The Beginning

Forever, We Are Young


Jeon Jungkook would die for his twin. That was it. A simple but true fact. To put it bluntly, he and Taehyung had spent their entire lives together. From leaving the womb a few minutes after each other to learning to talk. They'd successfully survived their hormonal teenage years and were about to start the next step in life - college.

When both brothers hesitantly opened their acceptance letters, they'd been worried that this would be the obstacle to finally separate them. However, after finding out both of her sons were accepted by Seoul National, their mother made them a congratulatory feast. She invited their friends and family, accepting the fact that her children were becoming adults.

"Jungkook!! Where did you put my sun glasses?" Taeyhyung shouted from upstairs in his booming voice. They were packing as they'd be staying in the university dorms for their first year. Both of them were excited to see their rooms and meet their new roommates.

"It's on your desk, I can't decide how much to take hyung. I like all my clothes equally but I'll probably buy new ones when we get to Seoul," the younger of the two sighed, knowing that leaving the house would take longer than predicted.

"Same, I feel like they're looking at me with pleading eyes saying 'pick me, pick me' as if daring me to get them thrown out by mum after we leave" the elder of the two also deeply sighed, looking at the ceiling. He was so engrossed in his contemplating that he almost didn't notice his brother rolling his eyes and muttering "When will you grow up?"

Not expecting to be jumped on and suddenly tickled mercilessly, Jungkook gasped when all the air was cut off from his lungs at once.
"Oi, I can't br-......" he breathlessly attempted to get across. Breathing was an involuntary action that was vital. Currently it was if Taehyung had forgotten that, so the maknae tried to jog his memory by flailing his arms about desperately.

"Grow up, me? The most mature person in the house? I think you have the wrong person Kook?" Taehyung let out a deep infectious laugh at the ridiculousness of his words and soon enough both siblings were rolling on the floor, play wrestling - all thoughts of packing temporarily forgotten.

A few minutes later, after Jungkook managed to win the impromptu fight by tackling his bony but agile brother to the ground, he asked, "We've only got each other from now on. No friends or family, weird right?"

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from all the big bad people, Jungkookie," Taehyung promised while squeezing his brothers cheeks, snickering at the funny picture it made. The youngest batted his hands away and reminded him of how much packing they had yet to do.

After tears, hugs and promises to visit regularly they both left their parents with heavy hearts but hopeful smiles for the future to come. Their arrival to Seoul from Busan was not a particularly exciting one. They both sat near an elderly couple on the train and weren't able to get up to their usual antics.

This lead to both of them passing out in an undignified manner. Taehyung looked like he was reenacting an excorcism scene with his mouth open and neck craned upwards facing the ceiling. Jungkook's head kept rolling unconsciously as he tried to get comfortable in such a small space.

Jungkook was the first to awake and had the pleasure of snapping his brother's less than handsome sleeping face. Chuckling evilly as he made the photo his new display picture on Instagram, he finally woke the blissfully unaware Taehyung.

They took a cab to the dorm that they'd live in for the next four years. From their excited reactions and the fact that Taehyung's nose was practically touching the window the driver noticed it was their first time in Seoul.

"So what do you guys think about our capital? Liking it so far?" They both nodded but the elder of the two vocalised what they were both thinking. "It's great seeing all the famous landscapes and places come to life after seeing them on tv for so long. I mean Busan is home but this feels different, you know what I mean?"

"I get you kid, the atmosphere is completely different. I mean I've been driving around in this old box for years and it still feels like the first day I got behind the wheel," the driver's easygoing and relaxed nature where helping to them both to feel at ease in this new, unexplored environment.

After handing him the fee Jungkook bowed profusely at the driver, thanking him for making their first experience a welcoming one. As they got off the cab and their luggage trailed behind them as they headed towards the entrance, Jungkook commented apprehensively "Well, here goes nothing."

They were told who they were rooming with when they got to the reception. Taehyung was to room with a third year called Jung Hoseok and Jungkook was rooming with a second year named Park Jimin. Both brothers were excited to meet their new roommates as well as room independently from each other for the first time in their entire lives.

After separating to find their respective rooms, Jungkook found his first and stood in front of it hesitantly before knocking. An orange haired teenager opened the door dressed in black baggy shorts, a basketball shirt and a New Era snapback.

He was slightly shorter than him and wore a contagious bright smile that caused his eyes to almost disappear into little crescents.

"Come on in, you're Jeon Jungkook right? I've been waiting for you. I cleaned up a bit as well, I hope you don't think I'm a slob,"

"No no, thank you for cleaning up. It looks good," he smiled politely, not wanting to offend his new roommate. His inner neat freak noticed the few minor imperfections but thankfully, the room looked clean overall.

"Please come in. Here's your bed, desk and toilet. The kitchen is shared by the whole floor so feel free to let out your inner chef whenever you feel like it. Just know that if it smells good nothing, and I mean nothing, will stop Hoseok hyung from trying to get to it." He laughed amusedly, clearly recalling a previous instance where something like that had happened.

"So, what are you majoring in?" Jimin queried, wanting to know more about the younger boy that he'd share living space with from now on.

"English Literature with a minor in music." Jungkook replied, his passion coming through in his voice "what about you?"

"Engineering. I know it's hard work, I I've heard it all before but it's been my dream since I was a kid." He defended the subject that most people physically recoiled at after hearing it mentioned.

"I wasn't going to say anything," the younger raised his hands in mock surrender, smiling mischievously knowing full well that his facial expressions gave away his relentless loathing for anything math related.

"I don't want to be a typical English student and complain about how much I hate maths but the truth is, I hate maths. Physics more so, to the point where I like to be as far away from numbers as realistically possible. I don't know how my brother does it" He shuddered, remembering all those difficult nights he spent deriving long trigonometric identities while Taehyung hung out with his friends, finishing his own homework at an unfair speed.

Jimin shook his head and snorted at the exaggeration. "Hey, don't hate maths, it makes the world go round. Also, there's usually only one answer that you need to get to. Straightforward, right?" determined to convince the younger to let go of his math hating ways.

"So your brother comes here too?"

"Yeah, we're twins but he's doing all mathematic courses whereas mine are more artsy I guess. I get a lot of crap from my parents for it. They're a bit upset that I got into such a good university and chose what they consider won't get me a steady income" he sighed, disappointed. Jimin's eyes widened excitedly at the possibility of a seeing another Jungkook and wondered if he'd be able to tell them apart.

"I know what you're thinking, no, we're not identical. Sorry to disappoint," the younger couldn't help but laugh out loud at the let down expression that displayed itself on Jimin's face after hearing the truth.

Jungkook's parents were wonderful in every way but had ambitious goals for him in mind from a young age. He was to get into a top university, study business, medicine or law - aka a money making degree, get married and move back to Busan. It was a career path that some may have no trouble following or even thriving under but Jungkook knew that there was a lot more he wanted to achieve in his life span.

"They'll come around. Parents are like that. They'll be worried for a while until they see how happy you are. So hold your breath for a while, okay? Now, let me show you around the university. You missed the official tour." Jimin changed the subject, noticing that the younger student was starting to look unhappy at the unwanted reminder.

"Alright, let me just put my stuff down and change quickly. I feel like I've been wearing these clothes for years," Jungkook joked before heading towards the bathrooms to change into lighter clothes.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the campus, one lavender haired first year was truly and utterly lost. After locating his room only to find it locked, he thought it would be wise to 'explore' the campus. He'd been wondering around for an hour before accepting his fate.

He was too embarrassed to face the elderly receptionist again so he settled for collapsing on top of his suitcase feeling sorry for himself. His pride would be his downfall one day he thought regretfully.

"Hey, are you okay? Are you asleep? Hello?" a concerned voice asked him, pulling him out of his gloomy thoughts.

Someone was shaking him gently, probably thinking he was asleep and not just exhausted. He turned his head slowly and let out a muffled "Hmpf" only for the person shaking him to become more frantic until he lifted his head up and answered, miserably.

"I'm fine, just lost and tired," he muttered, narrowing his eyes to protect his eyes from the direct sunlight.

"Do you need any help? You look new. Where do you need to to go? Who's your roommate? I'll help you find him, I know almost everyone here," the stranger stated proudly and confidently before helping him up and beckoning to follow him.

"I'm Hoseok by the way. Call me hyung if you want, whatever you find comfortable. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier, I tend to rush into things without thinking." He said without his smile faltering once. Taehyung had never seen someone so happy his entire life.

"Jeon Taehyung. I'm like that too....wait, are you Jung Hoseok?" The younger asked suddenly, narrowing his eyes suspiciously 

"Yes. Why, am I a celebrity outside these walls. Are kids going to come up to me and ask for an autograph anytime soon?" Hoseok laughed at his small joke before continuing, more seriously "But anyway, I am he and he is me, so....what's up?"

"You're my new roommate and the reason I'm lost. The room was locked when I tried to go in. You knew that you'd be getting a roommate today so explain," the lavender haired student crossed his arms over his chest and furrowed his eyebrows in an attempt to look more annoyed.

Hoseok coughed to hide his smile when he saw just how adorably upset the other looked and responded "I'm really sorry, one of my lessons ran for longer than expected and I ended up forgetting," he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, a nervous habit of his.

They arrived to the small room and the first thing Taehyung noticed as that the room was practically shining. There wasn't a hair out of place. There were too beds on either side of the room that looked like they hadn't ever been used. The floor had not one speck of dust on it and he could see his reflection in the window from where he was standing at the entrance.

"Woah, this is..... much cleaner than I thought a dorm would be," Taehyung admitted readily, remembering his mother's warnings to 'protect' himself from dirty college students. Student's whose rooms and lifestyles were a mess.

"It's my fault I suppose. I'm a bit 'extra' when it comes to tidiness. I can't focus in dirty environments. But don't worry, we'll share the workload." And the younger instantly relaxed, previously feeling self conscious about his cleaning habits knowing how messy he could be some days. In high school, Jungkook often got annoyed at his tendency to leave his clothes scattered along the floor. Sometimes he even slept on top of a pyramid of clothes if he was feeling particularly lazy and it drove his poor mother insane. He claimed it helped him sleep better at night but they all knew he was bluffing. 

"Don't worry hyung, maybe your cleanliness will rub off on me too," he grinned. Maybe, he realised, having Hoseok as a roommate wouldn't be bad. After all, the other boy was really helpful and cheery, a good combination in a roommate. He'd heard horror stories from neighbours where they had ended up with roommates that partied all night, took hardcore drugs and made it difficult for them to study. Compared to them, Hoseok was God sent. He wondered how his twin was getting along, hopefully his roommate was of the decent kind too.

They talked more as Taehyung put his clothes into his new cupboard (folding them instead of stuffing them because you know, he didn't want Hoseok to have a heart attack) and found out just how much they had in common. They were both huge manga fans and had a similar sense of humour.

Where Hoseok was loud and crazy, Taehyung was spontaneous and odd, leading to minutes and hours passing by without them noticing as the two of them chatted away like they'd known each other forever.


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Chapter 8: I really really loved this!!!
JiminJeon #2
Chapter 8: I was crying so hard! I love this story TT^TT. Best Jikook fan fic ever! It brought me in tears at the last part.
jamlesschim #3
Chapter 8: This.. This was beautiful. That's all I can say.... The groups relationship was amazing. And I love how well you conveyed each of the members. They were portrayed as they are in real life. Many stories change their personalities so this was great. I honestly- my eyes were a bit wet when I finished reading this. I love you the way you ended it.
"They both went right back to focusing on what was going on but Hoseok, who had been observing their interaction also smiled contently. Everything would be alright between those two, it seemed.
The seven of them were all completely different but still somehow managed to effortlessly click when they were in a room together.
This was a kind of friendship that some people never get to experience their entire lives. Hoseok was determined to make it last and subconsciously, he knew it would. Forever."
That was beautiful. It brought almost-tears to my eyes.
Maram_Bangtan #4
Chapter 8: Wait a bit so let me comprehend everything, THE FIC HAS FINISHED??!
You know what? You made me cry, like literally. I don't even cry while watching a sad movie or an emotional event, but I FREAKING cried when I read this cuz it's sO BEAUTIFUL AND OHMYGOD THIS WAS FREAKING CUTE AND ADORABLE *ugly screams*
I really love you tae ur the best I wish that u and Hobi will announce your relationship soon and don't worry I'm sure everyone will be happy to hear the news :)
Okay I'll stop talking to the characters, NOW it's your turn unnie and I'm sure I'll be suing you very soon because it is so unfair and I can't let you go just like that *challenging looks* k just kidding
This fic has been and will always be one of the BEST stories I've ever read in my fanfiction-reading life. I appreciate all the hard work and time you spent while writing this amazing book, it is a real piece of art.
I wish you a life that's full of smiles and merry moments, you made my life better.
Thank you a BUNCH for deciding to write this, Let's support Bnagtan together, FOREVER <3
HitGyal #5
Chapter 7: Awwwww yiss vhope
coolsafa123 #6
Chapter 7: This book is AWESOME!!!! Plz include some more peverted Hoseok next time....he killed me

Thank u 4 writing this wonderful book
..............HWAITING UNNIE
mxv0109 #7
Chapter 7: Omg I'm soo dead vhope are the best!!! I'm dying to see hobi eearing a vlack dress that would be hella shy~
mxv0109 #8
Chapter 6: I started reading this today, and it's super cute I'm sooo dead my hary can't take all this cuteness and adorableness
thank you for this amazing fic
annymousjustice #9
Chapter 6: i love this.i love this,i love jikook!!!!!please,let it be jikook!looking forward for the next chapter!great job author-nim!
ahood_bts #10
Chapter 6: my heartu is omg