
Battle of the Leaders

"Good morning!" you said cheerfully at the breakfast table.

You were dressed in your new clothes and your hair was tied in ponytails.

"Pfft, acting cute early in the morning." Sunggyu scoffed.

You looked at him.

"Ignore him. Come sit beside me." Woohyun patted on the chair next to him. "Aigoo, my JaeIn looks so cute today." he played with your hair.

You looked away awkwardly.

"She's yours already?" Sunggyu said.

"Hyung, you jealous?" Woohyun wriggled his eyebrows.

"I can't bother to talk to you." Sunggyu said and started eating breakfast.

"Is it usually this quiet?" you asked suddenly.

Everybody looked at you. Awkward silence hung in the cold air.

"Isn't it impolite to talk while eating?" Sungjong asked innocently.

"Y-Yea, I guess so." you said and went back to your food.

"Are we staying at home today?" you asked after eating.

"Yes. You want to go out?" Howon asked.

"Of course! It's so boring here. We could go swimming, hiking, bowling, skating." you suggested and smiled.

Everybody stared at you again.

"What?" you asked, puzzled.

"You know how to do those things?" Myungsoo asked, surprised.

"Who doesn't?" 

"Us. Well, in Paradise, not everyone can do every sport. Me, Woohyun hyung and Sungjong swim. Howon hyung learns taekwondo, Dongwoo hyung participates in cycling competitions. Sunggyu hyung plays basketball." Myungsoo said.

"Wah, that's cool. But I can teach you guys if you want." you offered.

"It'll probably be worst." Sunggyu muttered.

You looked sad.

"Hyung!" Woohyun elbowed him.

"Why don't we have a picnic outside?" Dongwoo suggested.

"Good idea!" everybody agreed.

"Must I go?" Sunggyu asked.

"Yes." the boys answered. Sunggyu sighed but didn't say anything else.

"Wheee, we're going out! I'll go prepare!" you cheered and ran up to your room to change.

"She's so innocent and cute." Woohyun said and smiled.

"Wait till you get annoyed." Sunggyu smirked. ___________________________________________________________________________

"It's so pretty from here!" you shouted in delight as all of you reached the park.

"Have you ever been on a picnic?" Sungyeol asked.

"Yea, but it was long ago." you thought of your family and became sad.

"Let's unpack the food!" Woohyun said to lighten the mood.

"I'll go look around first, you guys unpack." you said and skipped away.

30 minutes later, you came back with a puppy in your hands.

"Where did you get that dog from?" Sungjong asked and took the dog from you.

"Yah, put it back to where it belongs. Get it away from me." Sunggyu looked a little scared.

"Are you afraid?" you took the dog and sat close to Sunggyu.

"Yah. Yah yah yah! Don't come nearer." Sunggyu stood up and backed away from you.

Wanting to play, you went nearer to him as he backed away.

"I told you to go away!" Sunggyu screamed and went to hide behind Woohyun.

"Hyung, you're really an embarrassment." Woohyun laughed at him.

"Can I keep him?" you asked while the dog's fur.

"Ask appa to write a letter to ask the Council. If they approve, you may keep it." Howon said.

"Wahh, so complicated."

"You better not keep him." Sunggyu warned.

"I want to." you stuck out your tongue.

"You-" Sunggyu didn't know how to continue.

"Hyung, just let her keep it. I'll help take care of it. Don't worry, it won't bother you." Sungjong assured him.

"Fine." Sunggyu gave up. 

All of you had fun at picnic.

Dongwoo taught Howon how to cycle.

The rest played with the water fountains.

*Although they're all grown up, they still seem like kids.* you smiled at their innocence when they played.

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yooamie #1
Chapter 31: aww that's so cute!
awwwe. cute ending!
gabyme0629 #3
Did you read Matched?
finished already?!~ >.<<br />
awww..that was amazing story^^<br />
Nice Sunggyu ending xD
Loved your story!!~ xD <br />
Looking forward to your new fic! ^^