Masked // 07


Frustration makes your cheeks an angry red and induces a heavy sigh that hisses through your teeth.

Though you stand on your toes and you’re even aided by a small stool, the tips of your fingers barely reach the dead lightbulb in your room. You hate having to change lightbulbs, especially when you have to strain your short height and prevent dropping the fragile thing.

There's a heavy knock at the door to your bedroom, and you grumble, “What?”

“Are you changing or exposed in any way?” Jongin asks from outside the door.

“No, but I don't w-”

It's before you even finish that Jongin barges in. A smile crawls on his face as he sees you, one hand trying to unscrew a lightbulb and the other holding a new one. He chuckles as he asks, “Need a little help?”

“I got it,” you huff.

Jongin simply watches as you try to unscrew the lightbulb while threatening to kick him out if he doesn’t stop laughing. You’ve almost got it, until your foot slips on the edge of the stool and you fall forward. Jongin shouts your name in surprise and runs quickly to catch you.

Your fingers hold tightly to the lightbulb so it doesn't fall, and your eyes squeeze shut. You’re expecting to hit hard, wooden floors, but instead, you feel yourself wrapped in a warm embrace. Your eyelids flutter open to reveal Jongin holding tightly to your frame, arms wrapped around your waist.

You’re surprised when you see a flustered red dusting his cheeks. His eyes are gazing at you but quickly avert when he catches you staring back.

“Can you let me go?” you ask in a soft tone.

The flustered expression is quickly wiped off his face, replaced with a playful expression that's so typical of Jongin.

“That's what happens when you reject my help,” Jongin jokes.

He takes the lightbulb from your fingers, swiftly stepping on the stool and hardly having to stretch his arms to reach the dead one and replace it.

When he steps down, he says, “You’re making progress in opening up.”

You raise an eyebrow in confusion.

“If this happened when I first met you, you would have beaten me up for getting so close to you,” he smiles.

“I should beat you up for coming into my room without my consent,” you grumble.

“What would you do without me?” Jongin smiles, almost haughtily.

“If you don't get out of my room in the next three seconds, I’m actually going to kick you out, Kim Jongin,” you sigh.

The male doesn't take your words seriously and simply stares at you intently, until you menacingly raise an eyebrow.

“You’re being serious?” he asks.

You simply cross your arms over your chest and count slowly, the lanky male dashing out of your room so quickly you swear you can feel a gust of wind.

Your fingers flutter over your chest, your eyelids squeezing shut when you feel the rapid palpitations of your heart. There's a certain warmth in the room, the ghost of Jongin’s arms wrapped around you, and you have to remind yourself not to let Jongin get to your heart.


You don't care whether you look like a madwoman when you burst into the room where meetings for writing club are held, startling the few students inside. Relief loosens the worry that knots the features on your face into a scowl when you catch Minseok inside the room. His eyes flicker up from whatever he’s been working on to face you.

Writing club was a few days ago, but you’re here simply because you’re missing an important assignment.

“Minseok, I-”

“Looking for this?” he chuckles, pulling out a blue binder from his bag.

You’ve learned not to smile much, but you can't help the grin that cracks your rigid lips when Minseok holds up your binder. You throw your arms around the male.

“Thank you so much, Minseok!” you laugh.

“I noticed it after everyone left a few days ago,” Minseok shrugs. “I presumed it was yours since I remember you always forgot your stuff at the library.”

Your cheeks go red at his comment.

“It's nice to see your old self,” he smiles warmly.

You even catch yourself by surprise when you realize that you’ve just embraced Minseok tightly, something you haven't done to anyone for months, and you’re cheering excitedly, a stark contradiction to the cold, heartless facade you’ve been putting up for nearly a year.

It's before you can unwrap yourself from Minseok that the doors to the room burst open, revealing a frantic Jongin. His eyes almost flare and his jaw drops when he sees you with Minseok. You quickly peel yourself away, and you swear there’s betrayal softening Jongin's playful gaze.

“I was looking everywhere for you,” Jongin shrieks. “I thought you were missing or something! What are you doing here?”

“Stop overreacting, Jongin,” you roll your eyes. You slip back into your iron mask rather easily, bringing a disgruntled sigh from between Jongin’s lips. “I just left some important papers here, and Minseok gave them to me.”

Before Jongin can ask why you were holding onto Minseok for dear life, you hiss, “I’m sorry about being late for our dinner plans, but these papers are really important.”

The male simply stands there with his lips pursed.

“If we don't leave now, I’m going to leave you and go back to the apartment,” you threaten.

You walk out the door, and Jongin has finally broken out of his jealous daze as he runs to the door, shouting, “But you promised we would get dinner together!”

It's after Jongin dashes out the door that Minseok chuckles and smiles in adoration.


“Why did you want to meet for dinner?” you ask Jongin.

The male smiles, because this time, you’re the one asking him the questions.

“I just wanted to take you out for some food,” Jongin laughs, “because you work so hard.”

“You sound like my boyfriend,” you say, raising an eyebrow suspiciously. “Don’t get any wrong ideas, Kim Jongin. I’m only eating dinner with you because I’m a poor college student and you’re paying for the meal.”

“If you say so, sweetheart,” Jongin smiles. You’re quick to swing a foot and kick him in the shin, and he lowers his head in pain, murmuring a soft, “Sorry.”

“Don’t you have any tests to study for?” you ask him jokingly.

“I don’t, in fact,” Jongin smiles. “I finished a whole bunch this week, meaning I have all the time in the world to spend with you.”

You roll your eyes, but they quickly dart to Jongin’s phone resting beside his food, when it lights up. Several messages bombard Jongin’s phone screen in a flurry, and you try to hide the disappointment that mars your face when you see the name Jinhee asking if Jongin’s currently available. You’re quite sure Jongin’s going to run to her, like he always does, but surprise lightens your disheartened eyes when he simply ignores the messages.

“Jongin,” you begin, “you just received, like, ten messages.”

“And?” he drawls, a lopsided smile playing on his plush lips.

“Shouldn’t you respond?” you ask.

The atmosphere feels a lot warmer in the restaurant, and you think you’re not feeling well, until you realize the rapid pounding in your chest when Jongin gazes at you.

“It’s not that important,” he answers. “What’s important right now is that you promised to have dinner with me. You’re the priority right now.”

Jongin’s words are enough to scatter your thoughts, but luckily, you’re able to snap out of your daze and spur your mind into thinking of a snarky response so the male doesn’t get suspicious of your befuddled state.

“Can you please not say those cheesy things to me?” you sigh. “I’m seriously considering kicking you out now.”

“I know you won't kick me out, though.”

, your mind screams, when Jongin cracks into a dazzling smile and you can’t compel yourself to look away.

Not that you want to.


Your mind is slowly dipping into an unconscious state as a few students drone on and on about a new project the Business Students Association is working on. Your head tips forward, and you’re glad when everyone is dismissed so that no one can see you slam your forehead on a desk and jolt awake from your quick sleep.

Your fingers slowly rub over the aching spot on your forehead, and a relieved sigh falls past your lips when you don’t feel a bump. By the time you’ve oriented yourself, half the students have already left, while you’re stumbling to get up from your seat. You straggle behind the last group of students, leaving to meet up with Kyungsoo.

Until an unfamiliar voice calls your name.

You whirl around on your heels, slightly teetering due to your still sleepy state, and look up to meet the eyes of a tall male.

“That’s your name, correct?” the male asks, arms folding over in a manner that seems more habitual than condescending.

Your eyes rake over everything, from the defined features and slicked hair to the crooked way he stands and the dapper way he’s dressed. His eyes narrow into slits as he observes you as well, and there’s something unsettling about his steely eyes.

“I saw you falling asleep during the meeting today,” he says, and you can’t make out exactly what he wants. His voice is not accusatory, and he’s definitely not saying it in a matter-of-fact way.

“Okay,” you simply drawl. “I was tired.”

His lips pull into a smirk. “Do you know who I am?” he asks. When you do nothing but stare at him, as if the answer is written somewhere on his plastic skin, he answers, “I’m the leader of this club.”

His hands slide into the pockets of his blazer, an amused light in his eyes as your jaw drops open in realization.

“You’re Oh Sehun,” you deadpan.

“So you do know who I am.”

“I’ve heard some things,” you shrug. The atmosphere is tense, and you expect it to be, especially since the both of you carry demeanors that others would describe as cold and aloof.

“Aren’t you going to ask how I know you?” he questions at your lack of words.

“I’m not a curious person.”

A small chuckle escapes his lips, as he says, “I noticed your performance in one of our activities was exceptional. I looked you up a bit, and I was rather surprised that you were at the top of a lot of your classes.”

He pauses briefly, his hands reaching inside his jacket to retrieve a pamphlet, which is handed to you gently.

“I offer this opportunity only to those who I feel are competent,” he says. “It’s a chance to study abroad with me.”

You’re suddenly reminded of Kyungsoo’s words, how this guy would pick up girls using his authority.

“I’ll think about it,” you respond coldly.

“I see you don’t talk much.”

“I don’t talk to people I don’t trust.”

Something between a smirk and a chuckle wreathes his handsome face. He rather abruptly extends a hand, and you gaze at it with confusion, until you grab it. The handshake is nowhere near friendly, and you’re surprised at how cold his hands are, the skin covering his knuckles rather coarse.

“It’s been a pleasure meeting you,” he breathes, and you squirm slightly when you realize he still hasn't let go of your hand. He leans forward a bit, and you scrunch your nose when you inhale the scent of cigarettes and expensive cologne. “I’ll be looking forward to speaking to you more.”

He lets go, and you quickly turn away to scurry out the door. You can still feel his heavy gaze on you as you reach the door.

What a creep, you think, as you whip out your phone to call Kyungsoo.

But a handsome one at that.


Note: More fluff moments with Jongin for everyone, hehe. And yes, the new member in the story is non other than Oh Sehun. His role will probably be a lot bigger in the story than I meant for it to be.

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Chapter 13: Wtfwtfwtfwtf omg omgomg this is so good?!?! Hello you deserve more recognition.
Chapter 13: Awww. I love the ending so much. Even i pity sehun. But i love jongin more. Hes a sweet little boy and he deserve her too. Probably sehun will find his love too. Love the way she potray her new self. I mean herself from the start. So jongin will love her more. Thank you for writingg ❤️
Chapter 12: Oh nooo i feel like cryinggg
Chapter 11: Oh noo. What will happen to both of themm. Nooo my fav coupleee ;'(((((
Chapter 10: Omg did he see her going out with sehun??????
Chapter 9: I hope jinhee will understand them both tho
Chapter 8: Omg jongin succeed hahahahahaha
Chapter 7: Uhhhh now the leader of the club hahaha. Jongin hv more rival now
Chapter 6: Going to see when her walls will crumble hahahaha
Chapter 5: Jongin is sooo blind lmao. Its obvious jinhee like him.