
You Were The First.

Seyong: I'll be leaving tomorrow morning Hyorin.. My flight is at 8:40 AM.

-The Next Morning-

You were in the car with Insoo, you asked him to drive you to the airport to say goodbye to Seyong.

"Are you sure you can handle this, Hyorin?" Insoo asked with a worried expression.

"If I don't say goodbye, I won't be happy with myself." You let out a sigh and stared out the window. It was a cold morning with rainy gray skies. You took a breath out on the window, and wrote Seyong's name. 

Insoo looked over from the other side and noticed her writing his name.

I don't want her to be like this, I'll help her to my fullest extent to let her continue her smiles. 

He tightened his grip on the wheel and drove on while you let out another sigh wiping his name. 

-At The Airport-

"Are you sure you don't want me to go in with you?" Insoo asked with his window rolled down.

"It's fine, I can handle it myself." You gave him a smile and turned to walk into the airport. 

You eyed through the crowd, and looked up at the clock. 

8:13AM.. I hope I can find him..

You sat down and took out your phone, but as you sat down the guy next to you looked familiar.

"Seyong..?" You sat up and he turned your way. It was Seyong, and a smile lit up his face.

"Hyorin!  You came!" He came close to you and pulled you into a tight hug. It only made you feel worse, because it'll make it harder to say goodbye. But you embraced the moment for now and after a bit, you pushed him away.

"Sorry for running off yesterday." You looked down and started to play with your hair. You didn't know how to say goodbye, mostly because you didn't want to say goodbye. You were gaining feelings for him, but now you can't do anything about it since he's moving to America. 

You checked your phone, you didn't have much time. 

"Seyong, I hope you have a good time in America. Don't forget about me, okay?" You gave him a smile. 

-Seyong's POV-

"Don't forget about me, okay?" she said with her beautiful smile.

How can I forget you? In these three months you've made the biggest impact on my life than anyone else. The day Idie will be the day I forget you. No, even after that, you'll still be in my heart forever.

You pulled her into a hug, and whispered into her ear. 

"I won't forget you." You could feel Hyorin tighten her arms around your neck. 

"Last call for the flight to America, please board now." The announcement said. 

You pulled out of Hyorin's arms. 

-Hyorin's POV-

"Goodbye Seyong." You wiped your tears and gave him your smile. You then grabbed his hand and placed a box into it. 

"Open it once you get on the plane." You waved at him. 

He stared at the box in his hand, then back to you. He closed his hand around the tiny box, and gave you a smile. 

"Goodbye Hyorin, I'll miss you." Seyong then waved and turned aroudn to the door.

You too then turned around and headed towards the exit. You didn't want to look back, because you weren't sure if you could handle yourself anymore. Saying goodbye to Seyong meant goodbye to your friendship. 

You arrived at Insoo's car. You peered inside, he was sleeping. You silently opened the door and slid in. You shut the door quietly trying not to wake him up. You heard him rustle a bit, so you turned to look at him. He was still asleep, must've been shifting into a more comfortable position. You smiled and decided to take a nap in the car too. 

-Seyong's POV-

You sat down on your seat alone. Your parents took an earlier flight to America because they had to get the house ready. You opened your hand to reveal the box Hyorin has placed there. You untied the ribbon and opened the box. Inside was a blue and white friendship bracelet and a letter. 

Dear Seyong, 

You must be on the plane now if you're reading this. In the past three months, you were an amazing friend to me. You were the closest person whom I've ever got to (besides Nana and Soomi of course, hehe.), and I appreciate how you were there for me. You were like a brother to me, something I wish I had. We shared all our secrets, I cried to you, and you made me feel better. Thanks for being there for me when I couldn't go to anyone else.

But now that you're moving to America, I know we won't be able to keep our friendship up. I'm thankful that I still attend the same school as Nana and Soomi, otherwise i'm positive that we wouldn't be friends anymore. Distance kills friendship.

Don't take this the wrong way, I don't want our friendship to end, but I know it will happen. You will be too far from me, and the time zone will be completely opposite. I will miss you Kim Seyong. Please don't forget me. 

Until we meet again, 

Hyorin ♥

Tears were forming, and you couldn't stop the flow. 

Was it sad? I wanted it to be sad, lol. T_T Sorry for a late update, but the other day I was bored in class and outlined the rest of the story. ^^ Now I know what to aim for in each chapter. d: So i don't have to sit here thoughtless pulling things out of my head. puahaha. Well yeah, Baboonie left, is anyone sad? :<

Anyways, thanks for reading! Leave comments please? :3 & Subscribe! I love you! ♥, youronlybf.

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I really hope Seyong ends up with her! ( Seyong fan here too xD ) :P Update soon! :D
awww i feel so bad for seyong~
i hope they end up together (seyong fan:D )
please please please update soon ~
Why like that!!! Update soon!
You weren't this happy when I came back from China ;3;
Rebecca94 #5
Can't wait for the next chap' :) <br />
Like your story ;P <br />
Seyong <3 <br />
Update soon !
Seyong is sho cute!
youronlyboyfriend #7
@evilicioussoul, haha. It's nice having a guy bestfriend, but it's not fun to like him when he doesn't like you back. :)
EviliciousSoul #8
I want a guy bestfriend too =3= <br />
Its great start so far :3 update soon :D
Nice story!!!! Faster update!!!!!!