12 - Trip for Christmas Part 2

2 Paths; 1 Way

  Myungsoo’s P.O.V  

I finally finished packing. I asked my parents how long we’ll be in London, and they said only for a week. I sighed. Spending a week in London isn’t that bad..is it?.

“Myungsoo dear! Are you finished?” My mom called out to me from downstairs.

“Yes, mom.” I yelled back.

“Okay! Grab your things and come downstairs!” I grabbed my luggage and headed downstairs.

“I suppose you’re all set now?” I nodded to my dad’s question.

“Okay, Jaehwa will be hitching a ride with us, as not to pressure her parents. Kindly call her and inform her.” I fished out my phone and dialed Jaehwa’s number.


  Jaehwa’s P.O.V  

As I finished packing, I sighed and laid down on my bed. I just wanted to stay with my family on Christmas..

Suddenly, my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and answered without even bothering to look at who was calling.


“Yah, Jaehwa.”

“Oh Myungsoo! Annyeong!” I said in reply to Myungsoo. It was easy for me to tell if it was Myungsoo or not.

“My parents told me to tell you that you’ll be hitching a ride with us to the airport. Come to our house and we’ll go together.” He sounded stressed, as usual.

“Arraso, I’ll go there right now.” Before I was able to hang up, Myungsoo said something.

“Wait.” He said.


“Don’t dare call me Myungie or Myung myung, 'kay?”

I laughed at his statement.

“But wae? It’s cute!”

“It sounds so gay.” He stated bluntly.

“Ah~ arraso arraso. Ack! I might be late. I’ll be in your house in around 5 minutes.” I hung up. I grabbed my things and went downstairs, just to say good bye to umma, appa, and of course my oppa.

“Oh? Where are you going?” Umma asked.

“Umma, appa, Myungsoo’s parents said that they’ll bring me to the airport alongside Myungsoo.”

“Ah.. They are so humble. Arraso. Do you want to say good bye to your brother?” Appa asked. I thought for a moment.

“I will. Where is oppa?”

“In the bathroom near the living room. He’ll be out in a minute.” I nodded.

Jaehyo oppa then came out of the bathroom, mumbling incoherent words.

“Oppa!” I ran to him and hugged him.

“Baby girl!! Be careful around boy arraso?!?!” I smacked him.

“Yah!! Myungsoo is not a boy!!”

“Aish!! He looks like one!!”

“Ah, oppa, I’ll be hitching a ride with Myungsoo and his parents. Don’t worry, they were the ones who offered it. I just stopped by to say good bye..”

“My baby girl really hasn’t grown up yet. Aish, chincha. Okay, just make sure you’ll be careful around boy!! And protect yourself, he might you anytime!!”

“Yah!!” I smacked him again, harder than before.

“Aish!! Okay okay, I’ll see you in a week then. Good bye baby girl.” He kissed my forehead and I hugged him before leaving the house with my things.


  Myungsoo’s P.O.V

I slumped back on the sofa while waiting for Jaehwa to come. Aish, why London. I thought I’d be staying home for Christmas. But because my parents hate me so much, they decided to send me to London alongside Jaehwa. Not that I hate Jaehwa.

I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

“Myungsoo?” I heard a voice call out. I immediately recognized the voice to be Jaehwa’s. I stood up and opened the door.

“Hey.” I smiled slightly.

“You look tired.”

“I am.”

“If only we weren’t going to London for a week. But you know, parents just want the best for their children..” She trailed off. Best for their children? Tch, as if.

“Aish, why aren’t you wearing any winter clothes? You know it’s pretty cold outside. I can see you shivering.” She examined herself and later on realized that she was shivering.

“Aigoo, I forgot to wear any winter clothes.. Aish, anyways, I did pack winter clothes with me since I knew that it would be snowing in London as well.” She grinned.

“Arraso arraso. But wear this for the mean time, you look REALLY cold. Anyone could pity you.” I laughed and handed her a coat.

“Yah!! That wasn’t funny!!” She pouted.

“It was in my opinion.” I smirked.

“Ah!! It’s good to see you two talking~” My mom decided to in in our conversation.

“Oh? Myungsoo? You handed her a coat? I see that your dad has been teaching you well.” I scoffed and just shrugged it off.

“Mrs. Kim, when are we going?” Jaehwa asked.

“Ah yes! We will be going right about..” My mom paused. “Now. Myungsoo dear, get your luggage and help Jaehwa put her things inside the trunk.” I sighed and nodded. I grabbed my luggage and placed it in the trunk, helping Jaehwa put in her’s too later on. We then hopped inside, with Jaehwa going in first of course. After all, there’s a saying “Ladies first”. Then my dad drove away.

“So how long will it take for us to arrive in London?” Jaehwa asked. She was curious.

“Around 11 hours from what I know.” I answered before my parents could.

“Ah.. That long?” I nodded.

“Guess I’ll just sleep in the plane all throughout the flight!!” She chirped. I smiled at her silliness.

“It’ll take a little while to arrive at the airport, so you kids should either sleep or chat with each other.” My mom said.

“Yes mother..” I mumbled. I slumped over my seat and sighed. I decided to text Sungyeol out of utter boredom.

To: Tall Dude
Hey tall dude. Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey

To: Tall Dude

To: Tall Dude
Hey tall dude.

From: Tall Dude
Oh God. Why am I best friends with you again?

To: Tall Dude
I’m bored. Talk to me.

From: Tall Dude
I can’t.

To: Tall Dude
Do you hate me so much.

From: Tall Dude
Lolno. ‘cause I’m not at where you are silly.

To: Tall Dude
You’re so corny you know that?

From: Tall Dude
Thanks for the compliment dude.

To: Tall Dude
The hell dude.

From: Tall Dude
Annyeong lovely L hyung!! ♥~

To: Tall Dude
Holy fuq Sungyeol what the hell. You’re becoming like greasy tree. e_e

From: Tall Dude

To: Tall Dude
Tell that Sungjong dude to stay away from me. Loljk.

From: Tall Dude
Dude, you're gonna get him crying again.

I continued exchanging messages with rip Sungyeol, laughing every now and then. What I didn’t notice was Jaehwa, whose head was now on my shoulder, sleeping soundly.

I smiled. “She looks so peaceful.” I thought.

To: Tall Dude
Yo dude, text ya later. I'm tired. Tell the others I said hi, k? Byeee

From: Tall Dude
K, dude. See ya in a week. (:

I turned off my phone. Yup, I was feeling sleepy again, as usual. I yawned and closed my eyes, not taking note that my head was on top of Jaehwa's.

*20 minutes pass; still in Myungsoo's P.O.V*

"Wake up.." I heard a faint voice from a distance say. I stirred.
"Wake up.." It got louder.
"YAH KIM MYUNGSOO WAKE UP!!" I shot up, rubbing my eyes. Jaehwa woke up as well.

"We're here kids~" My dad said. We all got down the car. My dad opened the trunk and got our luggage and placed it on the floor.
"Here are your passports, money, documents and other things you'll be needing when you enter London. Oh, and here's a map of London. Make sure you don't lose it or else you might get lost! When you enter London, make sure to head straight for Corinthia Hotel. That's where you two will be staying for a week. We've hired a personal tourist for the both of you to guide you on your way. He'll be waiting in the nearest subway you can see. We have also booked a room specially for the two of you in the hotel. If you're going anywhere, you can use the bus, taxi or the subway to get there. If ever you have questions, you can always ask your personal tourist. Take care, okay? Make sure you two don't get separated from each other. Oh, and not to forget your plane tickets. And since your phones are both quad-band, here." My mom handed us the things she had just mentioned, as well as sim cards specially used in London.
"Those sim cards, use them while you're in London. If ever you feel like contacting us, use the telephone to call us. Oh, and the sim cards already have the contact numbers of the two of you and as well as your personal tourist's. Don't lose them!" Me and Jaehwa nodded, in reassurance to my mom.
"Okay kids, take care! Myungsoo, you're the man, take care of Jaehwa. Make sure she doesn't get lost okay? And if she wants to go sightseeing, take her to wherever she wants, okay?" I nodded, mentally noting each and very word my mom had just told me.
"Kids, you better go now! The plane leaves in an hour and a half. The earlier, the better. Take care!" My dad hugged me and Jaehwa. I smiled a bit, took my things and waved to my parents. Jaehwa did the same too.

"It's my first time travelling outside my country alone.." Jaehwa hung hear head low.
"It's my first time as well." I said, not to let her feel bad.
"Oh? But how come a rich family like yours has never been outside of the country?"
"They don't take me with them." I stated bluntly.
"Oh.. Hey is that the registration center?"
"Looks like it. Let's go check." I dragged Jaehwa with me. I didn't notice that I was holding her hand instead of her wrist.

"Um, excuse me?" I said, trying to get the attention of the clerk.
"Ah! I'm very sorry! Would you like book a trip to another country?"
"Um, my parents said they already have booked one for us." I stated in reply.
"Ah, you must be Mr. Kim Myungsoo and Ms. Ahn Jaehwa, who will be flying to London?" Me and Jaehwa nodded.
"Your documents have already been settled by your parents. Just hand in your plane tickets and passports to me and I will give you both of you your boarding cards, which entitles you to a seat on the plane." We handed over our plane tickets and passports. She then exchanged them with 'boarding cards', of course, giving back our passports. "Please leave your luggage here, as it will be scanned through an X-ray machine. As soon as it has been examined, you may claim your luggage and head over to the departures gate." We nodded and left our luggage. It was then scanned.
"Whoa, that looks cool." Jaehwa complimented. We both headed towards the end of the counter and claimed our luggage, soon heading to the departures gate.

"Well that was easy enough." Jaehwa stated.
"Our luggage has to go through another X-ray machine and we have to go through a metal detector machine. You got anything that's metal in your pockets?" Jaehwa examined her pockets and shook her head.
"My phone's in my suitcase." My mouth formed an 'o' shape and I nodded.
"Same with me." She nodded.

"Boarding card and passport please." A clerk said. We presented our boarding cards and passports and he let us through.

Another clerk walked up towards us and said, smiling, "I will be taking your luggage. Meanwhile, please stroll over the metal detector machine just across you. Whether you're carrying anything metallic or not, it might produce a sound, so just wait for a fellow clerk of mine to manually check you whether you have anything suspicious with you. Oh, and don't worry about your luggage. If they have passed the X-ray machine, they will immediately be boarded on the plane's luggage compartment." He took our luggage and placed it on a conveyor belt, which is slowly moving past the X-ray camera, allowing the Customs officials to peer inside our luggage without having to open them.

Jaehwa was first to stroll over the metal detector machine. It produced a beeping sound, but it shocked neither of us. We already knew it would produce a sound. A clerk then asked Jaehwa to raise her hands side wards. She did as she was told and the clerk manually checked her. Having nothing suspicious with her, the clerk let her go through. The clerk did the same thing to me. Exact same process.

"It says that the plane going to London will take off in 20 minutes." Jaehwa said out loud.
"I think they're finished loading the luggage and refueling the plane. Let's go to the gate. Like my dad said, the earlier, the better." Jaehwa nodded and followed me towards the gate. It was already opened, as we predicted it would be.
"Let's go in?" Jaehwa tilted her head, looking at me. I nodded and we went in.

"Hello and welcome to Seoul Airlines~" The flight attendant chirped. "Would you like to sit side by side?" She asked, eyeing the two of us with a glint in her eyes.
"Um yes, so that we would not lose each other." Jaehwa stated, smiling.
"Very well then, follow me." And so we did. We were given a seat near the window.
"Sit down and enjoy the flight! The flight to London will be about 9-11 hours. So sit back and relax! If ever you need anything, you may call on me." The flight attendant winked at me and walked away. Was she hitting on me?

Soon, the plane had lift off. Me and Jaehwa were just seated in our seats, not a single word said to each other. The atmosphere was filled with awkwardness.

"Um," Jaehwa started. "are you sleepy? You can sleep while we're on our way to London. You must be stressed."
"Nah, I'll just stare at the window, hoping for time to pass." I chuckled. Jaehwa laughed.

"Topic?" She asked.
"I don't know." I stated bluntly.
"Hm, what are your hobbies?"
"Playing the guitar and texting with Infinite."
"You love them a lot, don't you?"
"They've been with me ever since I was kicked out." I didn't realize what I just said.
"Kicked out? From what?" She got curious.
"U-um.. Maybe I'll mention it to you some other time.. Today is not really the right time.."
"Omo, I'm sorry for asking personal things!" She had this apologetic expression plastered on her face.
"It's alright. I didn't realize what I just said." I just laughed it off.

"Why did you transfer to Woollim University?"
"It was actually my parents' decision to have me transfer schools. It was so I could meet you, as they said." She nodded to every word I said.
"How about Infinite? How come they transferred schools with you?" She asked again.
"According to Woohyun hyung, 'Infinite's bond will always be infinite, therefore, we must not let anything break our bond'. Plus, they're a bunch of stubborn kids, so I really can't do anything about it." I sighed. Jaehwa just laughed.
"That just shows they love you, silly."
"I know they do, because I am Kim L." I smiled. It's the first time in a million years that I actually smiled to someone else other than Infinite.
"Who's Kim L?!" She laughed. I punched her lightly on her arm.
"Yah! Don't make fun of my name!"
"You know," She started. "you should smile more often. You look better with it." She showed off her cheesy grin.
"Nah, I'd rather keep my cold image."
I yawned. I was getting drowzy again.
"I'll sleep now. I'm tired." I told Jaehwa as I leaned my head on the window.
"You're always tired, don't you notice that."
"It's because I'm going through puberty."
"Eww!! Puberty."
"Don't deny it! You're going through puberty too!!" I laughed.
"Aish, fine. Go sleep, I'll ask for some food to eat. Wanna eat before sleeping?" She asked.
"Nah, I'm fine. Satisfy yourself." I shut my eyes and waddled over to dream land once more.



Cazia: Hey-yeom~ late Christmas special part 2~~ yipeee~ L O L. I had to search on what you do in an airport just to write this, LOL. Anyways, this chapter was actually supposed to be longer, but since it was already VERY longer, we decided to split it into two. Keke~ look forward to the next one!! And thank you to our 20 subbies!!!! /throws hearts at you

Erika: very very very very very looong chapter!!! a round of applause to Cazia who wrote all of this! She had to research on boarding flight, we're kids and we don't handle jobs like planning the flights~ :c anyways~ next chapter will be updated in a few~!! love chu all~<3

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lol haha myungsoo UPDATE lub dis fanfic
OMG cross dressing L XD I somehow can't picture that but I'm sure it'll be funny XD
msSimple101 #3
Myungsoo.:)<br />
update soon.!
lol myungsoo XD
entertaemint #5
i like the woogyu in this chapter haha
omg omg omg, i'm about to explode. :D
aigoo, myungsoo is shweeet. :D
update soon please. :)
update mooore. :D
update soon. :)