
Lock and Key

“Yubin, can you go get us some groceries? We’re running low.”

He looked in the fridge and then at me. “I wonder why.”

“Hey!” I slapped his arm as he laughed. “You two boys combined can empty out a buffet in no time.”

He laughed again. “Alright, fine, I’ll go. See ya soon.”

He left the house and I sat on the couch, relaxing with a book. A few minutes passed and I began to feel sleepy. A loud knock on the door made me jump.

“Who is it?” I called out.

“The police.”

What? I hurried to the door, opening it. Two police officers in uniforms were standing there.

“Would you happen to be Hong Nari?”

“Yes officer… but what’s going on?”

“Are you a relative of Kim Mingyu?”

What on earth did he do to get the police knocking on the door? As my thoughts became more confused, I managed to answer. “I’m just a close friend of the Kim’s.”

“He’s gotten himself into a slight car crash. He had nothing to do with it, don’t worry, but he’s been injured and taken to the hospital. The person driving the car has been taken into custody.”

I felt my knees go weak and struggled to hold myself up. I didn’t know if I should wait for Yubin to come back or just go to the hospital. Luckily, Yubin came around the corner, holding bags of groceries. He sped up at the sight of the police. “Good afternoon officers. Nari, what’s going on?”

“Mingyu’s in the hospital. Car accident.”

Yubin’s eyes went wide. “Are they severe injuries?”

“Not severe or major. His legs took most of the blow.”

“We gotta go.”

“We can take you there if you wish,” the officer said. We dumped everything into the kitchen, hurriedly grabbing what we would need and hopped into the car. It wasn’t far from our place and we were running into the lobby in no time.

“Kim Mingyu please,” Yubin gasped out. The nurse led us to a room, where Mingyu was sleeping peacefully, his legs in casts. My heart broke at the sight of him. I heard footsteps and Jiseok came into the room.


“Jiseok?” Yubin and I said at the same time.

“What are you doing here?” we all asked.

“I wasn’t that far from the scene. I had only taken a few steps and heard a scream. Mingyu on the ground, unconscious. I called the ambulance as fast as I could, asked them to contact you.”

“Thank goodness you were there,” I said, sitting down next to Mingyu. A doctor came in, checking his notes.

“You would be Kim Mingyu’s family members?”

“I am,” Yubin raised his hand slightly.

“We’re just friends,” I pointed to Jiseok and myself. The doctor nodded.

“We’ll need you to fill out these forms for us if you don’t mind...” the doctor handed Yubin some forms. They both went outside and I was left with Jiseok.

“He should wake up soon. I think he’d be more relieved to see you more than me,” he said, leaving the room and closing the door. I stared at his sleeping face, holding onto his hand. Please wake up Mingyu… Eventually after a few minutes, his eyes began to flicker and he groaned.

“Nari?” his eyes opened fully and we were face to face.

“Mingyu!” I was extremely relieved to see him awake.

“I’m sorry Nari,” he apologized and I couldn’t stop my tears from falling.

“You made me worry so much,” I sobbed, giving him a hug and clinging onto him, eventually ending up in bed next to him. He hugged me tightly.

“I thought I wouldn’t be able to see you again,” his voice was wobbly.

“I was so scared,” I said. He looked at me.

“I’m sorry,” he said and returned me in his embrace. We stayed like this for a while until I got out.

“How long will it take for your legs to heal?”

“Not long actually. Despite the impact it had on my legs, they should be fine in time for your birthday. If the driver had continued without stopping, I’d be in much more critical condition.”

“Thank goodness,” I sighed. Yubin and Jiseok came into the room.

“How are you feeling?” Yubin asked, sitting down next to me as Jiseok took the seat near the door.

“It’s great seeing your faces again. Don’t tell the other members please?” he pleaded.

“We won’t,” Yubin and I promised and he nodded.

“They’d probably scold me, especially Seungcheol.”

“Well, as a leader, that’d be his job anyway,” Yubin laughed.

We stayed there for a few more hours until Mingyu was discharged. As Yubin rolled him along, I walked at Jiseok’s pace.

“Thanks for being there,” I thanked him over and over.

“Don’t worry. I’m glad he’s okay. I gotta get home, I’ll call you tonight?”

“Sure. See ya!”

He jogged off and I caught up with the twins. We walked home and struggled to carry Mingyu upstairs. We gave up, deciding to sleep in the living room together. We grabbed blankets and settled down on the floor. Yubin helped me with dinner as Mingyu complained that he wasn’t able to help me from his position on the air mattress. As we sat and ate our dinner, Yubin decided he would take the couch and I could share the mattress with Mingyu. I immediately rejected the idea but Mingyu insisted, adding in his puppy eyes, and eventually that night, we were both on the bed as Yubin smirked. We slept like this until his legs healed and it was finally d-day. I woke up on my bed to see a pile of freshly cooked pancakes in front of my face with a candle poked into it.

“Happy birthday Nari!”

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