Sunrise (Yewook)

Christmas Romance


6.30 a.m. * Yesung and Ryeowook *

After leaving the house, Yesung proceeded to carry Ryeowook all the way to his car. It wasn’t embarrassing per se. No one was up yet, seeing as it was Christmas and snowing, save for a few stray cats. However, Ryeowook still hid his head in his lover’s chest, trying hard to hide his blushing face.

When Yesung had finally reached the vehicle, he gently placed Ryeowook into the car seat and buckled him up. Somehow, along the way, Ryeowook had dozed off once again. Yesung smiled at this and gave Ryeowook a peck on the forehead before he too, went into his seat. He then drove off.

Upon reaching their destination…

“Hey,” Yesung called out softly, “Wake up, wookie! Or you’ll miss it!”

As Ryeowook was a light sleeper, he immediately woke up when Yesung called out to him.

“Whe- Where are we?” He questioned, clearly confused.

“Come on!” Yesung said, holding out his hands for Ryeowook to grab onto.  Ryeowook complied, albeit a little perplexed, but he trusted Yesung, so all was fine.

Ryeowook looked at his surrounding and realized that they were at the top of a hill, alone. It was still dark out, what with it being winter and all. He noticed that Yesung was setting up a met and went to help up. Soon, they were both huddled together on the picnic mat, munching on some western delicacy.

“Mhhmmm…” Ryeowook moaned, “This is delicious! Where did you get it?”

“I bought it on the way here, from the café we love to go to.” Yesung clarified. They were both just relaxing, Yesung’s hands behind him to support the both of them  while Ryeowook rested his head on Yesung’s chest. Suddenly Yesung shot up, startling Ryeowook.

“Look!” He shouted, pointing at the horizon.

Ryeowook turned and saw one of the most beautiful sunrises ever.

“Wow…” Ryeowook breathed out. His hands tightened around Yesung’s waist, a form of thanks in Ryeowook language.

Being with the one they loved on Christmas, was something special. But being with the one they loved on Christmas and watching something as beautiful as this was surely something very memorable, and both of them were sure that they would not forget this, despite not having a picture taken as memento.

Because pictures don’t last, but memories…

They last a lifetime.


A/N: So.. I'm back :) Haha. This isn't much, it looks like a one-shot in itself, but it's not. I just wanted to end it like this. Like a drama. Haha. Anyway, I'm hoping to finish this before Christmas which is about... in 1 month's time. I'll try to update regularly, because, I want it to end on a special day, but I procrastinate a lot. Even so, I forced myself to write this at 2am last night, so I'm hoping it didn't end up crappy and seem half-assed. OTL. Well, my author's note is getting longer. So before I end...


Okay. Bye!  

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Chapter 8: OMG
Chapter 8: New reader here. I really like this :)
CandyBlingBerry #3
Chapter 7: omg so sweet and beautiful.
Chapter 7: Yewook lurveeeee :D
ichathoriqlover #5
Chapter 7: Cute kyumin n yewook moment, eunhae is being naughty again
elien23 #6
Chapter 7: so cute all of them is my favourite couples yewook,kyumin,eunhae all of them is just the best
kaykaygirl #7
Chapter 7: Yewook is so cute!! Thank you for updating!!!!:)
Chapter 6: Haha. This is nice and cute. Wookie is gonna be SO pissed when he sees his precious kitchen. Haha xD
Chapter 6: Kyumin ahhhhhh. SO cute, and poor yewook is probably gonna have to clean it up vv
Chapter 6: You updated :D and OMG cuteness to start the story again :D