Sunshine 4

You are My Sunshine

The dinner was unbearably awkward.

At least, to Hayun it was. If she remembered correctly, Baekhyun was supposed to be- as quoted by Yunho once- as much of a beagle as Yunho or Hyeonsoo. Meaning, he should be the mood maker. Well, to Hayun, he did seem to cope with the whole set-up dinner better than she did, opening up random topics to talk about and throwing awkward jokes in between. But he didn't look less clueless than her on what else to do or say either. In any case, she was glad when the dinner finally ended.

Baekhyun insisted on accompanying her home, giving her a weird reason of not wanting to have cucumber shoved down his throat and be strangled by Yunho. The mention of her best friend's brother reminded Hayun of what he had done the past week just to make this friend of his jealous. She made a mental note to smack some sense to Yunho because one, he knew she didn't want to be in any romantic relationship yet; two, she didn't even know why he tried to make Baekhyun jealous because the guy didn't seem interested in her; and third, he freaking played with her feeling.

Hayun shook her head at the thought. Wait. I didn't harbor any feelings for Yunho oppa.

All thoughts of putting some sense to Yunho went to trash because she didn't even have to do it. Yera did it all in her stead.

Once Hayun was safely home, Yera called to ask her of the supposed date with her brother. Hayun could even hear her grinning at the end of the line. By the time Hayun finished casually recounting what actually happened, she heard her friend sniffed.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Yera's answer sounded like a harmed whale. "My brother's such a jerk!"

Hayun blinked surprise.

"I thought you would be my sister-in-law!"

"What?" Hayun chuckled over the phone.

"Why is he such a douche!"

"Ye..." Hayun cooed, trying to stifle her chuckle.

"I hate him!" Yera's tone suddenly changed. "I'm SO going to kill him!" 

Now, Hayun could tell that her friend was probably red in the face because of rage.

"Ye, I'm okay. Actually-"

"Don't worry, Hayun!" Yera sniffed, sounding determined. "I'll avange you! I'll beat the crap out of him!"

Hayun's jaw dropped. "What? Hey you don't have to-"

"Hold on a sec!"

"No, you don't have to- Hello? Ye? Yera?"

The call ended. Hayun thought she heard her friend yelling Yunho's name right before she hung up. She just sighed and shook her head, plopping down on the chair in front of her drawing desk. She put her phone aside and decided to do some sketching.

Few later, she heard her mom's voice greeting someone downstairs. Before long, there were heavy stomps ascending the stairs and only seconds later, her bedroom door swung open. Hayun could only gape when she saw Yera dragging Yunho by his ear.

"Ah ah ah!" Yunho tried to pry his sister's fingers off of his ear, only to no avail.

Yera shoved him forward, before letting his ear go. Yunho hissed in pain, rubbing his ear, while his sister turned to Hayun with a grin.

"Hey, Hayun!" Yera waved a hand with a grin too wide to Hayun's liking. "Oppa has something to say to you." She jabbed a thumb at the guy's direction. Before Hayun could reply, Yera had opened again. "I'll leave you two alone. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll help your mom prepare some tea," she said with the sweetest voice that made Hayun cringed.

Once Yera left, Hayun turned to look at Yunho who were constantly rubbing his nape nervously. She felt awkward all of a sudden and cleared .

"She almost bite my head off." Yunho jabbed a thumb at the direction of the door through which Yera had disappeared.

"Sorry about my best friend." Hayun joked and bit down her lip.

"Sorry about my sister," Yunho replied in the same manner.

Then it was awkward again and they tried to avoid each other's eyes.

"Oppa, you don't have to-"
"Hayun, I'm sorry for-

They both said in unison and burst out chortling afterwards.

"Sorry about the dinner," he told her still. "And for leading you on," he added.

Hayun felt heat creeping up her cheeks and shook her head, looking away. "No, it's okay. It would be awkward if you really do like me, Oppa. I mean, you're like a brother to me so.... Yeah." She shrugged and Yunho nodded understandingly. "But please don't set me up like that anymore."

"Why?" Yunho chuckled. "Was Baek that bad?"

With widened eyes, Hayun quickly shook her head. "N-no! He's nice, but," she wet her lips, "you know I don't want to think about relationships now. And it's awkward if you set me up like that."

Yunho snorted softly and smiled. "All right. I won't do it again," he paused then added with a smirk, "IF you promise to join us when the boys visit my house."

Hayun's jaw dropped in disbelief. "Isn't that the same as setting me up with Baekhyun again?"

Yunho quickly put on an innocent face and raised his hands. "I didn't say anything about Baekhyun." He smirked and held a chuckle when he saw her blushing. "Baekhyun or no Baekhyun, just promise you'll join us. Besides, there are a lot of other guys." He winked and Hayun let out a sound of protest with a roll of her eyes.

Yunho chuckled. "Oh come on! Have a little fun and mingle!" With no more awkwardness, he walked up to her and draped an arm on her neck. "Besides, don't you want to see my sister being shy and all around Hyeonsoo?"

Hayun chuckled at that. "Fine! But no more set up!" She warned pointing a finger at him.

"Deal!" He took her hand for a handshake. "But just so you know, he's a good guy." He winked and Hayun shoved him away.



Baekhyun couldn't stop smiling when he got home. The dull atmosphere in his empty house that usually dragged him down couldn't beat the bright smile across his face now. He didn't even wonder whether his busy dad was home or not like he usually did. All he could think about was Hayun's little smile.

Baehyun knew she was probably feeling awkward during the dinner. He was too, but it was still something to smile about. After he flopped down on his bed, he pondered whether to send a message of thanks to both of his friends. But he decided against it because it would only make him look petty.

Nonetheless, he decided that he wouldn't resist if his friends set him up with her again. It usually wasn't hard for Baekhyun to flirt with girls just for the fun of it. But somehow, it was different with Hayun. He knew he had developed a crush on her ever since he first saw her at Yunho's house months ago; yet, he just couldn't make any moves on her. He couldn't even find it in himself to ask Yunho about her.

In a guy's view, Baekhyun would say that Hayun looked okay. Pretty but not blindingly shining like a goddess. She dressed plainly in her casual wears, didn't put much make up on, and even looked shy around guys or people she didn't know. Weirdly though, she managed to make the easy-going him nervous with just the presence and a small smile of hers.

So, act cool and let Yunho and Hyeonsoo did their thing until he found his own courage to make a move on her, he decided. 

But to his dismay, even after a week had passed, none of the two friends tried to set him up with Hayun again. To his surprise though, she and Yunho's sister didn't lock themselves up in the room every time the boys came. 

Yunho's sister would try to mingle with them, even though he observed that she gave a little more attention on Hyeonsoo. Hayun, on the other hand, didn't give more than a greeting to the others and to him too. At times Yera was with Hyeonsoo, Hayun would just be there amongst them but in her own world with her book. The only time she would look up from her book was when Yunho came to her and snatched her book away or when he asked for her help in the kitchen.

The point was Yunho would always be there with her if Yera wasn't. Baekhyun saw them often bickering only to laugh at each other the next minute. And that puzzled him a lot. He couldn't tell whether his friend was just being brotherly or flirting with her. The latter thought sent an unpleasant feeling inside him.

Shouldn't he be helping me instead of flirting with her? Baekhyun wondered.

"She's cute when she's in her bubble, isn't she?" Yunho flopped down beside Baekhyun on the couch after catching his friend sneaking glances at Hayun.

Baekhyun took his eyes off of her who was reading at the corner near the window. He wasn't sure what to reply so he just casually downed the canned drink in his hand.

"Oh by the way!" Yunho shifted to face him. "Sorry for setting you up with her last week." That got Baekhyun raising his eyebrow. "She told me it was awkward for both of you. Sorry to burden you." Yunho patted his shoulder. "Guess, Hyeonsoo and I read the signals wrong."

"What do you mean?" Baekhyun finally asked with a frown.

"Well, we both thought you kinda like her. But after not hearing any news from you and from what she told me, I guessed we were wrong." Yunho chuckled and put an arm around Baekhyun. "I mean, it's you we're talking about! If you like anyone, you would've made a move since long ago, wouldn't you?" He smiled and glanced back at Hayun while Baekhyun thought about what he just heard.

Yunho chuckled beside him, eyes still lingered on her. "Boy I wish I can just enter her bubble and steal her heart!"

"You like her?" Baekhyun immediately snapped at him.

Yunho just shrugged. "Well, she's cute and single."

Baekhyun was left puzzled again. He didn't quiet understand his friend. It seemed like Yunho liked her, but he didn't say it bluntly either.

"She's hard to get though." Yunho smirked to himself and down his canned drink. "But you know what they say, the best ones are always hard to get. We gotta put an effort to get 'em, don't you think?" He glanced at Baekhyun with a grin. "The best one won't come easy." He winked.



Sorry for making you all wait too long. This is such a short one too, ey? But I hope you like it ^^

I'll try to update faster if I can. Won't promise you anything though. Thank you for being so patient in waiting for the updates. Hugs and kisses to everyone!

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Chapter 7: I love your story ^^ although I feel bad for Baek. His dad is sick and the girl he likes or even loves doesn't notice him.
My poor Baekkie :(
Chapter 7: I feel sorry for baekhyun...I hope they will get more closer>< I don't think the progress is too's alright..looking forward for the next chapter..thanks for updating..^^
xiuhanisreall #3
kekeke hope you update soon>3
Chapter 4: hi new reader here, i just read your story and its make me interested to reading next chap :) Nice story :)
Chapter 4: I really thought yunho likes her lol great chapter..can't wait for more of their interaction^^
Chapter 2: Ohhh man..yunho likes her better be the way..nice chapter... Thank you^^
the plot itself got me a litle excited on how everything gonna turn out..
have a good day writing.. ^^