a new start in korea

Onew's Ice Princess

"see i never thought i could walk threw fire, i never thought i could take the burn. i never had the strangth to take it higher, untill i reached the point of no return." justen bieber said in his lyrics. i never thought they would apply to me untill the one faithful day.

my long black hair held a white head band with a wight puff on it. my dress was as tight as a glove. the sparkles giddered off the purple fabirc. my white skates slammed onto the ice, filling me with exsitment as the croud cheard. i skated around in a large cyrcle as the music twinkled i stuck my leg into the air behind me. the song started to increst it's tempo. my body was spinning in the same spot gathering speed as the music grew. a quick pose to finnished of the spin then i started gathering speed. i jumpped in the air doing a triple sawcow. laning pufectly i arched my back. the male picked my body up and i was in the sky. he spun in difacult cyrles as the music sounded like we were in a fairy tale land. he set me down the magical music fit purfectly ask as i did small jumps ficking my feet is speshal movements well i made my arms dance. i got ahold of the males hands again he supun me low to the grown then grabed my waist and threw me a fue centimeters away. i landed on one foot the other strait up. the music was finnished as the guy did a cool pose beside me. the croud cheared throwing roses and teddy bears onto the ice. i stood up and i bowed to all the people in the arena. i saw a banner rased high in the sky that read "ice princess". me and the guy skated off the ice and sat on the bench by our coach.

"you guys were amasing! the best people to make use of beethoven's #9!" he cheared. i watched as the little girls skated onto the ice picking up all the stuff on the ice. the came closer to us to hand us the stuff.

"ice princess" a little burnett girl call me "can you teach me how to skate like you someday?" she asked with a lisp. i blushed,

"i would love to". the boy beside me chuckled

"there calling you the ice princess now". brad my skate mate was tall and muscular. he had brown hair and devishly handsum. we've been training together since 2ed grade. we were as close as peanutbutter and jelly, but that would chaged soon. i was the best teen figure skater in canada by now and i was up for a change in my life. collige. i wanted to learn all there was to learn about the ice that made me, me! i was heading to a new country, new languige, new poeple, and new ice to skate up. 9.9, 8.6, 9.3, 9.2, 10 the board read. we won the gold! the medal was placed onto my neck. "the ice princess's last gold medal in canada" brad teased. i pulled him into a hug.

"it's not my last. it will just be a whail till i get a nother here." i smiled. he pulled me off of himself  then we took off our skates. he brought me out side. i hopped into his car and drove away. once we were at the airport we said our goodbyes.

"are you sure you don't want me to come with you" brad asked.

"i'm sure! but promis me you'll viset me offeten." i bagged.

"that i can do! call me when your at your place ok" brad pulled me into a hug. i pulled my arms around his neck and clasp something together. "what's this?" he asked. i gave him a key that read princess on it. it was a little femain for him but alwell.

"it's a key to my lock" i showed him my lock. my eyes started to water.

"flight to souel south korea is abording now" the P.A. anoused. i pulled away and grabbed my bags.

onew's prov-

"are you exited for your 1st day of collige" taemin asked me.

"na! i'm going to be fine" i laughed at my youngest hyung.

"onew i got the next line for lucifer!" jonghyun called.

"well then let's hear it" i walked towared him.

"if you weren't here you'd make my heart burn out" he sang in his deep voice "and then we would sing the corus" he finnished. i looked at the clock, 9:30 time for pop stars to go to bed.

"i'm heading off to bed. tomarrow is going to be a big day" i looked at taemin. he was starting high school tomarrow.

onew prov end-

so living in korea was hard. i still found a way around. my collige was something to behold. a school for the artisticly inclinded. as i walked around the place i started to miss brad a lot more then i should have. my 1st dubble period was math. something that was always the same no matter where you went, numbers. i came into the class room to see a hole bunch of good looking people. but one guy cought my eye. he sat in the middle of the classroom. i walked up to him nervosly.

"hello" i said to him. to my surpise he looked at me and smiled.

"hi. please call me onew. speak english are you from amarica?" he said friendly.

"no canada, i came here to learn more about figure skateing" i told him.

"oh! you must be butiful on the ice" i started to blush, "i'm go here because i'm trying to improve on my vocals" he smiled.

"well i hope we get to be good friends" i smiled back.

"oh did you want me to show you around soeul a bit tell you things that you mite not understand?" he sugested.

"oh that would be wonderful!" i waved.

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can you please write correctly? its harder for me to read