Chapter 22

He's Perfect

After Jonghyun wash the dishes and Key showers they both went to bed to sleep –or cuddle-.

“Being famous is hard, Bummie.” Jonghyun said, suddenly when they’re both position on their bed. It is hard, you get stalk by anyone, anyone who knew you or fan of you. But, their fans don’t know how seriously they’re stress out when they’re doing that.

“I know, it’s not that,” Key look up to Jonghyun to meet his eyes. He was not jealous over those fan girls he have, and he never, ever, wanted that kind of crowd every day. Is that, Jonghyun knew a lot of friends –mostly girls- that he doesn’t know. It hurts him every time Jonghyun talks to someone he doesn’t know.

“Then, what is it?” Jonghyun asked as he sits up. It was not bothering him but he was curious to know.

“Nevermind,” Key lay again on the bed without Jonghyun’s arms around him. He tried to sleep but Jonghyun keep urging him to tell him what the hell what is it. Key decided to just keep it himself, he already confronts Jonghyun about it, he only forgot about it.

“Just go to sleep.” Key mumbled, Jonghyun heard it but he doesn’t want to sleep already. He really wanted to know it so he can change himself.

"I'll try without my curiousness bothering me in my sleep." Jonghyun muttered. He lies down and hugs Key by his waist; pulling him closer to him.


"Jjong, wake up!" Key shouted as he slaps him with the softest pillow he can grab. He doesn't want to hurt his boyfriend. He continues to slam the pillow on Jonghyun's sleeping body until he wakes up.

"Okay! Okay! I'm awake." Jonghyun groans as he stops his boyfriend slamming the pillow. He, then, grabs his phone and look at the time and... Date.

"Key! It's Saturday." Jonghyun groaned as he flop himself back to bed. His dream last night until he woke up was tremendously amazing. That's why he's too lazy to wake up.

"I know, but, Taemin planned that we should have a practice today." Key starts hitting him with a pillow, harder this time. It's was Taemin's choice anyway, he doesn't want his little Minnie to be upset that they're late.

"Come on, stand up! We're late!" Key continuously hitting him with a pillow.

Jonghyun gave up and quickly stood up, since, he cannot bring his earlier dream. "What's the practice about?" Jonghyun asked as he grabs the towel beside the bed; getting ready to shower.

"It's for our special number. Taemin and Hae hyung already talked to our dance teacher to allow us to participate for special number. We're the ninth group that joins the special numbers." Key squealed in excitement. He was so excited to perform; they -or just him- can finally showcase their own individual talents in dancing.

The one they're practicing for the competition was the lamest dance Key ever did. Even a newly born baby can do those steps. That's why, Key only watch them. By only watching, he can quickly learn the dance.

"Ooh, I'll get ready now." Jonghyun said before pecking Key's lips and proceeds inside the bathroom.

As Jonghyun takes a shower, Key was in the kitchen, preparing their breakfast. He cooks a kimchi soup and toasts some bread. He added an orange juice.

Key was already ready. He already wore his practice attire; he wore a loose sleeveless shirt because he knows he's going to be sweaty as hell.

After Jonghyun took a shower, he quickly runs in the kitchen. He was really starving because he didn't ate much last night. He was complaining about how they can't have life and he didn't notice they Key already finished their food because of his babbling.

"Kimchi Soup, Piece of toast and orange juice." Key presented as he tap the empty stool beside him. Jonghyun sat there and starts enjoying the food.

Jonghyun paused as he looks up to Kibum who’s only watching him. Jonghyun thought he already ate or he was just so full because of what they ate last night. Impossible! Key doesn’t have any dietary, he eats regularly.

“Why aren’t you eating?” Jonghyun finally asked. He drops the chopsticks and stares at his boyfriend.

Key smiles before he answer, “I’m on a diet.” Key said as he removes his apron around him and folded it nicely before putting it inside a small cabinet under their table.

Jonghyun’s jaw dropped as he heard the word ‘diet’. “You’re too skinny, to diet!” Jonghyun retorted as he slam his hands on Key’s shoulder. He have a point there, Key it is skinny. Does he really have to go under through a diet?

“Yah! I am not. My tummy is growing.” Key caresses his tummy with his palms and let it out for a little time before Jonghyun could stare at it.

It confuses Jonghyun. It’s just his tummy, he can do exercise not skip breakfast. It’s like the most important meal of the day.

“Yah! Yah! Just join me in the gym.” Jonghyun said before going back on the stool and pushes the plate away from him. Because of what he had heard, he's too lazy to eat anymore.

"I don't dumbbells; we're talking about my stomach not my arms." Key shot him a 'duh' look as he places his hand on his waist. What a great moment to start the day, Key thought as he sighs. Lately, he's been eating too much sweets and meats, and because what he did, his tummy slightly grew.

"Do sit ups every morning before eating it helps you." Jonghyun smiled. He's professional when it comes to exercising, it's kind of hobby for him.

Jonghyun stand up and hugs Key, "Diet doesn't include skipping meal, bummie. Just eat vegetables and fruits and avoid sweets." Jonghyun explained as he caresses the back of Key's head, "Okay?" Jonghyun pulls away. When Key agreed, he kisses him passionately.

"I'm sorry." Key apologized. He knew if he skips meal, one meal, his boyfriend will be disappointed. He was just trying to get a healthy living like Jonghyun.

"It's okay." Jonghyun hugs him again.


"Hyung, where are they?" Taemin taps his feet, impatiently. Why is his Umma making him wait? He doesn't like waiting.

"They'll be here." Hyoyeon said as she wraps his arm around Donghae's waist. You know what I mean.

"It's getting late already." Seohyun said as she lay flat down on the floor. Hyoyeon invited her for the dance number too, since; she's good at dancing too.

"Eight in the morning, late?" Yonghwa made an 'eh?' look on her. Seohyun look up before hitting him with a glare. He's lucky Seohyun likes her too much to show off her brutality side.

"Hey, Yonghwa hyung, where's ShinHye?" Minho asked as he looks up from his fingers. He's playing with Taemin's fingers.

"We broke up," Yonghwa chuckled like it's no big deal to him. Truthfully, it's really no big deal to him.

"Why you sound so happy about it?" Donghae asked, being suspicious. It's either Yonghwa cheated at her because he found a new already (You know, playboy type) or ShinHye is the one broke up with him.

"Not really, she's the one who broke up with me." He smiled again, showing his cute dimple to everyone. Actually, he was hurting, just a little bit. He already experience of being hurt so he's professional on handling it.

"Omg, why?" Hyoyeon gasps as if it was a news flash from Mr. Cupid. He glances at Donghae before turning back to Yonghwa.

"She found someone better than me." Yonghwa smiled, assuring everyone that his fine.

"Okay, she's not worth it." Taemin said as he flashes is infamous pout to him.

They were concern.

Until, they heard a squeak of the door indicating someone was going in. Taemin smiles as he see Umma walking inside the room, mumbling something about how stupid Jonghyun is.

"You like the attention!" Key shouted after he turned around to face his boyfriend who's practically annoyed now.

"Here we go again." Minho sighed as he march his way to the hyungs.

"Bummie, we talked about this, can't we just move on or flip to the next chapter. I don't want any fight, anymore." Jonghyun pouted, cutely as he could, Showing off his puppy eyes.

Minho stops halfway, knowing that his hyungs are in the verge of making up.

"Forgive and forget, Key." Hyoyeon points her pink toned nail index finger at him.

"Fine, forgiven." Key fakes a smile and, then, proceeds to sit beside Taemin. Well, he's total forgiven but Key will never forget about what happened earlier.

"Let's start." Taemin squealed as he clasped his hands together.


Hey guys, another update !
I have bad news. I'll be finishing this story as soon as possible.
My school is coming right up, and my parents won't allow me to ever touch my computer because I have to focus on studying more.
I'm so sorry but two or five more chapters, this story is finish :)

I hope you understand me. I'm in my Second year high school now and as I said before, I'm holding a scholarship so I have to maintain my grades ^_^

Don't worry, I'll make another one when we hit our school-free month :))

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this update. It's epic but not funny at all !
(just sayin')

(only filipinos can understand!)

Annyeong ♥

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Chapter 24: I also read this on Wattpad... This is the first fanfiction I read when I open my Wattpad account! I really love this! One of my favorite fanfiction!! ♥
elaineyysenpai #2
They're all popular, or more popular than before, now!! I loved this storie! So sad that it's already ending...Can't wait to read more of your stories! <3
phoenix_taemints #3
woah~! what happened between those two? O.O
Ahhhh ang cheesy pero ang cute bagay talaga kayo hcfvdgdfgvhstuj Ahh seriously love them and Ahh key you don't have to diet ur fabulous update soon and thank you for the update
phoenix_taemints #5
jongkey without a life is weird..! hahaha!!! and i'm so happy you finally updated!!! :D
*puppy eyes*
i wanna have some chappy~
phoenix_taemints #7
oh men! jessica's a now.?
shkdjfhsdjgfjsdhj i now it ice princess will never do any good update soon
phoenix_taemints #9
hahahaa!! my bias is kai and yi xing!!! :D
HAHA^^my favourite is Sehun and lay!><