a first date turned bad

Onew's Ice Princess

the next day was my date with jinki. i made sure i brushed my hair a hundered times on each side. i picked out my favorite pair of black jeans, and chose my white and pink top then i put on my back swetter. i looked in the mirror. i made sure my mascara was on purfectly and reapplyed my lip gloss.

"purfect" i said to myself turning around infront of the large mirror behind me. i looked at the clock 11:45. if i didn't hurry up i would be late. it was a good thing that the mall was only 4 blocks from my uptown appartment. grabbed my cell phone and locked the door. i found onew at exactly 12.

"well your verry puncuel" he said with a toothy grin. i smiled back

"did i keep you waiting to long?" i asked. he shook his head no. "where are we going today?" i asked. he took my hand secretivly

"watch a movie". it wasn't origanal at all but it was a ideal date for the couple in hidding. we brought our ticket and sat down in the back of the theater with our popcorn and single soda, then the movie started. onew did the corny yawn, strech, then is arm was around me. the movie played on well harmoned crazed teenager made out. it was a little acward but i mangiged to icnore the crying fact. once the movie was over he asked me what i wanted to do next.

"um, let's go for a walk in the near by forist" i sugested.

"ah ok, i heard there was a waterfall at the end of the walkway" he told me. he led me down the semi dark pathway holdding onto my hand tight. most people would think we were dateing for a long time. i smiled widly at the thought. i rusal came from the bushes behind us.

"jinki i think there's someone or something following us" i squicked. he pulled me in closer.

"lets hurry to the falls" he said a little nervusly. i thought he would want to turn around but we were so close it wasn't funny. we made it to the small waterfall in one peace but the sky was glowing orange, pink, and yellow. everything seamed so butiful.

"wow! this place is so butiful~" i spun around. i skipped to the running water and took of my shoes. onew joined me moments later.

"this place is really pretty but i think your prettyer" he said makeing me blush a little. a fue moments pasted and i spoke up

"do you want to come to my place for dinner tonight? i'll cook?" i asked hoppful. he nodded his head. i heard a nother rusal in the trees behind us. i instantly stood up, but insted of standing on my feet i started to fall. i splashed into the water, it didn't hurt to my luck.

"looks like the ice princess can't stay off the ice, even if it's melted" he teased me. i growned swimming threw the chilly water till i reach onew where is hand was extend. i took it but insted of me comeing out, i pulled onew in. "hey!" he complained splashing me a little, then he pulled me into a hug. "it's cold" he teased.

"i'm warm now" i said lieing but saying it to make onew fell good. that was his cue i juss. our lips touched eachother. the warmth of his lips felt good, sweet as suger, the kiss was so addicting it was like niciten. i wanted to become a custum to it's deadly poison, but i had to quit, it was hard to breathe with it and hard not to at the same time. the ruckis from the forest extened towards the river and i pulled apart. then i saw someone, a tall handsom man. as he walked closer i notest it was brad. i gasped loudly and tryed to hide my face.

"you have some lip gloss on your lips onew" he called from the small cliff. onew quickly rubbed it off. "i knew this was happaning" brad sighed. i looked up

"how do you know?!" i yelled up to him.

"the night of your pafromance. i came to watch it. i was just going to stay for 3 days and hang with you, but then when i whent to congradulate you right after your were finnished. i watched as onew kissed you from behind a corner" brad yelled back in quick english. onew winsted looking at me with confushon. probley to much for his english skills.

"so it was you" i said in a quite voice. "so i admit it, i'm dateing jinki, i forbid you to interfere!" i yelled back at him in english. brad hummed this,

"so he's good for you but i'm not. you've know onew for 2 months and your already on a first name base! but me, we've knowen eachother for soo long, but all that came between us was our first kiss!" he yelled, our english fight was getting ugly and onew seamed to understand what was going on, a little.

"brad you have no bissus here. leave and don't come back" he yelled in horendus english. brad gave off a loud huph. i was chivering now.

"jinki let's get to my house" i pulled us away from our hug. the shivers ran threw out my body without onew to fill the space.

"you should tell your mother, that your seeing someone. so then it doesn't come as a surprise when she meets him" brad snapped in english yet again. then he turned around and left. we got out of the water and tryed to dry ourselfs the best we could.

"so what's for dinner?" he asked.

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can you please write correctly? its harder for me to read