Sunshine 1

You are My Sunshine

"Whyyy?" Hayun whined as she was dragged by her friend, Yera, up the stairs of the stadium. "Why do I have to watch? You know I don't like baseball! And since when did you like it? You never did before too."

"Because my brother is playing," she answered as-a-matter-of-fact-ly. "Oh come on! Quit whining, Hayun." She dragged Hayun to two empty seats, first row of the second deck.

The stadium was packed with people. It was the final. The Wolves, their university's baseball team was going to play against their archenemy, The Hawks.

"Riiiight." Hayun rolled her eyes when she was pulled to sit down. "You actually think I'd believe you? You never wanted to watch your brother play before."

"People change," Yera shrugged.

Hayun clicked her tongue and propped her elbows on her lap, resting her chin on the palms of her hands. She would rather read books in the campus' library right now. She wished at least she brought her sketchbook with her. The baseball game was not an interesting game for her to watch, but it might be a good object to sketch.

The game started and as both teams entered, supporters from both universities erupted in cheer. The Wolves would play defense first since they were the home team. As their pitcher took his post, Hayun noticed the crowd's cheer growing louder. In fact, they cheered so loud, she had to cover her ears.

"He's Baekhyun. I heard he's the best pitcher," Yera informed her, half shouting. "Yunho oppa always bragged about him."

Hayun just rolled her eyes, not caring. She spent her time looking back and forth at her watch, hoping the game would end soon. While on the other hand, Yera kept on screaming the Wolves' cheer. Hayun still couldn't understand her friend's sudden interest in the game. 

It wasn't until the game was half through did she notice that Yera's cheer was always the loudest every time the big screen showed a certain player. Even if it was just a few seconds. She recognized the guy to be one of those who often visited Yera's house for the team's after party since her brother was the team's richest member. She never talked to any of them though. She and Yera would just locked themselves up in Yera's room when they partied downstairs.

Hayun smirked at her friend who was still grinning from ear to ear; eyes glued on the screen. She then leaned closer to her friend. "The screen's not going to disappear, so stop staring at it," she whispered, startling Yera. "Or should I say 'him'?" She added to tease.

Yera gasped and turned to look back at Hayun wide-eyed. Hayun saw how she tried to explain something but failed to form a sentence every time. 

"Save your explanation. I know." Hayun put up a hand and gave her a knowing smile. "'People change'? Yeah right!" She scoffed teasingly.

Yera immediately hugged her, giggling. "Sorry." She grinned. "I'll tell you about it later."

"You better do." Hayun chuckled. "And stop grinning like that! You're creeping me out." 

After eight innings in which both teams got the chance to be on defense and to bat for each inning, they were finally down to the last inning with the Hawks leading. It was now the Wolves' turn to bat again, and if they managed to do well, they would win. 

"So we're done after this, right?" Hayun asked, already feeling bored to death.

"Supposedly so." Yera shrugged. "Go Wolves!" She suddenly erupted in cheer making her friend jumped in her seat. 

Hayun looked back to the field and giggled shaking her head when she found the reason her friend was cheering loudly again.

Of course. She mused to herself.

After awhile, the last batter entered cuing another round of cheer from the supporters. Hayun cocked her head to the side when she recognized the batter.

"Hey, Ye," she nudged Yera. "Isn't he the pitcher?" She nodded to the field.

Yera looked at the screen instead just in time when the said guy's face appeared on it.

"Oh yeah, he is. I heard he's a pretty good batter too."

Hayun just nodded in response. 

The Wolves had managed to make the scores a tie with the hit by Yera's crush, who apparently named Hyeonsoo. But the crowd was still cheering, hoping for a homerun. Yera was again cheering loudly, giving it her all. If Hayun didn't know any better, she would've thought that her friend had always been a fan of baseball.

"Go, Wolves! Fight, Wolves! Win, Wolves! Goooo, Wolves!" Yera chanted the cheer along with the others while Hayun shook her head, amused at her friend's action.

The Baekhyun guy raised his bat, readying his stance. He pursed his lips and focused his attention on the ball the Hawks' pitcher was holding. He tuned out the noise of cheers surrounding him.

"Go, Wolves!" Yera started cheering again. "Fight, Wolves! Win, Wolves! Goo-," Yera's cheer was interfered by her own coughing.

"You okay?" Hayun asked lightly patting Yera's back as she continued to cough.

"Water," Yera said over a cough.

Hayun rolled her eyes before she scanned the surrounding, looking for the vendor that sells snacks and water bottle. She spotted one and immediately called for his attention. 

"Excuse me!" She yelled, but her voice was drowned in the sea of loud cheers. "Hey! Excuse me!" She tried again. "Excuse me! Hey!" She yelled ignoring the groan of annoyance from the audience beside her. She raised her hand up high to make herself known to the vendor. "Yoo-hoo! I wanna buy a drink here. Excuse m-" She suddenly felt her raised hand being pushed backward a little by a force.

The cheer suddenly died down. She gazed around and saw the people around were staring at her with slightly agape mouths. But a second later, they cheered and clapped their hands again. And the most bewildering thing was they were clapping for HER. Even Yera, who seemed to have momentarily forgotten about her sore throat, was doing the same too. She blinked at them, not understanding why. It was only two seconds later did she realize that her hand was still raised. She felt a round leather object in the palm of her hand as she slowly looked up at her hand while at the same time slowly bringing it down.

Her eyes widened upon the realization that she just- accidentally- caught the ball. 

"Waaa!" Yera squealed beside her, excitedly shaking her. "You just caught the ball! It's a homerun!" She cheered hugging Hayun while Hayun was still in a daze. 

She was snapped out of her daze when she belatedly noticed the stinging pain on the palm of her hand from catching the ball flying at a speed. "Ouch!" She rubbed her hand on her thigh to ease the pain, holding the ball in her other hand.

"Woohoo-" Yera was still hyped, but she coughed again.

"Ya!" Hayun lightly knocked her friend's head with the ball in her hand. "Stop with the screaming already!" She clicked her tongue. "I'll buy you a drink."

"No, no. It's okay." Yera pulled Hayun's hand stopping her from standing up. "I'll buy one later"



The boys were cheering loudly and some of them carried Baekhyun on their shoulders to show their gratitude to him. It was a close call, but Baekhyun's homerun hit saved them and granted them their win.

Once he was put down on the ground again, his other teammates came and gave him a hug or a pat on the back. He responded with laughters and a round of 'we did it together'. But he kept on glancing at the audience bleachers, looking for her.

After he gave the last hit, the only thought that came to his mind was to run and step on the bases. As he was running, he took a second to glance at the screen as he heard some people cheering. He instantly grin wider and ran faster when he saw the face of the girl who caught the ball.

He often saw the girl in Yunho's house. He wanted to know who she was, but he didn't dare to approach her nor ask about her. 

His eyes searched for her amongst the crowd of audience that was slowly dispersing. Yet, he found no sign of her.


He whipped his head toward the voice and found Yunho's sister approaching the guy.

"Well would you look at that!" Yunho smirked. "My sister actually came."

"Hey! What's with that reaction?" Yera pouted before she suddenly smiled shyly. "Hello," she greeted with a bobbed of the head at Hyeonsoo.

"Hey!" The guy waved at her with a broad smile.

Yunho silently scoffed and rolled his eyes. He noticed the change in the two ever since a few days ago when Hyeonsoo suddenly visit his house more often. His eyes then landed on the girl behind his sister and he grinned.

"And isn't it the ball catcher?" He approached and hugged her.

"Hi, Oppa!" Hayun greeted with a smile and returned the hug.

Baekhyun watched the two from a distance and a little sigh escaped his lips. 

"Hey, why don't you girls come join the party later at night? It's at our house anyway. Don't lock yourselves in Yera's room for once." Yunho offered still having an arm around Hayun's shoulders.

Baekhyun's ears perked up at the offer, and he glanced at them.

"Oh! That would be great!" Hyeonsoo commented, stealing a glance at Yera.

Hayun bit down her lip. She wasn't really one who loves parties. "I don't know about that-"

"Oh come on, Yun!" Yera whined. "I'll be there too. Let's have some fun with the boys for once."

Hayun knew why Yera wanted to join the party and she wanted to support her friend, but she really wasn't into parties.

"It's not really my definition of fun, Ye." 

"Do it for me at least?" Yunho pleaded and winked at her. "Come on! It's a big win for us. You contributed to the homerun and as the host of the party, I want you to be there."

Hayun looked at Yunho who was giving her a smile and then at his sister who was pouting and giving her the puppy eyes. She sighed defeatedly and slowly nodded her head.

"Yay! Great!" Yera clapped her hands. She then grabbed Hayun's hand pulling her away from her brother. "We'll see you guys later then. We're going to hang out at the mall first. Bye!" She pulled Hayun along with her.

Baekhyun grinned hearing she would be there at the party. However, his smile faltered a little when he saw the smile on Yunho's face.

"Hayun's pretty cute," Hyeonsoo commented to Yunho as they watched the girls walked away.

A smile curled on Yunho's face. "I know." He then glanced at his friend who had a huge grin plastered on his face. He whacked the back of Hyeonsoo's head. "Stop staring at my sister!"

Hyeonsoo just smiled sheepishly, scratching the nape of his neck. "So," he looked at Yunho again, "is this operation Get the Girl?" He arched an eyebrow.

"Definitely," Yunho answered giving his friend a hi-five.

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Chapter 7: I love your story ^^ although I feel bad for Baek. His dad is sick and the girl he likes or even loves doesn't notice him.
My poor Baekkie :(
Chapter 7: I feel sorry for baekhyun...I hope they will get more closer>< I don't think the progress is too's alright..looking forward for the next chapter..thanks for updating..^^
xiuhanisreall #3
kekeke hope you update soon>3
Chapter 4: hi new reader here, i just read your story and its make me interested to reading next chap :) Nice story :)
Chapter 4: I really thought yunho likes her lol great chapter..can't wait for more of their interaction^^
Chapter 2: Ohhh man..yunho likes her better be the way..nice chapter... Thank you^^
the plot itself got me a litle excited on how everything gonna turn out..
have a good day writing.. ^^