white is the colour of love

Onew's Ice Princess

march 14. white day. it's like male verson of valintise day. i got to school early that day for no reason. i hoped onew would be in class early or something.

"hey, looking for someone?" i turned around and onew was behind me. he was whering glasses today, witch made him look verry smart.

"ah onew! no i just was bord and wanted to talk to someone." i smiled fakely.

"well i'm here, lets go for a walk" he smiled. i nodded my head. without relising it we ended up at the ice rink. natural i juss. he pointed me to sit. onew held something out.

"for me?" i asked blushing. he nodded blushing too. i opened the nicely wrapped bag. there was heart shaped chocolates and a small bag of marshmellos. "thank you" i pipped up. he wasn't looking at me tho, he was looking at the ice.

"do you see a shape inside the ice?" he asked. i looked carfuly at the ice.

"oh there's a heart" i pointed exitedly. i felt like a little kid that had a candy rush. he turned to face me. his face was all red.

"i've tryed hidding my fellings for to long. a prince shouldn't fall for the princess. (please note he's talking about how before she was like his royal sister and he was her brother) but this clueless prince did. i love you" he said. he held my hand. the happyness was so much right now i could barily breath."i don't know if you fell the same way so please tell me" he bagged. i smiled

"onew, i love you too" i blushed faintly. he smiled and hugged me gently. "i tryed telling you on valintise but stuff happend" i amitted. he nodded his head.

"so does this mean were like dating or something?" i asked. he had to think about this.

"i really want to, but for show biz reasons we shouldn't." he looked down sad.

"mabe when were alone we can date, keep it secret" i wispered.

"and that is one of the reasons i love you" he smiled. we moved closer together.

"ice lovers now" i giggled in a low tone. our forheads touched. this moment felt like the drumroll before a big band started. we were millimeters apart when kya called for onew. we instanly took a step away from eachother.

"yes" onew coughed. she came running to his side. she looked at us suspisholy.

"did i interupt something here?" kya asked.

"nope onew just told me his funny joke" i laughed fakly. she turned her attenshon back to onew.

"mrs.wertherspoon has the compolshon that you wanted. she told be to tell you." kya smiled then left. onew sighed.

"thank you for lisoning" onew smiled. he kissed my cheek then left. but before he got out to far he yelled to me. "you can call me jinki if you want".

the next day was the day of our pafromance. the day when everyone learned that onew- no i mean jinki was not just a singer and a pretty face but a skater too. i held my necklass tight hopping it would give me luck. i remebered never being this nervus well i was partners with brad. jinki walked into the small bench area.

"nervos?" he asked. i nodded my head. he held out something in the middle of this palms. i picked it up. it was a bracet with 5 star charms, a four leaf clover, a skate, and a heart.

"jinki! this is butiful!" i gasped.

"for you, it's a good luck charm" he said charmly. he helpped me put it on.

"do you have a good luck charm?" i asked curiosly. he nodded his head.

"ya she's sitting beside me" he said. the words were flirtish, but made me fell warm and fuzy inside. tho i'm not sure if fuzy was a good thing right now. "oh your skate is undone!" he pointed to my right skate. i leaned over to tight it but found onew's hands were already there. he tighed up my skate a little to tight but i didn't say anything.

"students, teachers, visitors, welcome to our ice rink. we have a talinted pair of skaters here tonight that would like to show you the work they did. people call her ice princess back in canada, people call his onew in the show biz, come out and show us what you guys can do!" the MC cheard. i stood up takeing onew's arm that was out for me and we skated to the middle of the ice. mainly i could hear girls scream, but a fue males cheared. felling a little jelos i got into our pose. the song despicable me by pharrell willams started playing. right off the bat i was off the ice. i was twerling around in onew's arms, then he let me go. i fue hard jabbs to the ice later we made our finnishing pose. everyone was clapping. i haven't had this felling in a long time. onew seamed happy to, full of energy. we skated off the ice hand in hand. we took off our skates and i headded for the hall way. half way threw the diserted hall i was forest agenst the wall. not hard and not agressive. my back rested agenst the white walls. onew was so close i could see deap inside his eyes.

"jinki theres people just around the corner move back" i wispered. then our lips were conected and our eyes were closed. a sweet tingle serged threw me, right to my heart. then he moved away. the shock of the kiss was to much, i blushed a deep red. "what was that?" i asked happily.

"i wanted our 1st kiss to be something i could never forget, so now seamed like the best time then ever." he churped. i nodded in agreement shy.

"so, can the prince have a date with his princess tomarrow around 12?" he asked in a fake brittish accent. i pretened to think about it. finnaly getting to see onew off the rink and out of the class room was something i was not going to pass up.

"your request is accepted" i said in english. he smiled

"then meet me at the mall, bye" he waved.

"jinki!" i called loudly. he turned around, "thank you, good night" i called blushing. i touched my lip when he was out of sight, our first kiss. i headded towards the female change room when i notest someone. well just the persons's hair before he or she ran off. did this person see us?!

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can you please write correctly? its harder for me to read