

“I don’t know, things do blur over once in a while so you have to snap yourself out of it and remind yourself that you’re at work but other than that… most of the time it’s fine.”

Chanyeol side eyes you behind his drink. Rolling your eyes, you slap his bicep with the back of your hand. You’re currently out in one of the bars you used to frequent often with the man for a catch up session. It’s the weekend and Chanyeol had called you just before you were figuring out what to eat, asking if you wanted to hang out. Weekends were usually spent at Sehun’s place, but since he’s been a lot busier recently, there’s been no time and he was often at the office anyway.

“So you’re seriously saying you two don’t get it on in the office, even when there’s only the two of you? Wow, the both of you are no fun,” Chanyeol smirks when he sees your face scrunch up in annoyance.

“Just for that, I’m making you pay for my next drink,” you tell him. Chanyeol chuckles and nods. He waits for you to finish your order before speaking again. “Well, as long as you’re happy. The both of you. How’s Sehun?”

You rest your elbows on the table and place your chin in the palm of your hand. “Very busy. There’s been a lot of reorganising lately and everyone needs Sehun to approve them before they can go ahead with it. I can’t help with a lot of it either since, you know,” you shrug, “I can’t, really.” And it’s true. As much as you would like to help with whatever workload Sehun has stacked up at the moment, the most you can do is organise the paperwork for him to go through. You can’t help him with anything to do with the actual paperwork since you're not permitted to.

“Well, it should be fine. We’ve been hearing a lot of what’s going on in my building as well. All the shifting and reorganising,” Chanyeol comments, taking another drink.

“Such pointless talk. You really need to do something about all the gossiping and rumours, you know? It’s really not good for productivity and group work, you know? Management 101,” you tell him, remembering all the gossip that you would hear whenever you left your office for lunch or when you went into the break room.

“Oh, trust me, I will,” Chanyeol sneers. You chuckle when you see the displeasure evident on his face. As much of a relaxing and fun person he was to be around, you knew how professional Chanyeol was and how much he took his work seriously. As Chanyeol finishes the remainder of his drink, you get a text message to your phone. Glancing at it, you see Sehun’s name displayed on the screen. Chanyeol seems to have taken a peek at it too because you see him grinning when you look up. He tilts his head to the phone, telling you to look at it. Unlocking your phone, you read the message you received from Sehun.


Received from Sehun
Hey, love. I’ve got the rest of the weekend off and I was wondering if you were free to spent it with me? We haven’t been able to spend time together and I’d really like to make up for the lost time.


“Aw, look he misses you. How cute,” Chanyeol grumbles. “Damn couples being so in love.”

You were about to reply to Sehun’s message when Chanyeol says that. Love? Sure, you’ve often felt bursts of affection whenever you looked at your boyfriend but… love? The both of you haven’t officially said the three words yet, now that you think about it.

Seeing the expression on your face, Chanyeol’s expression also changes and he gives you a weird look. “Don’t tell me the both of you haven’t told… Did I just walk into a minefield?”

“Well… I mean, we haven’t really…No we haven’t?” you say, but it comes out as a question and you're not even sure what you're questioning.

“How long have you two been dating?”

“Uh… A couple months? Half a year?” you answer. Chanyeol raises an eyebrow at you. “Half a year, yes,” you say it properly this time. Chanyeol sighs and shakes his head but doesn’t add anything further so you send back a reply to Sehun. You quickly tell him that you’d love to spend the rest of the weekend with him before turning back to Chanyeol, who is now looking at you with his head resting in the palm of his hand.

“You’re a mess,” he says and you groan, dropping your head down onto the table. “The poor guy is probably on the edge of his seat ready to sing a song and dance it out for you,” he adds. You look at him weirdly.

“A lot about you really screams a big ‘no’ to relationships, so he’s probably scared of, well, scaring you away,” Chanyeol answers when he sees the look on your face. “The guy is really walking within his boundaries,” he adds, nodding his head in approval.

“Are you trying to make me feel bad?” you frown. Chanyeol laughs.

“Oh, golly no. You just keep doing what makes you comfortable. But be sure to pay a little more attention to your partner, too. Don’t forget – Men need affection as well, little lady.”

Since it was getting late, you decide to go home and Chanyeol agrees, taking the taxi with you to your place to drop you off being heading home himself. When you enter your apartment, you rinse your face to freshen up before stripping out of your clothes.

Flopping onto your bed, you stare up at the ceiling as you remember what Chanyeol had told you. Have you been too selfish with this relationship? Indeed, you feel like you’ve been asking a lot, but Sehun hasn’t brought any of it up. Then again, he might feel a little awkward talking about it. Rolling onto your side, you grab your phone and unlock the screen. Your eyes widen when you see that there was a message from Sehun.



> I’ll be over tonight
> I don’t want to wait till tomorrow to see you.


Just as you finish reading the message, you hear your doorbell ring and you quickly sit up. You look around your room and see that it’s a complete mess with clothes thrown onto the Designated Chair. You rush over to grab the pile and throw it into the laundry basket before heading to the door. You would put on something, since you’re only in your undergarments but there’s nothing Sehun hasn’t seen already so you don’t really care.

As soon as you open the door, Sehun steps in and engulfs you into a hug with his nose buried in your hair. You giggle and wrap your arms around him too.

“I missed you, too,” you mumble. Sehun's arms tighten around you before he pulls away. When he does, he sees that state of undress that you're in and immediately slams the front door of your apartment shut in shock, worrying if people were to see you like this.

“We see each other every day but I still miss you so much,” Sehun sighs as he takes you hand into his. You entwine your fingers together and pull him to your bedroom. You fall back onto the bed and Sehun crawls on top of you. Usually you would hate it when people wear their outside clothes on your bed, but you’ll let it pass. Just for today.

Sehun grazes his knuckles against your cheek before leaning down to kiss your forehead, then the tip of your nose. “Have you been well?” he asks. You nod. “Have you?” you ask in return.

“With you taking care of me? Of course I am,” Sehun grins. “Were you out with Chanyeol tonight?”

“We caught up over dinner. Remember the bar I told you about that we used to frequent often? That place has really good food,” you tell him. You take his hand and kiss his palm.

“We should go together next time, then. I’ve been hearing you rave on about that place for a while,” Sehun chuckles. You nod eagerly. The both of you fall silent again.

“So we’ve got tonight and the rest of tomorrow free…” Sehun starts.

“Then let’s make the most of it,” you say as you wrap your arms around Sehun’s neck to pull him down.




It’s been over half a year since you’ve officially been going out with Sehun, your boss and now boyfriend. It’s still a little strange, if you were to be completely honest. The first few months had gone by in a breeze, with no complications arising at work. The both of you had kept your promises to keep work and personal life completely separate. Though there were times when the both of you would slip and sneak in a kiss whenever it’s been too long a day.

No one in the company knew about your relationship other than those you have told, being Baekhyun and Junmyeon, and you were determined to keep it that way. There’s no telling what impression people would have on you and your job position if they found out about your relationship with Sehun. In a competitive and ruthless world, you’re determined to be as careful as you can be.

Regardless, there are definitely times when you can’t help yourself from wanting to throw yourself into the strong arms of your boyfriend when work is tough. He of all people would have the best understanding of the amount of stress created from work. It’s moments like these that you’re happy to have him by your side, knowing that he’ll be able to understand your concerns and you’ll be able to do the same for him.

The biggest challenge that you find yourself facing so far having to wake up and get out of bed on time to get ready for work after you and Sehun had spent the previous night together.

“We seriously need to get up,” you groan. You lift your arms up and stretch as you roll onto your back. The both of you had spent the entire of the previous day in your room and now you really need to get up if you want to get to work on time.

The arm around your waist tightens. You turn yourself around so that you’re now face to face with your boyfriend. With his eyes still closed, Sehun leans forward and kisses you on the forehead. You feel yourself succumbing to the comfort on being in your bed with Sehun’s toned arms wrapped around your body.

“Let’s just stay like this a little longer,” he snuggles closer to you. You feel yourself blush when you feel his very body pressed up against yours. There was no hiding anything as he pressed himself completely against to you. Without warning, Sehun rolls over and traps you under his body. Leaning down, he gently bites your ear and murmurs, “Just a little while longer?”

You grin and wrap your arms over his shoulders to pull him closer. “We’ve been doing it a lot lately, though,” you . Sehun crinkles his nose and buries it into your neck. Laughing, you turn your head and kiss the side of his head before saying, “We’re going to have to hurry, then. And we’ll probably need to get breakfast on the way.”

Sehun nods eagerly before dipping down and claiming your lips. “As long as I can have you.”




It was meant to be like any other week. Just a normal day. You would enter the office building and greet the security guards at the start of each day as you walked past them, like usual. You would then enter the elevators, scan your ID card and head up to the top floor, like usual. Then, once the doors opened, you would step out and head to your desk, ready for work. Only this morning was slightly different.

Stepping out of the lift, you started to head over to your desk and spot piles of folders on your desk. Approaching your desk cautiously, you walked behind your desk and set your things down before picking a folder off one of the piles. Opening it, you saw a post-it note stuck on the first page.

I need you to look over these before giving it to Boss to have the final say by the end of the week. Thanks, gorgeous. B

Crinkling your nose, you set it back in its original place and pick up the top folder on the pile next to it. You also find a note on the first page, think time written by Junmyeon.

Hey, I’m sorry for piling more work onto you. I know you’re busy, but I need these looked through and handed to Sehun by the end of the week. Thank you. Kim Junmyeon.

Sighing, you placed the item down and took off your coat, throwing it under your desk. Rolling up the sleeves of your blouse, you sat down in your seat and prepare for the long week day ahead.

Although you are officially Sehun’s secretary and personal assistant, it’s not uncommon for Baekhyun and Junmyeon to come to you when they are in need of an extra brain to pick. Since their work is closely related, and since you’re quite familiar with Sehun’s work, they use you to speed up the process of getting documents done and read through. Sehun hadn’t like the idea of it at first, as he was concerned about the workload.

“What’s the use of her working for me when she keeps helping you with your work?” Sehun had growled when he found out that you had been helping Baekhyun and Junmyeon with some of their work. He had called after work as soon as he found out. Although you were outside at your desk, you had secretly listened into the conversation, since your phone was connected to Sehun’s as well. But he didn’t need to know that.

Once he was done with the phone call and you hear Sehun slam the phone down, you stand up and tentatively entered his office. When you close the door behind you, Sehun lets out a sigh and extends his hand out, waiting for you to accept it. You do. You grab hold of his hand and he pulls you closer to him till you’re seated in front of him on his desk.

“Stop accepting work from those other two,” Sehun grumbles. You run you hand over his hair before stopping to massage the back of his neck.

“I like keeping busy,” you tell him. “I promise to stop if it gets too much. But I like helping around, especially if it makes work for you a little easier for you.”

Sehun groans and rests his forehead in your thigh. “But it’ll be even worse if you just pass out from exhaustion.” Sehun caresses the back of your calf with his hand as he turns his head to rest on his cheek so he can look up at you. Lowering your body down, you press a kiss on his broad shoulders and reassure your boss, “That won’t happen.”

Oh, how you hate to be wrong. With any mistake that you make, you tend to dwell over it for the next three weeks. If only that was an over exaggeration. Sadly, it’s not. You were on your way to the lift to take it down to Baekhyun’s floor so that you could give him some paperwork that he had asked for earlier in the week.

As you made your way over to it, you suddenly find yourself unable to walk straight. The floor beneath you suddenly felt as it if was spinning and you barely manage to catch yourself from falling on the floor by leaning against the wall. What was happening? You try to stand up properly again, only to feel as if all the internal organs of your body shifting the opposite direction to where you desired. So instead, you stop and decide to take a breather. Knowing that your boss is currently busy inside his office, you find some comfort in the fact that he won’t catch you in this state.

Taking in a deep breath, you will yourself to calm down and steady yourself. Slowly, you push yourself off the wall and lean over to press the button for the elevator. Whilst you wait, you continue to take deep, steady breaths, staring at the numbers change as it indicates the lift is almost arriving. It arrives and you make a move in, only to regret moving too quickly when you feel your head swaying again. You cling onto the side of the elevator and lean against it after you press the button to go a floor down, where Baekhyun’s office was. It’s a short ride, thankfully and you’re soon able to escape from the confinement.

Slapping yourself lightly on the cheeks, you force yourself to it up before you take any step further towards Baekhyun’s office. It was probably just a lack of sleep. You stop and think about it a little longer. And probably hunger. You realise that you haven’t been having a lot of sleep recently, nor have you been eating much. It’s currently the busy period for the company, well, busier than usual. So everyone has a lot more on their plate than usual, which is why the load of work that Baekhyun and Junmyeon would ask you to help them with has also increased.

You would often make sure that your boss would get a decent amount of rest and have three meals a day, even if it meant you had to stand next to him and spon feed him whilst he had to reply to emails or read through contracts and other paperwork. As much as it has been a success to ensure that the big boss of the company is still well and healthy, you scold yourself for having neglected yourself. Though you don’t care much about your own health, you know that if something were to happen to you, it would then also inconvenience others, especially your boss. You definitely don’t want that.

“Hey, gorgeous!” Baekhyun greets you once you open the door and step into his office. You return his greeting and hold out the paperwork you had brought down to give him. Baekhyun takes it from you and gestures for you to take a seat.

“Thanks. I typed up some notes and marked some pages where some information links together, and where we should pay particular attention towards,” you tell him as you sit down. Baekhyun hums in reply and returns to his own seat behind his desk. Baekhyun’s office is wide, spacious, and lavishly decorated. Where your boss had stuck to keeping everything simple, Baekhyun’s office has slightly more bright colours that you must admit that it’s refreshing to the eyes.

The both of you remain quiet as Baekhyun opens the folder and flips past the first couple of pages. You see him pause for a bit, having read something. You wait for Baekhyun to give you feedback or any instructions he wants to give you to continue with. Only, rather than give you any of those, Baekhyun asks, “Are you feeling alright?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve been seeming a little out of it lately. All of us have noticed, but we just didn’t say anything since we assumed you would be able to take care of it yourself,” Baekhyun explains as he closes the folder, placing it in front of him.

“No, I’m fine. It’s just lack of sleep. I’ll grab a coffee after this. Sorry if I caused any problems,” you apologise. “So how’s the paperwork?” you ask him, eager to brush off the topic about yourself.

Baekhyun holds up the folder again and flicks through the pages before closing it and holding it out to you. “The work is great as usual, but I spotted a couple of mistakes in here but…” Baekhyun trails off a bit before smiling at you politely, “You gave me the wrong paperwork. These are meant for Junmyeon.”

You take the paperwork from him and flip through it and you see that he’s right. How the hell could you make such an amateur mistake such as this? You hold the work in front of you and press it against your forehead, as if in attempt to have it swallow you up.

“I’m terribly sorry, Baekhyun. I’ll run up and the correct one. I’ll be quick,” you tell him as you rush out of his office. You quicken your pace and head back to the elevator, barely hearing Baekhyun behind you telling you to take your time so that you don’t hurt yourself. You’re already hurt. Your pride is hurt. So despite the ache in your feet because of your high heels, the dull pounding in your head, and the unsettling feeling in your stomach, you quicken your pace into a light jog and quickly enter the elevator.

Arriving at your floor once again, you rush over to your desk and find the folder meant for Baekhyun. You place the work meant for Junmyeon away on your desk. Checking once again that the folder you’re holding is indeed meant for Baekhyun, you’re about to turn and run back down to Baekhyun’s floor when you hear your boss’ voice beside you, causing you to jump.

“How’s work going?” your boss asks you. You smile at him politely. “I need to go down and give these to Baekhyun really quick,” you answer before turning away. Despite the elegant exit you planned to have, your body starts to tip over and out of instincts, Sehun reaches out and barely manages to catch you by the wrist, pulling you towards him.

“Whoa, sweetheart, are you alright?” Sehun asks, letting a pet name slip out of his mouth. He seems to realise it as well because he clears his throat awkwardly as he helps you straighten up.

“I’m fine. It’s just the shoes. You know how I am with heels. Anyway, I really need to get these to Baekhyun,” you rush to tell him as you quickly make your way to the elevator, this time with the correct folder, leaving your boss behind with a slight frown on his face. You don’t really want him to see you like this.

Things don’t get any better for the rest of the day, nor the following day. By now, you’re completely aware that it’s definitely not slight fatigue that a few cups of coffee can temporarily fix. But there’s so much going on a work that you’re unable to take some proper time out to regenerate yourself. It's starts to create problems.

It’s alright Friday afternoon and your entire body feels like it’s being compressed between two boulders. You’re on your way to the break room to find something to freshen you up. One of the smarter things you’ve decided to do for yourself was cut down on the coffee. Simply the smell of it has been causing you to feel a little nauseous every time.

As you open the door and enter, you feel your body sway and suddenly it feels as if your soul had temporarily left your body as your vision goes blank. You finally feel yourself lose your last bit of energy just as you fall to the ground. 

A/N: Not the direction of the story I was planning to have uHMMM??? So it's been a while. Hi, hello. It's been over a month oops. Sorry this didn't have a lot of sehunxoc moments. 

Uni's been busy, so obviously my time for these stories have been chopped down. I would say that I'll try to upload the next chapter a little quicker, but we all know I'd be lying so let's not hold our breath.

Anyways, thanks for reading!

Much love, aekcso.

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Chapter 14: Tysm authornim, Aekcso for sharing this story. This is so warm and sweet. I really enjoyed reading it!💚💚😍
Chapter 12: Aw. Seeing the two of them being very domestic is so sweet... My heart is so full and warm... 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 11: 'Love how Sehun and OC are so honest with their feelings and troubles. Very essential for a relationship but most often put aside due to "maturity" people think they possess by trying to solve their problems on their own and not sharing them with their partners... 'Am so loving this story... 😍
Chapter 9: They finally said it! 👏 OC must really have a lot in her mind tfor her to take half a year to finally realize the she loves Sehun, and then there's Sehun, wow the self control 🙌
Chapter 7: Sehun stealing a kiss from OC at the beginning and suddenly feeling shy about it is so cute! This whole chapter is really heart-warming and with the hint of the next chapter having a little angst, I can't wait to read more...
Sadly, being a working adult only gives me time to read a chapter per night, but if my sched allows it, I can definitely finish reading this in one go. It's so beautifully written. Thank you again, authornim for sharing this! 💚
Chapter 6: Sweet. Sehun is so sweet. That ice cream must be so sweet... Everything is just so sweet, I cant! 😭😍😍 I'm really a er for fluffs.. Tysm for this, authornim aekcso! 💚💚💚
Chapter 6: Awww... they look very domestic. I also feel warm, like Sehun. 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 4: I'm really loving this! Gosh, Boss Sehun is so hot and lovable... *Swooning here*

I also love Baek's character with all his fun and witty lines. 😍
Chapter 3: Ahhhhhhhggg! My God, Oh Sehun! *screaming silently here* 😍😍😍 #gosehun 😁
Chapter 1: I just finished reading YMO. I really loved it and I'm so excited to read the story behind it. Looking forward to reading the chapters ahead 💚💚💚