It's Not Easy
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"Hey Ten, do you want anything to eat?" Doyoung asked for the fifth time that day.


"No, I'm not hungry." Ten answered.


"But you haven't eaten all day, is there something wrong?"


"No, there's nothing wrong, I'm just not hungry. Now please leave me alone."


Ten heard Doyoung leave and go back into the living room with the other, he thought he was safe for awhile. That is until he heard Taeyong come to his door and unlock it with the spare key.


"Ten." Taeyong scolded. He set down the tray of food on the nightstand.


"I'm not hungry hyung."


"Ten, come on, you have to eat in order to take care of your baby." Taeyong tried to persuade the younger.


"You know hyung, I'm thinking about aborting it. Johnny is right, it is too much of a burden. I'm better off just getting rid of it."


"Don't let what Johnny said get to you. I'm sure he didn't mean it, he was just shocked."


"I really thought Johnny would be understanding. I thought he'd agree to take care of his child. Why would he want me abort it? I just don't understand it hyung."


"Well maybe he had a good reason. Why  don't you talk to him again?"


Ten shook his head, "No. If Johnny wants to talk, then he comes to me. I was the one hurt, not him. If he doesn't come then that's his loss. You can be my baby's father. " Ten said, ignoring the look Taeyong was giving him. " And please don't tell him, Taeyong. I know how you lose track of you mouth at times."


"It's Taeyong  hyung to you shrimp."


Ten giggled. "Sorry, Taeyong hyung."


Taeyong smiled at the younger and ruffled his hair, before he stood up and walked to the door. 


"Make sure you eat that food Ten, cause if you don't, I'm telling Johnny."


"That's low hyung!"


Taeyong shrugged and made his way back to the living room.


Mark, Jaehyun, and Doyoung were all sitting on the couch watching Running Man. Taeyong smiled a the three and made his way to the kitchen to clean. As he was washing the dishes, he heard his phone beep.


Taeyong quickly dryer his hands before he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He looke

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1000 subs! I'm happy, and I'm sorry for not updating for almost a year. I want to come back to this fic, I just have no inspiration for it.


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Chapter 7: wait, what do you mean by saying 'real problems'????? lmao
NCTJeno #2
Chapter 4: My first Ten x Johnny fanfic... I like it so far:)
Chapter 19: Omg you come back! Thank u for the update
Chapter 18: Love it <3
Hannah411 #5
Chapter 18: oh beautiful author plz plz plz update new chapter. I've been waiting for so long :'( . I miss ur fics so much :'(
Chapter 18: Thank you for the update
Brina1234 #7
Chapter 18: Thank you soo much for the update!! Love it!
Johnjohnboi #8
Chapter 18: Johnny you better keep your in line and date Ten! He's yearning for that relationship!
deityxosword #9
Chapter 18: I really love this story. !!!! Please keep updating author nim. This is gold!!