The Walk Home.

You Were The First.

"So how was your day, Seyong?" You looked up at him with a smile. He had his hands in his blazer's pocket, and he looked up towards the sky.

"Same as always, except when you left this morning, Suzy came by and gave me her number. I felt bad if I were to deny it, then right after the guys and I left the shop, she texted me. What about you?" He then turned his gaze your way.

You were curious about what Suzy had texted him, but you didn't want to seem so nosy, especially since you just met the guy today.This could be the start of a new friendship, and you didn't want to ruin it.

"Pretty normal. My classes are eh. I got put into Japanese when I didn't sign up for it, and I feel like it'll be hard to learn.." You placed your hands into jacket's pocket and let out a sigh. As Seyong was about to speak up, Nana turned around and spoke up.

"Well, I have to turn into this street. Goodbye! I'll see you all tomorrow!" Nana turned into her street while Chaejin skipped to her side.

"I'll go with you! I don't want anything bad to happen to you!" And with that, the two of them disappeared at another turn.

This meant it was time for Soomi to leave too since her turn was the opposite side. 

"Well, it's time for me to leave.." Soomi quietly said as she turned around. It seemed as if she didn't want to walk home by herself.

"Okay, goodbye Soomi. I'll see you tomorrow morning!" JunQ said while waving in her face. Soomi let out a face of shock and quickly turned around. 

Ugh, silly JunQ!

You quickly ran over to him and whispered into his ear.

"Why don't you be a gentleman and walk her home? She obviously wants you to walk you home!" You slightly slapped his arm which caused him to rub that area.

"Ow! How can you tell? She didn't say anything." You could hear Seyong laughing at JunQ behind you.

"Soomi's not one to be so direct, but I can tell she doesn't want to walk home alone! Now go!" You pushed him into Soomi causing her to almost fall, but JunQ quickly caught her.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I guess I was running towards you too fast..?" From what you saw, you could see JunQ was stuck in Soomi's big eyes, and Soomi had a slight blush on her pale cheeks. JunQ quickly slipped his hand away from her waist and rubbed his head.

"Shall we go?" Soomi smiled and started walking. A second later she turned around and waved at Seyong and I, then continued her talk with JunQ. You turned around to Seyong who had a adorable smile on his face.

"Well, let't get you home, shall we?" You smiled back at him and walked to his side towards your house. That awkward silence was back. Not only was it awkward, it was getting boring too. You didn't know what to talk about, besides Suzy, but you didn't want to be nosy! 

"Seyong.. I'm bored.. entertain me.." It came out almost as a whisper, and you looked up at Seyong and it seemed like he was trying to decide on what to do. 

"Hmm.. Hyorin-ah. Will you believe me if I tell you I'm an Acrobat?" He gives you a smirk. 

"Pfft! You're not even buff! There's no way you can be an Acrobat!" You stuck your tongue out at you, as he arched his right eyebrow.

"Oh yeah? Watch this!" Seyong stepped in front of you and placed a finger in front of you to signal you to stop walking. You stopped and waited to see what will happen.

Out of no where Seyong suddenly did a flip backwards, then he fell into the grass at the end.

"Omo! Seyong-ah!" You quickly ran over to Seyong who laid on his side grabbing his stomach. Just as you're about to turn him on his back, he grabbed you and pulled you down with him.

"Ahh! Seyong!!" All you could hear was his laughter, you were about to hit him in the arm when you noticed that your hands were against his stomach. Not stomach.. but abs. 

"Oh.. I guess you are buff.." You silently said to him.

"Yep, how's it feel to be proven wrong?" You stuck your tongue out at him, and then noticed a cut to the side of his right eye.

"Omo, you're bleeding!" You quickly sat up and grabbed a napkin from your bag and placed it against his cut. 

While you sat there dabbing the napkin on his cut, he laid on the floor staring at you. 

-Seyong's POV-

She sat there and continued to wipe the blood, while my gaze was kept on her.

She's so pretty, I don't think I've ever met someone this pretty before. 

"You're such a silly baboon.." she whispered as she took out a bandaid and placed it on my face. 

"What makes me a baboon?" You sat up and continued to look at her. 

"I would call you a monkey because of your supposed acrobat skills, but you look more like a baboon." A slight giggle came out of her. 

"My supposed acrobat skills? I really am an acrobat! Plus, I was only acting to see your reaction! So I'm also a good Actor!" I gave her a smile, as she sat there and continued to let her laughter out. 

"Okay, well, you're still a Baboon." She laid down on the grass and closed her eyes. She's such a beauty.

"Well, can I be your baboon?" I laid down on the grass beside her and looked up at the sky. The sun finally came out from behind the clouds, and there was children playing around on the playground laughing. It was a beautiful day.

"I'll think about it." She suddenly turned and rested her head on my arm.

Her breathing was even, and she looked so peaceful. She probably fell asleep, I didn't want to wake her up. So I fell asleep there with her. 

keke~ how is it? ^^ Yeah, this is majorly tweaked from my actual life. -3- But, it's cute...............right ? :D please leave me comments & don't be a silent reader! :3 I like hearing feedback, it.. gives me more of a push to write better on the next. :D Sorry I didn't post this yesterday, I was going to post it before I sleep, but I forgot about it. x_x I'll try updating later, if not later, tomorrow. Okay? :D

OH, & I call Seyong my Baboon (He's my myname bias), so yeah. I do have a nickname for my bestfriend, but I don't think it'll be right to use it on here. d: Keke~ Thank youuu! Please anticipate the next chapter! 

♥, youronlybf.

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I really hope Seyong ends up with her! ( Seyong fan here too xD ) :P Update soon! :D
awww i feel so bad for seyong~
i hope they end up together (seyong fan:D )
please please please update soon ~
Why like that!!! Update soon!
You weren't this happy when I came back from China ;3;
Rebecca94 #5
Can't wait for the next chap' :) <br />
Like your story ;P <br />
Seyong <3 <br />
Update soon !
Seyong is sho cute!
youronlyboyfriend #7
@evilicioussoul, haha. It's nice having a guy bestfriend, but it's not fun to like him when he doesn't like you back. :)
EviliciousSoul #8
I want a guy bestfriend too =3= <br />
Its great start so far :3 update soon :D
Nice story!!!! Faster update!!!!!!