was just too embarrassed. Suddenly all those eyes that had been gawking at them since the beginning had felt so very suffocating for him. Suddenly he had found himself unable to breath in the heavy, still air around him. Suddenly everything was just too much for him to take in. 

Of course. It had been The Eyes again. It had always been The Eyes. Why would he ever think otherwise? Why would he even think of something so ridiculous? Sunggyu had almost wanted to laugh at himself, maybe laugh and cry at the same time because he could feel his heart breaking, his pride torn apart— of course everything had went back to The Eyes. They hadn’t need a Kim Sunggyu, had only desired the fortunes that came with The Eyes, but he didn't have them. Not anymore. What should he do then? What could he do then? Sunggyu was hopeless, was lost. What else could he do here? He had thought of the answer for a brief while, but the only answer that had came to his mind then was: Of course he had to lie. He had to mask the hurt behind his forced smile and lied.

Sunggyu patted her head gently, had even huffed out a chuckle as he muttered a quiet apology, about to coat it with lies and deceits that he was about to tell. "I'm sorry." He had felt the strange bitter taste rolling on his tongue. He had noticed the ears that inevitably perked up the moment he had said his apology, had seen how those stares had intensified, body stiffening because Sunggyu had sounded like he was about to say no to a request for The Eyes. And that would definitely seem strange to them.

"I can't do that." The words finally left his mouth and he wasn’t even surprised when those eyes had enlarged, blinked because Sunggyu had said the word “can’t”. The girl had her eyebrows knotted close, confusion apparent on her charming feature. "But— but why?" She had stuttered out. She was stumped, hurt, embarrassed, Sunggyu was sure of that.

And Sunggyu for once had finally felt sorry for someone, for the first time ever in two years. It hadn't been his intention to embarrass her, wasn’t his thought to do so but what choice was Sunggyu left with? Because Kim Sunggyu was even more embarrassed than her, even more hurt than her, and even more baffled than her with the sudden turn of event. His pride had been torn then, tattered and was almost thrown to the deep abyss of his broken, empty heart when the realization had hit him so hard. Kim Sunggyu had been too full of himself; the ego and pride that had grown in his heart was finally eating on him. And it hurt really bad, hurt too much but Sunggyu had to hide them.

"Don't take me wrong, Miss—" Sunggyu trailed his voice along with a small, weak smile. The girl understood the meaning and had immediately responded with a broken voice, it hadn't been obvious but the hint of a suppressed cry was definitely there. "Hina." She had offered still. Sunggyu had swallowed quietly— had felt a lump of bitterness going down his throat and into his knotted stomach.

"Don't take me wrong, Hina-ssi. I just sort of promised myself to take a break from all the foreseeing for awhile. I lost an eye because of it after all." Sunggyu had chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Don't worry too much, Hina-ssi. If your feeling is strong enough to think that it might even be love, then I'd say you’d have a bright future with that." She had frowned, had looked even more confused when her mind had ingested the said words. Hadn’t he just told her that he wasn’t going to foresee anything for her? So why would Sunggyu tell her that? She hadn’t grasped the reason at all. Sunggyu had to breathe out a sigh then, a smile gracing his tired lips.

"Even if the guy had said no to your feelings, it doesn't mean you can't love him still. You can still fight for his heart. Right? If you came here ready with everything, then you wouldn't have anything more to lose, wasn’t it?" Sunggyu had continued, had phrased his words just as carefully because a confused heart was ever so sensitive and fragile— he had known that because he had been through it. So when her feature had lightened up to his words, the sparkle behind her doe eyes had twinkled in response; Sunggyu’s broken soul could only drift further, his heart then hollowed more than ever.

"That's true." She had nodded her head with a bright smile. "Thank you so very much, Sunggyu-ssi! I'll do my best for him! Thank you!" She had almost screamed out her gratitude as she hastily bowed and rushed out. He could only gaze at the direction of where she had went and disappeared, the curl of his lips had slowly fell into a flat line of a pursed lips. Those curious eyes that had been watching the whole scenario could only flick aimlessly then, hadn't known where to direct them when they had noticed a strong pair of eyes glaring at them, especially telling them to scramble away by the grave look of them. And so they did, had left Sunggyu and Sungyeol alone in the extended hall as the clock ticked off, a sign that the first period was beginning.

"Sunggyu." Sungyeol had placed a firm, understanding hand on his shoulder. Sunggyu had turned and smiled. He had smiled but his eyes hadn't. And Sungyeol completely understood.

"Yeol." His voice came out, betraying his original intention to look fine because it had trembled, hoarse and stuck at the back of his throat, his eyes glistened with hints of unshed tears. Some might thought and guessed that the tremble of his voice was because his heart had just been broken, broken because his subject of crush had someone else in their mind but Sungyeol knew. He knew that it hadn't been the reason. There were more to it behind the shaky voice and pooling tears, and Sungyeol knew that Sunggyu knew. Their minds were different yet alike after all. Just how Sungyeol had almost forgotten about the reality of it, Sunggyu had almost done the same thing too.

Sunggyu had forgotten, hadn't even thought about remembering it until that had happened. He had almost forgotten that with the loss of The Eyes came the consequences that he could never escape.

He didn’t know about the others, but Sunggyu had always known things ahead of time. He had never had to ponder, to wring his brain out about the what if’s. So when that gift of knowing it all had been taken away from him, Sunggyu hadn’t really known what to do with that. Suspicions, doubts, anxiety, uncertainties, everything had been so very new to him that he found himself so lost all of the sudden. It was the first time Sunggyu had ever felt so.

Reality— Sunggyu knew he would have to face it any time soon. He knew that reality would finally caught up with him, would sniff him out of the safe zone he had built for himself when he would finally had to admit that the gift of the Heaven probably wouldn't return to him and the demands for The Eyes would made their ways again, not only from himself but also those around him as well. He wouldn't know what he would do then. What he did know was that he would definitely feel lost once again.

Then reputation would slowly turn into his enemy. It would haunt him no matter time or place, would claim its rightful place soon just like it had been before, except that he wouldn’t have The Eyes to maintain them this time, to please them. He would then have to crush any expectation coming from any direction. They would change its form and into the burden he would have to shoulder alone. He would need to learn the methods of lies and deceits just so his secret would be safe, safely hidden behind the bricks of lies he would have to build.

And was he ready for that? Sunggyu didn't know.

Sunggyu was terrified of them. He had wished that they were only his pessimistic thoughts brewing out of nowhere. He had wished that they were only thoughts and would remain so for however longer. He had wished that they would never catch up even if they had been real, had been trying to haunt him. Sunggyu would’ve never thought that his pessimistic thoughts would take their forms so soon though—too soon for his heart to catch up.


Sunggyu had skipped his classes that day. His classmates hadn't witnessed the embarrassing scenario but he was certain that the news of him being rejected would have travelled to their ears by then. He didn't have the heart to see the looks of pity once again. Once was enough when he had seen it the first day he had returned to college. Twice would be so very embarrassing, especially when he didn't even have half the strength to go through this once again. Sunggyu had sighed, his eyes closed and a hand under his head as he lied down on the grand velvety piano in the deserted music room that only he had frequented.

He didn't even get to find out if Woohyun had attended class that day, hadn't even stepped one foot in his class because he hadn’t felt like doing so. But he hadn't needed to do so when he had heard the sound of the door being slid open. Sunggyu peeked his eyes open but had just remained still. He had a feeling that he knew who the intruder would be, hadn't actually need to see it to know it. He had heard the door slid closed, heard a few quiet steps before someone had pulled the small chair and seated themself on it.

"So you're skipping classes now?" The voice had sounded very familiar, a tone of teasing had laced the said words and Sunggyu just had to grunt at the other.

"Like you can actually say that to me." He scoffed and turned his body away from the seated male. Woohyun had laughed at the elder’s complaint, hadn’t even made the slightest effort to conceal it from the other.

"I heard that someone had been enquiring about me while I was gone. Can't wait to see me again, huh?" Sunggyu had particularly scowled at that because damned it all— "That stupid emo kid!" He had to curse under his breath, even had to promise himself to choke that insanely handsome guy to death for telling on him. Sunggyu had huffed and shuffled in his position, had stressed on his body language that he hadn't wanted the other's presence around him.

"Well, obviously because someone had forgotten that he was supposed to take the freaking notes for the blind guy." And Sunggyu definitely had to hate himself a little when he noticed how sour he had sounded then when the word had left his lips. But the next words that came out of the other’s mouth weren’t what Sunggyu had wanted to hear though. It was far from it.

"I'm sorry." The apology was said. Sunggyu’s eyebrow had quirked at the other.

"Well, sorry wasn't going to fix my eye, was it?!" Sunggyu had hissed a little too loud then. He didn't know why but he had felt so mad at everything, had hated almost about everything that day. His mind couldn’t help but be reminded of the fact that Woohyun had been the sole trigger of the threads of all his misfortunes. It had only added fuel to the rage that was heating up in him. But Woohyun had his way to tame the rage. It almost felt like he knew which button to push and which was not when he had said the next words.

"I know." He had answered softly, remorseful. He knew his faults and mistakes, he had known them so well and he had made it a point to send across to the victim of his carelessness. Sunggyu had to sigh at that. He had wanted to be angry, had wanted to release all the anger and desperation building in him to the cause of it all. He had wanted to, but Woohyun was pouring water on his flaming rage.

How could he be mad when the other had done and said nothing other than an apology and an "I know"? He should've said something, should've pretended to be the worst jerk ever even if he wasn't one, just so Sunggyu could get mad at him, just so he could hate on him all he want. But he wasn't. The other had been anything but a jerk. And he couldn't do anything about it— couldn't even be mad at him for it. Why couldn’t he be mad at him? Isn’t that his right for being the victim? Sunggyu hadn't known the answer. He had known almost close to nothing these days and he definitely hated that part the most.

"Who are you?" Sunggyu had sat up and voiced out, had sounded quite resigned then. Or was it exhaustion that laced the words he had let out? He didn’t know.

"Everything had been a mess ever since you had appeared in my life, did you know that? I woke up from the longest sleep I had ever had and only to find out that half of my world was stolen from me by that accident. Then you, you came back. You never appeared before when I was still confined to the hospital when you should have, so why are you here now? Why can't you understand that right now, seeing your face was the last thing I wanted? Why can't you see that every time I see you, the scar on my eye hurts so very much? Who are you to change my life this much? Who are you now that you even had the nerve to appear in my dream as well? Why can't I be free of you at all? Why are you sticking around me so much? I have too many questions to answer, had been all about you and guess what? I would never know the answer because I don’t have them.”

Sunggyu was close to tears then—very close because he had laid out his heart in the open. His eyes were fixed on the other’s, probably looking for the answers behind them. And Sunggyu knew there was something then, just something but what? He couldn’t decipher the look. Woohyun had only returned his questioning gaze with a warm one.

"I'm here to show you something, Sunggyu." He had returned all the questions with a single vague answer. Sunggyu dryly connected his eyebrows at the male.

"Show me what?" He had questioned back.

"Something that you've been missing your whole life behind the gift of your eyes." The answer had taken Sunggyu aback. He had blinked his eyes and swallowed whatever that was left at the back of his throat.

"You knew." Sunggyu had claimed. And Woohyun had only given him a nod.

"I do." He had said. The older had only huffed, hadn’t believe it because—

"You knew I'd lost The Eyes in that accident." It wasn't a question then but a statement. Woohyun's eyes were sad when he had said that, at least Sunggyu could decipher them that much.

"That's why I'm here. I’m going to show you that it doesn’t have to be only about The Eyes, that there is more to it, just a whole lot more than that in you. I want to show you that it had always been you." And Sunggyu hadn’t known until that moment, that those words had been the words he had ever wanted to hear from someone, from anyone because all his life, Sunggyu had thought that he had only The Eyes to him and nothing else. Just took The Eyes from him and he would be left empty. So when he had heard those words directed for him, Sunggyu was tempted to listen to it.

"How?" He had asked instead. He was curious, just how would Woohyun done that? Just how would his life change had he understood that he was probably more than just The Eyes. Sunggyu was curious again.


"Just let me stay close to you."


Sunggyu hadn’t known what had consumed him that day—maybe it was the warm smile Woohyun had on his face, maybe it was the confident look on his sharp feature as he gazed into the elder’s eyes, but his head had been a calm mess then. It was a mess but it was almost like the mess after a wild typhoon had passed. It was the kind of strange calmness after the storm. Everything had started to seem like it was finally falling into place even if it hadn’t even began to do so.

But Sunggyu had still felt it. Quietly, he blew out a weak puff of air, had turned his body around and had let his legs dangle by the side of the piano. He had looked directly into the confident eyes of the other, had surprisingly held his hand out to him and even more surprising when he had allowed the other to wrap his own fingers around his. Sunggyu was opening up, the door to his cold heart was creaking open— had only left Woohyun the honor of swinging them wide.

"Suit yourself." Sunggyu had muttered oh so quietly, eyes glancing everywhere before he felt himself being pulled off the piano and engulfed in the warmth of the other’s open arms. Nam Woohyun was a bundle of energy then. He was more than elated when Sunggyu had shown him the keyhole to his heart. Now what was left was only for him to find the key to it. Sunggyu however was more than startled then, eyes blinking confusedly— not quite taking in the sudden burst of energy that was coming from the other. Woohyun was way more than Sunggyu could decipher alone. He was an oddball—especially when he had all the sudden decided that they were close enough to drop the formality.

"You won't regret it, Gyu." He nicknamed the older. Well, it wasn’t like they even had that formality from the beginning anyway.


“I’ll show you. Definitely.”


A longer and slower chapter, yes. But I hope you guys still like this. It had meant to be slower because I needed to send across of how Sunggyu came to accept Woohyun's advances. Or it would've looked weird later as the story developed. Do drop some comments since comments really drove me to write a lot. hehe ^^ 

Thank you ;)

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I'm writing Chapter 10! but I'm still a little stuck. Help me!


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Inspiritwer_11 #1
Chapter 13: Uwuuuu....i want to know what happened next....will you not update it anymore???
I miss ur updates... TT TT
Chapter 13: Waiting for more chapters authornim the early the better but later is still highly appreciated so pls finish this fic~ kodus and good luck!!!
Chapter 13: Donghyun is like sunggyu in bad mv? Thanks for updating ❤
Chapter 13: Hey you just can't hang up from there!!! My heart was beating wildly coz it was near 2 to truth but TT TT TT... Hope you will update soon authornim. I waited for you for so long and the feeling I got when the notification from this story popped up.... Wow I can't even describe it.

And 2 epilogues??? Wowww. Of course we'll read. The more the better XD. Fighting authornim!!! ♥♥♥
Chapter 13: I'm as clueless as sunggyu lol although i hate for this to end but i camt wait to know whats hiding behind this misteries
One epilogue is good but two?? Awesome!! I'll definitely read both of them
Thank you for the update ^^
Chapter 13: Woaaaaaaa I almost lost hope. Thanks for updating
Chapter 13: thank you for the update!! :D
I can't wait for the next chapter! :) ^ ^ i'm curious so much!
Chapter 13: Of course i would wait forever for you TTvTT thank you so much for this update i am so happy TTvTT also i will read and love everything you post so you can post both epilogue♡♡♡♡ THANK YOU FOR UPDATINGGGGGG