Sunshine 5

You are My Sunshine

Hyeonsoo laughed and high-fived Yunho who let out an awkward chuckle.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes at the two friends sitting accross him and then sipped his soda. "Are you guys done laughing at me?"

"He finally cracked!" Still laughing, Hyeonsoo slapped Yunho's shoulder but Yunho didn't seem to mind.

"Uh. Yeah." Yunho didn't look as enthused as Hyeonsoo but he snickered anyway.

Baekhyun sighed. "If you don't want to help me, then I better go." He was going to stand up but Yunho protested, stopping him.

"Hey, don't be such a whiner!" Yunho gave him a lopsided smile. "We just thought that you would never ask. Anyway, you're...serious about this, huh?" He asked cocking an eyebrow.

Baekhyun nodded once. "Unless you're feeling the same way toward her." He raised his brows. "I'm not going to fight with you over a girl."

Hyeonsoo laughed again. "Are you kidding me! We're both supporting you! Right, bro?" he nudged Yunho with his shoulder.

Yunho pursed his lips and rubbed his nape. "I don't know where she is right now," he told instead of denying or confirming Baekhyun's statement, "but if she's not in class, then she's usually in the library or the painting room or just anywhere she could sketch peacefully."

Baekhyun broke into a grin. "Thanks!" He quickly grabbed his bag, causing Hyeonsoo to laugh again.

"Go get her, lover boy!" Hyeonsoo shouted as Baekhyun walked out of Uncle Ben's.

Baekhyun was glad he could finally escape from being his two friends' laughing stock. But it was worth it, he thought. He had thought about it the whole night. When he woke up, he was determined to ask Yunho if he actually liked Hayun or not. He couldn't help it. He liked her, and he found himself falling for her every time he got to talk with her for a bit- even if it was just a mere greeting- whenever she was at Yunho's house. Just a little smile from her managed to make his chest expand with delight. However, he didn't want to fight with his friend over a girl either. Thus, he needed to know if Yunho actually liked her.

Baekhyun almost leaped up from his seat when- after a whole minute of staring at him with wide eyes- Yunho told him he only liked her as a sister. There was something in the way his friend answered that made him unsure, but he had asked and that was the answer. He was not going to second guess it. He couldn't contain his excitement and asked his friends where he could find her. Though he had to endure being laughed at, at least now he knew where to find her.

He couldn't find her in the painting room, so he proceeded to check the library. A grin immediately broke across his face when he spotted her walking through an aisle. Book shelves stood tall on both sides of her. She was wearing her favorite black tanktop covered with a checkered shirt as usual. Her long wavy hair was tied in a ponytail the way Barkhyun loved. She stopped in front of a shelf and trailed her finger on the row of books as Baekhyun followed her.

He stopped not far away and quickly took a book randomly, pretending to read it when Hayun turned her head toward him. When he thought she had looked away he glanced at her again. Shoving the book back to the shelf, he followed her again when she walked to the next aisle.

Hayun suddenly stopped in her steps and whipped her head around. Almost bumping his head to the shelf, he quickly turned to the shelf beside him. Luckily, Baekhyun managed to randomly take another book again and pretended to read. His heart rate was escalating. He wished her to see him, but he didn't want her to think he was stalking her- which was stupid even to him because that was exactly what he was doing.

He kept his head down longer hoping she had ignored him again. When he was sure she had, he lifted his head again only to find her nowhere in sight. He looked to the left and right and peered to the next aisle, but she wasn't there. His heart leaped forward when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Upon turning around, he shrieked. He quickly clamped a hand over his own mouth hearing some hisses and remembering he was in a library.

"H-hi!" Baekhyun stuttered and tried to divert his eyes away from Hayun's.

"Were you following me?" Hayun frowned and crossed her arms.

"Uh- no, no, no!" He frantically shook his head. Hayun raised a brow as if in challenge, so he continued, "I was just- just- reading." He forced a grin trying to look unnerved knowing he looked anything but. "Didn't know you were here. What a coincidence huh?"

"Reading huh?" Hayun narrowed her eyes at him. "Alright." She nodded unsurely. "Have fun reading an upside down book then." She turned to walk away.

Baekhyun's eyes grew wide when he closed the book and found the book to be indeed upside down.

/Idiot!/ He muttered to himself knocking his head with a fist.

Shamelessly, he again followed her to a table after picking a book on music. He silently sat across her, and she didn't even bother to lift her head to look at him. She continued on reading and taking notes instead. At first, he only stole glances her way, but after some time, he began staring at her longer.

Baekhyun wanted to converse with her, but silently watching her in her own world like this was nice too. He had often seen her in her own bubble, yet this time he liked it more because he was the only one there in front of her. No Yera. No teammates of his. And definitely no Yunho.

After long hours, Hayun finally closed the book and got up from her seat. She returned the book and he did too. Once out of the library, Baekhyun ran after her.

"Wait up!" He managed to stop in front of her.

Hayun stared at him with raised brows. She blinked at him when he tried to catch his breath.

"Let's go together!" He tried to smile through his pants.

"What...," she began in surprise.

"I'm going to Yunho's," Baekhyun happily said. "So we can go there together."

Hayun pursed her lips and rubbed her nape. "I-it's okay. I can walk home alone."

Baekhyun suddenly chuckled. "I don't have a car, so I'm walking there too."

"Oh." Hayun suddenly looked awkward and she cleared as she looked away.

Baekhyun tapped her shoulder making her flinch. "Let's go!" He walked ahead with a grin.

Hayun stood frozen for a moment before she followed behind him. She had no other choice but to do so anyway.

He felt his heart fluttering just as the thought of spending the way to Yunho's with her. He wished he could just grab her hand right then, but he knew that needed time. At least, he finally started somewhere today. And that was good enough to him.

Sorry for the long wait and short update. Been a busy bee at work. The next chapter will be longer and be up hopefully tomorrow.


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Chapter 7: I love your story ^^ although I feel bad for Baek. His dad is sick and the girl he likes or even loves doesn't notice him.
My poor Baekkie :(
Chapter 7: I feel sorry for baekhyun...I hope they will get more closer>< I don't think the progress is too's alright..looking forward for the next chapter..thanks for updating..^^
xiuhanisreall #3
kekeke hope you update soon>3
Chapter 4: hi new reader here, i just read your story and its make me interested to reading next chap :) Nice story :)
Chapter 4: I really thought yunho likes her lol great chapter..can't wait for more of their interaction^^
Chapter 2: Ohhh man..yunho likes her better be the way..nice chapter... Thank you^^
the plot itself got me a litle excited on how everything gonna turn out..
have a good day writing.. ^^