How Can We Go Home??

Candy Jelly Love


Lee Jihoon's POV:


When we exited the amusement park, we tried to find the others but failed. We tried to find the Van but there is nowhere to be found..


No.. They didn't? right?

Hoshi- I mean Soonyoung try to call them but failed. We are here in the bus stop. It's raining cats and dogs. None of us two bring an umbrella. We waited here for an hour already.

I hate them. They left us here an--

I left my mouth hanging. Soonyoung is practically dancing through the rain. And play there. I just watch him.

How he sways his body, his perfect curves, his emotionally handsome looking face, and how he dance perfectly.

Oh he's ing perfect.

I just watch him. He dance like there is nobody watching even tho some people watch it.

Some are sqeualing and others just cheering for the guy. But no one dare to took a video. But me, practically take a video of him. And I will treasure this one.

He stop from dancing, and bowed to the audience. He run and sit beside me. I look at him and smiled.

"Why did you dance suddenly?" I ask him and stared at the not-so-busy road.

"Nah it just an exercise you know?" He answered my question and winked at me.

Did he just winked at me?? I can feel that all my blood rushed to my face and I know he can see me blush right now.

"Hey Ji can you sing me something??" He ask and he placed his head into my shoulder. I really wanna scream. And right now my heart beats faster than ever.

"Okay" I just replied to him. Our phones are off beacuse it drained when we use it in the amusement park so we cannot even call them.

"I will sing the Winter child" I say and ready myself to sing it. It's one of my favorite songs. And I promise myself when I was a child that I will sing it to my lover or to a person that I like.

Born in the winter
this beautiful you
clean like snow
you who belong to me

born in the winter
my lover
clear as snow
you who belongs to me

Regardless whether it’s spring,summer,autumn, or winter
Always clear and clean

born in the winter
this beautiful you
clean like snow
you who belongs to me

Regardless whether it’s spring,summer,autumn, or winter
Always clear and clean~~

As I finished the song.. I look at this boy and I found him  sleeping. His hands are in my waist as if I'm his chocolate colored teddy bear. I sigh and place my head on the top of his head. I'm really sleepy.

I close my eyes and drifted myself to sleep.


-Junhui Wen's POV:

Literally speaking, we are just behind of waiting shed. We saw how Soonyoung dances in the rain. He's good at it but nah. I'm better than him. Just please don't tell him I said it okay??Or I will be dead.

Then we heard how Jihoon sings Winter child. And how he sing it emotionally.. Just kidding. We all just became sleepy because of that.

Then we saw that they sleep and Seungcheol hyung hurriedly drive the car to front of the waiting shed. We wake Jihoon and Soonyoung.

But they are too sleepy and we can't wake them up. So we just carry them.

Jeonghan hyung is really a girl scout. He have Soonyoung's clothes. We help him to change oonyoung wet's clothes to a dry one. Soonyoung is healthy and not really prone to any disease. 

So we just sleep In the car as Seungcheol drives to a now silent road.

But before I sleep, I look at my side. I fished out my phone and took a picture of my sleeping baby Hao-Hao

He's really cute right?


Winter child: The one Woozi sings at the show One fine day. Well its beautiful as f-ck.. Really. I need Joshua right now.


Okay I'll just spoil something about the epilouge.

There will have a two prolouge. One is a happy one, and the two is a tragic one.



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Aigoo sorry- it is almost a year since i updated this story. I'll be back promise.


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nurhusnamustafa #1
Chapter 18: Who's that person?
KimchiCupcakes #2
Chapter 18: Oh no I hope they'll be fine.
Good luck for school haha I don't mind waiting for a new chapter
fg #3
Chapter 18: Oh my g. Who's that? Tell me who's that boy. Hahaha. I'm happy you finally updating the story.
J1H00N1996 #4
Chapter 17: I love your story........ hope you can add new chapters
KimchiCupcakes #5
Chapter 17: Ahh why the cliffhanger though
Chapter 17: this is so cute! Jihoon is so nice omg :3
KimchiCupcakes #7
Chapter 16: This was super sweet
Chapter 14: I know! Am from Philippines but can't even attend due of work.. Rawr!
KimchiCupcakes #9
Chapter 14: "She's being sad because she can't come to the fanmeet of our dear sebongs in Philippines." ik that feeling. Me feeling depressed cause the one in sg ended and my senior frm schl went.