Start of a New Friendship

You Were The First.

You all walked in and got in line to order. Nana stood by the boy named Chaejin up front, then Soomi and JunQ, then you were with Seyong at the end of the line. It was an awkward silence, until he decided to break it.

"So.. how old are you, Hyorin?" You turned to look at his face so you wouldn't seem rude, but you had to look up because of how much taller he was.

"I'm 13, how old are you?" Chaejin and Nana moved out to a table for two and sat down, then you and Seyong moved up.

"I'm 14. So we're only one year apart, eh? You know what that means?" A smile crept up on his face, as you started to feel nervous because of it.

"Uhm.. no.." You started to play with your fingers because of how nervous you are, then Seyong left out a slight laughter.

"I'm your oppa!" JunQ and Soomi moved out to another table for two, then Seyong pushed your back towards the cashier.

"Hello, my name is Suzy, what can I get for you today?" The cashier smiled, but when you traced her eyes, it was for Seyong. As you looked up at him, he was looking at the menu. 

"Hmm.. Hyorin-ah, what kind of drinks do you like from here?" He put his finger to his chin as if he was being a hard thinker, which resulted into you laughing at him. You heard Suzy clear . 

"Well, I like the White Mocha." You looked at her, and she was smiling at Seyong. You suddenly felt out of the picture, so you turned to head to the tables.

"Uhm, actually Seyong, I don't want anything, I'll go sit down." Just as you were turning around to head to the table, he grabbed your arm.

"I'll get you white hot chocolate, it's really good, okay? Go get us a table for two." He smiled at you and then slightly pushed you forward to the tables. You walked past Nana and Chaejin who were chatting happily, then Soomi and JunQ. It seemed as if Soomi was venting to JunQ. 

Soomi comes to trust people so easily.. I hope JunQ is someone that she can trust.. 

You sat down at the table and looked back over at Seyong and Suzy. Suzy was still giving him googly eyes as he pulled money out of his wallet. He then gave a slight bow to her, and headed towards you. He sat in the chair across from you.

"So, where were we? Oh, what school do you go to Hyorin?" He sat in the chair so elegantly, and he was dressed really warmly. He wore a whire scarf, with a black vneck with a gray blazer over with jeans. 

"Oh, I go to East Seoul Academy, what about you?" Just then a man came over and placed two cups on the table. You saw that he was looking at you for a while, and saw him write on his notepad.

"So.. uhm. If you need anything, just call me." He then ripped the paper, folded, and pushed it towards you, then he left.

"I go to West Seoul.. your rival school, haha." He picked up the paper with two fingers, and open it.

"So it seems like that Insoo guy really wants you to call him.." He turned the paper over and revealed that there was a number on it. He smiled at you, as you felt yourself blushing. 

"Ahhh.. that's so embarrassing." You covered your face, only to hear Seyong chuckling. Suddenly, Soomi and Nana appeared at your table side.

"Hyooorin-ah, let's go. It's already been half an hour!" Nana pleaded. Soomi just stood there texting.

Nana, always the good girl, haha. You would think it'd be Soomi, the girl who's always worried about her straight A's. Hmm.. I wonder if she's texting Chunji. That boy's no good for her.. 

You got up and turned to Seyong.

"I guess I have to go now, thanks for the hot chocolate." You picked up the cup of hot chocolate and took a sip. It was your first time trying White Hot Chocolate, and it's really good. 

"Well can I get your number?" You raised an eyebrow up at you, as you almost spat out your drink.

"W-W-What? W-Why?" You don't know why, but you started to stutter.

"So we can hang out? I mean, we're friends now, right?" He gave you that smile, his smile, his charming smile.

"Oh, yeah! Of course!" You gave him your phone as he gave you his, and you two exchanged numbers. 

"Well.. i'll see you later then, goodbye Seyong!" You smiled, then turned around to wave to the other boys who were walking over to Seyong now.

"Goodbye Chaejin, and JunQ!" You quickly ran out the door and met up with Nana and Soomi, then you quickly glanced through your phone. There were now two new entries.

Seyong Oppa

Insoo Guy

Wow.. he put in the guy's number.. I guess I'll text him or something later.

"Hyorin-ah, did Seyong buy you that?" Soomi pointed at your cup. You smiled and held it up to your cheek.

"Yeah, it's white hot chocolate. It's really good and sweet, keke." Soomi smiled at you, then you heard a beep. It was her phone, she quickly checked it and smiled.

"Don't tell me you're texting Chunji again.." Nana said peeking over her shoulder.

"So what if I am?" Soomi stuck her tongue out at Nana.

"I don't trust that guy, Soomi! I feel like he's a bad guy.." You murmured silently to her. 

"I know what I'm doing!" Soomi continued to smile and finished her text before we arrived to the gates of school.

hehe, yay~ Hyorin & Seyong are officially friends. :) If you need more clarification, Soomi's basically already talking to Chunji and she's already fallen for him. I'll do her confession to him soon, keke. Okay, comments? thoughts? hate? whatever! Please leave me something. ^^  I'll be waitingg~ 

♥, youronlybf.

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I really hope Seyong ends up with her! ( Seyong fan here too xD ) :P Update soon! :D
awww i feel so bad for seyong~
i hope they end up together (seyong fan:D )
please please please update soon ~
Why like that!!! Update soon!
You weren't this happy when I came back from China ;3;
Rebecca94 #5
Can't wait for the next chap' :) <br />
Like your story ;P <br />
Seyong <3 <br />
Update soon !
Seyong is sho cute!
youronlyboyfriend #7
@evilicioussoul, haha. It's nice having a guy bestfriend, but it's not fun to like him when he doesn't like you back. :)
EviliciousSoul #8
I want a guy bestfriend too =3= <br />
Its great start so far :3 update soon :D
Nice story!!!! Faster update!!!!!!