Chapter 11

Capture Love in a Snapshot
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Myungsoo’s POV

Just then, Ms Yoon walked up to us and nagged, “I told you guys to practise with your partners. What are you doing?”

“Talk to you later.” Hoya whispered in my ear and turned towards his own partner. I turned back to Minyoung as well, but still avoiding her gaze.

“This is awkward for you too right?” She said gently, “I understand. I can’t do it either.”

“But you did really well just now!” She chirped and gave me a bright smile. That smile always made me feel better. My stiff expression broke into a smile as I said “Thank you”, my eyes still fixed on her beautiful smile. Deep inside my heart, a part of me yearned to tell her how much I love her, but yet, there was also always a side that kept me from confessing to her for fear of rejection, for fear that we may not even be able to stay as good friends after that.

“Umm, it’s my turn now isn’t it?” Minyoung said hesitantly. I nodded slightly and she continued, “Ok I’ll try my best then. After all I do love you as a friend.”

As a friend. That was the point wasn’t it?

Minyoung’s POV

I mentally knocked myself in the head for saying the last sentence. After all I do love him as a friend?! I love him more than that! But maybe I should just keep my feelings hidden now. I thought of confessing to him a few times before, but I guess I was still quite traditional and felt that the guy should be the one to confess…

Honestly, I somehow felt that Myungsoo liked me in the same way too, but I couldn’t be sure, maybe it was just my fantasization.

As we went through the practice, I tried very hard to act out a confession but kept stopping halfway to fan myself with my hands as I blushed and said, “Omo this is so embarrassing…”

“Ahhh I’m so sorry!” I said after stopping for the nth  time.

“No, it’s okay. Let’s just stop if you don’t want to continue.” He said gently and placed a hand on my shoulder. Then, he bent down a little and looked into my eyes.

My heart started losing control of its pace as I felt my cheeks burning up once again.

“Minyoung-ah, can you answer me a question honestly?” He said earnestly with a serious look.

“W-what question?” I stuttered.

“Is there someone you like? I mean… I mean, not as a friend.”

I found my eyes shooting around aimlessly, trying to avoid his intense gaze. Why is he asking such a question now? I can’t just tell him now… It doesn’t even feel like a right time… But, wait. If he is asking such a question… if he is interested to know, and it doesn’t seem like he was simply curious either, if he is being so serious about it… then… could it be…

My eyes brightened and my heart fluttered as my suspicions received further support. By then I was pretty confident that it was not just my fantasization.

I wanted to wait for him to confess first so I didn’t answer directly, but tried to drop him some hints.

Myungsoo’s POV

“Yes…” she said while looking down shyly. My heart dropped. So her heart already belonged to someone else?

“Is it someone I know?” I further probed.

Still looking down, she continued, “Mmhmm.” I noticed that she was even blushing.

She likes him this much huh? I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces.

Someone that both she and I know? The first name that popped into my mind was Hoya. Well, I can’t deny that they hit it off pretty well. I should’ve seen it coming right? Why did I even hold my hopes up? She already said she only likes me as friend. I really shouldn’t have-

At that moment, I noticed that Minyoung had already looked up, but was still smiling shyly. I shoved my rejected feelings aside and put on a wide smile. I didn’t want her to see that I was upset.

“That’s good. I’m sure he’ll like you too. Why don’t you try to confess during Valentine’s next year?” I tried to act like the good friend I was supposed to be.

Minyoung’s POV

Is he trying to tell me indirectly that he likes me too? That means he got the hint right?

“Confess during Valentine’s next year? No way, I want you to be the one to confess!” I thought cheekily.

“Okay… Mayb

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doublehamburg #1
And most of us prolly less than 3 you too. :D

yumeruhime #3
dongwoo!! ^^
yumeruhime #4
LOL a tiger? but the songs was so sweet
yumeruhime #5
I'M A FORM OF ART TOO<-- narcissism <3 i love this better than your oneshots ^^
yumeruhime #6
awww i love that last line --> annoying sungyeol <3
omg he hugged her didnt he!!!!
I love it!!! :) Awesome! Update ok? ~~~ LALALALA!