It's Not Easy
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With all of the excitement that comes when you find out you're pregnant, you might forget some things. Sometimes you forget small things, some times, not so small things. Like, for example, not telling your parents that they have two grandkids on the way.


Like Ten and Johnny did.


"Oh my gosh!! Johnny, I can't believe I haven't told my parents yet! Like who forgets to tell their parents you're expecting?" Ten suddenly gasped. "What if the agency already notified my parents? They are so going to murder me in cold blood. Have you even told your parents yet?! I mean, they deserve to know. I am so dead!"


Johnny has been watching the younger pace back and forth for the past thirty minutes and it's really making him very dizzy. "Ten will you please calm down? You're making me dizzy and I'm pretty sure the babies are as well."


Ten sighed and sat down next to Johnny on his bed. "Sorry. I just… I need to calm down."


"Breathe in and out. Calm your nerves."


"Are you mocking me Johnny Seo?"


"Is that a rhetorical question?"


Ten glared at the older man. "Get out of my room. I don't want to talk to you anymore."


Johnny laughed. "I was just playin' Ten."


"I said get out of my room, now!"


"I said sorry Ten. Sheesh."


"Get out of my room before I scream."


"Oh come on Te-"


Ten released a high pitched scream.


Of course everyone in the dorm (read: Taeyong, Yuta, and Hansol)  heard him and came running down the hall.


"Are you okay Ten?!"


Ten pouted and pointed to Johnny. "He's being mean to me! Make him leave now!"


"I didn't do anything." Johnny defended himself.


"See what he's doing. He being really irritating right now and I don't want to be with him. Please make him leave."


Taeyong couldn't but to laugh at this. "Alright we'll take this bad man away. Let's go Johnny."


Johnny sighed as the door was shut in his face. If this was Ten only on his third month, he couldn't imagine how the younger will be later on. Johnny's not sure if he will be able to see the birth of his children, Ten would probably end up killing him before he had the chance.


Ten sighed when they left and laid himself out on his bed and got his phone. He quickly dialled his mom's number before he could psych himself out.


"Hello." Ten almost cried when he heard his mother say that simple word in Thai. God he missed the sound of his native language.


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1000 subs! I'm happy, and I'm sorry for not updating for almost a year. I want to come back to this fic, I just have no inspiration for it.


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Chapter 7: wait, what do you mean by saying 'real problems'????? lmao
NCTJeno #2
Chapter 4: My first Ten x Johnny fanfic... I like it so far:)
Chapter 19: Omg you come back! Thank u for the update
Chapter 18: Love it <3
Hannah411 #5
Chapter 18: oh beautiful author plz plz plz update new chapter. I've been waiting for so long :'( . I miss ur fics so much :'(
Chapter 18: Thank you for the update
Brina1234 #7
Chapter 18: Thank you soo much for the update!! Love it!
Johnjohnboi #8
Chapter 18: Johnny you better keep your in line and date Ten! He's yearning for that relationship!
deityxosword #9
Chapter 18: I really love this story. !!!! Please keep updating author nim. This is gold!!