Sunshine 2

You are My Sunshine

The muffled sound of booming music from inside could still be heard. Hayun chose to sit outside, dipping her feet in the swimming pool of Yunho and Yera's house. Loud music, drinks, boys were not her kind of pleasure. She agreed to come for Yera, but her friend seemed to have forgotten about her once she fell into conversation with Hyeonsoo.

She sighed looking up at the starless dark sky. Only the moon was shining down with its pale yellow light. 

"Why are you here alone?" A chuckle came and she whipped her head around to find Yunho walking toward her.

"Your sister just abandoned me." Hayun shrugged.

"Ah... The things love can do, huh?" He sat down beside her and crossed his legs.

Hayun chuckled. "Yeah." She turned her head to him. "What about you? Why are you out here, oppa?"

"Looking for you." He smiled and Hayun's eyes rounded a bit before she chuckled and looked away.

A comfortable silence fell between the two after that. Hayun just silently swung her feet back and forth in the water while Yunho looked up the sky, occasionally stealing glances at her.

"So," Yunho started after staring at her for awhile, "what about you?"

"Hm?" Hayun looked at him with raised eyebrows. "What about me what?"

"Well," he looked back ahead, "Yera's crushing on Hyeonsoo. What about you?" He shrugged and turned his head to her. "Do you have anyone you like at the moment?"

Hayun blinked at him and slowly shook her head. "I'm not thinking of entering any relationship at the moment. I wanna focus on my studies first."

When she looked away and focused her eyes on the water, she heard Yunho sighed.

"Well that !" He clicked his tongue.

Hayun's ears perked up at that and she glanced at the guy. Huh? Does he mean it for me to not be thinking that or for him?

Before she could even ask what he meant, Yunho spoke again. "So is this your definition of fun?" 

"Well, not quite. If you give me a canvas, brush and paint or a sketchbook and pencil, then that would be fun." She grinned.

"Tsk. Such an artist!" He ruffled her hair. "But I'm gonna show you what fun is according to me."

"Hm? What do you mea-" Before she could even finished, she felt a push and found herself falling into the water.

Yunho laughed pointing at her.

"Oppa!" She whined, hitting the water.

Yunho continued to laugh, holding his stomach, while Hayun swam to the edge where they had been sitting down. She propped her hands on the concrete ground to lift her body up, only to no avail.

"Will you help me here?" She told him with a frown.

"Alright, alright," he approached her, still chuckling.

Hayun raised a hand and Yunho stooped down, grabbing her hand. He wasn't ready to pull her up, but he saw a corner of her lips curled up before he found himself being pulled. He fell into the water with a splash accompanied by her laughter.

"Ya!" Yunho scowled when he emerged from the water.

"Serve you right!" She stuck out her tongue at him.

"Oh is it?" He quirked an eyebrow and started splashing water to her.

"Hey! That's not fair!" She protested while shielding herself from the splashes of water.

Hayun then took revenge and splashed him with water too. It turned into a playful war of water-splashing. While Hayun was busy shielding herself, Yunho disappeared, diving under water. She looked around, confused before suddenly feeling a pair of hands snaking around her waist to lift her up.

"Hey, hey, hey!" She shrieked with fits of giggles. "Yunho oppa-" Her protest was cut short because he pulled her down under water with him.

Hayun continuously hit him when they re-emerged to the surface, but Yunho just laughed trying to stop her from hitting him.

"What are you guys doing?"

Their heads whipped around and saw Hyeonsoo with some of Yunho's teammates and Yera standing at the side with surprised looks. Baekhyun was there too and he looked away, seeing how close the two were. 

Hyeonsoo was eyeing his friend for an answer and a corner of Yunho's lips curled upward.

He put an arm around Hayun, pulling her closer to him. "Having our own fun of course." He shrugged.

The others stayed silent with rounded eyes for quite a long time before one of the guys suddenly ran and jumped inside the pool. "Canon ball coming through!"

Everyone laughed and soon more joined, jumping in. Yera was laughing along before she was suddenly scooped up from the ground by Hyeonsoo and he jumpd in with her in his arms.

As it was getting a bit too crowded to Hayun's liking, she swam to the side and got out of the pool. Yunho followed along and got out of the pool too.

Baekhyun sighed and shook his head at his friends. A small smile played on his lips. "I'll go get the towels!" He announced disappearing inside the house.

"You are so going to pay for this!" Hayun pouted at Yunho.

He laughed and ruffled her hair. "But now you learn what fun is!"

"Tsk." Hayun rolled her eyes as she sat on the poolside chair.

"I'll walk you home." He smiled, sitting down beside her.

Soon Baekhyun came out, bringing towels. "Here's for you!" He threw a towel to Yunho who quickly caught it.

"Thanks, Baek!"

He then handed another one to Hayun. "Sorry for this guy." He referred to Yunho. "He's such a kid sometimes."

"Hey! I was just teaching her how to have fun." Yunho protested. "And this is my house. I can do whatever I want!"

Hayun laughed and turned to look up at Baek who was still standing in front of her with the towel. "Thanks." She took the towel.

"I haven't introduced you to one another right?" Yunho arched a brow. "Hayun, this is our best baseball player, Baekhyun. And Baek, this is Hayun, your ball catcher- okay that sounds wrong- and the cutest girl I know." He pinched her cheek. Hayun slapped Yunho's hand away before punching his arm. "And most brutal too." Yunho winced and Baekhyun chuckled.

"Nice to know you." Baekhyun extended his hand to Hayun for a handshake.

She smiled as she silently took his hand. "Right back at you."

"By the way," Baekhyun put the rest of the towels for the other guys on the other chair, "Jun's drunk." He told Yunho while jabbing a thumb toward the house.

Yunho sighed. "I'll take him home then- Oh!" He turned to Hayun. "But I promised to walk you home."

"Don't worry about me, oppa!" Hayun shook her head. "I'll be fine. It's not like my house is too far from here anyway. It's only a few houses away."

"No! It's already dark." He glanced at his sister who was still playing water splashing with Hyeonsoo. "And Yera's soaked herself. Ah!" He turned to Baekhyun with a grin. "Why not let Baekhyun walk you home?"

Hayun's and Baekhyun's eyes rounded in surprise. 

"Nah! I-I-It's okay. I can walk alone."

"No!" Yunho frowned. "It's already dark."

"I'm not a kid anymore, Oppa. I'm not afraid of the dark."

"But it's still not safe!" He turned to look at Baekhyun again. "Baek."

Baekhyun gulped and nodded. "H-he's right. I'll walk you home. It's okay."

"No. Really. It's oka-"

"Great!" Yunho clapped his hands once and stood up. "I'll take Jun home. Baek, take care of Hayun. If I see a scratch on her tomorrow, I'll kill you." He patted Baekhyun's shoulder before walking inside the house.

Hayun sighed. "That oppa is a bit too much sometimes."

"Yeah. Tell me about it." Baekhyun awkwardly rubbed the nape of his neck. They fell silent for awhile before Baekhyun cleared his throat. "So... Should I walk you home now?"

Hayun shrugged, feeling awkward. "I guess so."

She stood up from her seat and shouted Yera a good bye. Yera quickly came out from the pool and, to Hayun's displeasure, hugged her and gave sloppy kisses on the cheeks. Baekhyun just laughed from the side and after another round of good byes, they finally left the house.

Awkward silence hung over them as they walked along the sidewalk. Hayun mentally cursed her friend's brother for being overly and unnecessarily protective over her. Now that she thought about it again, Yunho had been extremely touchy with her lately. They had always been good friends, and he was always kind toward her; however, he had been much more caring toward her lately. He would hugged her a lot too. She wondered why.

"So." Baekhyun cleared his throat.

Hayun jumped a little when Baekhyun's voice cut her train of thought.

"What major are you taking?"

Hayun hesitated for a moment before she cleared . "Fine Art."

"Oh wow!" His eyes rounded in surprise. "How did you get to know Yera and Yunho?"

"Long story." She grinned awkwardly.

They fell silent again as Baekhyun thought over what to say. She clearly wasn't that comfortable with him, but he wanted to break the ice. He wasn't one who liked awkwardness or silence. "Where's your house?" He decided to ask.

"Oh! I-it's just a few more houses away." She gave him a small smile while Baekhyun only nodded as he scratched the back of his neck. "You really don't have to walk me home, you know. It's really close."

Baekhyun chuckled. "It's okay. I don't want Yunho head-locking me tomorrow anyway."

A laugh escaped her lips at that and Baekhyun swore his chest expanded with happiness hearing it.

"I really don't understand why he's being uncharacteristically over-protective like that." She smiled to herself.

"Well... Aren't you two together?" He raised a brow.


"Aren't you his girlfriend?"

"What?" Hayun almost choked on her own saliva. "No." She snorted before chuckling.

There was a little surge of relief washing over Baekhyun and his lips involuntarily curled into a smile before it soon faded into a tight-lipped one. "I'm pretty sure he likes you though."

Hayun felt as if air was knocked out of her lungs when he said it and he turned to look at Baekhyun with blinking eyes. The possibility of his statement being right somehow made her nervous. But soon, she forced a laugh. "No way. He's already like a brother to me."

Baekhyun just shrugged. "He might not see you that way though." Sensing her uneasiness, he was quick to divert the topic. "So you were the one who caught the ball, huh?"

"Accidentally, yeah." Her steps came to a stop in front of a house and Baekhyun raised his brows in question. "We're here," she announced with a smile.

"Oh!" He turned to look at the house. It wasn't big like Yunho's, but it was decent-looking. He felt somewhat disappointed that their short conversation had to be cut even shorter while he was just finally able to break the ice a little.

"Thanks for walking me home." She gave him a smile and he returned it with his.

"Sure. No biggie."

He kept his gaze on her smiling face for awhile before she awkwardly looked away and cleared . He shyly looked away too, rubbing his nape.

"Well then..." She opened the gate to her house. "Good night."

"Good night." He nodded and waved his hand. "Oh wait!" He called her just before she entered through the gate. She raised her brows at him in question. "Do you have the ball with you?" He asked.

She blinked several times before nodding. "Yes, why?"

"Can I have a look at it?"

Hayun's eyes only rounded even more. It wasn't like he had never seen the ball before. She was confused but she took it out from her bag and gave it to him.

"Do you have a marker or something?"

"No. But I have this drawing pen." She took it out and gave it to him.

"This will do." He smiled before he took off the drawing pen's cap and started scribbling something on the ball.

Baekhyun gave her back the drawing pen and the ball with a smile. Hayun looked down at the ball and knitted her brows when she saw a drawing on it.

It was a drawing of a sun with smiley face. The words 'Thank You' were written below it.

"I was going to sign on it," he explained, "but I guess I would come out as conceited since you didn't ask for one." He nervously chuckled. "So that's my token of gratefulness to you for catching the ball, and thus, making the homerun achievable. I know the drawing is crappy. But yeah."

Hayun chuckled, amused. "You were the one who hit the ball that far. But okay, I'll keep this." She smiled as she put the ball back inside her bag. "Thanks again."

Baekhyun nodded. "You should probably go inside now. Good night." He waved as he watched her bobbed her head before entering the house.



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Chapter 7: I love your story ^^ although I feel bad for Baek. His dad is sick and the girl he likes or even loves doesn't notice him.
My poor Baekkie :(
Chapter 7: I feel sorry for baekhyun...I hope they will get more closer>< I don't think the progress is too's alright..looking forward for the next chapter..thanks for updating..^^
xiuhanisreall #3
kekeke hope you update soon>3
Chapter 4: hi new reader here, i just read your story and its make me interested to reading next chap :) Nice story :)
Chapter 4: I really thought yunho likes her lol great chapter..can't wait for more of their interaction^^
Chapter 2: Ohhh man..yunho likes her better be the way..nice chapter... Thank you^^
the plot itself got me a litle excited on how everything gonna turn out..
have a good day writing.. ^^