

A deep voice resonates throughout the office floor, approaching closer to you. You look up to see a well-dressed male talking into his phone. You stand up to greet the man, who replies with a nod before ending his call.

“Did you prepare–”


“You don’t even know what I was going to say.”

“Yes, I do.”

Sehun narrows his eyes and walks into his office. When he approaches his table, he frowns, not seeing what he was looking for.


“The first pile on the left, under the first folder,” you call out to him before he can finish his sentence. You're answered by silence after that, so you know Sehun found what he was looking for. You grin to yourself, once again proving that you're capable at your job. Heck, you're fantastic.

“I see you’re on top of your work as ever, gorgeous.”

You hear a voice above you. Looking up, you use Baekhyun leaning on the top of your table, his chin resting in the palm of his hand.

“All in a day’s work,” you answer him.

“Well, we’re all impressed you managed to deal with Boss for this long,” Baekhyun chuckles. He bends back a little to peek into Sehun’s office. “Is Boss free for a visitor?”

“You didn’t call beforehand,” you scold him. Baekhyun clasps his hands together and pleads at you. Rolling your eyes, you tilt your head towards the direction of Sehun’s office.

“Head right in,” you tell him.

“As expected by you, gorgeous. Keep up the great work. We’ll go celebrate tomorrow,” he says before he departs to see Sehun.

Looking at the calendar on your desk, you realise that tomorrow will officially be half a year since you’ve worked in Oh Corporations as Sehun’s personal assistant.

You had passed the trial run with flying colours, though you admit that the first two weeks were particularly difficult since you had to get used to everything. On top of that, you had to deal with some extra tasks Baekhyun and Junmyeon would assign you.

As tough as you found the job to be, you genuinely enjoyed it. Not only was it challenging, but it was also eye opening. Throughout the duration of your time working for Sehun so far, you’ve both come to know more about each other, which you considered inevitable because of your job. You’ve grown a clearer understanding of what kind of person Sehun is and what he expects out of others.

You're completely focused on your work when the intercom buzzes and Sehun’s voice filters through, “Get Junmyeon in here,” he sighs.

You immediately make a call for Junmyeon, who appears in front of your desk in no longer than 5 minutes. You quickly usher him through into Sehun’s office, opening the door for him. You take your leave once Sehun dismisses you and you back out, closing the door behind you, not before catching the annoyance on Sehun’s face.

You tilt your head to the side, wondering what the problem could be. Recently, there had been some issues with a portion of profit disappearing without explanation, so you wonder if that could be what they were discussing. Regardless, you decide to look into it a bit yourself in order to understand the situation if ever need be that you need to discuss it in Sehun’s place.

The door of Sehun’s office flies open and Baekhyun appears. “We need to talk to you” he says before disappearing inside again.You look back at the reports in your hand, about to close it when your eye catches something.

Holding the papers closer to your face to make sure you’re not seeing things, you confirm that what you see is correct, so you immediately compile all the paperwork and hurry into your boss’ office.

“You should look at this.”

“You need to look at this.”

The seemingly ever so permanent frown on your boss’ face deepens and his eyes fall onto the folder in your hands. He immediately holds his hand out and you step forward to give it to him.

“What am I looking at?” he asks you.

“More like what's missing for you to be looking at,” you answer, flipping to the correct page to point the section for him to look at.

There’s complete silence in the room as Sehun evaluates the report in front of him.  “How did you find this?” he asks when he finishes.

“Because I’m me,” you shrug. You can hear Baekhyun and Junmyeon snigger behind you.

Sehun rolls his eyes and hands the folder over to the two other men in the room. “Look into it,” he orders, “Then report the who thought they could get away with it.”

“Looks like we’ll be celebrating two things tomorrow,” Junmyeon announces. You look over to him in confusion.

"We initially called you in to ask you about a place we thought you would like, but you came in with a surprise for us instead,” he explains.

Letting out an intelligent “oh." You then look over at your boss and comment, “Is that why you looked so annoyed before?”

Sehun shoots you a glare and you raise your hands, acting as if you were backing off because you were intimidated. Baekhyun moves to stand next to you and throws his arm over your shoulders.

“What did you think I was going to talk to him about?” Baekhyun grins.

“Work,” you deadpan.

“Ok, yeah we did talk mostly about work, but we also talked about possibly celebrating tomorrow evening, after hours, of course”

Thinking about it for a moment, you run through Sehun’s schedule for the following week. As always, he’s busy, but this week just a little less so, so you decide to give in and nod. Upon Baekhyun’s cheering, you see Sehun rolling his eyes before focusing his attention back on his monitor.

Seeing this, you can’t help but feel a little upset about the fact that your boss doesn’t give a baloney sandwich about all the achievements you’ve already accomplished during your time at Oh Corporations.

“Well, I don’t really mind where we go. Honestly, we don’t need to do anything at all.”

“Nonsense,” Junmyeon frowns, “Achievements are to be celebrated.”

You shrug, “Then surprise me. I’m up for anything,” you tell them.

“No worries, gorgeous. Leave it up to us,” Baekhyun replies. He still has his arm around you, and you’re about to tell him to remove it when Sehun speaks up first.

“Baekhyun, get your arm off my assistant’s body. You’re making her uncomfortable.”

Baekhyun raises an eyebrow, “Making her uncomfortable, or am I making you uncomfortable?” he questions, wriggling his eyebrows.

“Just get your arm off, Baekhyun,” you tell him. Baekhyun acts hurt and decides to back away, grumbling about how he never gets any love around the office.

In the corner of your eye, you see Sehun trying to hold back a grin before resorting to covering it up behind his hand.




As promised, the men dealt with everything that day and later came to you for confirmation on when you were able to leave work, which was obvious – when Sehun leaves. Seeing as it could be a one-off thing (and a bit of persuasion), Sehun decides that leaving work early wouldn’t be such a huge deal – he was the boss after all.

So tonight, you find yourself preparing to leave the office around ten, unlike the other usual nights that would usually be much later. It was something you had to get used to once you began working for Sehun.

As the boss, Sehun often stays back and overlooks the company and other ways to improve where need be. As his assistant, you’re expected to stay with him till he leaves.

Those unaware of the pay check and the bonus you receive for your work would call it insanity for you to enjoy such a high demanding job. But of course, to those aware of what you’re being paid to do, they would understand that you’re expected to be able to apply even more to your job than what’s just written down in the contracts.

You’re just about to pick up your handbag when Sehun exits his office, blazer properly buttoned up and good looking as usual.

“Baekhyun and Junmyeon are waiting downstairs. Let’s go,” he tells you, walking towards the elevators.

Waiting for the lift to reach your floor, you’re standing a little behind your boss to his right, like usual. Glancing behind him, he sees you and says, “You can move forward a bit, there’s no rule saying you need to stand behind me.”

“Isn’t it a bit... Weird?” you ask, unsure. It’s usually the unspoken rule that the assistant would stand behind the boss, isn’t it? A show of power, of who is under who.

“Is it?” he asks you instead. Instead of answering, you take a step forward and stand beside him.

“Just stand beside me from now on,” Sehun mutters as he enters the elevators. You lag behind a little, thrown off by what Sehun had said. Since you're on the top floor, you know there was a bit of time till you reach the ground, so you take the chance to ask him what he meant.

Sehun doesn’t explain too much, reasoning that it’s simply what he prefers. When you ask if there will ever be a time when you’ll need to stand behind him, he simply says, “That’s unlikely, but when the time does come, I trust that you’ll know what to do.”

Nodding to yourself, you look up and see Sehun staring straight at you. His hands are in his pockets and he’s leaned up against the other side of the other elevator opposite you. Not knowing what to do, you look away, only to hear him chuckle quietly beside you.

To your relief, the elevator reaches the group floor and you’re quick to exit, followed by Sehun. On your walk out the front doors, you’re greeted by the night security. You smile and wave at them as you walk out the door where you know Baekhyun and Junmyeon would be waiting for you.

“Ah, there she is – the focus of tonight,” Baekhyun announces as he leans off the side of the car he was resting on.

“Are there even any places open at this time of night?” you ask them.

“For us? Always,” Junmyeon grins. He then opens the door of the car and gestures for you to go in first. The interior of the car is spacious, with the back seats facing each other. When seated, the other men follow in, with Junmyeon seated beside you, and Sehun seated opposite you with Baekhyun next to him.

It’s a smooth ride to the destination, but since the car was smaller than the ones you would usually go in, you find your legs bumping into Sehun’s every time there was a turn.

Annoyed by your constant apologies, Sehun traps your legs between his and continues his conversation with the other men, as if it was completely normal. You see Baekhyun and Junmyeon’s glances towards your legs between Sehun’s and you’re glad they don’t comment on it. However, you don’t miss the subtle smirk Baekhyun throws your way.

Soon enough, the car reaches the destination that that you’ll probably be spending the rest of the night in. Once you step out of the car, thanking Junmyeon who held you hand to assist you, you’re in awe of the place that they’ve chosen.

“This place is owned by the Parks,” you state.

“Glad you recognise the establishments of your former workplace,” Sehun comments as he stands next to you. He then places his hand on your back and guides you into the building.

“Oh Sehun,” your boss says when asked if there was a reservation in place. You’re then immediately escorted into a private area, where you’re all then seated down by a table against the wall. Junmyeon shuffles in first and you sit next to him whilst Baekhyun and Sehun take their place opposite you, with Sehun once again in front of you.

You’re looking through the menu to see what there is to order when you feel someone leaning over, and real close your body. Turning your head slightly to see who it is, you can’t help but show your excitement. You wrap your arms around the man’s neck whilst the other wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you up to twirl you around.

“I’m glad my presence is well accepted,” Chanyeol jokes. He then takes a seat at the end of the table, between yourself and Sehun.

“Alright, since the surprise guest is here, time to bring in the drinks and keep them rolling,” Baekhyun announces as he calls over a waiter.

True to Baekhyun’s words, the supply of beverages continued, with every empty glass refilled and every bottle replaced. As the night went on, you find everyone slowly losing their uptight demeanours and begin to say things they would have unlikely said if sober. The wonders of intoxication, really.

“So, how has my lovely former employee been?” Chanyeol asks, patting you on the back before resting his hand on the back of your neck.

It was an old habit that he’s developed since you knew each other. Whenever his hands were cold, he would place them on the back of your neck to warm them up.

“She’s been fantastic. Stealing her from you has been the best decision I’ve ever made in my entire life,” Baekhyun answers.

“How do you guys know each other anyway?” you finally ask, after a long time pondering how these men seem to be so familiar with each other.

“Well, Sehun and myself grew up together, as our parents were close. Baekhyun and Chanyeol knew each other since birth. Once Baekhyun worked for us, we got to know Chanyeol as well,” Junmyeon explains next to you. Nodding in understanding, you turn back to the other men and see that their focus is on you.


“How do you like working for Oh Corps?” your former boss asks you.

“Why, do you want me back?” you joke. Chanyeol laughs and answers, “Always, babe. Always.”

You’re not sure if it’s because of the late night, or the drinks, but you think you see Sehun grimace at Chanyeol’s nickname for you. You shrug it off though, thinking it was unlikely.

“Well, you can’t, nope, no have her! She’s ours nowwww…” Baekhyun slurs. He’s leaned over onto Sehun’s body, pointing at Chanyeol. You think he’s trying to glare, but honestly it just looks like Baekhyun is trying to read something really far away in small print.

Sehun pushes Baekhyun off his body and Baekhyun ends up resting his entire upper body on the table.

“Seems like he’s out then. I’m going to take him home,” Junmyeon announces.

“Are you alright to guide him anywhere yourself?” you ask, worried. Junmyeon smiles at you and pats your head.

“I didn’t have too much to drink. I’ll be fine, we’ll be fine. Thanks for worrying,” Junmyeon answers you. You examine Junmyeon for a moment before standing up to allow Junmyeon to get out. Sehun gets up too, so Junmyeon can carry Baekhyun out. It takes a while, so Chanyeol stands up to help Junmyeon carry his long-time friend.

“I guess I’ll be going too then,” Chanyeol concludes, seeing as how Junmyeon won’t be able to fully carry Baekhyun’s dead weight alone.

“Oh, what? But we barely caught up! Stay a little longer?”  you ask of him.

“So you do miss me, huh?” Chanyeol grins. Before you can retort, he continues, “We can always catch up another time, alright? I’ve got things to take care of tomorrow anyway that require me sober, alert and no hungover, so this is probably a sign for me to leave while I can,” he laughs.

Sighing, you nod and decide it’s best for them to go. After bidding them goodnight, you turn back to the table to realise that it’s just yourself and your boss. Sehun is spinning the bottom of his glass on the table, looking blankly at the empty space in front of him.

“Should we leave too, then?” you suggest, thinking that Sehun has also drank too much. Snapping out of it, he shakes his head and gestures for you to sit down.

“No, it’s fine. Let’s just continue. Are you hungry?” he asks. You think about it for a moment and realise you haven’t eaten a full, proper meal since lunch so you nod and sit down again.

Sehun is quick to order a couple of dishes for the both of you. As you wait for your food to arrive, the both of you continue to converse.

“You didn’t drink much,” Sehun suddenly states.

“Yeah, I didn’t,” you confirm.

“There aren’t any waiters for you to bump into here, it’s alright,” Sehun smirks. You scowl at the memory Sehun brought up.

“You drank quite a lot though, are you alright?” you ask him. Sehun nods.

“I’ve got quite a tolerance. You’ll find out soon enough,” he tells you. The food then arrives and you’re quick to dig in.

As you eat, you swing your legs, a habit whenever you’re a bit excited about food. You accidently hit Sehun and you’re about to apologise when Sehun traps your legs between his again.

“Don’t worry about it,” he says, “Keep eating.”

“Does it get tiring?” you ask him. He raises an eyebrow, “what does?”

“Working such long hours, under so much pressure.”

Sehun stops eating and leans back in his seat, thinking about it for a moment. Eventually, he decides that it doesn’t. When you ask him the reason, he simply responds, “It’s my way of living.”

“Does it get lonely?”

“At first it did. Not so much anymore,” Sehun answers. He then leans forward, resting his forearms on the table, “Why are you asking?”

“I’m just curious. You’re investing so much of yourself into this empire that… I don’t know, it’s just amazing how invested you are into your company. Most men in the same area of profession as you can claim pretty much anything or anyone they want but you haven’t. At least, not whilst I’ve been working here,” you shrug.

“It’s has been a while,” Sehun agrees, deep in thought. “What about you then?”

“Me? What about me?” you frown, before eating another spoonful of food.

“You’re working for me, and your work hours are pretty much the same, how are you managing certain aspects of your life?”

“What kind of aspects?” you take a sip of water to down your food.

“Surprise me,” Sehun says. You’re not sure, but it almost seems like Sehun’s genuinely interested in what you’re about to say, and you have to admit you’re a little happy.

“Well, I haven’t been in a relationship in a while, I admit that. There’s not enough time to balance work and personal life,” you tell him. “But it was before I even worked for Oh Corps. Even when I worked for Chanyeol I rarely went out with anyone.”

“Why so?” Sehun raises his hand and calls for another drink, his eyes however still on you, waiting for you to answer. A little uncomfortable from his stare, you shrug.

“I’ve had no interest, too invested in my job as well, I suppose,” you frown a little, “There aren’t many men I find myself compatible with.”

“Because of work?” Sehun questions. You nod. “Why not date within the company then?”

“Isn’t that frowned upon, Boss?” you grin. Sehun smirks.

“Who do you think you find suitable with then?”

“Well, I can’t think of examples of the spot,” you laugh.

“Then how about Chanyeol?”

You scrunch your nose in disgust. “We’re close friends, and it’s been long confirmed with each other that we will remain forever as friends and nothing more.”

You remember the first time someone mistook Chanyeol and you as a couple. You’d both fallen into fits of laughter before finding it insulting that the other didn’t find you attractive.


“He’s got a girlfriend,” you deadpan. Sehun shrugs. “When is he going to pop the question by the way?”

“What about Baekhyun?” Sehun continues, ignoring your question. Sighing, you pick up a fork and pick up some fruit that’s set on the table.

“He’s a fun guy, but I feel like he’s too much to try and keep up with, you know?” you try to explain. Sehun chuckles and nods.

There’s a long silence before any of you say anything. You’re about to open your mouth and suggest to call it a night when you look up at Sehun to find him staring right at you. There’s something different in the way he looks at you and you’re not sure why.

“What’s wrong?” you ask him, concerned that the night has finally caught up with him.

He suddenly says something, causing you to blank out, not completely sure if you heard him properly, so you ask him to repeat it.

Sehun takes a moment, as if contemplating whether to say it again. He gazes at you for a while before opening his mouth. Then, in a low voice, with his eyes remaining completely focused on you, he repeats his question.

“Why not date me then?”

Note: Well this is escalating quickly #gosehun

Also, a bit on Sehun's 'Boss' title... simply put.... Big Boss :( I have issues letting go, I'm not Rose.

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Chapter 14: Tysm authornim, Aekcso for sharing this story. This is so warm and sweet. I really enjoyed reading it!💚💚😍
Chapter 12: Aw. Seeing the two of them being very domestic is so sweet... My heart is so full and warm... 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 11: 'Love how Sehun and OC are so honest with their feelings and troubles. Very essential for a relationship but most often put aside due to "maturity" people think they possess by trying to solve their problems on their own and not sharing them with their partners... 'Am so loving this story... 😍
Chapter 9: They finally said it! 👏 OC must really have a lot in her mind tfor her to take half a year to finally realize the she loves Sehun, and then there's Sehun, wow the self control 🙌
Chapter 7: Sehun stealing a kiss from OC at the beginning and suddenly feeling shy about it is so cute! This whole chapter is really heart-warming and with the hint of the next chapter having a little angst, I can't wait to read more...
Sadly, being a working adult only gives me time to read a chapter per night, but if my sched allows it, I can definitely finish reading this in one go. It's so beautifully written. Thank you again, authornim for sharing this! 💚
Chapter 6: Sweet. Sehun is so sweet. That ice cream must be so sweet... Everything is just so sweet, I cant! 😭😍😍 I'm really a er for fluffs.. Tysm for this, authornim aekcso! 💚💚💚
Chapter 6: Awww... they look very domestic. I also feel warm, like Sehun. 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 4: I'm really loving this! Gosh, Boss Sehun is so hot and lovable... *Swooning here*

I also love Baek's character with all his fun and witty lines. 😍
Chapter 3: Ahhhhhhhggg! My God, Oh Sehun! *screaming silently here* 😍😍😍 #gosehun 😁
Chapter 1: I just finished reading YMO. I really loved it and I'm so excited to read the story behind it. Looking forward to reading the chapters ahead 💚💚💚