
Onew's Ice Princess

Me and onew sat on the couch across from our old friend and rival sunny. Yet we did diside that she would leave onew alone and I would take good care of him, this meeting was varry informal. She was in prada and guchi where. The states were good to her. Well me and onew were still our p.j.s,  one more reveling then the other. I was pretty sure we girls in the room were all distrated in one ways more then it should have. I coughed to brake the silence.

"What are you here?"  Onew asked sunny.

"Well kya emailed me saying that you lived up here and there was something you need to know" I waited some time for her to contuine but she didn't.

"And the news would be?" I asked.

"Oh! Um, I hate to tell you this but your appartment you lived in had a big fire. Everything that was in there is gone. 39 deaths 19 inured 1 missing and the other one out of all is you and they knew you were on a vk" sunny told me frowning. I covered my mouth and a tear ran down my cheek.

"So meny died" onew sighed takeing me into his arms.

"Now I have nowhere to live" I moaned. Sunny grined looking at us

"you too still seam close mabe more, why not move in with onew and his hyungs?" sunny sugested. For a split second the room turned into ice and me and onew were frosen in place. Was sunny really that bright? It would have the fell of a marryed couple with 4 teenage boys. I looked to onew who seamed nurvos.

"No! Absalutly not" onew shook his head amidetly.

"Oh come on please" I bagged.

"No!" he rived. Then to my surpise and disbalife sunny leaned forwards and put her hand on onew's upper leg rudding a little. I growled a little like I was dog.

"Why not onew? Do you not love her enough? Or do you love someone elce?" she asked. Onew in a little air sounding nurvos well looking at her hand. That was it. I officaly hated sunny turning on my man and all, then onew spoke.

"I love her more then anything, that is the reason I say no. I don't think I can trust myself" he quivered. His words scard me a little but were unreasable and were at the same time. As soon as sunny removed her hands onew reached aross to grab my hand that was on my lap. "But all with due time" onew cuncluded.

"Well then I know taemin can be trusted, I'll talk to him" sunny piped. Onew looked like he was going to say something but he stopped himself. "Great, then I'm off. Ice would you show me off?" sunny bribbed. I walked her to the door leaving onew for a fue seconds. "I can see that you haven't gotton to far with onew yet" sunny anilesed my look.

"Why are you talking about?!" I pleased. She sighed loudly

"haven't been bedded yet right?". I didn't understand what she was talking about that much....

"we fell asleep on the bed together if that's what you mean" I said counfused.

"No I mean like tickle his pickle" she said acwardly. I gave her a questonet look. "Shook the bed!" she tryed again a little anoyed. I finaly understood what she ment....ew.

"Aw gross sunny!" I complayed.

"Guy's leave girls that don't comet" she winked. I winced

"h-how would I know if your right?" I asked a little worryed stepping outside in my bare feet so then there was no chance of onew hearing this convo.

"Well you can know what he's thinking about you by the way he kiss you. A kiss on the hand means he adores you. A kiss on the cheek means he just wants to be friends. One on the chin means he thinks your cute. On the neck means he wants you. A kiss on the lips means he loves you ovuisly. A kiss on the ear means let's have some fun." she winked makeing everything fell acward but I wan't going to let this slip out of my brain. "I should go now" sunny chuckled a little.

"yea ok have a safe trip back" I said politly.

"Oh before I leave, the last sign you need to know is different then a kiss, it's a movent. Three soft taps on the thigh means let's make love" she rised her eye brows then left.

"um thanks bye!" I shouted then whent back in the house. I repeted the words she told me in my head. I whent into the living room where onew was but wasn't anymore. I looked around the house 1st the kitchen then the basment. Mabe he was bathroom. but when I looked where the bathroom was the door was open. then I herd some resaling in my parents room. I opened the door to see onew shirtless and about to take off his boxers "ANO!" I shouted turning around making sure I couldn't see him. my face was red as could be and I could fell it. I heard some quick rusiling, then I could fell strong muscular arm wrap around me. I could fell onew's mussular chest agnest my tank toped back. I could hear his breathing in my ear that sent chills up my back.

"no need to be alramed." he wispered. A moment passed "sorry about sunny, what she did to me and that I didn't stop her" he told me. he kiss my ear jently. He wanted to have some fun. I rased my eye brow. "your parents are out right?" he asked. I nodded slightly not likeing where this was going, or mabe it was a cloudy gugment due to sunny's anounsment. His kiss slowly slip down ferther to my neck. so that ment that he wanted to have some fun and that he wanted me. the last thing on sunny's list of what-a-guy-wants-from-his-girlfriend chart. three soft taps on the thigh. I turned around quickly nocking his hand off. he seamed a little flustrated by this. I kissed him quickly to appoliges. It seamed tho like he wanted more. we started kissing again, more pashonetly then ever before. it made me think that mabe just mabe sunny was right. right then in purfect timeing we heard a car door slam. we quickly moved apart.

"it's kinda hot in here isn't is" I said braking the silence.

"ya it's so hot I think I need to but on a shirt" onew said seriusly.

"I-I'm going to get some water" I stumbled. I headed to the kitchen where I pored a glass of water. I watched my parents outside the window bring in groshry bags of food and other little things out of the trunck. I was hoping for my face to turn normal colour by the time they saw my face.

"you should tell them about your houseing problem" onew called from behind the closed doors.

"and tell them that I'll be living with 5 boys, not without help I won't" I called back. the door flong open

"and here's your backup" he said cearfuly. I laughed at his childness. His was wairing confretable travle clothes, a jean jacket and white shirt with white skinnys. Why did those boys love skinnys so much?! "are you going to get changed by any chance?" he asked eyes my top. I nodded flying to my room. I picked a red and blue plaid top with jean shorts. I skipped down the stairs to see and hear onew singing SHINee world. I sat down beside him.

"is mom or dad around?" I asked. he nodded still singing and pointed to the kitchen.

"ma can I tell you something?" I asked her in the kitchen. the singing sinstenly stopped and onew was instantly by my side.

"ah what is it" mom sighed looking at our intertwind fingers.

"it's about my houseing arrangments" I told her. she sat down at the table. your moving in with onew arn't you, your moving really quickly, I envy your youth" mom smiled.

"ahg, that's kinda half right. you see my appartment burnt down and everything was distroyed. So onew said that I could live with him and his roomates" I confessed.

"roomateS?" she pronoused the s more then anything.

"me and the hyungs mam' there are 5 of us live there" onew said. she nodded her head

"it's your life hunny, do whatever you want" she sighed.

6 days past and I have started moving into the SHINee dorms alone. SHINee would arrive back here tomarrow moring. I finnaly got brad off my back and onew was deep in my life, something would go wrong soon, I gust didn't know what it was yet.

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can you please write correctly? its harder for me to read