blood swet and tears

Onew's Ice Princess

"JINKI!" I shouted. He had shown up in less then 3 minuite of the "problem". 

 "Hello" he said clearly in english. My mind started to freek. I wondered if he saw brad, kissing me......

"what are you doing here" I asked.

"Were on our way to LA and I said we had to come here. Were leaving in 3 days" onew elaberated.  

"darling who's at the door" mom called. I quickly tryed to hide onew behind my back from my crazy parents but failed!  "This is the boy no?" my mom said in her french acent. I sighed loudly.

"Yes mama, this is jinki my boyfriend" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh! Now this is the type of guy I should have married" mom said in sorda a huph. I could tell onew was felling acward, and who wouldn't in this place.

"Ah mom were going out to the park" I stated pulling onew behind me.

"Park?" onew repeted after me. I nodded my head

"You don't want to spend to much time with my foks" I wispered. We walked to the park and sat on the swinges.

"Canada is a wonderful place" onew hummed to himelf. He leaned over to kiss me but I leaned away. It didn't fell right, acward, I would fell to gulty. "Is something wrong" he asked like he did something wrong. I sighed loudly, I was worryed about what he was going to say.

"well um, kinda" I sighed again.

"You can tell me anything" onew said conserned. I felt really bad now

"well, uh, brad kinda kissed me" I died of at the end. Onew looked flusterated, mad, and angry.

"ASHI" he yelled "I'm going to kill that guy!" he shouted standing up. I felt my eyes started to water. "Why are you crying?! Do you fell bad that I had to find out or something" he yelled at me. I didn't anser. "Do you love brad" he questoned me.

"I use to" I confested. I heard a groul come from his throught that I have never heard. He turned and walked away. Warm tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt myself stand up and walk towards the only place where I could think of to become normal again. The ice. I couldn't do any jumps I just skated around the ice. The only song that I could think of was by a forin boy named justen beiber. "I never thought that I could walk threw fire, I never thought that I could take the burn" were the lyrics to his song, but I never thought they would ever apply to me. Hours pasted and the sun was peeking threw the small windows onto the ice. My feet were hurting but I keept skating. The more I cut up the ice the more I felt better. I heard an door open but I didn't react to however it was. My partents would be wondering why I was out all night so I put on by boots.

"What the H!! Do you $%^& think you were doing to my girlfriend?!" I heard shouts from the hall.

"You know $%^& well what I did." a nother shout called threw out the building. Then I heard I smack and I ran to where the sound was comeing from. Down by changing room 10 by the smarty vening mashian two guys were throwing punches and words at eachother. I got closer to brake up the fight to notest it was brad and onew throwing it down. Onew's handsome face had a bloody lip and beet up. Brad's eye was slowly turning purple and looked like he was chased by a pit bull and got cought. I stood there for a minute in shook. I watched as onew punched brad in the gut the kicked him to the ground. I shrivled, this was a scarry side of onew I never wanted to see but was really manly.

"Onew stop!" I shouted. Brad smiled in pleasure like I was protecting him or something. Onew did as heard and turned. He rolled his eyes

"came to save your new lover" he said mockingly. I rolled my eyes

"I heard loud words so I came" I protested. My eyes were still watery, I felt like a was in a movie and I had to pick from one of the handsome main chariters. But I knew that onew was the main chariter in my movie. I walked towards onew. "Jinki, I don't love brad. Just because I use to don't mean I do now. You showed me more love then I could ever imagin. Just kiking brads just now shows me that you love me, and I will do my best to show you every single little ounce of love I have, but I really can't live without you" I said holding onto onew arm looking at him strait in the eye. He leaned over and kissed me to conferm that I was telling the truth. I quickly rubbed the blood of my lip and pulled him away from the nearly unconshus brad. "Leave me and onew alone for good" I pouted.

"Brad lison to her, please fall in love with me" a fimiler frilly voice called. Cortney was at brad's aid instantly. We started to walk away but I couldn't help but hear what they were saying. "Brad I know I've said this meny times but I mean it. I love you, please don't love anyone else but me!" cortney pleated "you can use me for a test drive but please don't leave me hangging". I heard a long pause but came to a conclushon that a spicy kiss was playing out. We walked in silents back to my house. I held onto onew closely to make sure he didn't fall. I set onew down on the couch in the living room and started to clean up his cuts. Onew staired at me

"for so long, I didn't relise that you were my everything" he said. Those words made me fell warm and fuzzy.

"You never really know what you have untill it's gone" I replyed. He nodded in agreement.

"You brought a stray in" dad comented walking into the living room, braking the mood we had just built up.

"Ah, dad, this is jinki my boyfriend" I introdused. Mom walked in with a boal of chips.

"Ah such a cute couple" mom cooded.

"Wedding bells" dad wispered to my mom. Onew stood up dispite his injories.

"Mother, father, I would like to ask you permisson to marry your daughter"

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can you please write correctly? its harder for me to read