Starting Over

Forever, We Are Young

After the unsuccessful confession, Taehyung went straight to his dorm room and threw himself on his bed head first, eyes stinging a little. 

Groaning in embarrassment at what just happened and the fact that it might take a few days for him to be able to look at Jimin in the eye again. While going through an internal dilemma, he didn't notice Hoseok on his desk revising.

"Tae, what happened? It has to be something big. Come on, tell Hobi hyung everything. I'll cheer you up," Hoseok made his way towards Taehyung's bed and jumped on the back of his troubled roommate, hoping to snap him out of this sudden depressed mood. He'd never seen the happy go lucky lavender haired teenager look this down, something bad must have happened.

"Hyung, I wanna mope for a few hours okay. I just confessed and got rejected in the same minute so my pride is at rock bottom right now." He warned but his voice was muffled by his pillow.

"Don't worry Tae Tae, we all get rejected once in our lifetime. It's a part of being young. I've gone through it, you've gone through it, heck most people on the campus probably have but won't admit it. You'll be fine in a while, you just need to pick up the pieces and move on. Besides, it was a crush, you were never in love with him or anything, which makes it easier to move on," Hoseok advised wisely and Taehyung lifted his head from his covers and looked at roommate with narrowed eyes. Although he looked calm on the outside, internally Hoseok was screaming with elation. He had a chance, however small.

"When did you get so wise?" Taehyung asked suspiciously, mentally contemplating whether or not someone had replaced Hoseok with a clone.

"What do you mean when? I was born wise Tae, now get your out of bed. I know something that'll make you feel better." His raven haired roomate said cheekily with a laugh before pulling him by excitedly off the bed.

They went to the shopping centre near the university and Taehyung was curious as to where the other was taking him. He didn't have to wait long as soon enough, as Hoseok dramatically opened the doors to a lavish looking hair salon a few seconds later; gesturing at the sign with his arms absurdly before they entered.

"A salon, really hyung? I was expecting more," the lavender haired boy pouted, disappointed. The other only laughed and ruffled his hair.

"I thought dyeing your hair a different colour would make you feel a lot better. New hair, new you. But if that doesn't work, I promise I'll let you dye mine any colour you want." Hoseok bargained, knowing that it would convince Taehyung completely.

"Any colour I want, you say?" The younger asked deviously, already making evil plans for the raven in his head. Hoseok gulped nervously, starting to regret his decision after seeing that smirk.

"Yes Tae, any colour you want," he firmly repeated, shaking his head slowly. Although he was rather attached to his black hair, he honestly wouldn't mind dyeing his hair blond of all colours if it made the younger of the two smile again. A happy Taehyung was in his eyes, a perfect Taehyung.

"Okay then," Taehyung beamed as he entered the shop. That beam temporarily blindsided Hoseok who didn't even notice that he was standing outside by himself until a few seconds later.

"Favourite colour?" He asked asked his roommate when he noticed his uncertainty in deciding a colour, seeing him look around the room with a slightly confused glint in his eye.

"GREEN!" Taehyung's glee filled shout caused the heads of all the customers in the place to turn around curiously.

"Why?" He couldn't help but ask.

"It's the colour of everything I love. Forests, apples, frogs and ALIENS!" The excited boy couldn't help raising his voice again while mentioning his favourite topic.

One of the elder women in the salon burst out laughing at the eccentricity of the young man in front of her and couldn't stop herself from joining the conversation.

"Aliens, huh kid? Now that's a topic you don't hear about much," she voiced humorously causing some of the other middle aged ladies nearby to chuckle.

"Of course we don't hear about them, the government are determined to hide these things from us. Aliens are definitely real and anyone who doesn't believe in them is falling into a trap," Hoseok earnestly commented, to the bafflement of the woman, causing Taehyung to cheer up immensely.

"You agree too?" He added eagerly before clearing his throat "He's right about the government and soon enough, they're going to try and communicate with us so we have to be ready for them," his statement was received by a few amused looks and other confused ones. "In fact-"

"Hey kid, have you decided the colour yet or not?" The young looking hairdresser who had interrupted him was smiling at him fondly, as if he was used to this kind of behaviour already. He had soft blond hair, a sharp jawbone that made him look more intimidating than he really was and a simple name tag labelled Lee Hyukjae.

" Not yet," Taehyung shook his head slowly, having forgotten about his hair. "I know I want green though," he said firmly, completely sure about that idea.

"You've been here for a few minutes, educating these poor citizens about aliens and you completely forgot about the reason you're here," he laughed at the younger's unique personality. "You're just like my husband, I swear. Okay how about this - since you want more than one colour, let's combine the green with something. Do you want highlights on the tips?" His question was met with a thoughtful look from both his customers.

"I've got an idea," it was Hoseok who spoke up "green steaks at the front would look really cool. With the rest of his hair dyed either black or brown so it stands out more." The mental vision of this hairstyle seemed appealing in his mind but he had no idea how it would come out on actual hair.

"That sounds good. I've never had that kind of design before so let's find out," Taehyung nodded enthusiastically to Hyukjae who also looked impressed by Hoseok's idea.

"I've never dyed someone's hair like this either, it sound fun. Most people usually go for typical, popular  designs and colours. If university ever gets too boring, you're always welcome here, kid. We could use fresh ideas. Sadly, my mind isn't as young as it used to be," he winked at the two jokingly before getting Taehyung to sit down on one of the chairs while he got the equipment ready.

Hoseok laughed at the impromptu job offer and compliment; deciding he liked this laid back, charming hairdresser to his balding, grumpy barber who seemed to go out of his way to end all conversations before they could even begin. This always resulted in a few minutes of awkward silence and eye contact avoidance in the mirror. Then, hastily paying and wishing his hair didn't grow back for a long time so he wouldn't have to come back 

After a long wait, Taehyung eyed his new hairstyle in the mirror proudly before grinning at Hoseok and giving him a thumbs up. The raven gave a sigh of relief, his own hair was saved - for today.

"I guess that means I'll be going to sleep today with a full head of black hair?"

"Don't worry hyung. You'll be leaving this salon with pink hair one day, mark my words," the now partial brunet threatened mischievously.

His roommate shivered, too horrified to respond, before they left the salon. They left after saying their goodbyes to Hyukjae who gave them a wide gummy smile and ruffled Taehyung's hair, forcing Hoseok to promise to come back so they could do something to his own hair next time because according to the hairdresser, black was "meh".

While walking back to town Taehyung casually ran his fingers through his hair which was now a chestnut brown with green vertical strips along the front.

"How do you think it came out? Pretty cool right? They've just won themselves a loyal customer," the younger gave an ear splitting grin and practically skipped ahead him.

Taehyung will be alright, he realised now with a soft smile aimed towards his kindhearted, loud roommate who who he found himself getting fonder for by the day.

"It looks beautiful. No, you look beautiful," Hoseok bashfully corrected himself, cheeks starting to redden.

"What?" Taehyung found himself turning red too. No one had ever called him beautiful. Sure, he'd been called handsome a few times in passing but it had never been this heartfelt. Why else would his cheerful and extremely popular roommate blush after making such a simple statement?

Was he looking too much into this? Probably, but he couldn't help himself. Hoseok was the definition of untouchable, effortlessly loved by everyone on the campus but never got emotionally attached or invested in one person.

This is most likely just a passing compliment that he just said to be nice, Taehyung berated himself silently for his dramatic thoughts and finally spoke up. "Should we go karaoke next? C'mon, I'll pay," dragging a bemused Hoseok, who was slightly surprised by the fast subject change, to his and Jungkook's favourite Karaoke place.

"Karaoke? Now that's something I haven't done in a while," he smiled, ready for an afternoon of fun with his equally enthusiastic friend. "Just wait until you hear my singing Tae Tae, you'll wonder whether or not your ears have been blessed by the Gods," the dancer bragged, winking at Taehyung who'd burst out laughing.

"If you say so hyung. But if my ears get permanently damaged, you're paying for my hospital fees," this time it was Hoseok who began to laugh at the younger's dramatic words.

"Sure sure. Are you sure you're not majoring in drama? Because sometimes I feel like you're reciting lines from a film," he joked, teasingly.

"For a while I did want to become an actor," the younger confessed, suddenly serious, "But then in high school I fell in love with the bestest subject in world," he pumped a fist in the air and the moment was gone again.

"Bestest? Now when did that become a word. Poor Jungkook, as an English major, living with someone who butchers words," the irony was too obvious to ignore.

"Poor Jungkook? He's a lot worse than me, trust me. Besides I'm allowed to 'butcher' words, I'm mathematician. It's my job," Taehyung stuck his tongue out childishly before pointing to a dark, unfriendly looking Karaoke place. "This is it," he gestured, practically bouncing on his toes

"Wait, do you actually expect me to go in there? It doesn't even look like it's being used. We could get robbed, beat up or killed in there," Hoseok shivered, imagining all sorts of scenarios and wanting to go back. "Think about it Tae, evil evil drug lords who might be using this place as hiding spot and we'll get caught in here, get arrested and bye bye university. This means no future and no income. Prison will be worse and after getting out we'll be forced to move to some rural city in the middle of nowhere to escape our criminal background just to make a living. We'll suffer for the rest of our lives just because of one avoidable-" he continued to ramble nervously before he was cut off by an amused Taehyung. He'd never thought his older friend would be the type to get scared easily, it seemed like he was learning new things about him everyday. 

"Hyung, you're overreacting this place isn't dangerous at all. Don't judge things based on outer appearance. I've been here a couple of times and I haven't seen any scary people, you're being paranoid. Just come in and you'll see how comfy the inside is compared to the outside, okay," the partially brown haired boy pleaded, tugging Hoseok's shirt to try to persuade him.

"As you can tell, I'm a bit of a chicken but alright. If you say it's safe then I trust you. Let's go," he took a deep breath and entered the dingy looking establishment first, not noticing Taehyung's delighted smile behind him.

The inside did appear to be completely different from the outside, Hoseok observed appreciatively. The room they entered had two maroon leather couches, a coffee coloured table and a flowery wallpaper that somehow seemed to perfectly match the atmosphere of the place. He jumped on one of the couches and lied down while Taehyung scrolled through the long song list.

"We need something we both know. What genre are you into?" he asked curiously.

"Mostly hip hop and rap, which is the only similarity that will ever exist between me and Yoongi hyung." they both laughed at the joke, knowing that Yoongi and Hoseok were like night and day when it came to their differences. It was surprising that they even had one common interest. Yoongi was extremely grumpy and the only thing that somehow sparked his interest was music. Hoseok on the other hand loved almost everything and anything. The fact that they got along so well was something that no one had expected. 

"I like rap too, but I'm more into pop and a bit classic music," Taehyung confessed, "But since our styles are so different, what groups are you into?" He prodded, hoping to find a song that they'd both enjoy.

"Big Bang," Hoseok answered rapidly, not even needing to think about his answer.

"Same," Taehyung shouted excitedly. Big Bang was the group he liked the most, T.O.P being his favourite. They were his first ever boy group and he'd been a loyal fan for a long time. He'd been worried that they wouldn't have found any songs that they both knew so he was glad that someone else also appreciated the 'King's of Kpop'.

They agreed to sing 'Sunset Glow' which they both ended up laughing more than singing at some points because of their over the top actions. Their exagerrated dance moves were no way actually from the real perfomance, instead they did anything that came to mind. Hoseok did G-Dragon's parts, Taehyung did T.O.P's parts and they shared the chorus. Hoseok would also occasionally do these dramatic heart signs while looking straight at him, making the younter noticebly flustered, much to his own confusion.

Taehyung's singing voice was noticeably deeper than his speaking voice, Hoseok noticed. But his singing voice was also slightly husky and soulful which affected him in ways he didn't even think were possible. He wasn't sure if the younger noticed his blatant gawking but for the sake of his pride, he hoped not.

However, unnoticed by Hoseok, the first year was also silently in awe of the other's talent. Taehyung observed the relaxed flow that his roommate possessed while rapping and wondered why he didn't make a career from it. His singing though, that was an entirely different story.

"I swear, for the past eighteen years, I've never heard a voice that bad. A shrieking cat would sound less painful to the ears. Hyung, why would you put me through that," Taehyung complained, pretending to be annoyed, secretly having enjoyed his time in the room. Hoseok's antics and carefree attitude always made their time together fun, he was unlike anyone he'd ever met.

"Jealously isn't a virtuous emotion, Tae Tae. Never be ashamed to approach me for singing lessons, I'll even give you a discount because I see potential," Hoseok sing songed before finishing the statement with a playful smirk.

"But seriously, you're really talented. Have you ever thought about singing professionally. Me and Yoongi hyung make a few mixtapes it'd be nice if you could maybe sing a few lines in one or two them. You'd don't have to if you don't want to bu-" Taehyung noticed that when Hoseok was nervous or anxious he started to talk, a lot.

"Of course I wouldn't mind, but are you sure. You could find someone better, one of the vocal majors and Jungkook's a really good singer too. I'm pretty much average," he replied awkwardly, hoping that the dancer would agree.

"No, no. I need your voice and only yours. I won't settle for anyone else," the rapper insisted earnestly.

He couldn't help but feel both flattered and slightly flustered and the latter was visible though his stuttering.

"Er....mayb-...I mean....If you insist I guess," and Hoseok grinned at the acceptance, smoothly draping an arm over the other's shoulders.

"I don't know about you but I'm starving, let's go back to the dorms. Maybe if we're lucky Seokjin hyung will take pity on us and feed us," their eyes simultaneously lit up at the thought of food and they eagerly made their way back to the university, both ignoring the fact that Hoseok's arm was still around Taehyung's shoulder the whole time.

On their way back Hoseok's mood was at a peak high, it seemed as if though slowly, his partially green haired roommate was opening up to him romantically. The thought made him smile since he'd been worried that after what happened with Jimin, he would have no chance in winning Taehyung's heart.


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Chapter 8: I really really loved this!!!
JiminJeon #2
Chapter 8: I was crying so hard! I love this story TT^TT. Best Jikook fan fic ever! It brought me in tears at the last part.
jamlesschim #3
Chapter 8: This.. This was beautiful. That's all I can say.... The groups relationship was amazing. And I love how well you conveyed each of the members. They were portrayed as they are in real life. Many stories change their personalities so this was great. I honestly- my eyes were a bit wet when I finished reading this. I love you the way you ended it.
"They both went right back to focusing on what was going on but Hoseok, who had been observing their interaction also smiled contently. Everything would be alright between those two, it seemed.
The seven of them were all completely different but still somehow managed to effortlessly click when they were in a room together.
This was a kind of friendship that some people never get to experience their entire lives. Hoseok was determined to make it last and subconsciously, he knew it would. Forever."
That was beautiful. It brought almost-tears to my eyes.
Maram_Bangtan #4
Chapter 8: Wait a bit so let me comprehend everything, THE FIC HAS FINISHED??!
You know what? You made me cry, like literally. I don't even cry while watching a sad movie or an emotional event, but I FREAKING cried when I read this cuz it's sO BEAUTIFUL AND OHMYGOD THIS WAS FREAKING CUTE AND ADORABLE *ugly screams*
I really love you tae ur the best I wish that u and Hobi will announce your relationship soon and don't worry I'm sure everyone will be happy to hear the news :)
Okay I'll stop talking to the characters, NOW it's your turn unnie and I'm sure I'll be suing you very soon because it is so unfair and I can't let you go just like that *challenging looks* k just kidding
This fic has been and will always be one of the BEST stories I've ever read in my fanfiction-reading life. I appreciate all the hard work and time you spent while writing this amazing book, it is a real piece of art.
I wish you a life that's full of smiles and merry moments, you made my life better.
Thank you a BUNCH for deciding to write this, Let's support Bnagtan together, FOREVER <3
HitGyal #5
Chapter 7: Awwwww yiss vhope
coolsafa123 #6
Chapter 7: This book is AWESOME!!!! Plz include some more peverted Hoseok next time....he killed me

Thank u 4 writing this wonderful book
..............HWAITING UNNIE
mxv0109 #7
Chapter 7: Omg I'm soo dead vhope are the best!!! I'm dying to see hobi eearing a vlack dress that would be hella shy~
mxv0109 #8
Chapter 6: I started reading this today, and it's super cute I'm sooo dead my hary can't take all this cuteness and adorableness
thank you for this amazing fic
annymousjustice #9
Chapter 6: i love this.i love this,i love jikook!!!!!please,let it be jikook!looking forward for the next chapter!great job author-nim!
ahood_bts #10
Chapter 6: my heartu is omg