
If It Was Easy
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Things were hectic, it was nearing the end of the month and their office are bustling with workers trying to hand in their deadline for next month’s issue. Yejin had just had to handle two interns who had somehow managed to screw up her work since they didn’t know how to handle the photocopy machine. But thankfully, she had back up on her computer so printing another copy hadn’t been a problem.

As the day came to an end, Yejin threw herself on her chair and sighed loudly in her silent office as she slowly felt her shoulders slowly starting to get lighter with each workload that had been settled.

She looked at her watch and realized that it was time to go home and she started to pack up her belongings getting ready to leave the office.

Just as she was about to leave her room, her phone rang and she took it out of her bag only to see a familiar name on the screen and lifted into a smile before she picked it up and brought it to her ear.


‘My beautiful, beautiful, Yejin, are you about to leave the office?’

Yejin rolled her eyes despite the grin that was still plastered on her face. ‘Yes, I am. Why?’

‘Just wondering.’ he replied. ‘Was work stressing you out again today?’

She sighed and nodded even when she knew Jongin wouldn’t be able to see it from the other end. ‘Yeah, but the month’s almost over so things will get back to normal soon.’

‘Maybe we should just eat out tonight.’ Jongin suggested. ‘I do not want you to overwork yourself.’

‘No, no! I promised you and Taeoh I’ll cook for you guys, didn’t I? And Taeoh has been looking forward to it this morning, I can’t let him down.’ She countered. ‘I’ll be okay, don’t worry.’

Jongin let out a sigh. ‘Fine, if you say so. But hey, can you pick up Taeoh from preschool?’

‘I knew there was a reason you were being so sweet to me!’

The sound of his laugh filled her ear and Yejin tsked at him. ‘I’m being held up at the office and Taeoh finishes in fifteen minutes. I don’t think I can make it. So, can you? Please?’ He pleaded.

Yejin tutted. ‘You’re pleading like this is the first time you’re asking me to do this. You know I’d do it. He’s my favourite boy after all.’

‘I thought I was your favourite boy?’

‘You’re a man, Jongin. Not a boy.’ Yejin rolled her eyes.

‘Aha! So, I’m your favourite man then?’

‘I’m gonna hang up. Bye.’

‘Wait, wait!’ Jongin stopped her, chuckling. ‘I think I’ll be done in another hour or so. But, if I’m late please go ahead and eat without me.’

‘Okay,’ Yejin smiled. ‘I’ll see you at home.’

They hung up the call and Yejin started making her way out of the office. She had to get to Taeoh’s preschool as fast as possible not wanting the boy to wait.


‘Is appa eating with us or no?’

Yejin turned from stirring the stew she was currently making on the stove to the boy who was sitting on the kitchen counter behind her with his hands under his chin, propping up his head.

‘He will, don’t worry.’ Yejin assured him. ‘But, he told us to eat first if he’s late.’

Taeoh pouted but nodded anyway.

Seeing the sullen look on the boy’s face, Yejin turned off the stove since she finished cooking it anyway and made her way to stand in front of the Taeoh.

‘What’s wrong, Taeoh-yah?’ she asked.

Taeoh pouted as he looked up at her. ‘Appa is always busy now. We always spend time together before but now he’s always busy with work.’

Yejin smiled and ran her hand through his hair. ‘He wasn’t working back then, Taeoh. That’s why he spends all his time with you but he’s working now. He feels bad too, trust me. But, he always makes up for it when he’s home, doesn’t he?’

Taeoh shrugged. ‘I just want to eat dinner with appa.’

‘You will, don’t worry.’ Yejin smiled. ‘It has only been a few months since appa took that job. He’ll be less busy soon. Give it time, okay?’

Taeoh nodded and Yejin leaned down to kiss the top of his head which made him smile brightly up at her, something that always happens whenever she kissed him.

‘Come on, let’s eat. I’m sure you’re hungry.’

Taeoh let Yejin set him on the ground before he scurried towards the dining table, sitting patiently waiting for dinner to be served and Yejin couldn’t help but chuckle when she saw the look on his face.

She set the table with three settings before serving the side dishes along with the stew she had cooked earlier and Taeoh gulped when he saw the delicious food spread on the table.

‘Calm down, Taeoh.’ Yejin giggled. ‘I’ll help you with the food.’

Yejin scooped out some of the stew into a smaller bowl for Taeoh and made sure it was cooled down enough before she let Taeoh took a bite of his food.

‘Is it good?’

Taeoh nodded and gave her a thumbs up with his mouth full as he tried to say, ‘Really good!’ and then shovelling more rice into his mouth.

Yejin laughed at him and felt really happy seeing the boy enjoying her food like that. She wondered when will Taeoh ever stop melting her heart with every little action that he does. She smiled and ruffled his hair before turning to her own plate.

She was just about to take a bite of her food when the front door opened and in walked Jongin looking as he always does after getting held up at the office; tired. Taeoh immediately brightened once he saw his dad and got out of his chair and ran towards him as if he had not seen him for a week.


Jongin crouched down and grinned at him and gave him a hug when Taeoh ran into his arms to greet him. It was one of the things Yejin adored about Jongin. No matter how tired he was, he would always smile and treat Taeoh the same way he always does.

‘How was school?’ Jongin asked.

‘It was fun!’ Taeoh smiled when he pulled away. He grabbed his hand and started pulling Jongin towards the dining table, wanting his dad to eat dinner. ‘But appa, you need to eat this. Aunt Yejin cooked this and it’s really delicious!’

‘Really?’ Jongin asked, raising an eyebrow towards Yejin and she shrugged her shoulders.

‘The kid liked it.’

Jongin took off his coat and set it on the couch along with his bag before sitting down at the table. He was just getting comfortable in the seat when a spoon entered his line of vision and realized that Taeoh was trying to feed him some of the stew.

‘Try it, appa!’

Jongin chuckled before opening his mouth and get a taste of the delicious dinner Taeoh was so fond off.

His eyes turned

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Chapter 15: it's been years lmao but i'm rereading even those it's not finished because i like hurting myself apparently hahaha its like 6am and i haven't slept yet XD but yeah sorry sehun i'm team jongin even though i know it's probably not gonna go in his favor RIP it's okay jongin you have me T_T
Chapter 15: Welcome back author nim. He's going to talk with sehunnie omo omo ... Sehun had his own reason. He might feel insecure ..... Take your time to update author nim. Don't rush :)))fighting
Chapter 15: Don't be pressured with the updates and omfg yes joing beat up sehun till he get his mind straightened out. On the side note, I know I am am team sehun but after what sehun has done and jongin always being by her side lately makes me which sides omfgiamsosorrysehun
Chapter 15: I love how Jongin is trying to make her happy ;w; awww but ah!!! He gonna talk to Sehun. I have a feeling he's going to try to get them back together but I'm afraid Sehun is going to say no because he hurt her or tell Sehun to talk to her. But no worries! Update when you can :)
JungSeol #5
Chapter 14: Im still in sehun's team. Eventhough sehun left but now he's back right? Jongin is nice too but still my heart lean over to sehun.
Chapter 14: I'm still at sehun team sorry jong in if he didn't come back nothing will happen and sehun and yejin will be happy now
Chapter 14: I'm still at sehun team sorry jong in if he didn't come back nothing will happen and sehun and yejin will be happy now
Chapter 14: Forever in team sehun, I'm sorry jongin. And that shoutout, I should be the one thanking you for creating this fic
UknowAde #9
Chapter 14: I'm still in Sehunnie's Team... I believe that Sehun left becoz he felt that he does not have enough confident to hold on Yejin by his side... Somehow he feel that Yejin's love to him is lesser than Yejin's love to Jongin.. I hope that Yejin realise how insecure Sehun had felt.... pls update soonnnnnnnn....
Chapter 14: Oh gosh /)><(\ Pkay I'm sorry but I say neither of them should get her but then again I feel like the only reason Sehunnie left was because he pbviously knew she loved Jongin & Jongin still loved him too. Like hello, if I was in Sehun's position I would've did the same even tho it was bad..... Sorry but I'd like to put the blame on Yejin because it was hurt fault for still loving Jongin & being so FREAKN obvious about it. Like honestly. She should be single and not have either of them :) But my thoughts tho! Sorry xDD That tear that fell wen I was reading the ending of this chapter. I could feel the hurt T^T