Sunshine 3

You are My Sunshine

Days passed and Hayun still couldn't understand why Yunho was being extra touchy and protective over her.

"It's simple." Yera plopped down on the bed after tapping the facial product on her cheeks. "He likes you." She casually gestured for Hayun to scoot and make some room for her.

"What?!" Hayun's eyes almost bulged out. "But how? Why?"

"It's really not that hard to understand, Hayun." Yera rolled her eyes. "He's a guy. You're a girl. He knows you for quiet a long time. He's attracted to you. He likes you. And voilà! He's now overprotective over you."

"This is your brother we're talking about," Hayun deadpanned.

"Yeah. So?" Yera shrugged.

"So," Hayun huffed crossing her arms, "he's not supposed to like me."

"What? That doesn't make any sense! Does he have a girlfriend? No. Do you have a boyfriend? No. Is there any rule that a single brother can't fall for his sister's single best friend?"

"Well, no. But-"

"See. So why can't my brother like you?" Yera pouted. "Don't you want us to be sisters?"

Hayun sighed, rubbing her face. "That's not what I meant, Ye. I meant- I meant- Ugh!" She groaned. "I just don't want to be in that kind of relationship for now. And plus." She held up a finger. "You already are like a sister to me. So that automatically makes your brother a brother to me, Ye. And that is why your brother's not supposed to like me," Hayun explained, but Yera still pouted. "Do you understand how awkward it will be?"

"But still-" The door suddenly swung open, revealing a grinning Yunho. "What?!" Yera snapped at her brother.

"Whoa! Easy there, tigress." Yunho chuckled, raising his hands in defense.

Yera scoffed and crossed her arms. "What do you want?!"

He just chuckled again and directed his gaze to Hayun who was awkwardly avoiding his eyes. "So you're sleeping over, right?" He leaned on the door's frame with crossed arms.

After side-eyeing her friend, Yera looked pointedly at Yunho. "Yes, she's sleeping over. And you just interrupted our slumber party. So, I'm going to ask you one more time- and you better answer or I will kick your out- what do you want, Oppa?"

Yunho ignored his sister and continued to smile at Hayun. "Are you busy tomorrow, Hayun?"

Hayun finally met his gaze when her name was mentioned. "Err. No. Not really, Oppa. Just usual classes."

"Good." Yunho nodded, prompting Yera to lift an eyebrow. "Be at Uncle Ben's at 6, okay?" He winked and quickly left the room.

Hayun blinked several times. "W-w-what? W-wait! Yunho op-" Yunho closed the door. "pa." She sighed defeatedly.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Yera suddenly squealed. "My brother just asked you out!" She shook Hayun by the shoulders. "He asked you out! OMG! Hallelujah!" She squeezed Hayun with a hug.

"Ye! Can't. Breathe." 

"Oops. Sorry." Yera released Hayun with giggles. "But seriously! OMG! Yunho oppa just asked you on a date!" She clapped her hands.

"For someone who looked like she's going to murder her brother a few seconds ago, you're seriously WAY too hyped!" Hayun narrowed her eyes on Yera. "Are you secretly bipolar?"

"Probably." Yera shrugged. "Now don't try to change the subject, missy." She wagged her index finger at her friend. "You will go to Uncle Ben's tomorrow, and you will not bail on Yunho oppa like you usually do to other guys. Understood?"

"Not understood." Hayun lightly slapped away Yera's finger. "I don't want to, Yera!"

"What? Why? Look, I understand you don't want to date anyone yet now, but come on! Just give it a shot this time! Besides-" Yera scooted closer to her. "- this is my brother. You know him. You don't need to feel awkward or anything."

Hayun rolled her eyes and mumbled to the side, "It's because it's Yunho oppa that I don't want to give it a shot."

"Hey." Yera grabbed her hands and gave them a little squeeze, giving her an assuring smile. "You don't have to be his girlfriend, you know. You can stay single as long as you want, but that doesn't mean my brother should stop liking you. And it certainly doesn't mean you have to like him back. But it wouldn't be fair if you don't at least give him a chance." She then suddenly chuckled. "Gosh! This is just a dinner anyway! It's not like he will ask for your hand in marriage, Hayun!" She lightly shook her head in amusement. "Loosen up a little, Yun. Take chances. Have fun. And live! You've only been living for canvas, brushes, pencils and whatnot."

"I can live just fine without boys as long as I have my pencil, brush and canv-" Hayun bit her tongue when she saw her friend giving her a pointed look and a frown. 

Sometimes, she thought Yera could be really scary when she wanted to convince people.

With a little gulp, Hayun quickly nodded. "Uh- but yeah! You're right. I should take-err-uh chances! Yeah, chances, right? Haha. Alright."

Yera broke into a wide grin again. "Good."



Uncle Ben's was an American diner which were opened just a few weeks ago. The boys often talked about it and it easily became their new favorite place to hangout.

Since the diner was located only two blocks away from the campus, once she was done with her evening class, Hayun packed up and walked to Uncle Ben's. She was actually thinking of bailing on the way there, but an all caps-locked message from Yera led her to decide against it.


Hayun wondered how a mere sentence ended with a period- not an exclamation point- could be that scary. Probably the caps lock though.


The letters in bright red neon light greeted her eyes. She paused in front of the door to take a deep breath.

"You're just meeting Yunho oppa for a friendly dinner. Just a friendly dinner," Hayun mumbled to herself. /Alright. Here goes nothing./ She opened the door and stepped inside.

After looking over the place with black and white checkered floor and whose interior was dominated by the service counter with stools around its circumference, she nodded in approval.

This place does look like one of those in American movies.

She decided to seat on one of the booths since Yunho was still nowhere to be seen. When a smiling waitress asked for what she would like to order, she just told her she was waiting for someone and would like to look over the menu first. When she was left alone again, she retied her long brown wavy hair into her usual ponytail. She remembered Yunho told her earlier in the morning that she shouldn't let her hair down or change her clothes. She thought it was a weird request but agreed. It wasn't like she was planning to change out of her white boat neck shirt and jeans anyway.


It was already past six o'clock, but Yunho still had not come. Hayun wondered whether she should just leave when someone suddenly tapped her shoulder.

"Sorry." The person panted. "I just came out of my class and- Hayun?"

Hayun looked up to find a pair of familiar eyes looking down at hers. "Oh?" Her eyes rounded a bit. What's his name again? I think it has something to do with bacon. Oh! Baekhyun! "Err. Baekhyun, right?"

By now Baekhyun had already moved to sit in front of her across the table. He was smiling, but he looked a little confused.

"Yeap. That's me."

"Uhm..." Hayun furrowed her brows and looked back at the door, thinking Yunho or the other boys would be there. Yet, she found none. "Why are you here?" She carefully asked.

"To meet with you." He replied in a tone like it was the most obvious thing, which was not to Hayun.


He chuckled awkwardly. "I didn't know you're that type."

She frowned in confusion. "What type?" And what is he saying? He didn't know I'm that type? Whatever the hell is that type! We barely know each other.

"Uhm. You know..." He nervously scratched his nape. "The type to look for boyfriend through blind dates."

Hayun's brows shot up in surprise, disappearing behind her bangs. "Wait, WHAT?" She blinked rapidly. "What do you mean 'blind date'?"

Baekhyun looked equally surprised and confused. "Isn't that why you're here? Hyeonsoo said-" He paused when realization dawned ln him. "Hyeonsoo," he sighed, briefly closing his eyes.


"Hyeonsoo forced me to come here." He clicked his tongue before raising his gaze to meet hers. "He said he had set me up on a blind date. He threatened and told me to look for a girl in white shirt with hair tied into a ponytail here." He sighed again. "Did someone tell you to come here?"

Hayun was still trying to register his explanation, but she nodded. "Yunho oppa."

"I knew it!" 

"But he- he-" She knitted her brows again and lowered her gaze. This is a set up? But why was he acting like that around me? Hugging me and stuff and- Her eyes widened by a fraction when she realized something. She briefly glanced at Baekhyun. Of course! He was always overly doing those when Baekhyun's around. God! Why didn't I realize that earlier?

A surge of relief ran through her because now she knew Yunho wasn't interested in her in that way. But the relief was short lived. It was quickly replaced with awkwardness when she realized that this whole thing was meant to set her up with Baekhyun, the guy she barely knew who was now sitting across her.

Hayun cleared . "This is a set up, huh? So... What now?"

Just when Baekhyun opened to answer, his phone pinged indicating a message.

Hyeonsoo [18.27]: Go get the girl! And don't think of running away or I'll make you eat cucumber!

Baekhyun winced a little. He hated cucumber. His phone then pinged with another message.

Yunho [18.27]: You're welcome.

He scoffed to the side but couldn't help a lopsided smile to make its way across his face.

Yunho [18.28]: But not a scratch on her or I'll kill you!

Yunho [18.30]: Kidding :P But seriously take care of her. She's like a sister to me.

Wait. Doesn't he like her? He wondered.

"Should we just go home?" Hayun suggested, turning his attention away from his phone.

Baekhyun gave her smile, setting his phone aside. "I don't know about you, but I'm really hungry from all the running." He sinckered and Hayun smiled a little.

"Actually I am too." She chuckled.

"Shall we order something then?"

She bit down her lip, but then nodded.



A/N: So, Operation Get the Girl isn't for Yunho, but for Baekhyun! Whee!

In case anyone's wondering why the diner is called Uncle Ben's, it's because I am currently whipped by Ben Barnes ^^

Anyway, hope you like this chapter!

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Chapter 7: I love your story ^^ although I feel bad for Baek. His dad is sick and the girl he likes or even loves doesn't notice him.
My poor Baekkie :(
Chapter 7: I feel sorry for baekhyun...I hope they will get more closer>< I don't think the progress is too's alright..looking forward for the next chapter..thanks for updating..^^
xiuhanisreall #3
kekeke hope you update soon>3
Chapter 4: hi new reader here, i just read your story and its make me interested to reading next chap :) Nice story :)
Chapter 4: I really thought yunho likes her lol great chapter..can't wait for more of their interaction^^
Chapter 2: Ohhh man..yunho likes her better be the way..nice chapter... Thank you^^
the plot itself got me a litle excited on how everything gonna turn out..
have a good day writing.. ^^