Chapter 13

He's Perfect


"Yah, Hyoyeon Noona, wait up." Key run as he follow Hyoyeon walking fast around the park,

When Hyoyeon heard the shout she quickly stop and look back and saw a panting Key, "Key-ah, I'm sorry." Hyoyeon pats his back to help him breathe right.

"You know what, because of you; I did the most hateful movement of all." He chuckled as he stands up, carefully.

"I'm sorry." Hyoyeon apologized with a bow this time, they continue their walking.

"It's okay, it's nothing." Key pocket his hands in and let their feet take somewhere they will stop.

"What happened back there, Hyoyeon noona?" Key started a conversation; he wanted to know what the hell Hyoyeon cut off the line because some guy just popped out.

"It's nothing." She muttered but Key can clearly hear her. Well, she wants to let out the anger inside her but not to Key.

"Come on tell me, nothing means sometimes something, Hyoyeon noona." Key look at her, worriedly. She's a friend already, once Key made a friend with someone; he will treat her/him truly a friend.

"Hey, that was my line." Hyoyeon laughs when she remembers the last time she told Key about that.

"I know right? But, come on Hyo Noona, you can trust me." Key plead again, he wanted to know why.

"Okay, fine. But, can't we sit first; my leg is aching so badly." Hyoyeon smiled as she massages his aching leg. Key lead they to a near bench and they sat there.

"Speak," Key said, crossing his legs.

"It's that Donghae guy, I just don't like him. He's creepy and weirdo, I don't like our first meeting." Hyoyeon frowned, that's just the simple reason she hated him.

"He was staring at me the whole time we're eating, and, I hate people who stare at me. Especially those I don't know. At first, I thought he was a e." She chuckled mentioning that word. It hard to accept the word for ELFs, right? e? Donghae is too handsome for that. HAHA!

Key smiled as he pats her back, "I got the same experience too, just have a simple talk or like, meet again and make it more comfortable now." Key smiled again for the successful advice he just made.

"But, that's why; I'm not comfortable when he's with us." She said, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Come on, just try. Maybe you'll make a good friendship like what happened to all of us." Key said before standing up,

"Kaja, they may be done by now." Key said before flashing he's infamous smile.

"Araso," Hyoyeon returned the favour as she stands up.

They both start walking back to the haunted house when Hyoyeon notice someone.

"Hey, Key-ah. Isn't that Jonghyun-ah?" She pointed at the boy who's standing with a girl. They were shaking hands with beautiful smiles on their faces.

Key saw it and quickly made his way to the two, keeping his anger inside him. He doesn't want another fight to Jonghyun.

"Key-ah, I hope you're not mad." Hyoyeon followed from behind, trying to look at Key's face if there are any signs of him being mad.

Key slows his pace when they got closer, "Hey yeobo," Key pecked Jonghyun cheeks making him blush.

"oohh, yeobo. Found Hyoyeon?" He asked Hyoyeon stands beside the Key.

That's a yes for Jonghyun.

"Mind introducing me to your blonde friend?" Key said, without his cold voice. He was keeping it inside.

Jonghyun wrap his arm around his waist as Key wrap his arm around his shoulder.

"This is Jessica, Jung Jessica." Jonghyun said, Key straightens his arm for a shake and the girl happily took it.

"He helped me with my bag, he chased the bad guy." Jessica chuckled as she took a quick glance at the girl beside them.

"Ooh, isn't he awesome?" Key squealed as he hugs his boyfriend. That's kind of ease Key a bit she complimented his precious boyfriend.

The girl nodded with approval. "I'm Hyoyeon, Kim Hyoyeon." Hyoyeon surprises introduce her, trying not to be left out from nowhere.

"Ooh, Hello." Jessica greeted with a smile, "I see you met Seohyun already," Jessica said with a smile.

Hyoyeon nodded.


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Chapter 24: I also read this on Wattpad... This is the first fanfiction I read when I open my Wattpad account! I really love this! One of my favorite fanfiction!! ♥
elaineyysenpai #2
They're all popular, or more popular than before, now!! I loved this storie! So sad that it's already ending...Can't wait to read more of your stories! <3
phoenix_taemints #3
woah~! what happened between those two? O.O
Ahhhh ang cheesy pero ang cute bagay talaga kayo hcfvdgdfgvhstuj Ahh seriously love them and Ahh key you don't have to diet ur fabulous update soon and thank you for the update
phoenix_taemints #5
jongkey without a life is weird..! hahaha!!! and i'm so happy you finally updated!!! :D
*puppy eyes*
i wanna have some chappy~
phoenix_taemints #7
oh men! jessica's a now.?
shkdjfhsdjgfjsdhj i now it ice princess will never do any good update soon
phoenix_taemints #9
hahahaa!! my bias is kai and yi xing!!! :D
HAHA^^my favourite is Sehun and lay!><