what's somebody like you doing in a place like this?

Onew's Ice Princess

The cilents filled the room. The queston onew had asked my partents and me came from out of the blue. We had just gotton back together and he was asking this sorda thing?! It wasn't like I didn't want to marry onew but it was a little early, or was this the tipe of thing they did in korea...

"jinki what are you saying" I mummbled. My parents were in shock, they always wanted to become a grandparent young but was this a little too young for them.

"I'm serius" onew said not takeing his eyes off my dad.

"Well son we barily know you, and plus your from korea and were from canada one of you will have to become a new cidican" dad hummed.

"Umm, dad I would rather be korean. Mutch better music there, no justen beiber." I sighed rasing my hand dughtfuly.

"Do you want to get married so soon" mom asked me. I had to think.

"Well as long as my dauter is happy I'm happy. Any hurtful things towards her will resault in me huring you" dad worned. Onew seamed a little confused so I translated.

"Thank you father I promis to never hurt her!" he said. For a second I thought onew was going to look for an anser now.

"Have you found a place to stay tonight?" mom asked. Onew shook his head.

"The others are in LA already" onew told my parents.

"Then you can stay in our room mom will sleep with our dauter. Great chance to gett to know you" dad cheard. I sighed loudly. Korea wasn't close enough. I left them to there chatting, I was just felling to nervos. I flopped on a pair of orange plaid P.J. bottoms and a red tank top and sat in my room on MSN. Clair was online along with a fue other people that are not cool or important to menchon. I disited to talk to her, I wanted to take this off my chest.

"hello" I tiped. I knew I would have to use the stupid google translater soon.

"AH HI! Long time no talk" she tiped like she was screaming.
Ice princess: Yea for sure!
Clairheartsyou: How's canada?
Ice princess: it's....it's interesting, stuff happened. Drama chiz
clairheartsyou: do tell
ice princess well brad kissed me
clairheartsyou: that scum bag!
Ice princess: then jinki showed up and I told him and we broke up
clairhearsyou: omg! Girl I'm here for you! I'll get the icecream
ice princess: no need, we got back together after jinki kiked brad's .
Clairheartsyou: aww, wait did onew get hurt?
Ice princess: a little he got a bloody lip.....
Clairheartsyou: lemmy juss you got back together with a kiss, a bloody one
ice princess: ugh, ya.
Clairheartsyou: wait a second.....onew is in canada!
Ice princess: yep, and just now he meet my parents and he said or more asked something
clairheartsyou: please explain
ice princess: he asked my parents if he could marry me. Please don't tell anyone at school
clairheartsyou: I promis but really what did you say?! Are you going to become Mrs.lee?!
Ice princess: I didn't say anything. He didn't really ask me......
Clairheartsyou: you know what that means.....he's going to ask you in a magnifacent way!
Ice princess: shut it....your going to make me blush.....
Clairheartsyou: well what are you going to say when he ask you?
Ice princess: .........
Clairheartsyou: you have no idea?! You love eachother! You would make a butiful and talinted wife!
Ice princess: thanks but I really don't know.... like jinki is the best boyfriend in the world but there are some down sides that would come with marrige too.
Clairheatsyou: and that would be?
Ice princess: the media wouldn't leave us alone, jinki can't cook even a pice of toast, and jinki is kinda afraid of baby's
clairheartsyou: '-.- how did I not know that
ice princess: idk, gaw I'm tyred!
Clairheartsyou: how? It's only 12:47?!
Ice princess: ya but here it's 10:47 pm.
Clairheartsyou: then sleep or I'm going of line
ice princess: don't leave me please!
~~~~~clairheartsyou is offline~~~~~
I sighed loudly. Everyone was probably off to bed already. I distited to get a glass of water and follow there lead. I picked up my tomo mug and headed for the kitchen quitly. As I poured my mug full of water I heard foot steps comeing out of the washroom.

"Oh, jinki" I wispered in surpise. He walked towards me.

"Do you have some time to talk?" onew asked quitly too. I nodded and we sat on the black couch in the livingroom. "Look about what I asked your parents, it was for the futer. I didn't think I would have the chance to ask them again" onew sighed felling a little flusterated.

"You wanna marry me in the futer" I asked almost not saying it. He nodded his head wrapping himself around me like a blaket. We layed down on the couch faceing eachother. Onew's feet whent a little over the side of the couch.

"Onwisly I'm verry selfish. I don't wanna see you with anyonelce EVER" onew wispered kissing my noes. He was playful tonight, the side I barily ever got to see. He was also serius all the time. I blushed a nice shade of pink "then I juss were both siners" I wispered. Then once again today our lips conected. Onew deepened the kiss makeing this moment verry romantic. His hands moved to my waist well my hands found there way to his cheat. My mind wondered as we keept on and off kissing.  I knew I couldn't to far but mabe seeing his abs were ok for tonight. I undid everybutton on his p.j.s kinda surpised onew aloud me to go this far. He had a small six pack witch really . Onew stopped his kissing and seamed to have fallen asleep. I followed his lead, falling asleep in his arms.

"Shhhh be quite!" I heard a female's voice wisper.

"But I need to take a picture! It's to cute to see our girl grow up" a male voice responed. I was still lying in onew's arms but my back was to him. His arm was around me holding onto my hand. I pocked my eye open a little. My dad had a disposible camra as was going to take a picture of us.

"What are you doing" I moaded grumply. My partents jumpped back a little, dad putting the camra behind his back.

"W-were going to the market today, so were leaving the house to you." mom said trying to doge trying not to get cought.

"Ugh, fine...but you really didn't need to wake me up for that" I said quitly to make sure onew didn't wake up.

"Sorry, were going now" dad sighed leaving. I was sure I heard them giggle a little well the left the house. Cccrrreeepppyyy.

"Your parents are normaly like this?" onew asked.

"Verry offten" I responed a little startled. Onew played his my hands a little probing himself up so he could kiss my ear. He held my ring finger for a while. "What are you thinking" I asked curius.

"Do you want to truth or a made up story?" he questoned. I giggled at his small game, the true probley had something to do with last night but I really had no idea.

"Both" I sighed.

"I'm thinking what kind of ring would look best on you." he paused for a moment  "and if you had been taken by someone else in the past before we knew eachother. Other then brad" I hughed at the sound of brad's name.

"Well I did have a fue boyfriends in high school" I waited to see if he wanted to more "just 3, nothing serius happend" . He hummbed over this.

"I've only had 1 girlfriend before you" he mummbled. It didn't sound like he want to add to it. I sat up.

"I need to change I sugess the same for you" I pointed out to his mussal shirt and boxer shorts. His face turned a nice deep red to know the fact that he was verry reveling of his body. The doorbell rang loudly in it's charming way. "Oh I wasn't expecting anyone to come" I said surpised putting on a swetter leaving onew's side for a minute. I picked threw the door for a split second. A bright fire red haired girl in magnifacent clothes stood outside the door. Her face was oddly fimiller. I opened the door barily cauos. "H-hello" I said nervosly.

"HI!" she said with a curp. I looked at her oddly she sounded fimiler too. "Aww you don't remeber me" she cryed. Onew came over to us, still is his boxers.

"Who's at the door?" he asked pecking around the cornner.

"Oh.... hello onew oppa" she eyed onew, all the way down "I hope I wasn't interupting anything". I looked to onew who for some reason was still showing off his boxers.

"Who is she?" I asked in a state of panic.

"She locked us in the closet that one time, a good friend of yours..." onew tested me. I still didn't have any idea who is super modle looking girl was.

"Ice princess, my name is sunny"

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can you please write correctly? its harder for me to read