
If It Was Easy
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The sound of the alarm blaring through the morning air woke him up and Sehun let out a yawn before grabbing his phone and turning the alarm off. He set his phone back aside and was just about to fall back asleep when his mom barged into his room.

‘Sehun, wake up! You don’t want to be late!’

His eyes flashed open at his mom’s words and only then he remembered what’s happening today.

His wedding is today.

Sehun stretched before sitting up in his bed and looking at his mom who was standing at the door.

‘You okay?’

He grinned at nodded his head and Mrs Oh smiled back at him.

‘Good. Go take a shower and get dressed, we have to be there by ten.’

He watched as his mom disappeared out of the room, closing the door behind her and Sehun fell back onto the bed as he let out a huge sigh.

The day he had been waiting for. He can’t believe it’s finally here.

Sehun smiled to himself before throwing the covers off of him and getting out of bed. He took his time showering, letting the warm water run over his body as he washed away all the fatigue from the night before.

It was a long night. The rehearsal dinner dragged on till after midnight since most of them didn’t want to leave. Sehun chuckled to himself as he thought of everything that happened last night and he was glad that everyone had a great night.

Once he got out of the shower, Sehun started getting ready for the day but he didn’t want to rush anything so he got ready slowly. It was his day, he can do whatever he wants with it. He’s not going to let anything or anyone change his mind.

He looked at his tux hanging by the door and then to his packed luggage at the corner of his room.

He remembered the struggle he went through to get to this day, to get Yejin to finally look his way. Sehun smiled to himself as he reminisced about the past three years leading up to this moment.

Everything is going to be different starting from today.

‘Sehun, are you ready?’ he heard his mom shouted from the other side of the door.

‘Yeah,’ he replied. ‘Just a second, let me grab my stuff!’

Once he’s gotten everything he needed in his hands, Sehun walked out of his room and saw his mom waiting by the door and she grinned at him when he got nearer.

‘I’m proud of you, Sehun.’ She told him as she patted a side of his face. ‘This was a huge decision to make but I’m proud of you nevertheless.’

‘Thanks, mom.’

She pulled her hands away before grabbing her own bag from the table near the door and turned to him.

‘Come on, today’s not a day where we can be late.’ She said before she opened the door and walked out.

Right before Sehun closed the door, he looked at his apartment with a melancholic feeling in his heart.

Here’s to a new beginning, he thought to himself before pulling the door shut.


It had been two years since Jongin disappeared on them and they rarely talk about him anymore. Since it will only bring up a painful memory for Yejin and Sehun does not want to cause her anymore pain than what she’s already went through.

And along those two years, Sehun had passed on many chances on finally letting Yejin knew about his feelings towards her. At first he knew she was still not over Jongin so he decided to not do anything but now, he knew Yejin was over Jongin. She had gone out on some dates so he knew she was ready to start a relationship again.

It was huge risk for him since he doesn’t even know if she would reciprocate his feelings but he had kept his feelings buried for so long that he was willing to give it a try.

And he just wished she would give it a try too.

Sehun had realized of his feelings for Yejin a couple months after he had met her but by then, he knew that something was already going on with Jongin and Yejin since he had noticed the shy glances and secretive smiles they’d give each other when they thought he wasn’t looking.

And he was right, when they had come clean to him a couple of weeks after that.

So, he never said anything to her nor Jongin and kept everything bottled up inside him. Years passed and here he was still hoping that Yejin would finally turn to look his way.

It was one of those weekends where they don’t feel like going anywhere and decided to just stay in and currently, they’re both watching a movie at Yejin’s apartment. They had spread the comforter on the floor and are bundled up in blankets with snacks in between them.

It was Yejin’s pick for the night as she had chosen to watch Silver Linings Playbook.

‘That was a great movie,’ Yejin said as soon as it ends, shovelling a handful of popcorn into . ‘They’re all nuts. I loved it.’

‘Yeah, it was not bad.’ Sehun agreed. ‘And Jennifer Lawrence in skin tight clothes was definitely something I didn’t mind seeing.’

Yejin made a face at him and threw popcorn his way which made Sehun laughed. He then picked them up before throwing it into his mouth.

‘That’s so disgusting, Oh Sehun.’

He stuck his tongue out at her and Yejin rolled her eyes at his childish behaviour. She leaned back onto the sofa behind her and laid her head on it as she directed her gaze up to the ceiling.

‘Should we watch another movie or what?’

Sehun shrugged as he leaned back on the sofa, following Yejin’s position and let out a sigh. ‘I don’t know. Don’t feel like putting myself through another hour and a half to two hours of watching someone else’s life play out on screen.’

Yejin chuckled at his words and nudged his ribs. She smiled in satisfaction when she heard him groan in pain and she chuckled again.

‘This is nice. Just hanging out with you like this.’ Yejin smiled. ‘I had a very tough week at work this week. Made me feel like pulling my hair out over all the workload they threw my way since I’m the junior staff in the department. But, spending time with you just takes all those frustrations away.’

Sehun turned his head to stare at her. ‘Yeah?’

Yejin nodded. ‘You always know how to make me laugh. Even during the times when I felt like I hit rock bottom, you just know what to say to help me get back up on my feet.’


Yejin chuckled as she nodded again. ‘And you should really stop those stupid jokes of yours, Sehun. It’s not funny, do you hear me?’

‘But, you laugh whenever I tell them to you?’

‘That’s because you’re my friend. If I don’t laugh at them, then who will?’ Yejin said as she opened her eyes and turned to look at Sehun.

She was taken aback when she realized how close their faces were and her eyes widened as she stared at Sehun. There was a look in his eyes that she couldn’t understand and she should probably move away from him but she felt like she was trapped under his gaze.

She watched as his eyes trailed down to her lips before it made its way to her eyes again. Sehun was leaning in ever so slowly and Yejin was too frozen in place to do anything.

His lips pressed gently onto hers and immediately, it felt like a bucket of cold water was poured onto her and Yejin pulled away and sat up as she stared straight ahead, avoiding looking at Sehun.

‘S-Sehun… W-What was that?’ she stuttered and she heard the other sigh.

Sehun was afraid to let her know about his feelings for her because he doesn’t want to lose Yejin. He was terrified if Yejin didn’t want to have anything to do with him anymore once she knew but at the back of his head, he knew Yejin’s not the kind to do that.

But, now he’s given this chance to finally tell her and he knew that if he let this chance go, he wouldn’t have the guts to ever tell her and so he decided to finally say something to her.

‘I like you, Yejin.’

Her head whipped around to look at him so quickly that he wondered if it hurt her a little. But she didn’t say anything and instead she continued to stare at him with those wide eyes and a confused face.

Sehun sat up too and looked at Yejin. ‘I have been liking you for so long. I don’t know if you ever noticed it – probably you didn’t – but, I have feelings for you.’

‘Sehun… I –’

‘I know the last relationship you had gave you the deepest cut,’ he cut her off and he saw her flinched at his words. ‘That’s why I never said anything to you. But, now you’re starting to get yourself back out there again and I can’t watch you do it without letting you know about my feelings.’

‘What you said earlier about me,’ Sehun continued when the silence between them stretched on. ‘I feel the same way about you. I like spending time with you too.’ He smiled and he saw Yejin’s mouth lifted a little to form a very faint smile. ‘I’m sorry if this confuses you but I just had to let you know.’

Yejin didn’t say anything as she continued to stare at Sehun and it felt like a very long time before he finally heard her voice again.

‘Sehun…’ she sighed. ‘I… I don’t know…’

Sehun looked down at his hands and he felt his heart plummeted a little. He took a deep breath before looking at her again.

‘Will you… at least consider this? And maybe give this a try?’ he said.

It probably was just a couple of minutes after, but to Sehun, it felt like hours before he saw her eyes softened a little and her head nodded at his words. It was not the confirmation he needed, but to him it was good enough.

Just trying his luck, Sehun leaned in again and he felt his heart soared when he saw her eyes went to his lips for a brief second. She did not move her head away and Sehun got the confidence he needed to kiss her again. But, just right before their lips met, Sehun stopped and made sure her eyes were directly on his as he said the words that he really wants her to know.

‘I won’t leave you, Yejin.’

A tear trickled down onto her cheek and she managed to nod again before Sehun finally kissed her.


‘Sehun, what are you doing? Get up!’ Yejin whispered harshly to him as she smiled sheepishly to the people around them.

Sehun who was tying his shoelaces snorted and looked at her. ‘Why? Afraid they’re going to think that I’m proposing to you?’

‘Yes!’ she said as she continued to smile to the other people at the park who somehow do not know how to mind their own business as they kept looking their way with smiles on their faces.

‘What if I am?’


Yejin looked down at Sehun only to see him on one knee, holding a ring box in his hand which contained an extremely beautiful ring in it and Yejin’s eyes almost popped out of her head.

‘What the hell?’ she said as she looked at his face who was staring at her amusedly. ‘Are you really proposing to me?’

Sehun rolled his eyes at her

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Chapter 15: it's been years lmao but i'm rereading even those it's not finished because i like hurting myself apparently hahaha its like 6am and i haven't slept yet XD but yeah sorry sehun i'm team jongin even though i know it's probably not gonna go in his favor RIP it's okay jongin you have me T_T
Chapter 15: Welcome back author nim. He's going to talk with sehunnie omo omo ... Sehun had his own reason. He might feel insecure ..... Take your time to update author nim. Don't rush :)))fighting
Chapter 15: Don't be pressured with the updates and omfg yes joing beat up sehun till he get his mind straightened out. On the side note, I know I am am team sehun but after what sehun has done and jongin always being by her side lately makes me which sides omfgiamsosorrysehun
Chapter 15: I love how Jongin is trying to make her happy ;w; awww but ah!!! He gonna talk to Sehun. I have a feeling he's going to try to get them back together but I'm afraid Sehun is going to say no because he hurt her or tell Sehun to talk to her. But no worries! Update when you can :)
JungSeol #5
Chapter 14: Im still in sehun's team. Eventhough sehun left but now he's back right? Jongin is nice too but still my heart lean over to sehun.
Chapter 14: I'm still at sehun team sorry jong in if he didn't come back nothing will happen and sehun and yejin will be happy now
Chapter 14: I'm still at sehun team sorry jong in if he didn't come back nothing will happen and sehun and yejin will be happy now
Chapter 14: Forever in team sehun, I'm sorry jongin. And that shoutout, I should be the one thanking you for creating this fic
UknowAde #9
Chapter 14: I'm still in Sehunnie's Team... I believe that Sehun left becoz he felt that he does not have enough confident to hold on Yejin by his side... Somehow he feel that Yejin's love to him is lesser than Yejin's love to Jongin.. I hope that Yejin realise how insecure Sehun had felt.... pls update soonnnnnnnn....
Chapter 14: Oh gosh /)><(\ Pkay I'm sorry but I say neither of them should get her but then again I feel like the only reason Sehunnie left was because he pbviously knew she loved Jongin & Jongin still loved him too. Like hello, if I was in Sehun's position I would've did the same even tho it was bad..... Sorry but I'd like to put the blame on Yejin because it was hurt fault for still loving Jongin & being so FREAKN obvious about it. Like honestly. She should be single and not have either of them :) But my thoughts tho! Sorry xDD That tear that fell wen I was reading the ending of this chapter. I could feel the hurt T^T