Three Months Later..

You Were The First.

Three Months Later;

In the short time span of three months, you & Seyong have become the best of friends. Secrets, the past, and everything was revealed between the two of you. You weren't ashamed of who you were, and he wasn't of you. It was amazing. 

Seyong: Goodmorning!

The texts have died down, yet they’re still enough. I don’t know why but recently he’s been off. Well i’m skipping school to hangout with him, so maybe i’ll find out if something’s wrong.

You quickly readied yourself in the 15 minutes you had left and went outside. Your parents left already so no one was there to catch you. As you turned around from locking your door, Seyong walked up the path. His hair was black. You placed the key in your pocket and smiled.

“Hey. Nice hair you have there.” He placed his hand behind his head, something he did a lot.

“Really? Thanks. My parents forced me to since i’m go- Er, i mean, are you ready to go?” A smile lit up on his face. You were confused but it didn't matter, because today is a day for you and your bestfriend, and you’ve been dreading it for a while. You two started down the road.

“Seyong-ah~ where are we going?” You placed your hands in your pocket and looked up to Seyong. His face seems like he was worried about something. A feeling was coming up in your stomach, it's telling you that today won't be a good day, but you push it off.

"I wanted to have a little picnic in the park, actually.” He held up a tiny basket you didn’t notice before, up to his face and smile.

“This Baboon! It looks like it’ll rain and you want to go on a picnic? You’re weird.” The both of you laughed and found a empty spot in the park by the pond. You two settled down with a blanket on the floor, then sat across from each other. As you’re about to speak up, he went first.

“I brought food from my parent’s restaurant. So dig in!” He laid out a variety of typical chinese food you would find. Chow Mein, Fried Rice, Walnut Shrimp, Dumplings, and a few more.

As the two of you ate, you grew curious of your recent thoughts as they flooded your head. It seemed as if your friendship with Seyong was drifting a bit. And that was the last thing you wanted, a precious friendship to disappear into the dust so quickly.  

When the two of you got done eating, a roaring thunder screeched.

“Damn, looks like it’ll rain soon. Geez Seyong, you picked a bad day fora picnic. Why couldn’t you do it next week? It’s supposed to be sunny all of next week.” You let out a little laugh, but Seyong didn’t laugh along.

“Actually Hyorin, that’s what I need to talk to you about. You see.. I’m moving..” You felt something in your stomach squeezing.

“W-W-What?! What do you mean you’re moving?!” You jumped up and stared at him in disbelief.

“My parents want to move to America hoping to better their business.. and I have to go with them.” A feeling in your chest was crushed, something shattered, you felt broken.

“America?! That’s..too far! Why are you leaving me?! You told me you’ll always be there for me! Why did you lie to me?!” You could feel tears coming down your cheeks, but he wouldn’t be able to notice, because as of now it already started to drizzle.

“It wasn’t a lie! It’s not like it was my choice, Hyorin! I am your bestfriend, and I WILL be there for you!” He was saying this now, but distance killed friendship, and you knew that.

“No, you can’t be there for me if you move so far!” You didn’t want to stay there to talk to him anymore, because you knew you wouldn’t be able to say goodbye. You ran off, but you heard Seyong calling you.

“Hyorin! Jung Hyorin!” You wiped the tears out of your eyes, as you screamed, “Don’t bother!”. You ran as far as your feet could take you. At the end of your run, your tears has blended in with the rain, and your eyes weren’t as puffy as expected. You looked up at where you landed. It was the coffee shop the six of you visited on the first day of school. You took a deep breath, and walked in.

You walked up to the cashier, it was Insoo. You could see his face slightly light up.

“What can I get you today?” You gave a half-hearted smile, and said, “One small white hot chocolate, please.” He rang up and you paid and went to sat down. 

Ever since the day Seyong has bought you white hot chocolate, it was the only thing you ever drank that was close enough to Coffee. You laid your face against the window and saw a man walking across the street. You straightened up to get a better look, it was Seyong holding the picnic neccesseties, it seemed like he was walking home.

I hope he won’t try to say goodbye.. I won’t be able to handle myself..

You snapped out of reality when Insoo placed the cup by you and sat down. “You seem like you have a lot on your mind.. you know, if you want, you can tell me..” 

THE WEEK ISN'T OVER YET! puahahah. :) Sorry for the long skip.. o_O But.. that's just what happened.. plus I want the story to move a bit faster, lol. BUUUUT, Oh noooo! Seyong's leaving. D: Now we all cry ;A; ... Welps, time to write the next chapter. >:) Wahahaha~ Time for Insoo~ Or will Seyong say goodbye?! Will it be a hurtful goodbye?!?! WE'LL SEEE, KEKEKEKEKE... oh & the side love stories will appear more, don't worry. :D.. 

♥, youronlybf.

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I really hope Seyong ends up with her! ( Seyong fan here too xD ) :P Update soon! :D
awww i feel so bad for seyong~
i hope they end up together (seyong fan:D )
please please please update soon ~
Why like that!!! Update soon!
You weren't this happy when I came back from China ;3;
Rebecca94 #5
Can't wait for the next chap' :) <br />
Like your story ;P <br />
Seyong <3 <br />
Update soon !
Seyong is sho cute!
youronlyboyfriend #7
@evilicioussoul, haha. It's nice having a guy bestfriend, but it's not fun to like him when he doesn't like you back. :)
EviliciousSoul #8
I want a guy bestfriend too =3= <br />
Its great start so far :3 update soon :D
Nice story!!!! Faster update!!!!!!